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A woman I knew decided to smoke meth....to lose baby weight after 3 kids. She lost the weight... and the kids, too.


Tbh each of those kids weighed at least 49 pounds. Drop 120 right there boom.


They did the . . . math?


They did the...meth.


They did the Monster Meth.


It wath a graveyard thmeth






People legit do this. When I was younger I knew people who would do coke benders Friday-Sunday to drop weight


For some reason coke does not make me lose my appetite. I don't feel the need to eat but I can eat and still enjoy my food. Now Pepsi on the other hand...


Wtf lol


There was this guy who had a friend make an incision in his stomach and used a vacuum to suck up all the fat. He appeared on 1,000 ways to die.


That show was awesome


The one where the woman gets botched breast implants and then they explode on an airplane traumatized 8-year-old me


That was one fucked up show, I don't know how my parents let me watched it at the same age without a problem lol


My parents didn’t want me watching it lol but I would just turn it on quietly after they went to bed so really I traumatized myself. I remember one time I was crying in bed because one episode (don’t remember which one) scared me so much and my mom came in my room like “what’s wrong sweetie” and I had to tell her I had a nightmare because I didn’t want her to know I was watching it


That's one episode where a guy got into a jacuzzi and lined his a hole to one of the jets on the jacuzzi or something, and that sucked the intestines out of him was a pretty traumatizing one too.


The one I always remember is the guy who fucked a statue he made and the statue fell on him and killed him 🤣


Consent is important. Always


He should have looked into the statue of limitations first. har har har


“we have liposuction at home”


Not something I should have watched as a kid.


I think it's called 1-phenyl benzene....it decoupled the election transport train in the mitochondria. Forcing your body to only burn its fat reserves. The downside is your body easily shoots to over well over 100 degrees and you risk brain damage from being so hot. u/sparkymcgeezer pointed out it's 2,4 dinitrophenol actually


Do you mean 2,4 dinitrophenol? It allows electrons to leak out of the mitochondria. It's like driving a car with a slipping transmission -- the mitochondria burn energy really fast because 90% is lost. It's like you're running a marathon while sitting in a chair.


Damn I always wanted to run a marathon but was always too lazy to. Now I can do it in my chair?


Lmfao, sign me up


What's a little brain damage? Maybe I'll be better off!?


Holy shit i didn’t know this was a thing. What are some side affects?


Well, you tend to learn exactly how fast your metabolism is and ironically enough a lot about nutrition. The faster the food is metabolized, the faster you warm up. Simple carbohydrates provide a rather insane brief burst of heat because that's what the food ends up breaking into sugar for, so you have a 30 minute window where you're on a full struggle bus of an inferno, and then dropping back down to relatively normal temperatures. Alternatively things that take a long time to digest or give you long-term energy or things like proteins and fats, where you get a little bit warmer but it lasts for a long time. One of the most hilarious moments I've ever witnessed was watching an amateur bodybuilder friend of mine come to the deduction that he could eat donuts and still lose weight on the stuff because it's so potent, and despite every bit of warning, he proceeded to eat three donuts and then struggled to exist while his body work through all that sugar and ATP. If it wasn't the most "I Told You So" moment I've had, I don't know what is. One of the big noticeable side effects is the yellowing of virtually everything. DNP for a while was used as an ingredient in dynamite, and is a incredibly potent yellow dye. This means that while you're taking the stuff, everything coming out of you will be slightly tinted yellow. Your eyes will turn slightly yellow, your sweat will have a yellow tint to it that absolutely stains clothing and sheets, your saliva, your ejaculate, bowel movements, everything. It's pretty alarming. At moderate to high doses, there's pretty aggressive nausea and diarrhea, and it goes without saying but General dehydration is a colossal concern so you have to be sure to ingest lots of electrolytes and water. You'll learn that things like Gatorade or an absolute double-edged sword because while it does provide hydration and electrolytes, it's also full of sugar which will make you and turn have another furnace cycle which really sucks. You also sweat all the time, all day everyday, and are generally best supplied by sleeping on towels with a fan blowing on you for air flow. Your respirations even at rest tend to be quite elevated, and you lose your breath pretty easily because your body is just burning through all of those calories kind of like you're doing low to moderate steady state cardio. It's not that many people know but when you lose weight, the mechanism that which you actually physically get lighter is through exhalation of fat molecules (edit: apparently it's CO²) in your breath. It goes without saying, but because of how thermogenic and effective DNP is on your metabolism, you end up breathing heavily - at low doses it's somewhat difficult to notice, but if you're in any kind of a social work setting, it'll definitely make it seem like you have a low to moderate grade pneumonia.


out of curiosity, why do you know all of this ?


Let's just say that this was definitely something I was very interested in at one point in time.


So are you showing us this banging beach bod or….?


Seriously, I'm on the shitter wondering either A: how fast was this person able to meet their weight loss goals Or B: how low they were able to get their body fat percentage, assuming it was showy-fitness related


On average you can lose about a pound a day with this stuff. It's pretty wild. The first week or so you end up having a lot of water bloat, but then you can almost watch the scale move. On the very end, you generally have about two or three pounds that pack on pretty quick from the shock to your system but by and large, it was used pretty aggressively in the 90s and early 2000s by bodybuilders to get down to those three or four percent body fat levels that they otherwise couldn't.




mind you, it also greatly greatly increases your appetite, many folks binge all the benefits away and just torcher themselves for nothing, not to mention the extreme lethargy it brings


It makes your body have intense cravings for carbs specifically.


Honestly if you're looking for visual benefits, a simple Google search will show you the effects of this kind of stuff. In the 90s and even early 2000s, there wasn't a professional bodybuilder on stage that didn't touch the stuff. It was the only way to eliminate the last one or 2% body fat to get down to those crazy low levels to show the vascularity like they wanted.


Worked out with a guy in the early 00’s who was an amateur body builder but was just getting back into the gym. I was in no kind of shape and he gave me some of this, dropped 14lbs in 10 days. Slept with 2 ice packs, my Dad saw this and told me I was an idiot and that I could have a heart attack and I stopped. Not gonna lie, being around guys that were that dedicated to their training was intoxicating and if I hadn’t moved away I would’ve definitely fallen into it fast.


Field research, eh?


As a chemist, I'm curious too. I want to know how he discovered that your ejaculate becomes yellow as well


He probably took the substance in question, jerked off and then used his eyeballs to look at the ejaculate. Photons hit the ejaculate, some colours are absorbed, others are not and are reflected. These reflected photons were registered by his retina which carried the information to his brain. Hope that helps.


It was uhhhhh— science!


>the mechanism that which you actually physically get lighter is through exhalation of fat molecules in your breath. Close, it's through exhaling CO2. Your body doesn't just spit out hydrocarbons. It breaks them down first then sends them out one carbon atom at a time. That's why it's so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it. Otherwise, great explanation.


"Breathe more, lose weight".


mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell!


That sounds pretty dangerous? Like it would affect other body processes as well not just fat burning


Yeah, every cell in your body is on overdrive. Probably not so bad for your muscles, but not great for heart, brain, kidneys, etc. Your body temperature goes up, heart rate, etc. Body temperature goes up, and it can cause all sorts of problems. Also phenolic compounds can sometimes cause cancer, although I don't know if that's known for 2,4 DNP. I believe it was used briefly as a weight loss method many decades ago, but was pulled for safety concerns. Basically the difference between super-fast awesome weight loss and super painful death is a few milligrams per day, so the risk is really really high -- even if you actually know what you're doing. There are people in weightlifting circles who add it to their long list of chemicals (steroids, insulin, etc), but you're definitely risking your ilife if you listen to that advice.


It tends to send your red blood cell count through the roof, because your body is trying everything it can to get more energy to your muscles and that's one way that it does it. As such your hematocrit levels tend to spike as well as your red blood cell counts so you have to be very careful. It's easy to get dehydrated and it's absolutely easy to end up boiling your blood if you're not careful with doses. The stuff used to be sold over the counter in the early to mid-1900s as a weight loss aid, and unfortunately there were several individuals, mostly young women, who would end up trying to blast cycle to lose weight in a hurry and ultimately boiled their brain with an elevated temperature of over 105 degrees Fahrenheit.


That doesn’t sound bad for ya /s


isn't this the thing the soviets used to keep soldiers warm in one of the world wars or something like that?




Here’s chubbyemu’s video on DNP: https://youtu.be/ChPeG19qKUo


It's not a great time.


Agreed. Tried it myself, and even at the appropriate dose for a woman, I was miserable. Sweating buckets even at night. Also started experiencing peripheral neuropathy in my feet that took 3 years to resolve, all from a 2 week course of DNP. Never again.


But how much weight did you lose?


20 or 30 lbs. it only stayed off for about 18 months, I was pretty strict with my diet afterward.


From a 2 week course?!


Do you know from experience?


Tapeworm. They used to sell them for weight loss in the early 1900's. It works.


I still miss being able to get books on tapeworm


Tapeworms were still being sold, even in the US in like 2013. Definitely no ethical but women were literally eating tapeworm in pill form and losing weight then taking tapeworm medicine to get rid of the tapeworm. It was "the tapeworm diet". People will do literally anything but exercise.


Exercise takes time, which I don't have because of my job, and energy, which I don't have because of my job


Dieting takes mental fortitude, which I also lack because of the stress from my job.


That wasn’t a tapeworm


Who’s your worm guy?




High school wrestlers report!


Trash bag bus rides + chewing gum


Nothing like coaches coming to our lunches to make sure we were eating light, HEAVY duty practices, and Saturday morning 90 degree mat rooms with sweatsuits, trash bags, chewing gum, and suicides till we hit weight.


Suicide is a hella weight loss plan. WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS AS A TEAM AND NOW THE TEAM IS 120 LBS LIGHTER!


My son almost killed himself trying to cut weight. He needed 5 bags of fluid at the ER, he had kidney damage. It was awful!


Do not recommend losing weight the wrestler way lol


Great for taking pictures too. "Ooh look at all the veins and muscle definition!" In reality, the guy is hours away from an ER visit and will need to recover for a few days after.


I dropped about 15 pounds in a few weeks after a breakup. Skipped a bunch of meals because I just couldn't be bothered, and wasn't super hungry. Honestly, deep sadness was the best diet I've ever been on.


My future as my 5 year relationship is falling apart rn, I’m trying to be like u frfr


I'm sorry you're going through this. Five years is a long time, and at that point you should have a pretty good idea whether or not you want the relationship to last forever. If you do, work for it. If you don't, figure out how to end it. No matter which path you choose (and you must choose one or it will be chosen for you), healing can only begin after you decide. Stay strong, friend.


Thanks a lot random internet stranger I appreciate the support ❤️ best advice I’ve gotten no joke lol


When I lived in Myrtle Beach I knew a few girls that would go to a clinic and get a shot that would keep them up for days at time and they'd loose a bunch of weight. I assume it was some crazy stimulant.


50% adderall, 50% cum from a dead athlete's balls


Yeah sounds like Myrtle Beach


Wow, tell DEA for a reward




I suffer from ADHD and I will literally not eat all fucking day unless I set a reminder. But my water intake is crazy!


I just got back on meds and dropped like 15 pounds. Adderall completely changes my relationship with food. I eat too much without it, but on it, I forget to eat. Would really like something in the middle lol


I have the opposite problem. I just want to eat constantly 😭 help!


DNP. Extremely toxic. Makes the body go into overheating massively and screws up electrolytes real bad. People died while using it. It is also used for pest control and building bombs. Not recommended but people have extremely fast weight loss.


I can lose weight, not have pests AND occupy a building, all at the same time?!! That's efficient AF.


The fat is the pest


Take Cytomel (T3 hormone) pills to purposely throw one's self into hyperthyroidism in an effort to lose weight rapidly.


Make sure you pair it with Clenbuterol too so you’re too anxious to even realize how fucked you feel.


That combo's got to be fantastic for your heart


Clenbuterol!! That’s the shit i took in the early ‘00’s!! Couldn’t think of the name for the longest time. Terrible stuff.


I have hyperthyroidism and it doesn’t necessarily make you lose weight


Agreed, but it still doesn’t stop people, usually bodybuilders, from trying use it to cut.


Yeah unfortunately, I remember when I was diagnosed I was like oh hell yeah I’ll be super skinny, instead I just got major anxiety problems and weird body temperature control and heart problems lol


I can absolutely relate. I'm a thyroid cancer survivor, and my specialists try to keep me in a hyperthyroidism state, as it keeps the cancer from reoccurring. The temp regulation issues have been the hardest side effect for me. Anxiety is up and down.


The temp regulation really sucks and makes it so you can never really be comfortable. I hope everything is going good and that the cancer stays away, it must be exhausting


Meth... Definitely METH


It worked pretty well for my ex. She’s dead now but it worked


Ditto. It sucks losing someone like that


Eat a bag of sugar free gummy bears (I think only from Germany, the us ones do not have this same ingredients anymore). You will spend a lot of time on the loo. 


I did that a long time ago without knowing what the consequences were going to be and I went through 2 rolls of t.p. that wretched day.


I recommend a bidet attachment for your toilet. You'll recoup the cost in a few months of saved TP because you can get them for less than $40 USD.


I have one now and I love it! That whole ordeal happened about 2 decades ago and long before I had a bidet. People still have to use tp to dry themselves up after using a bidet though.


This is effective but there are several over the counter laxatives and foods that will get the job done with far less sweating, shaking, and bowel wrenching pain than sugar free candy. The big worry being dehydration and loss of gut flora. Eat lots of fresh whole produce, double water intake, skip meat and dairy, and use don't abuse laxatives and fiber supplements with dignity per manufacturer instructions for about a week. Avoid alcohol and refined sugar and carbs as much as possible. This allows a person to poop large quantities freely without sending the equivalent of Macho Man Randy Savage to their lower GI. Upon returning to normal dietary habits the person also has a newfound respect and enjoyment from mundane offerings such as the cheeseburger and should use the 80/20 principle going forward in regards to unhealthy food options.


The ingredient to look for is xylitol. It wrecks me- it’s an alcohol sugar that tastes sweet. Carrageenan is another one that messes up people’s gut- it’s a thickener derived from seaweed. Agar-agar, too, although that one doesn’t bother me.


In the US you can buy sugar free candies, cookies, etc, eat them in bulk, and have your intestines turned inside out. Usually a warning label can be found, that’s the colon cleanser.


Everyone should go read their reviews on Amazon 🤣


ive always wondered about this. I cant remember where ive seen it (maybe a TV show), but I didnt know if this was a myth or not lol


My son stole his sister’s SF candy once. Only once.


Used to be a "pill" you could order to lose weight. When you lost the weight you wanted you ordered a second pill. The first pill was a tapeworm egg. The second pill was something to kill the tapeworm. Obviously not FDA approved. YMMV


I took them in the wrong order


I read a short story like this once! You took the pill and shat out the fat like two days in a row and you were skinny, if it didn’t kill you, probably not the same


I found out I ate less and felt full when things were really spicy so I went on an only spicy diet. It worked, what I ate was unhealthy as fuck though. Habanero beef jerky that I made, raw jalapeños, rice and hot curry. Most my stuff was made with at least habanero on the heat scale except my jalapeño wrapped bacon for breakfast and I ate jalapeños at my desk at work the way someone else would eat a fruit. I ate the raw jalapeños as a snack. 190- 158 in two months, water and those 5 calorie things you mix in it for drinks. Didn’t have spicy drinks. No exercise. I also took potassium vitamins. I was probably missing a lot of nutrient.


My butthole cried just reading this


what happened to your butt :(


The worst stories I know are: - A friend of my wife's decided she would only eat one apple each day until she lost some 20kg. She stopped that nonsense only when she couldn't move one of her hands anymore. - The other I read on the news: a woman in Brazil was arrested stealing an expensive piece of meat, and told the cops she intended to trade it for crack because crackheads are always skinny and she needed to lose weight.


one meal, a ton of water, nicotine and energy drinks


I know a few people that just do that on the regular sans water.


Had a coworker is like that. He sweated sewage and pissed roofing tar.


Me when I take my adderall.


I'm in this and I don't like it.


There's an illegal drug that I heard about from bodybuilding community called DNP that is incredibly unhealthy/unethical for fat loss. This is the kind of drug that could actually kill you. The science behind how it works is pretty interesting but like I said, incredibly dangerous.


As a chemist, I wouldn't touch any compound with a nitro group with my bare hands (they are usually used in explosives, such as TNT), let alone EAT it


Giving a new meaning to explosive diarrhea.


get food poisoning. use excessive laxatives.


Get a hernia and a GP who is a creationist! You'll lose weight so fast you get temporary nerve damage and spend your birthday in A&E being called a drug seeker because the paramedic left you the NOX mouthpiece.


That's just horrible. I'm sorry you or someone you know went through this.


Thank you! I'm still waiting for treatment (4 years now) but I am at least on a waiting list for proper scans and have a GP who can pass the Turing test.


Amputation. not recommended.


Go from obese to underweight in just one afternoon!


I vaguely remember a story about someone being flagged as criticaly underweight by their health insurance because the health insurance just couldn't comprehend a person with a limb missing would weigh less than someone with all their limbs




depression works a treat, you dont eat if you dont feel anything


Anxiety is more my cup of tea. I can't eat anything if I'm anxious. I have the stuff my face kind of depression lol


Oh man I wish it did for me, as my depression has wained and returned over the years I’ve found each return correlated with putting on 10+ Kg’s each time. Sometimes food is just one of the few things that make you feel joy.


Great, I have the type of depression where I still binge, but stay in bed and this don't burn off any calories.


Oh yes you do, some people do anyway (source:me)


I've successfully lost 10-14 lbs twice within a 10 day period. Food poisoning really works wonders. A heaping teaspoon of flax seed the day BEFORE your weigh-in will guarantee every bit of weight that was in your colon is totally removed.


Keep em coming, folks! I'm getting so many great ideas!


In sophomore year health class we all had a group project over crash diets. One group did theirs over a diet that was supposedly popular in Asia that involved eating very little/only drinking water and then staring directly into the sun to get your energy like a plant


Dab of uncomfortably hot sauce on the tongue before every snack / meal. Suddenly food doesn't seem so free to eat.


I ate the same thing every day for a year. 1200-1500 calories a day and lost 150 lbs. It sucked, but I looked at is as crawling through the sewage pipe out of Shawshank with that pinhole of light getting a little bigger every week.


Well done! Out of interest what did you eat?


Breakfast: Jimmy Deans 2 pack sausage biscuit -Coffee with cream Lunch: Sandwich: tried to mix it up a bit but always kept it under 350 calories. Dinner: Progresso Soup and another sandwich Snacks: apple or orange once between meals I'd break and eat out 1-2 times a month but still tried to hold back when I did and tended to skip my next meal


Throw up everything you eat for 6 months then eat <600cal a day after that. Can confirm!


Hope you’re doing better now, op!


Thank you. Past year in IOP so things are getting better (:


Watch "Seven" for some inspiration


Eat spaghetti. Got it.


High fiber diet and hella cardio. I dropped weight pretty fucking quickly


Could you elaborate further? Should I just consume nothing but shreddies?


Yeah my bad. I mostly had oatmeal every day for lunch dinner. I also used to mostly eat once or twice a day, but yeah I felt like whatever I consumed was mostly coming out. I went from 268 to 216 in like 3 months.


Who has 3 months? I need results NOW.


Call JG Wentworth, 877-WEIGHT-LOSS-NOW


Nobody has mentioned giving blood? This used to be a lowkey way to lose some weight before a big event in college. Replacing that blood burns calories!


Wow now that’s wild.


There used to be a medicine that would increase your metabolism and literally burn the fat as your body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate would all increase. People died from overheating.


Diabetics not taking insulin... Fairly small group there but uh. Worked at a camp for girls with diabetes and it was a warning. You simply don't take insulin so your blood glucose skyrocket, and puts you into DKA, which causes drastic rapid weight loss. It also makes you dead if you don't moderate enough, and can cause you to go blind. Saying this as my stupid teenage self tried it, and my 30 year old self is suffering.


Friend did this, inadvertently. She went silent over the weekend. Her BF was in another state, asked me if I'd heard from her. Another friend and I spent a day chasing her down, cops did a welfare check and she wasn't home. We found an unlocked window, went in her apt, found her on the floor. I decided to fudge the details to her friends and family that it was quick and lights out - leaving out what leads up to it.


Bulimia, and anal bulemia. A college gf of mine was anal bulemic. This means she would take laxatives every day and just poop it all out before it got metabolized. She got this from her ballet teacher.


Check your cheating partners phone.


Water fast for 7 days.


If you add electrolytes and you are fairly healthy it’s safe. Just keep your doctor involved before during and after. Most anyone can do intermittent fasting daily without a doctor involved except those with specific medical condition. The science in the past decade has significantly accelerated to reveal a great deal about carbs, dietary fat and fasting. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/03/240301134649.htm


Anorexia . . . . 


I see your anorexia and raise you a drunkorexia




nope. Still fat.


Not dedicated enough


Buy more, try again


Stop buying food and paying rent so you can buy more coke


This is the way


eating disorders. fun fact: they’re the most deadly mental disorders 🥲


Yea. As someone with diabulemia. I don't know why I opened this damn thread ☠️


Lol yup. An-b/p. Dunno why I opened this thread but now I want a tapeworm.


Haven’t seen this one added to the mix, but trucker meth runs in the bodybuilding and eating disorder communities (and formerly (or maybe still) truckers who utilized it, giving it its name). It gives you a boost of energy and a loss of appetite and the intent is that you work out a ton of that buzzy energy off to slim down


I've shed hundreds of pounds in moments with one simple trick... divorcing deadbeats. Having said that, I managed to lose about 120 pounds in 18 months because I stopped stress eating.


Fake having an eating disorder to lose the weight without actually _being_ a person with an eating disorder. Spoiler alert: 20 years later and I'm still in recovery.


Yuppp. Classic gateway to a lifelong struggle with disordered eating is to “try out” ED behaviors as a teen


my friend dated a guy who would just... do coke to lose weight. he was also an idiot lol. he would get super paranoid when he did coke, thinking police were outside and just overall very paranoid. he hated it. but that's how he decided he should lose weight. that was the only reason he did it


A guy in Scotland who weighed more than 500lbs just didn't eat for a year and got down to a normal weight that way.


Holy shit I thought this was a joke until I looked it up. Angus Barbieri is wild


When I was travelling many, many years ago, I encountered a very posh girl in her early 20s. She shared that she and her friends had licked toilet seats when they were in India in an attempt to get “skinny through dysentery.”




I have anorexia, my go to is just don’t eat. Perks include anemia, easy bruising, and you sleep all the time. Also I fucked up my natural heartbeat for life, but you can bet your ass I look good in a two piece. Please don’t be like me. It becomes an addiction.


A few years ago, I went to the Philippines, and I got a crazy stomach parasite. I lost 35 lbs in a few weeks. I thought about trying to market it. All you would have to do is eat a small amount of my poop and you could be back to your high school weight in no time!


Jaw surgery. No chew diet for 6wks in my case, lots of people lose a lot of weight with that restriction. It’ll come right back after the crisis though!


200mg DNP (no longer than 2 weeks) 25mcg T3 (You are guaranteed catabolism if you exceed 25mcg) 8mg Albuterol (Not Clen becuase we're already pushing the heart a bit. Also no longer than 2 weeks due to downregulation) 10mg Yohimbine (Pairs beautifully with Albuterol for alpha/beta receptor synergy. Yohimbine only to be taken fasted and utilised with an hour of LISS. 400mg Modafinil (Will offset the crushing lethargy of DNP and mitigate the carb cravings 2g/lb of bodyweight in protein to stave off catabolism as much as its possible (inevitable if natural) That will cover a 2lb a day weight loss with an hour fasted cardio every day, if you survive.


Not really unethical but back in 2012 I lost 3 stone in 6 weeks by having nothing but 3 200 calorie meal replacement shakes ,a multivitamin and 2 litres of water a day , it succcckkkkeeeddd , I would get super angry when people were talking about food and the dreams were something else, one where I was just rolling around in pizza and getting aroused by a giant piece of fried chicken lol. After the 6 weeks I felt amazing, people were like damn you've lost weight, I had tonnes of energy but I didn't learn healthy eating habits , put it back on within a year. Now for unethical I dunno, kick a diabetics kid and whilst they are distracted, steal their Ozempic , bonus points if you scuttle away like a crab doing a maniacle laugh .


I found as a teenager that all the sugar and caffeine in a mountain dew could make you feel full all day if you took sips every 30 mins... I definitely lost weight but at what cost lol


ECA stack


Be a contestant on Naked and Afraid


I got my entire stomach removed 3 months ago and I've lost 40 pounds so far (215 lbs starting weight, 175 lbs current weight), but that was because of cancer so I wouldnt recommend it. But it's certainly a "weird way to lose weight!" lol


I lost an extreme amount of weight from chemotherapy so…. That I guess?


Cholera, for easy 20-30% weight loss in 1-2 weeks


Adderall And there's drugs that target the thyroid but fuck you up in the long run


Cocaine. My sister lost almost 100lbs (and her life)


No one has mentioned good old-fashioned starvation. It really does work.