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Do not assume what this meeting is about. There are a myriad of things it could be. Hell, he could even be meeting to tell you you're doing great.


I had to scroll down waaayyyy too far to see the only solid advice in the thread. OP is going to tell on himself and fuck him self over for nothing


Was it busy? Could you just say you meant to ring it in later but you were caught up in interactions with customers and plain forgot? You gotta act surprised, but not too surprised. “I swear I did ring it in but I guess I just did not remember. I’m sorry I am dumb. Here’s 100 dollars. I’ll be sure to ring things in right away so I don’t forget.” If he asks how you didn’t think about 100 dollars being in your pocket say that you sold an AC unit/end table/whatever on marketplace before your shift and already had cash on you.


Or tell him you did not realize it was in your pocket. You took off your jeans and did not check the pockets. Act real surprised when you find it in your pocket.


>Act real surprised when you find it in your pocket. I don't think OP is getting stalked by their boss, and I hope OP doesn't wear the same pair of pants every day. Acting surprised about finding a $100 in your pants pocket at home alone is a stupid thing to do.


>hope OP doesn't wear the same pair of pants every day Mista fuckin rockafella ova here with more than one pair of pants.


I wonder if all his pants have hundreds in the pockets!  To buy more pants! 


I have had a lot of crappy jobs with semi- uniform dress requirements, like "black long pants, no other trim or colors" and you best believe I would wear the same pants more than once.


This is the way


This is the way. False ignorance is a powerful shield to malice. Look at how the scummiest people in this country act when caught. Hell, when' a politician gets caught doing some heinous bullshit it's a wonder they even know their own name with how much they "did not know" or "do not recall". Aside the money of course, don't have it on you. Repay it with your own cash and say you'll just get it out of those clothes later, you didn't even check the pockets yet. 


Politicians lurk this sub.


He might ask to see the listing.


If the convo isn't going well scream "That's my purse! I don't know you!!" and kick him in the nads. Then probably run.


Just use your pocket sand


You mean pocket piss disc sand and spray liquid ass as you run?




that boy ain’t right


Fuck I love that show.


OP, gunna need an update. My curiosity is killing me.


I think the boss killed OP cuz OP still hasn't responded.


Give your manager 8 shots and he will forget about it.


9mm or Jager?




Hey boss I’m gonna need you to sit here for like 2-4 hours cause i got this whole refractory period and shit


It's a bar, bring in the part timers.


Why assume ur the only one cumming?


Ohbageezus. I just laughed out loud and flinched at the same time.


Alright but I'll need about 72 hours to come up with 8 good shots




.500 Nitro Express. Loud, overkill, but works.


Either should do it




.44 magnum


Murican comment right here folks. hoorah


It might not be too late for a Forget-Me-Now


Charging $10 for a shot is the real crime.


Any update? Now, we’re all curious.


He ded


Boss collected his shoes.




Walk in and spray liquid ass near the cash register, then when everyone bolts you can slip the $100 back where it belongs


Along with a piss disc.


Tell him you're training to be a magician and currently attempting the longest magic trick in history. Tell him to recheck the till as he will now find 80$ in there. (Put this in prior to the convo) And then go ahead and ask him for a tip for your magic trip


Or skip all this and just pull the hundred dollar from the bosses ear like…magic. “It was behind your ear all along”


Since it's a hundred, they have to roll it up and pretend to pull it out of their nose.


Have the hundred in your pocket. When he brings it up, act surprised. What? That happened? Let me check my pockets. Oh, my God, it's right here! I must have forgotten to put it in the till! Oh, I am SO sorry. This is so embarrassing. I would never knowingly steal, Anything! Please forgive my absent-mindedness. My Mom had to go to the hospital Monday and I've been so distracted lately for worry over her. Channel your inner Richard Burton. OK, go for it.


Make sure it’s the same pair of pants


This here is important


Don't oversell it. "Huh? (reach in pocket) Oh, damn." If it's been a few days, even better. Wash the pants with the 100$ in the pocket. It won't damage it, but it will look different. Shows you didn't realize it was there.


Washing it will 100% sell this. Who washes money that they stole? People who ‘legitimately’ forgot it was in the pocket. Run with it and make a joke about laundering the money. Good luck.


Actual money laundering hehe


Yes washing the pants is the key to this whole insane bullshit lie. You gotta wash that hundo OP! God I gotta know how this interview goes. I know OP deserves to be fired but I hope they get away with it it's weird. 🤣


Especially if you put an old tissue in the same pocket before you wash it so all the tissue bits fall out when you pull the 100 out.


Boom! Instant alibi !


Washing the bill is a nice touch.


I LOVE this thread. You people are monsters and I'm here for it. 😂


Brush up on your basic magic and produce it from behind his ear. Like a grandpa with a silver dollar.


Start looking for a new job


maybe be honest that you forgot to ring the shots in as it was hectic and you needed to get your tip out of the 100 and you simply missed it


OP needs to get back in here with an update! ;)


Welp, might as well Leroy Jenkins this shit: Ask your boss if there’s a carbon monoxide detector in the venue because either he’s seeing things or it affected you and made you steal the money. Mention that it’s probably a code violation if there’s not one installed. Mention you have friends at the municipal governance office. Ask if $100 is worth having the place inspected for a gas leak. (If any of y’all are going to come at me, check the sub name first)


“That’s not me.”


Are there cameras at the bar? Because if there are theres no hope.


You only need to post this once, you don't have to keep posting...


But then how would this 6 year old account that’s done nothing other than post this story farm karma?


Former bartender here. There has never been a circumstance where I would put a customers payment in my pocket. Never once. But claim ignorance, and practice being surprised.


New allergy meds/ existing meds had bad interaction- you have no memory of the event.


Edit to add: most bars will fire you. It doesn't make sense to let someone who, accidentally or not, stole work around your money. It's a rookie mistake, and as a bar owner I would take it as a sign that you're too rookie to tend bar. The fact, regardless of what you intended, is that you stole money. Bring it with you and hope, but don't expect to get, forgiveness.


Don't shit where you eat


I work in retail and it blows my mind when someone gets fired for stealing that works there. Like you KNOW there are cameras watching you and you've definitely met AP at some point, yet you still choose to steal from your very own store??! You get what you deserve in that situation. Consider it an expensive lesson in how to be a dumb ass!


I worked for a casino-I still remember the girl in their finance department who thought she’d get away with stealing 5k just by sticking the strap of hundreds down her shirt. She didn’t.


They have to be a special kind of stupid. Lol I mean even if you put the legality and morality of it aside, and if these people were stealing because they needed the financial support stolen goods would bring, why do it where you work?? Why not literally any where else so that if you do get caught, there's a slim chance you'll still have a job??


Because in working there you have cased the security. Every night job u ever had, i would think up ways to rip them off as a thought exercise. My manager at IBM went real pale when i explained how a bad actor could theoretically get a doctor's password through basic social engineering, then walk into any hospital in the city and start prescribing meds. It was also handy when i worked in hotels, not so much for me, but because i knew all the tricks and could see when sunrise was trying to screw us over.


Yet you were smart enough to not actually try it. Despite being familiar with the inner workings, there's bound to be some blind corners of which you're not aware. I'm sure there are business's that are lacking in real asset protection, but retail stores, especially big box ones don't fuck around. If you walk in and attempt to steal, even if you change your mind, you're on a watch list going forward.


Do you know what sub you're in?


I think op just stole the money, and is try8jg to use this ad a paper trail. Forgetting 8 shots is pretty fucking stupid. Even in a ridiculously slammed place, forgetting to ring in an $80 order is so bad. 


Ask mgr to poop back and forth forever




Set off the fire alarm just before the meeting. Accuse him of stealing first to assert dominance Tell him someone paid with a fake bill and you turned it in to the bank. The patron was gone before you found out.


For real tho, managers/anyone in a position of power who pulls the old “we need to talk on Monday” BS is a grade A sociopath and a sadist. I know not everybody deals with anxiety the same way, but I guarantee the kind of type A personalities who say stuff like that 100% know that they’re gonna be living rent free in the recipients mind from that point until the meeting and it’s a scummy thing to do to another human being.


The variant at my job is "We have a meeting at 9am on Monday. You can bring a Union Steward, if you would like one present." The thing is, even if you aren't in trouble. they advise you that you can bring a steward anyway. I had that happen to me once. They just wanted to ask me some questions regarding an investigation into someone else, as I was the Dispatcher involved in that call. There was literally no way I would have needed a steward, and yet, there I was with a union rep, expecting to get in serious trouble, and worried about it all weekend. Managers are savage pricks sometimes.




Play dumb. Then when he shows you the video, be shocked. You can't believe you forgot to ring it up! ADHD is a real thing.


Fuck his dad on the bar under the camera.




Sounds like you made an honest mistake, man up.


Start the meeting by telling the truth, (that you got sidetracked and forgot) slap down the cash, then tell your mgr you're ready to start the meeting. You wanted to get that out of the way first. UPLT: If you get fired, then take the money back, even if it's in the register. If that's the case, then take more money. Take ALL the money.


That’s horrible advice! No way is starting the meeting off with an admission the right move. He could be calling them in for a multitude of other reasons


😂😂 imagine: “hey manager sorry you had to call me down here. I’m so sorry i apologize for taking that money (several nights) the other night. I have it here! I totally forgot to ring it in and then when you called me I remembered I accidentally took and then didn’t say anything for a few days lol. Honest mistake” Manager: 😳 “I was wondering if I could change your schedule” Also, it seems hard to make it out to be an honest mistake when he made no attempt to return it. I don’t think it’s an honest mistake because op didnt really make it seem that way lol, or say it was. Sounds kinda like they just thought it would go unnoticed lol. But yeah it’s so awkward now because if he doesn’t say it first and be super sorry it won’t seem as genuine. But they cannot do that. I think their best bet is to wear the same pants. Act totally shocked and confused. Be like omg I cannot belive it did that. I haven’t even seen the money or noticed it. Then feel around your pants and pull out that same bill. It might seem like at least it was a mistake because they never spent it and it was a dumb mistake. I feel like you can at least play it off that way. The fact he didn’t return it he knows he took it he knows that why the manger probably wants to talk to him. Someone might have seen him shove it in his pocket for all he knows. They’re probs my fucked, would love an update it this is real


Well they have no choice then, they have to fuck the managers mother.


all these people are saying to bring the $100 w you… f all that. if they fire you, you can say you gotta go back to get the $100. then don’t come back. next, don’t ever put that place on your resume. find a new job without cameras. move. change your identity. steal theirs! or drop pee pellets or whatever. this is ULPT guys. not “fess up” for morality points.


A blow job and a cheque it's easy to forget


That sounds like a top tier rap lyric.


Maybe you could say you were setting the hundred aside to snort some Coke in the bathroom and then we're going to put it in the till, but you got busy and didn't get a chance so you still got the Coke, do you want some? Let's go do a few lines in the bathroom. Sound good?


So you straight up stole and deserve to be fired. I would try to play it off as being on autopilot and not even realizing you did it.


Just tell them "ya know...I thought I did really well that night". After all when you go out on your time off that's where you put your money on your body. He said to keep the change. It was a reflex move from when you are off the clock. Didn't even realize you did it. Might work.


You stole? You committed a crime? The only story is that you did it by accident and you're really sorry. Be emotionally ready to lose your job. If you're extremely lucky, you might survive with a writeup or something. For the low amount involved, they may not go to the police if you give the money back.


Tell us the deets


Remind me 24hrs


OP what’s the update?


Set the cameras on fire


I'm late. So this might not help. I would just play dumb saying you were on auto pilot.


Do you normally put cash payments in your pocket?


How attractive are you and how attractive is the boss? Dun-dunda-dun d-d-d-d-tiss. An idea for us to both make more than that $100 Quickly ties pony tail.




When you meet up with him, say “hey what’s that behind you?” And when he starts to look back at you, fuckin rock him in the face.




Fuck his dad.


Almost 7 year old account and this is his only post? Something fishy going on...


I’m assuming OP went to jail given the lack of update


What happened at the meeting? This happened to me once and I admitted I made a mistake but was robbed on the way home. No one in charge asked about the missing cash after.


You wanted to check to see if it was real before putting it in the register and making change (as the 20 dollar tip had you concerned) but forgot to check it on your shift. you got home and realized you forgot to do so...  you have it and you're going to ring it in and get your twenty bucks this shift, as you have checked it for authenticity and it's legit. No harm no foul it all worked out in the end. 


If this was the other night, did you put the money back and ring up the shots as soon as you realized?


Why the fuck would you do that


Pull a trump and do something worse. He’ll forge all about the theft


Not enough time to steal a vanload of classified documents. Groping the boss could work.


Hope the hundo was worth it..


I'd say "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I was putting the hundred in my pocket, I thought I had just changed it out. Obviously if my intention was to just pocket the money, I wouldn't have rang him up for the 8 shots, I would have just poured the shots and told him a total. I hope that shows you I wasn't intending to take more than the $20 the customer left me."


He didn't ring in the shots. If he did, the drawer would've been $80 short, and if he's not like 60 iq, he wouod realized what happened.  I think he just stole the money thinking he couod make an easy extra 100 for the night and is now busted. 


Oh I was thinking they were saying they'd rang in the shots and just forgot to put the cash in the drawer. Like, the boss was calling them in over their drawer being short. I've worked in restaurants where it's really easy to forget to cashout a check if you don't have a customer waiting for change. It's busy, and you're apron is full of tickets and bills. Called my manager many times to let them know I had a table's bill and payment in my book and would turn it in the next day. Most of this was years ago, in a place that didn't have a computerized POS system for entering and cashing out orders. Nowadays everything is on a system that leaves a trail, with a camera on every area where a person could try to cheat the system. Sorry OP, you may be screwed.


Almost every bar or restaurant is run on computer pos these days. 


Can we review the evidence? I'd be happy to explain any misunderstanding.


Buy your boss some post-its and create a carbon monoxide leak in the meeting room.


Yeah tell him it was an accident, and you just figured it out, here's your $80


Accuse him of being racist. ThenTurn that spit around on him and Say, "Is it because YOURE black?!" Next steal something else from his office as soon as you walk in to divert his attention from the original theft you committed. Ah ha. 😉  Then tell him you saw those pictures of your son in his sock drawer and you'll tell the police if he says shit. Then ask him how he thinks pedophiles do in prison.  Next tell him you hEave a guy outside of his mother's house waiting to hear how this meeting goes. Good luck OP! 


Update us !


What’s the verdict?


So, you stole $100 and think that's ok? Unreal.


If you haven't worked since that night, I'd just fess up in the meeting right away. Pull out the hundred and tell him you were absent minded and noticed the hundred when you got home. I mean, do it before he brings up anything. Waiting for him to bring it up will assuredly result in him thinking you only admitted to it because you got caught and confronted. Here's the kicker, even if the meeting isn't about the hundred; you will come out looking like an honest guy if you are the first to bring it up.


Pretty much how I would do it if it was an honest mistake. But if they did see it on camera I have to wonder if he has done something to make them watch him that closely.


Why I'd you not make change and put $80.00 in the till? In your pocket is stealing. Not good.