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Skip has been getting what he deserves since.


Facts. I get Skip’s main goal is entertainment, but at least be man enough to admit you were wrong and crossed a line. He never did smh


He will. Once he's got no other choice but to face his demise.


..see that's the point.. it WASN'T entertainment. Who Skip was/is peaked thru.. ..and that's what he's coming to grip with.




Unpopular opinion. Skip was wrong for getting personal and insulting Shannon but ultimately Skip was right within the debate that led to the “put your glasses on” comment Like seriously, the Buccaneers had given up 35 points to the 49ers and Shannon’s like “100% of the blame goes on Tom Brady” even though their defense gave up over 400 yards including 200 on the ground. Skip crossed the line and deserves to be ridiculed, but Shannon’s argument was definitely coming from a place of disdain for Tom Brady


kinda like when lebron goes 28/9/6 on 47% but loses, and skip’s whole argument is “if he wants to be compared to mj he has to take all the blame” it’s a sports debate show hosted by 2 men playing characters where the main goal is entertainment not analysis. shannon blaming brady should’ve been a springboard to talk context, history, rings, hell even lebron


Nah it was coming from a place of using Skips logic. When the Bucs win its 100% Brady according to Skip. Nobody else deserves any credit. So, by that logic when they lose, it's 100% on Brady.


Brady had 2 INTs and his team scored 7 points. Not unreasonable to say Brady wasn’t playing well his last year in the league or that the loss was on him. I’d argue Baker was better this year than Tom was last year. Skip’s response to a normal opinion was to start taking personal shots at Shannon’s career, which rightly got him upset.


No Shannon was using skips logic against him. Skips likes to put 100% blame on certain players and actually be reasonable with others Shannon used that against him. Regardless who right in the debate skip was stupid and dead wrong to disrespect a HOF about his career


>No Shannon was using skips logic against him. Skips likes to put 100% blame on certain players and actually be reasonable with others Shannon used that against him. Bingo!!! And Shannon has said many times on that show and others, if you give QBs all the credit for wins, then they get all the blame for losses


Respond to others saying that Shannon had that argument because many times Skip had the argument of giving Brady 100% praise when the Bucs would win so by that logic he had to get 100% blame when they’d lose.Shannon was basically telling Skip “keep that same energy”


Skip is a lot of things, but he's been way too demonstrably "anti-racist" for me to casually pin him with the "racist" label. He was definitely out of pocket when talking to Shannon during that period though. Like man, you're sitting across from a genuine NFL HoFer and you talk for a living. Belittling his career is insane.


Belittling your cohost to glaze up Brady was wild. How can you compare them when they play different positions? That was baffling to me


Put your glasses back on… BOY!!


Victim complex crazy, little boy


yup didnt say Boy, but we all heard boy....lol


Sounds like you have a personal problem of looking for a problem that's not there. Let me guess in your world "boy" is racist to lmao.


Calling a black man "boy" most definitely has racist connotations, yeah.


This whole comment thread is wild considering Skip didn’t even say “boy” 😂


You're right, and I think anyone saying Skip was dogwhistling with his "take your glasses off" comment is reading too much into it. But while that's true, it's also true that "boy" has racial connotations regarding black men.


For sure, if he said “boy” it def would be racist. But he didn’t and has never shown a hint of racism so I find this woman to be a complete dumbass that’s part of the problems we face with race relations.


Everybody trying to outshine what Kat Williams did on Club Shay-Shay, but not gone happen.


It’s one thing to talk about the incident, but it’s another to put words in skips mouth to put him in an even worse light. I’m not agreeing with skip, but he didn’t say “god damn” or “boy”. They both got heated, and it became a yelling match, but it wasn’t a race thing is was a sports debate that turned personal in the end. Skip tells him to put his glasses on the same way you’d tell someone to put their shirt back on after they took it off to fight you. I’m not saying that Shannon was going to get physical by any means, but it was said as a way to acknowledge not to go there. And for what it’s worth, skip was right about the bucs making the playoffs, the chargers lost in the wildcard, and the rams didn’t make it at all. Tom Brady at 45 had a better year statistically than he did at 42, so Shannon saying that Tom had declined was true, but it was disingenuous to say that tom wasn’t playing at a high level considering his age and statistics in 2022. However, Skip lost any credibility when he started taking shots at Shannon’s career since it wasn’t relevant to the conversation. This kind of show generates views from hot takes and crazy debates, it’s partly why they did last as long as they did. They both let their emotions get the best of them and these are the consequences. Skip was definitely in the wrong, but Shannon wasn’t right either.


She didn’t say he said that but that’s how it felt especially to black people. It was cringy


I'm black. And both Shannon and Skip were out of line. To imply racial undertones that weren't there isn't the way.


i’m black and it felt like that tbh , alot of black ppl had a problem with skip saying that Mo was right tbh


Skip is alot of things but racist isn’t one of them I think he just got tired of Shannon


Skip is a moron. But, fuck, Shannon is nearly as bad.


Yeah, Shannon crossed the line many times. Skip made a mistake, but to say Shannon is an innocent victim is far from the truth.


Can you give an example of Shannon crossing the line with skip? I’m curious


Not with skip but him getting into it with Memphis and ja’s entourage during a game? He’s a spectator and made himself a spectacle.


Feel like that is a reach because that Grizzles team was super immature but Shannon literally apologized the next day for his actions and took accountability for it never seen Skip do that for what he said to Shannon or even Damar Hamlin


Shannon disrespected Ray Lewis too. Shannon is a clown.


Ray Lewis and Shannon Sharpe are literally friends also isnt Ray a murderer 😭. You seem to have hate boner for shannon lmfaooo


Or Aikman. Didn’t see that Shannon did that. Good on him - I’ll go search that out.


So the answer is none. He never disrespected Skip in a manner like that


He's also admitted that this is the incident that ultimately led to his contract buyout.


They were both taking personal shots at each other's credibility. This isn't the first time Skip has got heated at someone doing that. Jalen Rose was practically forced to apologize for doing the same thing. Like it may not be a big deal to the listeners. But to someone who's dedicated their whole life to something. To try to diminish that isn't the move... I can see how Skip can take it personally.


Bringing up Jalen Rose because you have no evidence against Shannon, I see what you did there slicko


Skip isn’t racist, this lady trippin. She doesn’t know shit about skip or the situation CLEARLY


That's MONIQUE for you




Skip is like 70+ years old. Dude might be the least racist against black peole 70+ year old white man there is. He’s even said he often prefers the company of black people AND he was mostly raised by a black woman! Claiming he’s racist is just total bullshit and if Shannon didn’t push back on this shame on him


Yeah can't believe Shannon didnt push back. I get that he ended on bad terms but Skip made Shannon's ass. Least he could do is call out this slandering. Acting like an emotional bitch by agreeing in a roundabout way.


Shannon is a passive-aggressive loser. He was raised by a woman, and it shows.


Made is a huge stretch. He’s still an NFL hall of famer even without the undisputed success. If anything he was the one putting more eyes on the show.


There’s a lot of NFL hall of famers that don’t have the influence that Shannon has. Shannon himself said Skip went to bat and refused to accept any other co host than Shannon. Skip was the attraction he had built himself as one of the most popular talking head in sports.


Skip was wrong but he didn’t say put your glasses back on with any kind of racial undertone whatsoever.


It definitely had I’m above you tone tho


Yeah but to have this lady speak to it matter of fact and add a racial undertone to it, that’s a weak move. Skip has put more black men in the spotlight and promoted their careers vs almost anyone else in this industry. But yeah he is racist! Low IQ argument


Honestly as much as Skip fucked up with Shannon, I'll always have respect for Skip and fuck with the guy because he has made a point on many occasions to call out racial injustice using his platform. He continually make it a point to try to help African Americans build there career, although he may also be trying to get views from another audience I think his main goal is purely because he despises racism. Although people may think he went too far saying out your glasses back in he was simply reacting to Shannon's reaction. Like if it was my friend I'd be like bruh.... put your glasses back on. 


Why? What does my glasses have to do with anything?


Someone doesn’t have to be racist to make a comment with racial undertones. I can tell you’re not black, but you choose to insult her intelligence for the feeling that Skips comments bubbled up in a lot of black people that day. Black people FELT the undertone of what he was saying and didn’t rock with that shit at all. Has nothing to do with IQ


If you’re looking for something youll find it. Why not assume the best, and quit putting racism as the lense to which you view conflict between people of different color.


Nobody cares about your feelings. They don’t make something that didn’t happen real. Skip was an asshole but didn’t say anything racist at all. So you don’t get to claim he did. Regardless of your color, making up fake racism is toxic and moronic. You are why people can’t have discussions about race. You are holding your everyone else in your community back. Grow up and live in the real world.


Yes, I’m the reason we can’t move forward. Because of something isn’t 100% objectively racist in the eyes of white people, it shouldn’t be discussed. It’s either “Skip is a total racist” or “theres a 0% chance this had any racial undertones.” But I’m the one who lacks nuance in the conversation? Lmao y’all are so pressed. I never said Skip was racist. You just want that to be my position


Just because you “felt” something doesn’t mean it’s there.


You live controlled by skin color that’s clear. Sad to see…


"I felt like Skip was racist" What the hell does this have to do with your feelings bruh? You sound like a female right now.


Facts these dudes emotional AS FUCK soft as fuck


Your first paragraph makes sense - reasonable minds can differ. Your second paragraph is absolutely insane.


First off ima say Fuck Skip Bayless. I despise his role in professional sports, His takes lack all logic, and he has somehow made an extremely successful career out of decades of trolling. My beliefs on his pathetic behavior aside, he has definitely helped the careers of many black men. Stephen A. admittedly got his chance as a co-host on a major show from skips efforts to put him there. Has he ever even sat across from a white dude lol? Shannon admittedly got his shot from skip and Skip personally chose Sherman, Michael Irvin, Keyshawn, and occasionally Lil Wayne to be his cohosts after Shannon left. So it’s 100% fuck Skip but to say he hasn’t helped black men’s careers would be totally insane. Stephen A. is the biggest American sports personality of all time and he consistently gives credit to skip, amongst his obvious dedication, for believing in him and voicing his support for him.


I was thinking of active players, but if you mean pundits, I guess you have a point. Hadn’t thought of it that way


Hate even sticking up for this clown but i can’t throw racist onto his already long ass list of character and profession flaws.


That doesn't mean it was racist. Skip Bayless isn't racist. He's elitist. He has an "I'm above you" tone and vibe with every human being on the planet regardless of race or ethnicity. He's an equal opportunity offender and discriminator. He sincerely believes everybody's inferior.


Yeah Skips always been good with the brothas at least on and off the screen. Not saying that this is the best example but his relationship with Lil Wayne is pretty cool and looks genuine.


Trump had good relations with his blacks. Omerosa, Kanye, Ice Cube, Ben Carson...


try not to mention trump in every conversation challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Sorry if I used a polarizing person that most people know to make a point. Maybe if he didn't fit the "you can be cool with black people and still be racist" mold so well, I wouldn't have used him as an example. Who else should I use an alternative?


What does that have to do with Skip Bayless having black friends? Take your political bullshit somewhere else


There's an entire line of white who are 100% cool with us in a "freinds" dynamic so long as it's eye to eye or just below their eyes. But they chafe the minute they feel less than. This type of white guy is endemic in sports. Mike Ditka isn't racist...until Jerry Jones ain't racist...until Skip Bayless loves to talk sports with brothers, and even factoid talk down to them. But let a dude challenge his opinion by touting his own experience and Skip looses his fn mind. Go back through his TV career and look at the guys Skip specifically has a hard on for being negative towards. Skip got increasingly hostile with Unc as Sharpe began to push back with his on field knowledge. The more Shannon asserted his knowledge n put Skip in the passenger seat the worse Skip's already shitty takes got


Exactly. Skip is an idiot but people are projecting so much and it actually worries me how easily people can misread a situation. He told him to put the glasses back on because Shannon took them off being dramatic during the discussion/debate. Just watch the clip without bias if anyone actually can. Furthermore Shannon recently stated that the reason FS1 let him go was because of the Lakers game incident, not because of Skip. That him and Skip were cool by tine Shannon left. There are plenty of reasons to dislike or criticize Skip, but we have to stop normalizing projecting and making stuff up to fit a narrative. It’s a dangerous slippery slope where the truth is becoming more and more irrelevant. Sensationalism and being hyper reactionary on social media is causing actual brain rot.


She dragged it bro it did not sound like that it was like on some debate Shìt she’s a weirdo


Nah, Skip definitely tried to son him on some “stay in your place” shit. When it’s coming from an older white man it definitely takes on a sort of undertone to it (even if skip didn’t intend for that). You don’t tell no grown ass man to put your glasses back on like he’s your child. Skip really think he’s about that life. People have been slapped for less.


Y’all still believe it’s not all scripted 😂 insanity


What’s scripted?


Every segment of every debate show is scripted and written to maximize potential content. Not necessarily word for word but they know what they’re supposed to do and for which segment. Y’all trippin if you don’t think every heated moment they share online isn’t manufactured to be that way


Yeah sure, that’s why Shay dipped and been throwing shots at undisputed.


Omg bruh 🤦‍♂️ if it was scripted drama then why did they split up? The shit you’re referring to happens, but mostly in reality TV and gay YouTubers. You don’t have to be paranoid that you can’t trust anything you see


Not only do they have producers in their ears for the entire show, they also know what the point of their show is. To get viral clips on socials, nobody takes any of those shows seriously. They’re all there for the reactions, they could not like each other off air im saying whatever on air arguments yall keep referencing are done for a reason, even the glasses clips were on the undisputed socials 😂 yall are hella weird for defending them so hard as if it’s the most truth you know lmao


Where do you get this information? Did you just decide this is how it is? Skip has almost free reign over his show. He doesn’t have to listen to anybody or do anything. I’m not really a skip fan and this sub just popped up for me, but you sound like some Alex jones watching conspiracy theorist. On shows like this they will give takes they don’t believe for the sake of discussion, but they do not go as far as you’re saying. Again, you don’t have to be paranoid everything is fake, just enjoy the show bro


Bro why are you projecting 😂 I’ve never watched any Alex jones or into conspiracies lmfao skip can do what he wants sure, and he knows what the point of their shows are. Nobody watches them live anymore, their shows live online now. It’s absolutely played up for reactions and produced that way, that’s the whole point of the damn shows. People who want normal and unbiased takes just listen to journalists podcasts or read their articles. I’m not telling you everything you’ve ever seen anywhere is fake dickhead, this is also a sub/post I just came across my feed


There’s always one person who will say blank is fake or scripted. Nothing is real man. It’s a façade conjured up by the higher power man controlling us like little toys in this game called life…


Lmao no that’s just classic studio sports talk show programming, not that deep. A bit concerning yall think it’s all genuine 😂


He’s right every thing you’ve ever seen in production was scripted; it’s called theater of the mind you perceive it to be natural but the show would be a hot mess if they just talked shit they’d be talking about two different things or stumbling over each other the whole time. They’ve probably talked about everything already and met up with new points. That or they at the very least get a list of what they will talk about ahead of time. In no way is anything you see on tv a live recording anymore except maybe the price is right and sports. Theater of the mind: no radio station has done a top 5 at 5 from the most requested songs in over 20 years it’s all pre decided. Then the DJ talks about it.


Y’all really dumb asf lol


So scripted Shannon left the show in real life! 🤡


we all heard it


Everything Monique said in this interview implied racial undertones. When talking about Kevin Heart and her relationship, and how his manager seemed to interfere…. her exact comment was something along the lines of “you going to let this white man ruin our relationship?” She’s fucking racist as shit. This type of attitude is why we can’t all just see eye to eye as men, women, or whatever you want to identify as.


Bad faith from you.


Lmaooo did she add words to it?


So he didn't say it, but that's what she heard? What is this?


She had to take a couple days and then talk out the trauma of what she saw with her daughter? Seeing an argument on youtube caused her to need a therapy session?


To imply Skip is or was being racist is stupid. Skip is a douche and an idiot for saying that (and many other things) but saying it's racial is lazy


That is your opinion. However, many people disagree. Also, as someone else stated, you don’t have to be a racist to make a comment with racist undertones.


She had a lot of rage towards white folks when she spent 2 hours talking about how her life had been ruined and destroyed by her own community and close friends. She needs to drop the color crap and just see people. She was worried about the wrong folks and got bent over raw and didn’t see it because she was looking for someone else to take her down


She can't drop it. It's the only reason she's still somewhat relevant other than the fact that she's a big cry baby who constantly goes on podcasts to talk about how all her old friends are snakes or accusing someone of being a racist. She cried about not getting paid enough by Netflix when she found out what Dave Chappelle and Amy Schumer were getting and then pretended to not understand that they were both (and still are) much bigger names than she was.


This is what happens when someone has a victim complex. They build their entire identity around it. If you don’t believe me go watch the rest of the interview. She recalls Kat Williams calling Kevin Hart a Gate Keeper and goes on to demonize him for not helping her get her talk show on the air. Here’s the kicker, she prefaced her criticism of Kevin Hart by acknowledging that he loaned her and her family money when they were in a bad spot financially. She goes onto explain how he always answers her calls So we’ve got a rich black man helping out a less rich black woman. But because he didn’t help her produce her show, he’s an Uncle Tom… this is the logic we’re dealing with.


White racists love to tell black people they have a victim complex. One of the oldest lines in the white supremacy book.


White ppl have the biggest victim complex


You’re blindly ignoring any context provided in my original comment. But alright.


This is so bad faith when the person you’re replying to has legitimate reasons to believe this is a pattern with this lady in particular. You’re accusing the dude of being racist while not even addressing the example he brought up. Why do you feel the need to group someone in with white supremacists when you don’t agree with them?


It's colonizers doing colonizer shit. Thow it in the box with "it happened a long time ago" and "it didn't happen to you." Same people claiming "victim complex " will be the same ones saying their kids can't learn history because it might make them sad.


Boo hoo. Monique has always been known to be a fucking complainer. She sucks, with her fake ass wig on trying to look white lmao.


Imagine going on to watch the whole segment and still missing the point. The point is that he SAID he would help (she did not ask), and he then sent a separate person behind her back (who also went on to say that Kevin wanted nothing to do with her) to shut down the whole process when they’ve always had direct lines of communication. It’s about respecting someone enough to be direct with them instead of having two separate personalities for their face and behind their back.


Mo'Nique might be one of my least favourite people and that's based almost entirely on the way she speaks.. She talks like a preacher and it comes off ridiculously condescending to me.


If you aren't black your opinion on how the black community views the actions of its famous figures doesn't matter. Uncle Tom, and more contemporarily c**n are insults that have been used for decades by the black community to call out behavior from the black community that some view as harmful to the whole. Of course everyone has a difference of opinion on what does or doesn't constitute being an uncle Tom but some people are pretty unanimously agreed upon by the community like Candice Owens. You can share your opinion sure, but don't expect anyone within the community to give any weight to it. It's an insular discussion. If you are black then by all means join the conversation. And before you come in here with "oh I guess I can't have an opinion if I'm not black" blah blah blah. You can, but frankly it doesn't matter in this context. I don't expect the average redditor to get my point and that's ok, some will read it and they will get my point. And there is value in that.


I understand you!


Who gives a fuck


People of color you stupid fuck




Ok indeed you dumb cunt


Thank you sir.


Now fuck off before I fuck your Dad.




I mean maybe all of these people commenting on this video like you


Rage bait be baitin


The absolute state of reddit brain rot where you think any point that is mildly contentious is rage bait.


Quite possibly the dumbest thing Ive, read and I’m black. Let’s use your logic against you for a second. So if you never played football your opinion on the football community doesn’t matter. If you’ve never been a politician your opinion on politics doesn’t matter. See how dumb that sounds


How so? I simply said the community doesn't need outside input on how they discuss their public figures. Note how you only listed jobs and shit and didn't compare it to other cultures. You used false equivalency. Which is a fallacy. I said non black people's opinion on someone fitting in or not with greater goals of the culture as a whole doesn't matter. I didn't say if you haven't worked at McDonald's your opinion on McDonald's doesn't matter. For example I am not trans, so my opinion on if Blare White's behavior is good or bad for the trans community's goals doesn't matter. It's not for me to decide, even if I agree with the majority it is and always will be up to trans people to decide how they (the community) feel about her. I don't get to say "you can't call her a terf because blah blah blah" and expect to be taken seriously.


Anyone else try to exit out that x in the top right?


Skip sucks no doubt. But how classic. "Well he didn't say anything racist, but let inject these microagressions so we can make it about race." Jfc


I’ve always said deep down all white people are racist toward black folk specifically all you gotta do is make them mad enough. Let’s see how many people get triggered and not understand what I just said. 🤣


Take it easy on skip, remember he was raised by a black nanny. Lmao.


Skip is an awful human being. He gave Shannon a job after Shannon got let go by CBS & had nothing going on. None of what Shannon has going on now happens if Skip didn't roll the dice on him 8 years ago. Truth hurts.


Correct, but that does not fit the narrative that Shannon is a winner and Skip is a loser, so people will choose to deny that fact, or do it out of pure ignorance.


Truth doesn’t hurt because Shannon lived up to the expectations so it’s all good.


I am the first one here to shit on skip for all the crap that he does and I think skip ultimately fucked himself on this transaction but Jesus Christ it’s another black female playing into her feelings and trying to exploit another man’s situation to feel like a victim of something that didn’t exist. If skip was as racist as they imply he would never want to talk about basketball or football because it’s a predominantly black sport. I think he’s way more critical of white qbs than black ones for sure. He has been coddling Lamar’s ass for years now. Was he out of pocket for saying stuff to Shannon? Sure he was. But as a Bucs fan I got tired of Shannon being the heel to Brady and downplaying his success with the Bucs. Yeah that last season he wasn’t like he was in 2021 but damn it he still had a better season than I would argue 80% of the league. Shannon gotta stop playing on that moment. It’s passed and he’s onto bigger and better things. It’s very clear he was the best counterpart to skip because undisputed now is fucking unwatchable. Meanwhile I enjoy watching nightcap with Ocho.


I agree he’s not racist, but the fact that he loves NFL football isn’t exactly proof of that.


Honestly my main problem with skip is his age and his Cowboys obsession. He's hard to look at in 4k, no offense to the man.


Nah Skip was super disrespectful that day. I was appalled. It definitely felt racially motivated because Skip tried to use Tom Brady’s success to “son” Shannon. Some of y’all need to go rewatch that clip


Racially motivated….yeha the guy who helped give SAS and SS a platform to become what they are is somehow going to become racially charged in this argument. Perpetual victimhood is a disease and it will never get you ahead in anything.


Man y’all are dense af. Two things can be true: a person can help black people they know get ahead and make comments that have racially motivated undertones. Someone doesn’t have to be a “victim” to call out racially motivated comments. White people go to the ends of the earth to not be considered racist. So much so you’ll literally try to tell someone that they’re experience isn’t valid because …”believe me bro, you just want to be a victim.” Skip was 100% on one that day and any black person watching saw and felt that


Skip might be an asshole but the man doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. Monique is always doing shit like this.


I don’t currently recall the incident being referenced. BRB about to look for a link ****Edit**** Oohhhhh the [“he’s way better than you were”](https://youtu.be/chgANZBTnoI) argument


That’s not at all what I heard. It was more of a “get out of your emotions” or “stop being dramatic”. I still don’t like Skip Bayless. He totally lost whatever argument he was trying to make. But was that overtly racist? He may be a racist, but shouldn’t be crucified for those statements


Speaking as a black man, Shannon wrong for this. Skip isn’t racist or anything, he’s only promoted and elevated black people to equal positions and truthfully, they’ve outgrown and had more success than Skip. This is beneath Unc, just let it go. Skip hasn’t brought up Shannon once on any of his shows. Like, we get it. You got fired and Skip acted like Skip on live tv and you’ve done way better than in your previous situation. Just let it go.


This lady is so irrelevant and trash


Black people are racist as fuck. There was nothing racial about what was said at that moment. Blacks thinks there was cause they are RACIST AS FUCK. They think all white people are racist so everything that white people do and say is racist.(that's called being a RACIST)


This experiences are called micro aggressions and some white people don’t like it when it’s brought to their attention.


Of course Monique went racist, like as if Skip didn't put Shannon on and works with tons of Black people. Was Skip wrong, yes, very but I don't see some big racist. Just a fool and a ego. I liked them together. Skip isn't as good without Shannon.


So skip and Shannon aren't just playing it up for the camera? They really hated each other?


She’s beautiful


If most blacks heard this, I can see we will never get along. As a white guy, I can tell you Skip was scared. He figured if he could convince him to put the glasses on the chance of violence goes down, and I think he was right. Anyway its ridiculous that people think he should have beat Skip up, an elite athlete that has the abilities of a man in his 30s against a man in his 70s. All old people eventually get a little soft in the head, look at our president. Doesn't mean you get to smack them around. If I were Shannon I would have basically said if you're going to get personal and disrespectful I can walk off right now and you can call me back and apologize and do it publicly too, otherwise we are done. I think his money stopped this and I understand that, but if your self respect is important money will always be there.


So many white people do not understand what it’s like to live in a country that is so clearly racist that when any type of slight happens to you, you are basically forced to wonder, would they have spoken to me or treated me that way if I was white. It’s constant and it’s exhausting. I don’t think Skip is a racist, but if you don’t understand what Monique is saying here, or understand why she might feel that way watching a professional talking head tell an NFL Hofer he’s jealous of fucking Tom Brady, it obvious you don’t understand the dynamic above that I just laid out—like most people in this comment section.


Fuck Skip, I wish Shannon had knocked his ass out.


Skip saw a line and dove across it.






Skip B is a racist, and it is easy to see if you want to see it. The comments he makes about blacks compared to whites, like when he tries to complement blacks, its how athletic they are, but he will be quick to say how intelligent a player is when he talks about whites. And when Shannon talked about his idol, he lost his cool and let the real Skip come out. And he keeps blacks around on his show, to play the role of the white owner, talking down to his employees, like he is an overseer. He must pay good, because he keeps getting these blacks to co-host with him, for him to talk crazy to them. Whites love it, and all he has to do is put a goofy little wayne gremlin on, and blacks watch. Pathetic


Typical online racebaiting, thought I was on BPT sub for a second.


Shannon was just as much in his feelings over Lebron on that show as Skip was about Brady. Shannon was just in his feelings that day. I think it all got blew waaay out of proportion. All Skip said was "Youre just jealous" and Shannon feelings was hurt. They were debating. Folks act like he called him a ni$$e* or something.


Man Skip told that man he don’t know what he talking about in a sport he is in the HOF for. Told that man he wasn’t as good. Tf


But Skip clearly knew that he did know what he was talking about because hes a hall of famer. They both just jock riders and got overly emotional over 2 other men. Its kinda weird and funny.


Idk how you feel about what you do. But nobody who can’t do half of my job gonna tell me not as good as someone when I’m not even the topic


Skip has banned people from his show for less.


All that putting on Shannon did with the Henny and Black and milds. And using language that black people understand and appreciate. Skip never hated on, or talked sideways about none of it. I watched probably every episode I cant even front and say he a racist. Thats just too far


Poor Skip? Unique take but OK bud


Thinking Skip is racist is assa9


Assa10, assa11


Making something racial that clearly wasn’t. I don’t like Skip, but putting words in peoples mouth to paint them as a racist because that’s what you wanted to hear is disgusting and classless.


Man please that Nigga not racist and Monique is overweight all she do is talk about people man we need to work about black women health in America she never talks about that just gossip. Why tf would skip hate black people yall niggas is dumb we not living in 1950 stop being brainwashed


Whatever you say Jason Whitlock


"Skip Bayless is a racist cause I don't like him"-You


Is she circle jerking?? I haven’t like Moniq since she killed Landfill in Beerfest… Never will forgive her


"He called you the n word. Now i know he didnt call you the Nword, but we all heard it" - Monique


What's so crazy is..anybody that has really watched Skip knows that the part about Shannon being jealous of Tom and telling Shannon to pur his glasses back on were Skip being extra. That shit wasnt at all racist. The being jealous part was the same kind of shit he does to LeBron, when he brings up Jordan every time..and telling him to put his glasses back on was his telling Shannon, it wasnt that serious and to calm down. Skip has a disconnect, that showed when he made that tweet about the Bills game..but you cant tell a real racist if you think he was on what Monique is claiming. Skip was practically raised by a black woman. All the disrespect he gives a black player, he will give to a white one.


This bitch chasing clout in every corner of the earth. Every ashy ass elbow she can find




Oooh this is the butt hurt thread I see. 🤣 Any time a black voice or point of view is stated against ANYTHING them butt hurt closet racists come-a-running. “Ah dur ah dur ah dur! Woke alert, Hey stop playing the race card, Victim mentality, Hey everything’s not racist!” How about yall STFU and stay outta black folks biz or take the time to understand that yes black folks also have their own feelings, and opinions. Ok. Now back to waving your Nazi flags and buttlicking your swastika wearing boyfriends. 🤣😂🤣😂


This Aunt Jemima bitch needs to keep her mouth shut. Encouraging violence plays into the stereotype blacks are dumb brutes and can't talk and resort to violence.


Wait, do people think Skip Bayless is racist?


Yes lol


What the fuck is she talking about lol


How fat she is and how she not taking accountability for her actions while blaming others for her failed career.


Anyone, and particularly someone as intelligent as Bayless, who spends as much time around Black people as he does, would know where that line is. Bayless knew damn good and well what he was doing. AND what he was saying. And quite frankly (not that it means anything) I respect Sherman and Johnson a lot less for agreeing to work with Bayless. But I get it, for a lot of people, it’s money over everything. Sherman and Johnson just want to raise their profile and get paid. You might not like Mo’Nique. That’s fine. I’ve never found her particularly funny. But I’m reading these comments, and y’all are giving Bayless too much credit because he “loves” Cowboys players, and he “loves” Lil’ Wayne, and he “loves” Michael Jordan. There’s disrespect, and then there’s REALLY crossing a line with language and tone that’s intentional. Bayless knows what he said. All of us who watched the clip knew what he said, AND what he really meant. Those who don’t (or don’t acknowledge) never will, so I ain’t even talking to y’all.


Fuk Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip.


He said “put your glasses on” because he flamboyantly took them off his face and Skip thought he was overreacting. It’s not that deep man




I love Shannon but when he's upset I got too much trauma to keep wetching


“I’m going to make something up that someone said and then get mad about it.”


That’s messed up they’re making up words he said and just flat out trying to paint him like a racist.




You need a wife who constantly plays the race/victim card even when the situation has nothing to do with race OR her personally??


What’s crazy is Shannon recently admitted that the reason FS1 let him go was because of the Lakers game incident. Not Becky Skip. Which is by far most people’s leading narrative.


Yes he will. Skip dont care about nobody but Skip. I guarantee he feels about how he treated Shannon and every bad thing hes ever done. Hes an a total ass hat


Fuck Skip fam


See. Woman will gaslit any war and have you kill or get killed.


Monique is a race baiting megalo maniac with zero talent. Pretending Skip was racist for there falling out is gross


Yall can say what and what is she talking abt all yall want , black folks around the country felt the exact same way abt the exchange. Again she even specified that while he didn’t say those exact words , the intent and way it was said did have some undertones that some people took offense to.


Never seen this lady before, but she is brilliant. Funny, erudite and so charismatic


Mo’Nique is a legend


She's gotta stop with forcing some racial bullshit into a situation that didn't happen. She did similar shit to Charlamagne years ago by basically calling him a coon cuz he didn't think she was worth as much as Dave Chappelle to Netflix😂🤦‍♂️.


Fo sho. When Skip went off on Sharp it felt like a friend was being attacked. Don't know Sharp but see his show. Hated Skip after that because there was never an apology. Never watched Skip ever again.


Yea u charmin ultra soft 😂


Bunch of crybabies. Skip made Shannon.


You sound really dumb. Shannon made Shannon and now Shannon is a better person bc of Shannon’s actions. Shannon has always been a classy guy. Never have you heard anything bad about him. His grandma raised him right.


Shannon said nothing negative about Skip Skip said those words himself. He deserves everything coming his way. Shannon could have said a lot worse but didn’t This is the consequence of him snapping is he made his show radioactive


Explains why skip can’t get nobody to subscribe to his YouTube podcast huh🤣