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Create an environment of constant personal critique. Invite friends and other housemates to join in. Make it relentlessly persistent. Narcissists absolutely cannot stand self-reflection or being criticized, especially if it is valid. If they can't make it stop they will leave as fast as their feet can get them out of there.


This is a good idea, thanks I'll try it out along with multiple other things just make it so she want to leave.


give us an update when you try it out OP. this sounds like it could get juicy


Yep this. They want to feel in control of everyone and all emotions at once. This is destabilizes them pretty quickly


This is the way


I got my narc ex to leave me alone by constantly bringing up and reminding them of every single thing they ever did wrong. They'd mention wanting to take me out to dinner and I'd be like, "That is so nice, that reminds me of that time you used all the wrong seasonings and it was awful and I didn't like how it tasted, and you screamed at me for not eating it." Just never let anything go and made sure they were reminded all the time I was never gonna let it go or let them forget about it.


Good idea, appreciate the advice


I wish I could help. Turns out I’m pretty good at it — helped me drive away a friend’s ex who would not fuck off and leave. He was physically abusive and I was the only one he couldn’t scare, so I leaned way into it. He left red-faced and with rage-tears in his eyes. If you felt like it, you could mention a few things that you wanted to target specifically, and I and we could all help with angles or sound bytes to work with.


Bro hates his sister


sleep with her dad


I think they’re siblings lol


Sleep with her dad 😈


OP is trying to spare their parents all of this since they live there 😂😂 But I mean if you wanna cause some family turmoil that’s one way to do it


He said what he said


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 this ain't gonna happen lol


I was pretty sure since your parents were in the home 😂😂😂 that’s one way to disrupt the family energy! Definitely some legit good tips on here though. For your own sanity look up what grey rocking is if you don’t know it.


I think ima pass on that one lol 🤣🤣🤣


Become the worst roommate possible. Stop flushing the toilet, loud music all the time, make loud jarring noises at random times, have multiple loud alarms set up, leave a mess everywhere, start talking to yourself, random screaming fits, use their stuff, ddos all of their devices so that they have no internet, turn the power off and on in the middle of the night to reset alarm clocks, make a lot of noise when they are on the phone - especially when the weather is bad, hide smelly stuff in their room, put cameras up in common areas. There are so many ways to be a bad roommate. If you just do half of the above consistently for two weeks, they will leave.


Good ideas thanks for tge advice, this is my parents house by the way so I have to do it in a way that messes with her but not my parents. One thing I can do is move and hide her important stuff, I'm open to other ideas appreciate it.


Partially cut through their phone or laptop charger enough so it won't work but not enough they could even see it. Blame it on a pet if they complain about it. Don't have a pet, they must've damaged it themselves or normal wear and tear.


The only way to win the narcissist game is to refuse to play, I'm serious. Ice that bitch out, don't acknowledge her presence beyond a wrinkled nose as though you've just smelled shit whenever she's around. It'll drive her insane. Also, requisite vote for liquid ass, fffsst fffsst fffssst away, albeit surreptitiously and feign disgust and horror about her stanky ass whenever she's not around, pretend like you feel sorry for her though or are worried about her mental health . Dump a little in her shampoo, her conditioner, her face wash but never all at the same time, gotta keep her on her toes.


Have you ever considered becoming a nudist ?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 good one lol actually would probably work but I'm not going to do that lol


Do things that will make it seem like it's her, so your parents will make her leave. Steal wallets or money and leave evidence in her room. You could ask your mom why her driver's license was in the person's room. Say you were looking for a hairbrush, charger, etc. Make it look like she is eating all of the food, using all of the shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc. Break things and blame it on her. Make messes. Give yourself a black eye and say she did it. Say she is threatening to kill you or that she pulled a knife on you. Tell your parents you're afraid for your life.


Sounds like you were my siblings they did all of that including the knife. My stepbrother was a certified sociopath and I think my stepsister is too. Her Dad just died and she won't go to the funeral even though he spoiled her rotten.


Have you tried having an adult like conversation with them that usually makes people uncomfortable enough to wanna leave no matter what.


Narcissist...DROVE YOU to drinking and heavy drugs. Maybe you need to look inside first.


Came to say this.


Mabey ur right idk


If the electricity is in your name save you live in the States, don't pay for a while and get electricity shut off. Refuse to pay until they leave. Change the locks and pay your bill. Warning, may fuck up your credit score....idk


To be blunt, if this person is a true narcissist, which is really difficult to get a diagnosis on bc narcissists don't respond in normal ways. They are calculating and every single molecule is in preservation mode. You need to be clear, set in stone communication and then you give them nothing. "I don't like this anymore, and I have nothing else I can give you." walk away. No response. No emotion. Not a single blink. Blink and you're dead. Dishes in the sink? Pick them up and put them in front of their door, buy paper plates.


Why don’t you move out?


Financially I cannot afford to but am saving up it will take awhile.


I’m sorry to hear that. In the meantime, get any documents like SS card, birth certificate, and such out of the house. Same for anything sentimental or valuable. Start networking with friends and relatives, see who you could maybe go live with at least for a while.


Yeah actually out of all the suggestions I'm not cut out for messing with other people even if they are horrible people. My best bet is to simply leave find a friend or relative I can stay with for a few months and save up for rent.




This is potentially super illegal and honestly while it would probably work she's not worth the charges. Sounds kinda like Havana syndrome


Grey rock!!!🪨


Marry them would be my first choice, but you're related and presumably not a Dupont, so that's out.


Hide and move all their stuff. Subtly…. Just the brush or comb, keys, purse, socks…. Move around the house but never take it.


Just call her a loser—over and over!


Act like you got kicked out. Empty out your fridge and freezer. Put your own clothes in garbage bags, ask your friends to keep some stuff for a day or two. Write the word “free” on a sheet of paper before taping it on random stuff. If you have access to the electrical box cut the electricity off, plug out the fridge, stove and everything else off. Not your gas though they will make you pay to put that back on.


I just made the decision to leave even though I can't afford it thanks for tge advice tho


That sucks. I hope the money come back quicker than it left


You could always load something not so nice on her computer and report it anonymously.


I thinking I know whst type off stuff your saying and personally I want nothing to do with it. No hate just can't do that not an option


Yeah, I probably should have put something in there that I was joking lol.




have a baby or start babysitting annoying loud ass kids while she’s home


Something, something... liquid ass.. Something, something...piss disc


You forgot the sock…


>I have a family member who is a narcissist, purely self centered and makes my life almost unlivable, so bad it drove me to drink and use heavy drugs at one point. Good luck.


Choke her


Not worth the charges, can't do that not a reasonable option, she ain't worth it


Just file for eviction


I am not the home owner but neither is she