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Return the lack of neighborliness with blinding floodlights on sensitive motion sensors every 20ish feet, facing out from your house. If they complain, cite your fear of trespassers, clearly highlighted on their signage.




Or keep an eye on the market if any land that faces their property comes up, buy it and ruin their view. If it's a hunting plot or something through parcel public records find their permanent address and buy it there 


Oohhhhh you’re good! I like that idea.


Get 50-75 "welcome friends" signs and hang them facing his property. Use a rainbow of colors.


The best par about it is that the signs don't welcome the neighbor, because he's not a friend.


Unfortunately it's the middle of the woods. 15 acres for me, 31 for him after buying. It's 4 houses on a private road


All the more reason. He'll get pissed off knowing it's aimed at him and he can't do a thing about it.


Not just that, put up EVERY flag. American flag, gay pride flag, trans pride flag, confederate flag, nazi flag, red cross flag, and so on. One of them is bound to stick in his crawl.


Dude this had me in tears 🤣🤣🤣🤣 could you imagine seeing a nazi flag next to a trans flag


Just put up nice pieces of plywood painted with a color that makes them blend in from your side in front of each one of those signs. That way you don't have to look at them.


I like this one best.


A really nice thick hedge at the edge of your property.


The amount of invasive plant bombings for bad neighbors I see here are wild. I only say this as a professional invasive plant manager. It’s truly ruthless and a long game of pain in the assery.


That's why I said blackberry it's at least useful.


Plant bamboo and let it spread onto, and take over your neighbors land.


Blackberry cane spreads quickly and has wicked thorns.


Blackberry is a neverending fight in my yard. And baby blackberry sprouts look quite similar to baby poison ivy (which we also have a lot of) at first glance. Ugh. 


You’ll want to prepare your own yard with a barrier so that you aren’t hoist on your own petard.


As long as you can keep it off your property! Been there.


Slingshot them on the far side of their property


Planting invasive plants to get back at one person is a moronic idea




Put up exactly the same signs, exactly the same number, so he has to look at the same thing.


A big tall fence is your friend here.


Fence and/or your own line of trees.


Cardboard, red paint, make 50 signs facing his property,.......PHUCK YOU


Paint gun


Paintball gun


Thank you great weed


He’s paranoid. Either making dope or something weird. You can create hours of fun by reporting two or three gunshots coming from that direction at all hours of the day or night. Your other neighbors can join in as well, because they have concerns, too. No actual gunshots needed, just people reporting. If in city limits, you can put cans with bullet holes and shell casings nearby, and that could get them a resisting, when the shit hits the fan. Signs probably mean cameras, so get that in frame.


Not paranoid, specifically put up to irriate me. This is 40 years in the making. The parents owned the house before and gave it to the son. The bad blood started when my daughter was 6 and their daughter was 9 and tried 2 insert a stick in my kids crotch after asking her 2 take her pants off. Weird ass family


well that particular lede was well-buried


jesus dude I wasn't ready to see something like this randomly buried so far down in the thread... if this is the case I feel like the top answers I've seen thus far aren't nearly cruel or unusual enough


If a kid is doing sexual stuff at that age likely some bad stuff happening in that house


That is horrible, I grew up with a family hate relationship also. Great grandparents owned property next to a family and we would chase them off ours all the time. It was 3-4 generations of dealing with their redneck ways. Finally got to my generation and the oldest boy was 2 grades older than me and bigger and started in on me and my brother on the bus. Their family thought it was great. Didn’t know I threw up almost by making myself thinking about it. Christmas rolls around and around the 90’s a leather jacket was a cool thing to wear and all of them got me for Christmas. Got on the bus and they started in and I threw up all over them. My brother laughed his ass off and when we got to school the nurse made them wear hand me down shirts and my mom picked me up. Their mom wanted mine to pay for new coats but all my mom did was laugh at her and tell her to get bent. I am 42 and that kid who used to start stuff with me was sleeping in a car in their front yard my aunt said last I talked to her. Depending on how close their house is to yours the neighbor growing up would let local bands practice in his barn. It drove my grandmother crazy but during the summer when she wanted to have the windows open at night it was effective. Perhaps there are some local high school bands that need a place to practice.


That was a fucking jump scare if I've ever seen one.


"hi, yeah I don't know if it's something or nothing, but the other week I saw my neighbour building a new shed. No windows, but lots of chimneys and air conditioners. Anyway, I didn't think anything of it, and now suddenly there are a million signs everywhere, like they're terrified I'm going to suddenly start snooping around or something. Do you think they might be making drugs in there?"


Sounds like a weed grow op.


Gee officer, do you really think so? I haven't seen or heard anything like that, but if that's what you're saying I'll keep an eye out for any more suspicious activity.


I bet you regret not purchasing that land yourself


Constantly fly a drone over his property and house. It’s legal to fly over private property, but illegal to hover. So as long as you just keep zipping by back and forth he can’t do anything. If he shoots it down you can get him arrested for reckless use of a firearm.


I dont get it. It's their property, why do you care


he has to stare at it.


So start an HOA that bans signs.


the most unethical option right here folks


They won't be able to force the neighbour to join the HOA or abide by its rules.


Fk that entire noise.


Oh now I get it. ^s/


When ppl sit in their back yard they want to see the trees. Not ugly signs everywhere. It spoils the view.


Dear neighbor, Your signs are too busy for my taste, please remove them so as to not spoil my evening tea as I gaze at your property. Lol fucking weird.


Where do you live that it's weird? You don't want to see a bunch of garbage when you're looking out at your backyard


It’s technically not his backyard they are on. He can plant hedges, trees or bamboo. Put up a privacy fence.


Relatives of mine have this same situation. 40 years living at this house and put a lot of work into having a decent backyard their grandkids could play in. Guy bought the couple acres of woods behind and to the side of them, figured out the property line is actually about 3-5 feet before the where the woodline starts, and put up several dozen "no trespassing under penalty of law" signs. They tried to keep cutting the grass after he put the signs up but the guy called the cops on them every time. So their backyard and part of what used to be their garden is now lined with threatening signs every 6 feet and a strip of hip high uncut grass that snakes like to live in.


His property is 15 acres.


Green paintballs + paintball gun


"a felony" you sweet summer child.


Were you trespassing? Seems weird they would do that for no reason. If there are no cameras then steal some of signs, tear some off also and throw them on the ground (that way they might think they are just falling off and not being stolen). Especially do this with the higher signs so they have to come out with a ladder to replace. I mean theoretically of course if taking them down is illegal. Or fight fire with fire, put up 100 no trespassing signs on your property. If money isn’t an object then get some came cameras and / or security cameras and point them at their property. You can also put up motion detected spot lights (solar if you can’t get electricity there). You could also build a fence, plant something that may or not be annoying to them. Something with annoying fruit or seeds that will fall into their property. You could get an official survey done so you know exactly where the property line is. Then do something right on the edge of the line. Set up some chairs that are facing their property line. Build a fire pit right on the edge of the line. Anything to aggravate them.


This is the answer. Live your best life in full view of them. Nice outdoor seating and grilling area. Cook lots of things that smell delicious and laugh a lot after 8am and before 10pm


Long story I just commented on another reply. My daughter was molested w a stick by the neighbors sister. Their parents owned the property back then


The lots r 2 large, private road, 4 houses


I mean, apart from an eyesore, what's the issue? Put up a fence if you don't want to see it, or just, you know, talk to him. It does occur to me that it would be pretty funny if in doing a survey for the fence you found out the area he posted the signs on was actually your property. Then you could have fun at his expense.


This happened in my neighborhood. Lot liner put up a fence he thought was 6 inches inside his lot like and was then walking back and forth to the woods on the other side of the fence. The same jerk also called the town constantly about what he thought were violations and yelled at kids for falling off their bikes in front of his house. Abused neighbor guy had his yard surveyed and the fence was actually a foot into his yard. All of a sudden Mr get off my lawn wants to work it out. The lovely nice neighbors told him, move the fence. First big wind storm the fence was down and laying in nice guys yard. Nice guy: please get your fence off my lawn. 😂


It's 15 feet high on the trees, we'll above my pool fence


It’ll take 2-3 years but get some hybrid poplar trees. Plant them in a row every 4-8’, After the first year of growth notch the base, and lay them over on their side in line with the row. Trim the branches on the bottom now bottom and sides. Weave them together and slightly bury the top, to keep them in place. Repeat with the now standing up growth. Notch and lay down, trim, and weave. BUT, this time lay them in line going the other direction Repeat a third year if you like. Congratulations, you just made a European Hedge. These were the things Tanks had trouble going through during WW2. While yours won’t be as strong as those in WW2 because it’s poplar and not an elm or similar tree. It’s still a solid natural barrier and habitat for small woodland creatures. And it grows fast! I’ve build up some in my woods to help control erosion on the “hollers” and also create funnels, to keep my cows from going where they shouldn’t, without having to set posts and string wire for miles! 3-4years is cattle resistant. Deer will still find their way through or over. If you’re creative you can weave doorway arches randomly so YOU can access the other side for maintenance. Hybrid Poplar will grow 6-10’ per year. They will send off suckers underground 15-20’. So this suggestion is long term, and invasive, so similar to but not as troublesome as Bamboo. And it blends in better. Over time it just looks like a new hill with. trees growing out of it.


Plant some bamboo




try doing something with your life so you're not bothered by neighbors using their property.


So unethical


If it’s in their property it’s none of your business. You’re being a “Karen”


That's why I'm here




You can no longer enjoy the view that you weren't paying for. While inconvenient, it's certainly not illegal. Suck it up buttercup, they're entitled to post signage if they feel the need to.


That's y I'm on ULPT lol


Forest fire


Pride and Biden signs and flags facing their way. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D2K9WNQ3


Cant see each other's houses


Not much you can do.  You said he "purchased land," so it sounds like he doesn't live there.  Competing eyesores or noises won't work.  Unless you find where he lives and figure out how to inflict an eyesore on him there?


Lives next door, a family down the road owned it and the father passed away n the son inherited it and sold it to my neighbor since they are friends. It's an old cow pasture that filled in w trees


Wait, all this over a grown up cow pasture? Why do you care? The sign posts will rot away in a couple of years. If he truly put up 50-75 signs, he spent $100-200 on signs and posts just to be a petty asshole. The greatest thing you could do is ignore it so his efforts are completely in vain and his money is wasted. I absolutely love it when people waste their time and money trying to irritate me. I sit on the porch, sipping iced tea while smiling and waving. It seems like nothing upsets them more than my not caring.


No it's directly along the back of my property. It's wooded area with 70ft trees. All u see now is a sea of yellow everytime I walk outside. The backyard is beautiful w pool, koi ponds, waterfalls, fountains


You realize that starting a war with this person is highly likely to result in your koi ponds being poisoned, right? You have significantly more to lose here than he does. As my divorce lawyer once said "you can absolutely fight this battle, but is it worth the expense?"


Solid advice


Tear them down if it's the eyesore issue. Nobody should have to deal with that facing their property. But if you were going into an area that doesn't belong to you, you might consider why he considered aggressive signage rather than just stopping by or sending a letter that asks you let him know if you're going to be entering the woods because he doesn't like that. You're leaving information out. You were entering his property and he didn't like it. Tear the signs down and stop. Call it even.


He prob hates gays or blacks or trump or biden. Get BLM or Rainbow or political signs and stick on your trees facing his property!


Probably cooking meth