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It’s not you. The fatigue is really debilitating. I got into remission on Entyvio and was still having major issues with fatigue. I started mega-dosing vitamin B1 and it’s helped a lot. You can look at my post history for more info if you’re interested.


Thank you for the response, it’s helpful knowing I’m not alone in this


I say that it is not a matter of laziness but of an illness. I have noticed that I am much more tired when the weather is warmer. Before the disease I was extremely active and athletic, and now that I walk a bit longer two days in a row, I need at least 12 hours of sleep to function like a normal person.


This post is so validating. I have felt incredibly exhausted and not myself after a recent flare. I can’t get up at 5:30a and exercise like I used to. I want to feel myself again. I want my mornings back.


Was on a great gym kick and actually getting into awesome shape but last month or so it's been hard to even get through a full day of work with the tired. Struggle is real 


Have you had your blood work done for nutrient deficiencies? Low iron?


I recently got blood work to try to figure out this problem. I have slightly low vitamin d and high inflammation levels but my iron is normal 


I’m no doctor but can inflammation cause tiredness? If our bodies think we are fighting something that could make us tired?


I know how you feel. It worries me that maybe the disease-caused fatigue has made laziness a habit. I have the guilt and depression. Then I’ll have a good day and get so much done and it seems to confirm that it’s the illness.


Sometimes I have a good day and try to get as much as I can done then I start feeling sick. I push myself too far out of guilt for rarely doing anything 


I have this same conversation with myself probably daily


Exact same for me. I am basically in remission but I am extremely tired all of the time. Sometimes I wonder if it's just placebo and I try to blame it on the disease. But it is very draining.


Me too. I was in remission for years and even then my fatigue was awful and I’d be incapable of surviving a day at the mall sometimes (go into car to sleep first). It got better as the years went by. I flared up recently and would require 4 naps a day. I am in remission after prednisone right now but I get tired very easily and have brain fog that never went away. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because of the meds and UC or if I’m just genuinely slow and lazy.


I literally feel like I am going to fall into a deep sleep standing up last few days. It's deff a real symptom that others struggle to get. I usually embellish/ lie about the amount of blood and more relatable symptoms when talking to other people who don't have the disease, as people wont understand who haven't experienced it. If the fatigue is killing me at work I'll just say I'm losing a lot of blood (even if it's just streaks/small clouding), as THAT at least gets the point across. 


This is me today. I have so much to do n all I did was give my cat a bath which took all my energy then I slept till 6pm 💀 i always feel lazy/am told I’m being lazy but it’s important to remember the days where we didn’t feel so tired and did do things which means we’re not lazy we’re just exhausted because our body refuses to function properly.