• By -


Your post is a frequent repost


For real though, that sandwich looks fantastic.




It’s The Fat Shallot in Chicago, used to live next door




It's a buffalo chicken burger but with chicken tenders instead of a whole breast piece and I can confidently say it's nowhere near the best chicken sandwich in the city. Fat Shallot is overrated af.


What's your favorite chicken sandwich place in Chicago?


I'm no hot chicken sandwich expert but of the few that I've tried (Boxcar Betty - decent but not local, Roost - used to be great, Parsons - personally believe it's overrated af too but ymmv and it was admittedly tasty) I found The Budlong to be my favorite. They do a great Nashville hot style. Massive piece of chicken breast but super tender and juicy with great crunch on the exterior. I'm not a big fan of buffalo sauce on breaded chicken in general, gets the breading soggy.


Yeah bro you can’t just leave us hanging like that. What’s better than Fat Shallot?


Right? I wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying my first watch, I was just admiring that sammy.


Saaame. I bet there's a nice crunch to it. The hot sauce is also probably amazing while not being overwhelmingly spicy. And is that provolone or mozzarella? Either is completely fine with me! The bun looks like it's got a nice glaze and is perfectly toasted! God my mouth is watering from the mere thought of how good this likely is! I need this damn sandwich now!


This read like soft core food porn 🥵 Also, username checks out.


There should actually be a soft core food sub


Dude, we’re on Reddit. There’s probably one already and one for people actually fucking food.


Oops yeah that's an old username, I don't feel like making a new reddit account. Happy accident I guess!


Yeah mine is too now, that was a great write up.




She's from Chicago. Not sure which place though


https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/y8hyxq/i_have_now_tried_over_100_fried_chicken If anybody wants good hot chicken sandwiches in Chicago i play fantasy football with this guy who does a lot of rankings. RIP Cluck It


Is she just about to eat it upside down? Is that a thing? Have I been doing it wrong?


I do that with burgers I eat. The upper half of a bun is bigger and can absorb much more sauce. Also up until you flip it in your hands, gravity has been working on the sandwich and liquids were puring down. The bottom is probably already soaked by this point and flipping it makes a lot of sense.


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


Just a passenger on this train called Earth. But I do what I can to make this trip as pleasant for me and others as possible. This includes finding the best recipe for burgers and technique of eating them. Look below on Majestic_Horseman to see good points why this way is superior.


I meannnnn depending on the sammich, no matter how stupid this sounds, sometimes they feel better in your mouth upside down because of the fluffiness of the bun and the texture of its insides.


Yes, yes, no.


Fkin hell...is eating out alone that much of low-status? im reflecting over my whole life rn


It is if you make a whole video about it. Just eat your meal in peace and everyone's opinion of what you're doing can be shoved up where the sun don't shine.


I love eating alone, I get to focus on the food and clear my thoughts while my blood sugar normalizes and my bloodlust diminishes.


Have never lived alone. Met my gf at the end of high school and got married 8 years later. All I ask for my birthday or as a treat myself day is 5 hours alone no questions asked. I tend to get a meal at my favorite place in the furthest corner away from anyone around and read a current work of SciFi or fantasy. Somedays spending my entire day there just reading. Others I go to a movie lol. Nothing wrong with being alone, it is what allows us to be sane.




I love reddit.


You know it! Do enjoy a good book though




You would be correct and proud of it


I try to take a solo hiking trip somewhere every year for similar reasons


How did you frame it? I want some me time to but it comes off as selfish. I get to go hang out with my friends from time to time by myself tho but that’s different.


Maybe I don’t understand, but why do you need to “frame it?”


I’m not the same guy, but when I told my last girlfriend that I wanted “days to myself”, it turned into a massive ordeal about me cheating, me not loving her, etc and so on. I would have been grateful for a better way to put it that may have made my life easier and also gotten me some alone time.


A better way of putting it would have been "I am spending some time by myself, if you have a problem with that then we shouldn't be together." End of story, end of conversation.


Everyone needs some alone time every once in a while, to recharge, relax, whatever you wanna do


It *is* selfish, but there's nothing *wrong* with that. You need time for yourself, a break from doing things for others. It's maintenance.


I’m a stay at home dad, I get one night out a week…. 33 weeks of the year it’s bowling, the others I would just go to a bar, order food and drinks, and watch shit on my phone. It’s heaven.


It was a joke, I'm amazed at how many people thought this was real




That's not actually accurate...


Before I was married I used to eat out alone all the time. When I'd tell my friends what I was doing they'd always be shocked and say "I would have gone with you". If I wanted to eat out with you, I'd have asked you to come. Don't feel low status because you eat out alone. We should be content with ourselves when alone too.


I used to eat out a lot before getting married too...


I used to eat out alone and go out to movies alone. I like spending time with myself, it’s a way for me to recharge.


I'm married and I still do go out to eat alone to places my wife has no interest in (which is rare), and watch movies alone my wife has no interest in (which is frequent) 🤣


I remember a coworker recently saying something like "I need to figure out who I'm eating dinner with tonight" and I was like "you could just eat alone..?" and he scoffed at that saying something about he doesn't want to feel like a loser. Honestly made me feel kind of sorry for him, I can't imagine needing other's validation so badly that I would feel self conscious about something as simple as eating dinner alone at home


Dining and entertainment (movies etc) alone is underrated


I once got a movie theater all to myself. It was brilliant!


Baby Geniuses 3 wasn't THAT great of a movie.


The worst is when your alone the someone else finally comes in during the previews.


And sits *right* next to you.


Smelling like cabbage.


I go on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Weekday mornings work fine, too, if you have an off day during the week or are unemployed or whatever. I frequently have theaters to myself, at the absolute busiest there will be maybe 7 other people there. And I always try to pick the largest screen showing the movie I want to see and sit as far in the back as possible while most people like to sit in the front half. So even when there are other people in the theater they are rarely close to me. (A bonus at the place I go is that you pick your exact seat when buying your ticket so I can see if anyone is near. And I live close enough to the theater that I can check before I leave and if there are no seats already sold near where I want to sit I can drive to the theater and buy my ticket without having to pay the absurd online "convenience" fee. That is somewhat specific to my situation, though.) It is wonderful and I don't have any of the issues that I hear people always talking about, with people talking at full volume and on their phones and whatever other obnoxiousness. As a bonus, the morning shows are often cheaper at a lot of places. The place I go is up to $6 now, instead of $12 or whatever it is during an evening show filled with annoying people. Less money, better experience. Can't complain about that.


Used to travel for work full time. Eating alone in restaurants just listening to a podcast or reading the news is relaxing as fuckkkkk




Oh naw, its all about how you carry yourself about it. I work in sales so some days i just want to be waited on and not speak to anyone. Recharge


I've never really understood the issue. I'd feel a little uncomfortable if I went out to an upscale fine dining restaurant and was seated alone at a table in the middle of the floor, but I can't say I've ever had the urge to do that anyway. I've eaten alone for lunch 5 days a week for the past 16 years, on my lunch break from work. Some people in my office go out together for lunch, and I was invited for a while, but I always turn it down because I'd rather just have an hour to myself to read and relax during the work day. Have also gone to dinner or movies alone dozens upon dozens of times...it's not a big deal. As my wife and kids and I only go out to dinner once or twice a month, I eat out alone about 20x more than I eat with other people.


It's an invented issue that people inflict on themselves due to social anxiety or low-self esteem. No one outside of themselves cares that they're eating alone. They're probably barely aware they're there.


Why would this person make you question something as simple a eating out by yourself lol. I've even out at nice restaurants by myself, it's great, let alone a sandwich shop.


Tbh when I was in highschool I felt so embarrassed to eat alone at first. So I was like "ok I'll pretend Im super focused on my phone so everyone who'd judge me would understand I'm just a phone addict!" (no comment). Eventually I realized no one gave a fuck and that I looooved spending time eating alone and watching funny videos


Yes, just ask Steven Glansberg


Something I like about Japan is that eating out alone is perfectly normal. In Western countries depending on the restaurant you might get some stares. I think the more expensive the restaurant is, the less socially acceptable it is.


I've had social anxiety for many things throughout my life, but never eating alone. You just get your food and sit down and eat and literally nobody cares. Tell me to share a personal story in front of a group or take a dancing lesson or send back my meal that wasn't cooked well and my social anxiety will flare up. I wonder what it is that triggers the anxiety for eating alone in some people. I've heard the anecdote many times so I'm sure it's real


No one cares if other people are eating alone. Most people won't even spare the focus to realize it in the first place.


It is if your under 20. As you get older, doing shit alone is a blessing. First time I went to a movie by myself, I felt super weird. But after, I vowed it was the only way to see a movie a I REALLY wanted to see. No hassles with scheduling, saving seats with jackets, everybody in concessions, bathrooms, etc. Best of all - never missed the previews waiting in the lobby.


incapable of doing anything without seeking approval and attention


This is obviously intended as comedic video right?




Lol thats not even close to what narcissism is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism This is just insecurity and social media stupidity


This sub is finally going insane, lashing out on a clearly scripted video


I get people falling for scripted videos or still choosing to comment on them as *though* they are real. It happens, and some people enjoy commenting on the theoreticals all the same. I lose it at armchair psycho-analysts screaming "narcissism" because someone filmed themselves eating a chicken sandwich.


A lot of users on Reddit don’t understand the ’social’ part of social media.


> A lot of users on Reddit don’t understand ~~the~~ ’social’ ~~part of social media.~~ FTFY


and here i was, waiting for MY food to be done, waiting for her to TAKE A GODDAMN BITE IM SO HUNGRY HOW DID IT TASTE IT LOOKED YUMMY


Look at this narcissist trying to tear down the armchair psychoanalysts up here


A lot of deep-seated trauma to unpack with these two. They should probably get divorced if they have spouses or put themselves out there and meet some people if they don’t. Otherwise they will never break this cycle of abuse. -edit: bone apple tea!


Sorry for this, but it's deep-seated.


I appreciate that. Thanks.


I mean you're talking about a bunch of people who have never stepped outside in their life


It's like people don't realize it's a form of comedy. It's honestly similar to a stand-up routine. Just a short, shitty one lol.


**[Narcissism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism)** >Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive interest in one's physical appearance or image and an excessive preoccupation with one's own needs, often at the expense of others. Narcissism exists on a continuum that ranges from normal to abnormal personality expression. While there exists normal, healthy levels of narcissism in humans, there are also more extreme levels of narcissism, being seen particularly in people who are self-absorbed, or people who have a pathological mental illness like narcissistic personality disorder. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




with a script


im reflecting over my whole life rn


you arent a narcissist, you have anxiety and need to rehears every conversation. dont worry, youre good.


So you’re thinking about yourself? Sounds like narcissism!!!1!1!1!1!!








How the fuck do you remember your username?




Another bot


it's weird you can just type this word on reddit and get upvotes without having a clue what it means.


its normal for people to be slightly narcissistic and i suppose even more so since the advent of social media. narcissistic personality disorder is completely different and not something thats natural at all, those people are generally unable to be rehabilitated and want more than just a bit of attention




I think it's a bit between two friends.


Yeah, but that's less rage inducing. Much rather draw the "narcissist SoMe zombie" card early on. /s


God, Reddit is so incapable of perceiving jokes when they're performed by a woman.


It's actually amazing. Reddit must have thought everything on Vine was a documentary too.


You ever see that Vine doco about the guy that almost dropped his croissant?


I learned how to identify chickens from a Vine documentary.


I learned that those are her chanclas


Haha I do that


I learned that you must be at least 5 feet away from your friend in a hot tub, otherwise you're gay.


holy shit are you saying they weren't actually roomates?


You telling me Will Sasso doesn't vomit lemons?


Even her tone of voice gives it away. Everyone in this thread needs to touch some grass.


Just look at all the fake stories people upvote in r/tifu and other subs.


Tifu having a sexual intercourse with Gal Gadot AND Scarlett Johansson


AITA for having being rich and having a huge dick


I have touched grass just for you. You are now required to accept my statement as inviolable truth. https://i.imgur.com/K8r6x1c.jpg


Why tf is this getting downvoted this is hilarious lmao


It's literally a staged joke video and she's speaking lines lmao. Reddit probably also thinks commercials are real and the bar tenders and strippers they give money to would totally date them.


But she touched my shoulder! My shoulder!


Its a fucking joke, truly. They always default to calling them narcissists. I have seen that insult for women recording themselves on reddit at least 3 times this week. Guess how many times I've seen a man called a narcissist for recording himself the past week? Month? Year? I'll give you a hint, they're the same number.


Or a funny skit?


Funny is debatable, but yeah obviously a skit. The kind of person she's making fun of wouldn't have uploaded this take. They'd just shoot another take.


It's a staged joke, anyone upvoting this dumbass comment should be forced to log off


Scripted videos of women should be the litmus test for the "touch-grass-meter"


Or, more likely, it's staged.


The guy can be heard so clearly it's likely her buddy doing it for the video.


It's staged.


Wait a minute, she can order a meal on her own? What is she, some kind of adult?


I mean, this is probably fake anyway. Just had her friend say “loser” off screen. It’s a bit.




Holy shit we have Sherlock Holmes in the comments over here. How did you figure this one out


It’s just an obvious bit lmao


Still funny




idk all the comments taking it completely seriously are pretty funny


Not as funny as the people who feel the need to brag about how clever they are for “spotting a fake” and not finding it funny.


I think she sells the facial expression at the end pretty well.


Gotta be honest, I laughed.


Congratulations, you have a sense of humor and aren’t an incel who hates everything women do lol these nerds on Reddit are incapable of finding joy


Staged, not funny, but relevant that people like this exist.


they totally exist. the "i don't care what people think of me" people. no, that's *exactly what you want* people to think of you.


Was funny.


Her face at the end is kinda funny.


Go yell at the sun


Staged and funny.


Shit, I laughed.


Humor is subjective. I chucked a little. Vine compilation energy.


You've got amazing powers of observation.


You should apply to be a detective


Not real and not hetero


Love how everyone is arguing over whether it being staged matters or not, but no one is commenting on that horrific profile pic. Wtf man


That sandwich looks amazing though.


Eating out alone = not a loser. Making a video about it = loser. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Not telling me where that sandwich is from=dick


Straight up. It does look top shelf.


Neither makes you a loser, putting others down for no reason does though.


Bashing something that doesn’t affect you = turbo loser


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Woman goes out to eat alone and says she doesn't care what anyone would say. But then a guy walks by her and unexpectedly calls her a loser, ruining her lunch experience.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Thank you so much for a detailed explanation


Maddie Goetz?


Yep. I’m like “ hey that’s the girl who pops up on Snapchat”


It’s staged, but it’s still kinda funny imo.


Staged but I still laughed.




This is a skit


Reminiscent of the scene in Rick and Morty where the wind whispers "loser" at Jerry.


Too soon man


Ima get downvoted to hell but reddit is just one fucking dude. Top comments calling this obvious joke "narcissist" like holy shit I feel like reddit just hates women


Is that what explains Reddit not getting that half the shit posted is a skit?


Lol it's also if it is obviously a skit the comments are either: 1) "Staged." Commenter realizes it's not real, but they think the OP is manipulatively trying to pass it off as real, and they're geniuses for seeing through her mastermind attempt. OR 2) "Wow she's a loser" or narcissist, pathetic, some-sexist-slur, etc. Where commenter thinks it's real and react hatefully. 🙄 Like c'mon, women *are* capable of comedy. And yes, ya geniuses, skits *are* planned. It's an obvious skit– that doesn't mean it's staged and pretending to pass off as a spontaneous moment. Ugh


I would wager that it's because they're so submerged in outrage culture that they lose perspective and jump to the same reaction regardless. If you've been angry about ten influencers already are you really going to stop and ponder and laugh along with the eleventh satirising what you were just angry about? It's no different from what tabloids have been doing forever, just dialled up to 11 as social media always does. And if you're always seeing ridiculous outrag -inducing edge cases then one of the dead giveaways of satire - the ridiculousness of it - is no longer a giveaway.


Remember that one lady on TikTok who had the bit with her hilariously bad suggestions to replace other famous corporate logos, and the reddit comments were filled with guys taking her seriously and being angry and calling her a delusional artist?


oh Emily Zugay, i mean shes making bank right now.. Its funny how people dont understand the concept of a joke sometimes


Are you new here? These threads are impromptu incel meet-ups that happen at least once every few hours for reddit entire history.


At what point do I get to flip the script and say "if this was a guy etc. etc. etc." The way all posts where women do something where they aren't taking an L, are treated. For real. If this weren't a skit, it's literally not a big deal. She could be sending it to friends who had to back out on plans or something as a joke. The one reddit dude always coming out in droves.


This is what finally made me snap, cause you get a ton of front page posts of like the exact same shit but with a dude getting made fun of liking video games, and the reddit dude comes out to fucking defend his honor and shit on women who don't necessarily like their guy ignoring them while they play PS5


I found it - either dudes just taking it as a joke (which it is tbf) or vehemently defending the dude. https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/10incf8/meirl


Jesus. Some of the comments on that post...


My favorite part: "people seek attention and validation online and I don't like it" - comment posted online for attention and validation without even a hint of irony.




All the top comments on reddit read like they were written by some nerd who thinks his comments are witty and funny AND for some dumb reason they get thousands of likes. The internet is disproportionately stupid.


And they wonder why people like TikTok… probably in part because redditors aren’t there.


I started to notice it a couple of months ago, but yeah every post about a woman is scrutinized to all hell. Most posts on those justice boner subs are people justifying their dislike of women and minorities. I always have to remind myself that the people commenting are likely terminally online, and reasonable people are probably not on Reddit to begin with


Ngl that sandwich looks amazing


Seeing the comments here completely miss that this is an obvious joke video makes me think I would make a killing scamming people on Reddit




i literally eat alone in college mess most of the time. No waiting for others to finish. done in 10 mins.


That fucking sandwich looks amazing, loser.


The comment is now gone so I will repeat: Y'all are incapable of reading humor when a woman is telling the joke. This isn't even a good staged video. If it was real, or more committed to the bit, he would've said a meaner insult than "loser."


She’s an influencer, this is staged. But still funny


Is it a faction of Gen Zers making these posts about eating alone? Cuz if I'm craving real ramen or I see a deal on wings somewhere, I'm gonna go eat the tasty things. Life's too short to not eat all the tasty foods.


It's teenagers, yes. We had the same feelings in the 90s about it. I'm guessing because of how so many cafeterias function/functioned and we would project those social rules into the wider world where they don't really apply or fit. Most realize it and move past it with time. Turns out teenagers from every generation are socially awkward creatures just trying to figure it out.


Im not a teenager and I never go out to eat alone. Mostly because I see eating out as a treat and something which you should do rarely, and I would prefer to do save those few times to enjoy with friends. Also If I were to go out alone, why wouldn’t I just order and stay in my PJs?


Pretty sure that woman is in her early 30’s, not Gen z


And this is old as dirt, like all things endlessly recycled for karmafarmers on Reddit.


Nah, very early 20's. I've seen her pop up on the Snapchat explore page that shoves chicks like this down your throat constantly.


You're never eating alone. Even if it's just the staff in the building, you have people in your environment. So play with them. Bring a tiny notepad and a pen. Write down the first letter of every sentence in menu item descriptions as if it's a secret code. Set a vibrating phone alarm to go off every 4 min and when it does, move your glass from one side of your plate to the other. Use old or obscure words when ordering, as if you're a time traveler not certain how people talk today. Be weird and have fun in ways that harm nobody. The people too busy to notice or care won't be effected, and the bored or innately curious will wonder about it for days. Eating alone just means you get to be the dinner theater exhibition. Just do it politely, quietly, and don't make anyone else's experience worse.


I would never call someone a loser for eating out alone. Unless they specifically called themselves out for it and were filming their 'bravery'.


More than 1/2 the videos in this sub are scripted/staged now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Judge me? Judge me!