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Different people process information differently. Some people find the raw numbers easier to read at a glance.


im aware but i genuinely cant wrap my head around the fact that someone could find reading a number, that they have actually look at and process, better than just a quick glance at a lil bar


It's similar to people that like math more than art, you can't wrap your head around it because it's not how your brain works


i suppose that makes sense


Some peoples' brains are just wired different, it ain't harming anyone so there's no reason to judge


Would we be able to wrap our heads around the intricacies of being an ant?


I used numbers because it covered less of the screen but it was really hard to see hard damage so i went back


I just like it better. I like seeing exactly how much hard damage has been taken and the hud is placed somewhere I like more


No hud








I think that the health bar isnt very useful at high levels of skill. Beacuse they avoid most of the powerful atacks. But i think the main reason is to make the screen more clean.


Y'all actually look at the hud? All the important stuff is around the crosshair


The true and correct answer. (Hakita we need arm variant on crosshair)


Just bind each arm to its own keybind🤑


Punch -> Feedbacker Swap -> Knuckleblaster


that's how did it, wonder where the piss arm is gonna go


urinate on the opps obviously


cant read my bad


i cannot for the life of me use the crosshair my eyes always default to the hud


They are used to games like doom & quake I guess idk


I use it because it looks way better. And everything is in the middle or one the crosshair. Also reading health is faster. It is easier to see something like 20/45 than trying to figure out from a graph. The stamina is also way easier because you know exactly when you can dash jump or something


well for me theres no need to see *exactly* what my stamina/health/hard damage is at, and i cant seem to find any reason to. also with the stamina, i think it's fairly easy to see a bar filling 2/3s of a space, if it isnt for you i'd recommend adjusting your colors. the bar also makes it so much easier to predict when you're reach a certain amount of stamina


Its faster to look down a little than to look all the way left and squint very hard to see your health. Also seeing HP and hard damage in numbers is better, because you also know what you can tank and what you need to avoid. Most of this is just personal preference. I like nubers better than bars in most games like TF2, CSGO and such.


simplicity, it's not about whether informations are "easier" nor "harder" to read, it just looks nice to me


well at least in my opinion, for a fast paced shooter game like ultrakill where you only have fractions of a second to react, how easy/hard to read info like hp and stamina is crucial


I really don't get it. Yes, people just have their own preferences, but there's no way a small number on screen is easier to read than a brightly colored bar which you can still scan in your peripheral vision.


I like seeing a visual representation of my health instead of trying to look at numbers and understand them


I personally love using the default hud since I can see how much hard damage I have and act on it. Though I wish it’s was in the middle and smaller without the gun panel. Kind of wish there were more hud mods tbh


people learn differently. for me, i really need to be shown, not told. and so the bars in the original ui are super easy for me


My friend really likes it, but he also plays with a controller so idk if he's Even human


I'm pretty sure it was a legacy thing so some people would rather keep it as the old


no it wasn't, ever since the beginning ultrakill used the graphic hud. you can look at hakitas old videos to see


I process info with colors and shapes


For me it’s like: - I look at numbers; if first number and second number don’t match, play aggressively to make them match. - I look at bar; I look at bar color and bar to see if it’s full, bar looks like it’s full at a glance, turns out it wasn’t, die to three ferrymen shoving their paddles where I would prefer they don’t when I would’ve lived had it actually been full. Which is to say, for me atleast, it’s very easy to see if two numbers match regardless of what they are. If you’re playing as efficiently as possible and always at ULTRAKILL on the style meter- if the left one isn’t 100, you should probably try to make it 100. The bar has a number too but it’s a bit small comparatively and the bar itself is colored fine but in a quick split decision it’s easier for me to see if two things are the same rather than discerning how full the healthbar is.


Colors make me happy


I use classic Hud bc I started to like first person shooters when I play classic doom 2 years ago and so the classic hud is a huge callback


both is good.


At some point in the game i forgot about ai, in favor of feel and short term memory. It's a third, more sinister thing for me


More centered


I don't even have a hud, I just play with the crosshair.


I prefer classic since it’s more centered so I find it easier to read in my peripheral vision, though I do also use cursor hud with it


especially considering there are said numbers in this graph


well except for the stamina, but it regenerates so quickly it's not like you really need to be able to read it that precisely


I can see more of my screen + it gives me simplified information


Default hud is kinda tacky, I like the retro style.


ok so it mostly comes down to more precise information, which i personally couldn't care at all about as long as i have a general idea of my stats, i'm good. also another point is it takes up less space, which i also couldn't care less about. i haven't once had a situation where the hud caused a problem because of how much space it takes up sorry for coming off as passive aggressive btw i have trouble wording things to get my thoughts and feelings truly across


Better than only relying on the Cross hair hud