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As a guy with prior experience in computer networking i still say the correct answer here is "this is my home for the summer" over setting up a VPN or GPS spoofing. I feel like being vague but honest will give you a lot more ground to stand on legally if they do decide to can you for it.


I would just go with ‘my house is getting some remodeling done, staying at a family member/friends cabin for a while’ how much could they possibly care


or "my (relative) is ill and we're staying with them for a couple months to help them out"


"help out on company time you mean" - boss probably


“Prove it bitch” -proper response to boss


Employment relationships are presumed to be "at-will" in all U.S. states except Montana. The U.S. is one of a handful of coutries where employment is predominantly at-will. Most countries throughout the world allow employers to dismiss employees only for cause. Some reasons given for our retention of the at-will presumption include respect for freedom of contract, employer's deference, and the belief that both employers and employees favor an at-will employment relationship over job security"


I’d still tell em to prove it, bitch


the point is that they don't have to..."bitch"


Companies would fire you over that one. The above person’s might be safer


Too much detail. Just say "I can't stay at my house right now" and nothing more. Don't tell them that you can't because you are away on vacation.


Sometimes the cool, mysterious way doesn’t work. My boss would certainly ask why, and just not answering would look terrible


"The fumigation team is busy cooking meth. Also if you want us to return to the office, I have bed bugs."


The trick is to have the whole season plotted out and then make them watch each episode before they get the full story. S1 Ep1 - I can't be at my house right now. S1 Ep2 - Work is being done to the house. S1 Ep3 - They had to redo the foundation after finding the bodies Pt1. and so on.


It definitely depends on the level of detail you’ve established. Reddit has a hardon for “don’t tell them anything, you don’t legally have to” and they’re probably those colleagues no one likes because they’re icy and sour at work. If you go from telling them a normal amount about the goings on in your life to “I can’t be at home this week”, they’re either going to think you’re hiding something or you’re in a bad situation and will try to help.


Reddit people often say the same thing with talking to the police. If you get pulled over, don't just yell, "I plead the fifth." The second the cop asks you how you are doing. It makes you look so sketchy and doesn't give you a chance to figure out what's going on. Obviously, don't admit to anything, but if he tells you it's just a tail light out, you can just tell him you will take care of it right away. There's no need to plead the fifth if he isn't accusing you of anything, although don't be an idiot and start admitting to shit. This kind of stuff has a level of nuance that redditors often don't understand.


I agree. If I have to lie, I lie like the lie is real. If my house was getting remodeled for real, I'd casually tell them about it, keeping it simple. If they ask for details, I'd excitedly tell them one of a few I have ready, taken from real things I'd like to fix in my actual home. You can absolutely go the "no info" route, but that really only keeps things smooth If that fits your personality at work. If you are a normal, friendly person, and then abruptly hit everyone with just "I can't live at home right now", then it seems more like a lie than if you went the other route.


Instead of a third party service, what about setting up a VPN on your own network? Then your network activity would look exactly the same, wouldn't it? Only have to pay to run the network when you're away from home.


You can use Tailscale to do this easily and free.


HR Pro here, this is for sure most likely true. Companies are doing this for several reasons, and of which is very much compliance with complex tax and worker rights differences between states. People that deliberately subvert that oversight are setting themselves up for confrontations. OP - Tell your boss what's up. They're no doubt a human just like you and me. They don't want to fire people for this shit either.


also 2 hours away in the same state shouldn't matter much




It’s based on residency... on holiday doesn’t change this.


It could also be to half-assedly crack down on people working from public wifi networks, which is a cybersecurity threat. In that case, working from your home vs someone else’s home doesn’t matter. I don’t have any context here but companies have cracked down on “at home” WFH to discourage people from secretly moving states or working from vacation.


Oh boy. I have had other experiences.


"Boss", "Human like you" - pick one lmao


"I have a cottage, it counts as my home."


My summer home


Boss: I don’t pay you enough for a summer home.


Staying with relatives to help with a family situation


I like this one. Shows you are willing to work even while dealing with family drama which (hopefully) would impress them enough not to press the issue?


This is my home for two weeks


"You pay me to work, not to be in a specific place." Assuming you're not in a different tax jurisdiction or anything like that.


My old job tried this. I refused to install anything on my private device. All I said was, "when a company laid device is provided I will comply with the policy." No device was ever issued.


To be fair most WFH jobs do provide their own devices


I work remotely, and I had to go 1,000 miles away to care for my terminally ill dad. We use an MFA app to log in, and it tracks our location. I didn't have a choice, so I thought I'd just do it until they caught on and fired me. I was there 7 months they didn't realize. It even showed his city and state when I'd log in.


Yeah, generally someone has to be looking to be found out


Yeah, but that's only true for stuff that has been around for so long that no one cares anymore. OPs boss just got a new toy, do you guys really think they are not gonna use it a couple times to try it out?


Nip it in the bud the first time they do it. Do it again and consider that my resignation!


Basically they don't look, but if they find shenanigans they have that as proof to pursue further


I did the same thing to help care for my grandpa, but I talked to my bosses, and they were fine with it. I just set up in the spare room and continued working as normal. I'm really thankful that I was able to spend those last 6 weeks with him.


I know what you mean. I had those 7 months with my dad, and it was so hard, but I'm thankful


I mean lots of IT people don't give a shit and they are generally the only ones who will check the logs. Honestly I don't snitch on anyone for anything as long as it isn't illegal or costing the company money or resources. 


My company immediately contacted me when my MFA showed I was in a different state, even though I had logged in shortly before and after in my home state. I kept getting kicked off and having to re-log in, so there was clearly some sort of bug, but they jumped on it and had me change my password immediately. I think they have some sort of alert system for that sort of thing, because I doubt they were sitting there watching my activity and waiting to pounce on an irregularity.


Yep. We have alerts for that. It's not for tracking because I don't give a shit where people go, but I can see it being used for tracking if some higher ups commands it. This is a security protocol, rather a tracking one. I'll get notifications if someone logged in on different continents on the same day, for example. But most of the time, it's people who left their personal VPN on but decided to log into work stuff on the same computer.


I’ve had my MFA show as signing in from 3 hours away while sitting in my house.


I work in IT, and here are a few things: 1. We generally don’t actively monitor any of that UNLESS asked. 2. If it’s Microsoft MFA it’s pretty buns at giving locations. It’s not uncommon to see one of my users having difficulty logging in and Microsoft will say the failure came from California. My company is based in the east coast. I feel a lot of supervisors will fear monger with made up policies, for example “it can see what you do!” This is mostly true, but we don’t do it cause your IT teams is likely dealing with something way more important. Odds are you’ll be fine


If your workplace doesn't pay for your phone why would you install a spyware app on it? If it does, leave the phone at home and forward calls.


Install an android simulator on a home computer, put the app on that, RPC into your home PC (use something like Nord meshnet to connect) and log in that way.


While that's a solution to the problem I'd die on the hill of not installing company spyware on my private devices.




This is the only answer.


there’s a near-100% chance the company app will depend on Google Play Services which won’t run in the emulator. Google has gathered up a lot of essential android functions into that code base in order to exert control over consumer uses for Android


Huh. I use blue stacks (or whatever) and it seems pretty good. I haven't pushed the boundaries, so it's disappointing to hear this.




Just buy a second hand shit phone.


Bluestacks works with Google play services


We have a winner!


Smart thinking, but it appears they're already on the vacation. 4 hour drive rounds trip would definitely be worth it though to get the phone to home. 


I’d be tempted to overnight it home, no signature required.


No good... you have to log in on it during work hours


Remote access. I had this issue a long time ago. laptop remote access into workstation. Workstation was set to never sleep and never lock, with just the monitor off. I was only screwed if the power was cut because the workstation required a login.


Great use for a network KVM here. If powers out, sucks to suck I can’t work, sorry boss, but you could log back in when it comes back online. I think I’ve seen people turn raspberry Pi’s (if you can get ahold of one) into a kvm as well. Throw a VPN on that bad boi, upload certs to your phone, grab a Remote Desktop client and you’re off to the races. Man I wish I worked remote.


Simple, install anydesk in the phone and enable unattended mode, leave the phone onnthen ship it home. Connect with anydesk, then login.


What happens when the battery dies?


What about the battery?


Stick in a plug


God... This puts me into a bit of a bad mood. I commute 1-2 hrs each way for my job. Daily.


10 minutes. From driveway to parking spot. Including a badge-in gate. I know, I'm spoiled.


45 to 65 seconds. Sometimes the only village light gets me...


It doesn't say whether this app is on a phone or their work computer, or if their phone bill is paid by their work.


Nothing about this says it's installed on a phone.


Laptops don’t generally have GPS so these kind of apps are almost exclusively for phones.


I work in cyber. You can certainly get and track location without GPS. Mix of BT + WiFi signals + IP geo DB.


Spoof location with a rooted android?


Get a second phone. Log it in at your house, then leave.


my house had a (plumbing/flood/smoke/bug) issue and im temp living with my parents/gf/gfs parents


run your traffic through a VPN set up at your house, if you have a tech savvy friend in town that can get in you should be fine unless they're requesting GPS. if that's the case I know android phones can easily spoof GPS after they've been rooted


No need for root, it's right in the developer settings which are easily unlocked


You may need root to hide the fact that you’re gps spoofing from an app that’s made to detect spoofed gps. It’s also possible for an app to not work on rooted phones by requiring strong integrity


Can apps really detect gps spoofing? Never really bother to learn more about this, but since it's a debug thing I thought it wasn't anything "public-facing" and so with no need to be detected


Yes, they can. I’ve used apps that block you if your location is spoofed, and the spoofing isn’t hidden.


Yup. Used to have to track guys going to AA/NA meetings. I'm sure there's some way around it, but it's not easy.


Tracking to make sure they went?


If I had the ability to spoof my location, I’d put it at my bosses house.


Yep, I use GPS spoofing for ordering mc donalds as otherwise, I can only select pay/pickup when nearby the restraunt. With spoofing, I can pay at home and have it ready by the time I get there to grab n go.


Easier foolproof method: just explain that your house is undergoing repairs/renovation and you are staying with a family member/friend while your home is worked on so you can work in peace. No hiccups, no workarounds, no favors needed.


“Sorry boss, forgot to tell you I am moving in with my GF, my parents, my uncles parrot (whatever is plausible).” -> to be used only when called upon. … while I am curious what kind of contractual clause, policy or boss’s order could tie you to a certain address.


Home office agreements that involve insurance wont cover work in random areas, only primary residences.  People falling down the stairs “at work” become interesting. That said, letter of the law, moving your primary residence for a couple months isn’t the hardest thing.


Is that a thing people do? Fall down their own stairs and sue the company they work remote for?


https://www.adp.com/spark/articles/2022/06/implications-of-work-from-anywhere-when-remote-workers-cross-state-lines.aspx In the USA, its for payroll taxes and being in compliance.


I would want to know where your boss is for every minute of work time, as well. Start a union. It’s none of your fucking business where I do a remote job, unless it’s Department of Defense or etc.


> It’s none of your fucking business where I do a remote job In the US they need to know for tax purposes. Every state wants their cut of taxes. So unfortunately, yes they do need to know where you are working to cover their tax liability.


Do you think this info actually makes it to payroll, or just to your boss and HR? Not being snotty, really curious. Edit: I see the answers below which are quite good. I guess I am asking how often this happens in reality, and do most companies get info this level of detail.


I work at a small company of sub 100. So I know it goes to HR for my situation. We work closely with a larger institution that employs over 5000 and they have the same requirement as well. They also do not allow remote work in certain states because of the tax liabilities and paperwork needed to file to be fully complaint with the locations. Guy on my beer league softball team is in charge of payroll taxes, They get government funding so they have to be fully compliant. So his full time job is to make sure they're compliant with where everyone is working. They've had to tell people they can't work in certain countries, or states because of the costs associated with filling there.


All companies try to pay taxes accurately, and all of them know where their workers live


Does it not just matter what your state of residence is? For example, live in California but spend two weeks in Oregon out of a year.


yes starting a union is definitely the easiest solution to this guys problem


Tax purposes, you need to be in 1 place a majority of the time or something to that effect. I’m not supporting being spied on but there is a legitimate case to be made and I’m sure there’s another solution


If op handles sensitive data such as medical records or payment info staying at one residence is usually required since using a connection from a 3rd party such as a hotel could be a security issue.


"Due to economic instability beyond my control, I currently live in an RV. Thanks for asking. How may I help you?"


“Also, can I get a raise so I don’t have to live in this RV anymore?”


I don't mean to sound like 2017 but: VPN


If app is polling GPS this won't work.


Android lets you use an app to fake the GPS


Is it an app installed on your work laptop? If so, look at setting up tailscale on an appletv and connecting that at home. Using that as an exit node. Install tailscale on work laptop, connect to tailscale using home appletv as exit node, and boom problem solved. If your boss is wanting you to install an app on your personal device, tell them to pound sand. If you're using a personal device for work, you're an idiot, follow steps in the first part and you will be good.


Didn't know you could setup tailscale on an apple tv


yeah. it works wonders. I use it to bypass geolocation for [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv) and have one setup at parents house as an exit node that I use to checkin for youtubetv. the best thing is, the appletv doesn't have to be turned on to work as an exit node. EDIT: missed a few words.


Would this work for the password sharing issue that Netflix implemented?


In theory it should. I believe Linus did a video on it.


It does work!


Ask why the hell that matters as long as I'm doing my job.


Computer at home, vnc to it remotely from anywhere.


That's the plan.


Use a VPN to change your location


the only issue with that is not all of them allow you to choose a specific area. mine, i can choose some major cities but not my exact city. my job thinks im in clearwater but the closest i can use is miami


There is software that you can install on your "tracked" computer and then login to it from anywhere in the world and actually use your home computer from your vacay spot. The GPS software/app will stay on your home computer. You will need two computers for this but at least it is one way to do it.


Don't give location access to this app and use vpn set as your country.


You get to decide where your "home" is man.


On Android here is what you do. Enable developer options(Google how to do it for your phone if you don't know). Go to developer options and go to something like "gps location". Which will have a default of phone location. Download a fake location app.( Just google it there are many available) Open that app and set location to whatever you want. The mobile will show that location as the location of your device.


The only simple answer here that actually helps OP. People may not like it, but companies sometimes don't give people a choice on certain things. Sometimes it's simpler to just do what they want (Within reason) than fight it and risk losing your job.


That feels like a major invasion of privacy.   Honestly I'd quit, but ULPT: you could find an app that spoofs your GPS on your phone to be at any location you like. So, your home. Though they could find out... Less legally damaging LPT: You could also just explain that you're just 2 hours away at a private cottage where you're still doing work but you're not at your home.


Tell them the app won't install on your phone and if they want you to install spyware you'll need to be provided with a company phone.


You live there for the summer so it sounds like your house.


Exactly. This OP.


“My home is undergoing treatment for mold, a flood, need a new roof, etc. so I’m working from a family home until this gets fixed”


Tiny Pilot. Raspberry PI Linux based KVM device allows you to completely control a remote computer. Including reboot and login, it can even update the BIOS on the remote computer. Completely undetectable to endpoint tracking software, it appears as a USB-C compliant monitor. Leave your work laptop at home, plug tiny pilot into it, configure it and then use your own laptop to log into tiny pilot and do your work on your work laptop. Viola!


You can track me all you want, but I won't listen to you complain until you're complaining about my performance or not getting my job done. As long as I'm making you money, why do you care where I am when I do it?


Yeah no way would I do that until they provided a company issued device; they have no right to demand such things on a private device.


An app to install on your personal phone? If so tell them you'll do it when they provide you the phone, that should take you to the end of your vacation.


Get a VPN. Keep the phone in airplane mode. Don't download work software to a device you pay for.


I'd tell them I swapped houses with my parents/grandparents/in-laws etc. and their caretakers for some time because they needed to be closer to a specific hospital for a cancer treatment. They won't push for more info.


Use a VPN or GPS emulator


Just be honest about your work situation. Yes, your company knows where you are (or can find out), so just be upfront. Honesty will get you further than outright lying, and temporary situations are usually accommodated if they don’t violate any laws (primarily tax situations). As long as you are showing up for meetings and producing, and you can prove that the temporary location doesn’t put the company at any risk, you should be fine. I can’t stress enough that lying is the issue here. Your company has the means of figuring out where you are and they can track their assets like laptops within feet (unless they don’t have a competent IT team).


You have two residences now. Easy peasy.


"I'm temporarily housed with a family member because my home is undergoing repairs."


There's GPS spoofing apps you can try for your phone but if it's a personal phone, I'd tell them to suck it.


If you have an Android, install FakeGPS app, available on the play store. During logging in, turn the app on, set the location to your home and log in.






Maybe this is a simpler answer, but what if you just tell them no? If they're willing to fire you over it, they don't value you enough anyway. I realize steady income is valuable to you, but if you're so easily replaceable, their demands are way too high. So, maybe don't even say no. What if you just don't use it all? Don't even need to mention it. Maybe they bring it up. Maybe they don't. Perhaps it "isn't working" or "glitchy," "keeps crashing." Not your fault the software is shit (and it probably is. All proctoring and monitoring software is a fucking mess.)


Unless work is providing you a phone you can choose to install the app. In this case, you choose not to!


House is being renovated. Infested with bugs. Water damage. Staying with a friend who was struggling. Sick parent. Someone recovering from surgery


I hate your boss so much. Honestly I’d just run out the clock. See how long you can go before getting fired. Do a little less every day. I bet it will be much longer than you think.


Just tell them "it's my nephew doing all the WiFi things for his online gaming. I don't exactly know about that tech stuff, but he's such a good kid."


You work remotely. Why would they care which "home" you were in, as long as you stayed there and stayed online working? Seems weird. We don't care if someone moves when they work remotely.


Employers care because they, and you, are working with state taxes. You can absolutely be charged income tax in the state where you work. Plenty of qualifiers and exceptions but don't fuck with tax returns. 


get a cheap android, and root it. download that app along with a gps spoofing app (you can set any location on it and the phone will think you’re on that location). always use it on wifi to log in and log out.


If your work doesn't pay for your phone? How would you install spyware on it for them to track you? If your work doesn't pay for your house, how can they expect you to only work from there? Just keep acting as you normally do and ask why it matters as long as you're still doing your work.


play around with a GPS spoofer on the phone. when walmart forced me to download an app to clock in and out i did that. then i stopped showing up but kept clocking in for 2 extra weeks then stopped because i got paranoid


Go home, set up a VPN based on your home network. Then login to your home’s VPN on your phone and it will look like you’re on your home network. Make them send you a work phone if it comes to that, and simply leave it home with remote access to the phone itself. Leave the phone at home.


Bro I got you. I used to play "pokemon go" on my pc with a location spoofer so I'd go to six flags america and catch rare pokemon from the safety of my home. I'm not sure the location spoofer you'd need but you'll need. - PC (Laptop) - Download "Bluestacks" (an android app on your pc) - The location spoof app (do your own research on that) - and your dumb bosses app - DON'T TELL A SOUL, not even your favorite coworker, last thing you need is some Karen finding out and ruining it for everyone. Open bluestacks, change your location to your house, open your dumb boss's app login and you're golden. ALWAYS double check your location before logging in to your dumb boss's app just in case.


I'd uninstall the app till I was back home. "weird I don't know why its not working... oh well guess I'll continue to do my job during my regular schedule like usual."


Put a VPN on everything. IF they really want to track you, they can track you in Sweden or Nigeria or Australia or Cuba. If they call you out say you do it for safety reasons.


You better hurry home before your busted and reprimanded.


Just tell them your situation and have them allow-list the secondary location. This is likely just a security measure to prevent someone from stealing your credentials and logging in fraudulently from some random location


Download a fake GPS app to override the location. You can be anywhere.


Use one of those location spoofing apps people were using for Pokémon Go years ago. Just set it to your home address when you're supposed to be working.


I lived in Egypt for a month. I LIVED in Egypt FOR A MONTH!!!


GPS emulator. Solved.


Do you have an employee handbook that says you must be working from your house? When was everyone first notified about this app? A day ago?


Can you use a VPN? Also, does it say in your work contract that "working from home" has to be your primary residence? Unless it says the words "primary residence," or an equivalent legal term, in your contract, "home" is subjective. As long as all your work is getting done, they shouldn't be able to go after you for having a different definition of home than they do.


VPNs are HELLA cheap.


“My house is having emergency fumigation and repairs, I’m staying with family for another 2 weeks”


House being fumigated and a relative kindly took you in temporarily


First of all, that tracking sounds illegal. Second of all, “We have termites/Possums/black mold and we have to be out of the house for two weeks until that is resolved. I mean, you wouldn’t want me exposed to murine typhus or a neurotoxin, would you, boss?”


Install the app on a burner phone and leave it home.


“me and my significant other got into an argument and they kicked me out of my own house”


Take PTO?


What is a summer long work vacation?


"Hi boss, I will not be installing apps that let the company track information on my personal devices. I will gladly use this if you can issue me a company cell phone." That will buy you time and potentially make it a non issue.


I would never agree to give them my information. They have no legal right to it. That’s not in the employment contract. Fuck them fuck that. Say fuck no. Having balls helps hold the line. If more people said no to this type of bullshit control and surveillance we would have a lot more freedom. We give it up far too easily.


“Hey boss, I’m currently working from a summer home and will be back to my normal house on XX/XX”. If you can’t say this and it be ok, you wanted a new job anyway.


The reason they are dong this is for tax purposes. They, as the employer, must ensure you are within the country in order to comply with tax laws. They also want to ensure you are being paid according to the COL for your area. So just be clear with him. Being 2 hours away will affect the COL of your residence, but probably not enough to be substantive and considering it is a second residence you can use that to your advantage. You are still within the country, I assume, so you will be supporting the company's requirement to verify your payslip is compliant with all tax laws.


If you're on vacation, shouldn't you be using PTO?


As a remote worker myself, my company only has a right to know that I'm working from the correct state most of the time (for tax purposes). Day to day location isn't something I would ever give them.


Cool,cool. This is interesting


GPS spoofing


Use mock location or something


Just spoof your location. There are several apps that you can use to look like you are home.


Get a dedicated IP address (a few $$ a month from your ISP) and then VPN to your home network from your laptop. You could probably get this setup today if you find a nerdy person or local IT company.


If you have an android you can fake your location, I've been doing this for years with an app called gps emulator.


Turn off location tracking on your phone and tell them you are having technical issues


Buy a jailbroken iPhone, spoof your location.


GPS spoofing apps. I use it for Pokémon Go all the time.


Take vacation time now. Say family emergency or something.


Use Chrome Remote Destop, or Splashtop. Log in to your desktop at home, from wherever you are. You can set up a false webcam feed if you need, there's a way to circumvent everything they are going to put into place. What software are they using?


Option 2 (I just had another comment) - Get a second phone (everyone has some old phone laying around) - Leave that one plugged in at home - Install a remote access app on the second phone - Use your main phone to access your second phone and login to your dumb boss's app from your main phone. Also though there were other points that mentioned allowing them to force you to download a spyware app on your personal phone. There's gotta be some sort of push back you guys can do as employees. If it were me I'd be pushing back and if it didn't work I'd for sure use a second phone because I wouldn't trust the app your dumb boss is forcing you to use.


Bluestacks and use hello vpn to simulate location


VPN, my friend


Use a remote connection software installed on home computer to remote into from anywhere. That way you are always logging in from home


Well, obviously you're having work done at your house and it won't be done until the end of summer. 


You should check out the r/digitalnomad sub. They should have plenty of good info for this sort of thing.


Whatever is running that app, leave it at home and remote into it via jump desktop.


I’d tell them my pay rate is so low that I’ve had to sell my house so it didn’t foreclose and am now living in an RV. What does your location matter if you are getting work done. I’d also try to make him share his location with you so you know where he is when you need him


They can’t require you to work from a single address if they have given you remote work and even if they can they don’t know what’s happening in your life “my wife and I are fighting so I moved in with my mum for a few weeks until we smooth things over” there will be zero further questions after that… Also most of these systems are managed by IT somewhere… they’re not mapping all your home addresses in a map, creating a dash for all business leaders to see, cross referencing home addresses with login locations… so long as you do your work they honestly probably don’t actually give a shit where you work from


Not sure why you would need to be at the house. Say it's getting remodeled or something. Also install chrome remote desktop access, you can sign into a computer at home while away from home, can use it on mobile or other laptops/desktops.


My family has a summer home. | I'm staying with family for the summer. | I sold my house and will be traveling indefinitely.


get a free trial or a short subscription for nord vpn and when they ask abt it just say u wanted to beef up ur security