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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!One person surely will take the silver. A single person? No one.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


What you’re not seeing is all the people that said they would take the silver bar and him saying, “oh you can’t actually have it.”


Yeah these cuts are a little sus


He’s also in Encinitas in San Diego which is essentially one of the wealthiest cities in the entire nation along with its neighbor Rancho Santa Fe these fuckers don’t care about the silver bar they have 25 million dollar estates.


People with 35 million dollar estates would def choose the silver and get angry if they couldn’t have it


How else did they get to have a 45 million dollar estate?


Exactly, discipline is a constant principle for someone with a 55 million dollar estate


Yeah what a crappy doorstop for a 65 million estate, maybe next time try offering a gold bar dude.


Plus, I bet maintenance and services on a 75 million estate are expensive


You'd be surprised at what kind of top-notch people you can attract to work on an $85 million estate, though.


And I'm sure even as rich as they are living on their $95 million estates they know the value of silver as they see their staff's eyes light up when they give them a bar as a Christmas gift.


Also it's just hard owning a 85 million dollar estates, you gotta feed those things silver bars or they get mad.


Inheriting, like 99% of the 1%


Yeah, they would try and sue this guy for the silver


Lololol Encinitas is not even the rich part of San Diego County. Median income is $60k. Maybe you're thinking of La Jolla or Coronado? There probably are some $25 mill estates around, but these are not the people who live on them. There are definitely a lot of rich people in SoCal, but not everyone in SoCal is rich.


There are some very nice neighborhoods in Encinitas, but it’s not like La Jolla or Coronado. But Rancho Santa Fe, which is adjacent to Encinitas is like the wealthiest neighborhood in the country.


I dunno, I just left SD after 10 years. North County has always been "the only place someone might actually be able to afford a house" to me. Encinitas is simply not "rich", and assuming everyone there has an estate is wildly inaccurate. "So rich they chose chocolate over a silver bar" is also an asinine take. Anyone from a decent sized city is used to waving street vendors away.


Well, yeah. Encinitas is like an average city. Most people are middle or working class. There are some legit estates as you get back towards RSF though. Chances are no one in the goofy video is wealthy enough to intentionally pass on a bar of silver, that’s for sure.


They’re also not choosing fuckin hersheys


Even if there was no other choice I wouldn’t chose a Hersheys bar. They taste like chemicals.


I live near Encinitas and I never really thought they were that rich. Granted I’m around Coronado and La Jolla area so that’s going to affect my perception.


This is a faaaaaar right YouTuber


But why is he....what's the point he's trying to make??




And yet that's not even what the video conveys... Offering someone a bunch of money "no strings attached" (the silver bar) is extremely suspicious and anyone intelligent *should* think there's some trap. This is literally how most people fall for scams. "Oh cool, a silver bar!"


Cheap jewelry is electroplated. He could have an ingot of trash under a micron width foil.




If it's not legit, you just lost a hershey bar. Opportunity cost.


It's only chocolate electro plated


In Paris, saying that you dropped a gold ring or something is a pretty common scam. The gold ring is always free, but they always end up asking you for money and sometimes they end up even physically assaulting you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw1ZMhV8kLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw1ZMhV8kLI) Personally, the last time I accepted a "free book" from some random guy on the street, I said "Thank you very much!" and then I started running with the book in hand. And the guy followed me for 2 blocks yelling at me for the book back because I didn't want to give him a donation.


Fun fact, the term phony is from the Irish word for ring *fainne* because of this scam


>it would need to be appraised. They are standing right in front of Encitas Coin and Jewelry; sure they could have it tested right there. Edit: Considering the price of cocoa has doubled in the past year, maybe the chocolate bar will be worth more than the silver, soon. /s


I think that's what gives this reaction. People don't trust that they will really be given all that money for free so as to not take the risk to be made a fool out of, they chose the chocolate which is more believable. It's a completely understandable reaction.


Yeah, they can tell it's real Hershey's chocolate. Who knows what the hell that slab of metal is, especially if he's giving it away for free.


Even if it's a bar made entirely out of tin or aluminum it's still a nice slab of metal. I can buy my own chocolate but I don't know where to find an ingot. If I think they are trying to trick me I'd still risk the bar of metal before eating chocolate offered by someone I find to be a sketchy stranger.


> Even if it's a bar made entirely out of tin or aluminum it's still a nice slab of metal. Just keep it in your pocket, [What can go wrong?](https://i.imgur.com/lAf2PD5.gif)


Its more realistic that the chocolate is poisoned than the dude holding a radioactive metal bar in his hand, hurting himself with it too.


> it's real Hershey's chocolate. That ain't chocolate bro, its a Hershey's puke bar.


Traxx nyc does this in newyork.but he literally hands out gold bullion. The number of people who don't take the free gold is amazing..


No he ends up giving gold n silver coin and bars. He also tried spending a 50 dollar face value gold coin(worth over $1,300 at the time) In McDonald’s and they wouldn’t take it. The point of the videos is to show how stupid Americans are.


To be fair if I was given a gold coin to pay for a 10 dollar meal I'd be a bit sus too.


Especially since you're going to have to convince your manager it's legitimate when you're closing out the till. And you can't google it in the moment because you're actively working the counter at McDonald's.  And it's McDonald's - half the fast food places by me won't take large bills if the order isn't close to / over that amount, and those can be checked with a $5 marker... They obviously deal with a lot of counterfeits already.  Just not the time or place to try and prove a point with this lol


Yeah is this even stupidity? Am I supposed to know how much every coin is worth? There's no way he knew before he looked up that gold coin.


How are you supposed to know it isn't a fake? There are an absolute shit ton of fake gold coins. I worked at McDonald's and constantly paid attention to the change to exchange out any silver coins I found but taking a flier on a $50 coin that some rando is trying to use to purchase fast food is just asking to flush $50 down the drain.


so he used a very obscure currency to severely overpay for a fast food item and the min wage employee going "just pay me like a normal person" is somehow the stupid one?


On top of that, there is probably policies in place to not take shit like gold coins that you can't verify. And even then, the employee isn't stupid in this case because it's not like *they'll* get the extra money the coin is worth.


Moreover, if we measure "stupidity" in terms of the cash value of which item someone chooses for free, then clearly the person who is trying to give away both a silver bar and a stack of chocolate bars is the stupid one. Someone who chooses chocolate might be "more stupid" than someone who chooses silver, but even the chocolate chooser is getting *something* for nothing, whereas the man giving both away is always losing something, so, by that metric, he is the stupid one.


If someone on the street approaches you to give you free gold, it's usually a scam. So who's stupid?


I'm vaguely into numismatics and I've never heard of a $50 USD coin. Also if someone tried to pay with gold at a register I would take it and run. So *REALISTICALLY* if I was working in a McDonalds currently, I wouldn't be able to verify it unless I took 20 minutes to go on my smartphone and do research. So these dumbass gotcha' paying with Krugerands pranks are actually just stupid.


I manage a restaurant and have been handling cash for ~20 years. I have never seen a gold coin. There is no way in hell I'd accept one at a register. We're a restaurant, not a currency exchange. Especially not from a slimy guy with a camera rolling. Can you imagine how little empathy or situational awareness someone would have to have to think the cashier was wrong in that situation?


The US treasury mints a lot of collectible coins that cost well over their face value. About 20 years ago, I briefly worked in a chemistry lab where people did fuel cell research and the cheapest way to get platinum was buying a [~$600 platinum coin from the US mint with a face value of like $100 (looking it up they now seem to be about $1500.](https://catalog.usmint.gov/coins/precious-metal-coins/platinum/) Looking it up there are [$50 gold coins that cost $3240 to purchase](https://catalog.usmint.gov/american-buffalo-2023-one-ounce-gold-proof-coin-23EL.html?cgid=american-buffalo-coins#start=1). The US mint coins are legal tender, but you'd be stupid to use them as it. That said, unless I owned the small business, I wouldn't take a random gold coin from a stranger as payment. It seems fairly likely that its a scam than someone bought a $3240 coin and is using it as $50 currency. I have zero skill at detecting real gold coins versus some knock off or forgery. Furthermore, even if it was real, it's not like it benefits the hourly worker in anyway; it's not like you could swap a real $50 for the gold coin in the register and pocket $3k without risking your job.


Why wouldn't you be able to exchange it for $50? If it's the face value it's the face value. Wouldn't want to mess up the money system we got going in the register.


you could do that if you're an idiot but the smart thing would be to recognize that it's actually worth $2,300.00 +premium and sell it on ebay, or to me


> it's not like you could swap a real $50 for the gold coin in the register and pocket $3k without risking your job. you absolutely can .. bank tellers do this all the time, although most of them will check with you if they catch it and try to inform you of what you are doing. it's not theft if you replace it with an equal value of money, regardless of what the street value is.


No, the 22k American Gold Eagle and the 24k gold Buffalo both have a legal tender of 50 USD dollars. You can legally buy stuff with it anywhere in the US but it’s pretty much symbolic when the gold value is now over $2,300.


If someone claimed they were trying to pay for a $50 meal with something worth over $1,000 I'd assume it's a scam, cause who would normally do that? A $100 bill is legal tender. If someone tried buying a 5 cent candy with a $100 bill without being able to make change, I'd also think it was suspect. I wouldn't care because it's only 5 cents, but the point of 'who would do that' stands.


The part you care about would be giving $99.95 back in change.


These days you'd be surprised at how many of these are fake. They are real gold, but not actually minted by the government. This is done to transport gold across borders because they are able to transport them under limits using the "face value" Experts can only tell by being able to identify imperfections in the official minting process that the counterfits dont have.


Brother I'd take the gamble and take the coin . Put the money for his meal our my own pocket in the till and keep the coin


Or maybe you’re stupid. Lots of places don’t take large bills because they’re highly suspicious and possibly counterfeit. And even with the markers designed to identify fake bills, employees make mistakes.


>He also tried spending a 50 dollar face value gold coin(worth over $1,300 at the time) In McDonald’s and they wouldn’t take it. There's a little bit of a misconception regarding legal tender. Private businesses are only restricted from discriminatory practices. Legal tender must be accepted for the settlement of debt, but a cashier is not required to accept anything as a form of payment that they do not want to. The reasons for refusal often range from "bra money", to just not accepting large bills because of the risk of counterfeits, or difficulty making change. A $50 face value coin is a pretty rare item to pay with, and most Americans will have never seen one. Refusing one is far from stupid when your job is potentially on the line for getting burned by an item you aren't 100% sure about. The notion that coins should be backed by non-fungible value isn't dumb at all, but there's a whole host of good reasons why most countries have moved on from striking circulating coins from rare elements. Trying to pay with a $50 coin worth thousands of dollars is the dipshit move, not refusing it.


Sorry but paying with an item worth over 20 times the cost of what you're actually paying for will make every single sane human being suspicious as fuck, and considering human beings don't often have with them their X-ray fluorescence analyzers and pocket appraisers, they tend to decline. If you think you're so smart because you wouldn't, I got a bridge to sell you.


How are they supposed to know they are real gold coins and not just a fake? Why would they risk losing their job for something that 99% of the time, is fake.


Well firstly, it doesn't show that Americans are stupid they just don't trust random strangers on the street that are doing silly videos. Especially since most people know that those videos are either usually staged, pranks or have some other catch to them. And given how most of those videos go, I'd also be inclined to believe this one probably is fake as well. There might be people that do want to take the silver but aren't actually allowed to take it and don't make the final cut in editing. As for using odd currency to purchase items, well countries have standardized currencies for a reason, businesses won't accept random gold coins as payment for a vast number of reasons. If I was a minimum wage worker at McDonald's I wouldn't accept a gold coin as payment either. For one you'd probably get in trouble from management, which isn't worth it. Or you pocket the coin, hope it isn't a fake and pay for the guys meal out of your own pocket, which is also a risk. All of that could put your job on the line, so not really worth it when there's a chance the coin might not be real.


Willing to bet if you offer uncommon money outside of the US you would be met with similar results. It's not like everyone would be able to authenticate it on the spot and be like "Oh man, don't you know this is worth over $1,000?" lmao


This video doesn't demonstrate that American are stupid, just that they don't trust some dip shit. You don't need to stand on the street corner giving away something to prove Americans are stupid. There is an election coming up, just wait for that. You'll have somewhere around 80 million Americans actively voting against their best interests. That's all you need. There are only 8 countries in the entire world without guaranteed paid maternity leave, and the US is one of them. We are the only developed country without universal healthcare. Our worker protection laws are trash when compared with any developed nation, and we keep voting to trash them even more. Standing on the street corner doesn't prove anything, the most you can prove is that people didn't trust you were giving away real silver. But you can attend Republican rallies and just ask them questions about how they are voting. That way your collecting data on them, not on an active situation. You'll have all the data you need to realize that far too many American are stupid.


>The point of the videos is to show how stupid Americans are. Sucks that in modern times hate is accepted when it's content. Doubt that's the reason he's really making the videos and more of a reason for you watching them. Still though, there's cuts and edits, so you're just talking out your ass.


My guess is the people think either "that's not real silver, who would give that away? " Or "I wouldn't even know what to do with a silver bar. "


My guess is they say “only joking can’t have it” if someone picks silver bar and cut the silver bar takers from the video.


Sounds like picking the silver bar is a great way to make sure your likeness doesn’t get exploited for profit on some dumbass’ tiktok


It’s the only way


I'm grabbing that and booking. Pretty sure if they call the cops the video evidence will show it was offered to me.


1. Where can I even cash that in? 2. Will they ask where I got it from? How does one usually come into possession of a bar of silver? 3. Where did they get it from? What's the chance of getting involved in sale of stolen goods and/or money laundering? On the other hand 1. Literally taking candy from strangers edit: guys if you could just take a second and look at the replies to this comment, you can actually save yourself whatever time you would have spend typing what you were going to - it's been said a dozen times already.


You're overthinking it. Take it to a pawn shop, no questions asked. You probably won't get the full value of the silver but hey it's free money.


take it anywhere except a pawn shop.


Yeah, it's literally that simple. I think people may also be doubting the legitimacy of some stranger offering a silver bar though lol.


Cool so let's eat candy out of his hand, then.


You can buy precious metals in coin shops. I ordered my two ounces of silver from Amazon. You can also sell silver in coin shops. Afaik stolen precious metals are easy to sell since you can melt them. r/pmsforsale r/silverdeals


I was the videographer we did this in front of a gold and silver pawn shop we literally bought them there. That being said Mark didn't want people to take the silver so he did a bunch of "subtle" stuff to encourage them to take the chocolate and not trust the silver.


Uh-huh, so how many people actually chose the silver then despite this “subtle stuff” Mr. Random person on reddit?


No one got the silver bar he'd give them silver coins if they chose the silver he used to do this video once a year. He's a very shrewd business man and knew his audience was full of conspiracists. I was in college and he was looking for free labor. interesting dude but not a good guy


I would google the price of silver and figure out how much the bar was worth? Then I'd sell it a small margin under that to a jeweler that wanted free money. May every problem in my life be as hard to solve as that one.


I also have a feeling that your average person probably underestimates the value of silver - especially when it’s given as one of two choices with $5 worth of chocolate. Nobody is gonna realize that’s at least $1500 in silver he’s holding. Offer a 1oz gold coin instead and you probably get a few more risk takers who bet on it being legitimately valuable vs the sure bet of tasty chocolate. The value of silver doesn’t get reinforced our entire lives.




Doesn't this go against the idea that the libs are mooching of government handouts.


I sure wish I would run into this guy. Those fucking Hershey bars are great and everything but I would choose the door stop. Hershey bar looks pretty good, though.


I broke my teeth on the silver bar, the Hershey bar is easier to eat and tastes better I hear.


Really dude? Are you like 5? You are supposed to dip the silver in mercury to make it brittle…


The fuck? No, mercury is terrible for you. It is lipophilic, which means it is easily absorbed into fat tissue, which causes you to gain weight really fast. Once you gain that weight, it's damn near impossible to get rid of.


> lipophilic No you're thinking of liposuction. Lipophilic is the era of history when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.


No, that's the Mesozoic Era. Lipophilic is that curse that makes humans change into bipedal wolf creatures when there is a full moon.


No, that’s lycanthropy. Lipophilic is the process of producing and releasing milk from the mammary glands in your breasts.


That's lactation. Lipophilic is when someone plays a song and moves their mouth to match the sounds but doesn't actually sing it themselves.


No that’s lipsinging. Lipophilic is a disease you can get from ticks that can cause rashes and joint pain.


Make sure to dip lead in there for the extra flavor


You're an idiot. You're supposed to turn the silver bar into fine silver necklaces! Then you can eat them like spaghetti.


Yes yes quite absurd yes droll even yes.


The audicity. How dare you call the paperweight a door stop.


Hershey bars aren’t even that great compared to some other chocolates, with money from a full silver bar you could buy some real chocolate from sweden or something


I live near Hershey and their product nothing like it was 20-30 years ago. It tastes like wax. Milton Hershey is spinning in his grave


Eh. It wasn't much to write home about back in the 90's either.


I would rather take a paperclip than Hershey's. Silver bar is overkill for this. I had that chocolate bar once and even cheapest option with "brand" carrying supermarket logo is better in Europe...


Get doorstop. Sell doorstop. Get Hershey bars. :P


Encinitas is a VERY affluent community in San Diego County. Not an excuse but context is important


The context is they are both affluent and ignorant. Scary combo.


What do you mean? Hershey chocolate is absolutely vile and tastes like vomit.


This reminds me of that Simpsons scene where Homer finds $20


You can use the Hershey bar as a paperweight too...and a doorstop I guess


You could use Hershey bar as a door stop too. You just have to shove it in the gap between door and floor and press it forward. That wouldn't even ruin Hershey bar, just make it more tender.


Hershey is the saddest excuse of chocolate on planet earth. I realize I’m an asshole snob for saying such but seriously people, eat real chocolate.


Even if it's a brick painted silver I'd still take it first, I can buy a $3 chocolate bar or eat the one he gives me and have no story, or I can take weird thing and have a story and maybe money


> Hershey bars are great *laughs in European*


Hershey's chocolate is garbage


hersheys sucks ass


Hershey is rubbish. Come to Europe and eat some **real** chocolate.


I forgot the psychology behind this...


A few things: When he doesn't identify the silver, they pick the safe option. When he does, they pick the safe option anyway because surely, no one gives away a silver brick without a catch. Especially on camera. (I would've asked if there was a caveat or catch, and if not silver me up. Worst that can happen is a prank)


Also I guarantee this isn't everyone he asked. This is edited to show only what it wants you to see - the people who picked the candy. It was likely a minority of people who picked the candy but they're the ones who get shown because "hahaha stupid people I gotta share this with someone". People won't share a video where people are making a good, rational choice.


Also what are the chances of you actually getting the silver bar even if you choose it? its all for the camera and the dude probably only has one silver bar, which he isnt planning on giving out for free


That's the core of the matter. Most people figure they aren't gonna get the silver bar for free. They see the camera and don't wanna be involved with whatever bs is about to happen (they're probably assuming that it's a prank, and if they pick the silver it's gonna blow up in their face or something) so they avoid the silver. I think most people would prefer to just move on with their lives than engage in the potential to be pranked on and laughed at by random people.


This is the problem with any sort of "random person" compilation like this. It's way too easy to selectively include only the people that fit your narrative. I never really trust any videos of this format for that reason.


Rational choice is to not trust random guy offering stuff, even if he seem "legit" with cameraman documenting it. Chocolate bar seems harmless and you would doubt anyone would tamper with it. It's a safe choice. Heavy metal brick? Could be anything. Stolen real silver, iron instead, something hollow with some crap inside... It looks shady that anyone would offer real silver brick just like that, so people rather trust the chocolate bar. At worst, they would throw it away if it tasted weird.


Also he's being WEIRD about it.




Or they just did this 5 million times until they found 10 clips of people picking the chocolate


Also, instant gratification. You can eat the Hershey bar right away, whereas most people don't even know how to cash out a bar of silver.


Cash out? 🤨 I would have me a fancy new beating brick to use for self defense.


Tie a rope around that bitch and you'll have the most baller flail ever


First step bash this guy over the head with it and steal all those Hershey bars. Then you get both!


Watch me eat the silver bar to prove you wrong.


You can actually eat silver leafs. Indian sweets use them as decorations.


My first question would be purity. If he’s coming back with anything above 9995 I’m taking that bar and legging it


You're risking him pulling the offer the moment he sees you're slightly educated. He's there for the dumb ones. Best bet is to put on a nervous grin like those teens and eye the chocolate. When he confirms there's no trick you pivot and grab the bar. At that point it's your property and he can't really take it back without robbing you, or asking for it back, at which point you ask for the $1500 or whatever it's worth. :)


The psychology is that is most likely staged. Or the video only shows the people that actually prefered the chocolate


it's called "common sense". He asks them if they want the hershey or silver bar. Now how high are the chances someone gives you a real silver bar and how high are the chances the hersheys bar is real? If he said "do you want a hershey bar or this bar of actual solid silver" that would be a different thing. from a glance they might think he is holding two types of chocolate bar, one of them just wrapped in silver packaging and its supposed to be some marketing stunt.


We have a society based on trade and debt. If I give you a silver bar, what do you think you'll owe me?


Aggressive butt stuff


I think it's just stupidity tbh I wish I'd meet that dude. I'm broke af


You genuinely believe that the bulk of people he asked choose the Hershey bar? If so, I would say you're very susceptible to propaganda. This was clearly created and edited to spin a specific narrative. How many people have you met in your life that don't know what silver is?


This is commonly know as the “stranger danger” phenomenon. Heavily taught to me in the 90’s by my parents.


lol - this reminds me of that time Homer Simpson was debating between a $500 lottery ticket or a Yodel. He got the Yodel. Duh! https://youtu.be/CjXnM8wPev0?si=CmHAoU63AP_06WT7


Homer: Aw, twenty dollars? I wanted a peanut! Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts. Homer: Explain how! Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services.






#1 KG = 903$


By the size it looks to be a 100oz bar, so about $3000 at current prices. https://www.apmex.com/product/69643/100-oz-silver-bar-secondary-market


The people who took the Hershey's figure if they chose the silver they wouldn't get to leave with it and would walk away with nothing. There is only 1 block of silver in his hand, meaning it is possible that it's only there as a prop.


Yet somehow I bet they’d have taken it if it were gold


And ignored it if it were palladium.


And died if it were plutonium


To me it seems like the classic “a clear reward now is better than a possibly better but more vague reward in the future”. I think most likely no one actually believes it is real silver. Imagine then the hassle and feeling stupid, when you have to go to a jeweller to have it tested and appraised, and being laughed out of the room. And, OK, what if it is real? What’s the value? He doesn’t say. What can you do with it - sell it through some unknown means, have a bunch of jewellery made from it?? Also, this video looks like it was filmed a while ago, maybe in the 90s. I checked silver price history and while an ounce is about £22 today, throughout the 90s it averaged only £3! Hard to say if people were aware of the cost but maybe they were vaguely aware it wasn’t much. I bet the result would be very different with a gold bar. [edit - ok, now in spotted the guy with a smartphone! Why did it look like an old video to me? lol. Anyway, I still think people instinctively think silver is low value). Just put yourself in that situation (and being filmed) - wouldn’t you just think “bollocks to this” and sheepishly take the chocolate? (I would not because I’m British and I know how vile Hershey chocolate is 😂) However we also don’t know how many people did take the metal or at least tried to check if it really was silver.


You can't show the one person who finally took the bar of silver? That's sus. I mean did he really intend to give it to someone or was it just a prop to show all the people who took the candybar?


He works for Infowars, so this likely spon con for the weird gold and silver sales scam they used to promote. Midas resources it was called. The guy who owned that company had his precious metals license taken away and I think jail time.


Got some proof, would like to read up on this


Sure, here is the basics on Ted Anderson. https://knowledge-fight.fandom.com/wiki/Ted_Anderson If you want proof Mark Dice works with Alex Jones that's just a Google. He's been on his show regularly for decades with these man on the street bits to "make liberals look dumb."


Its mark dice. A right wing conspiracy theorist grifter.


It's Hershey Picking (new term for Cherry picking) .


Mark Dice Man on the Street, this is a pretty old video lol


Love all the tik-tok kids in the comments not realizing cable TV did this shit way before them


You can tell it's old because he was filming for 20 minutes or more in Encinitas and didn't get jumped for having a silver bar. But that's why he did it during daylight, on a weekday I am sure.


Yeah that doesn’t happen… it’s not Oceanside


What an idiot. Why would anyone want to get stuck carrying a block of silver around all day?


I know right?  Takes room in your pocket or fanny bag. It's uncomfortable in your pocket when you sit on a bench/chair to eat with. I can use the Hershey bar for dessert and save 25 bucks from the restaurant bill. I like your train of thought.


It’s $270 or so for a brick of silver. So like you go to a pawn shop and get $120 or so. Not bad


It's not $270 for the bar in the video. It's that price for a 10oz bar of silver. That bar looks like a kilo, which is $900. If you want instant cash, you could go to a pawn shop and get ripped off. Or take a week to find a place that will buy it for $800.


Facebook marketplace, youll have a buyer in 1 day if you sell at spot price. Source- i done it. People love precious metals more than you think.


Good luck finding one in Encinitas


Definitely not staged🙄


I wouldn't even think the silver bar is real so eh


Lots of people commenting like a lot of the people shown aren't just moving on with their lives. This was filmed 7 years ago and, if we're being real here, people weren't really just giving out 1000 bucks of silver. The reality is that a person would rather just take the chocolate bar because they know they can just take it and move on. If you pick the silver and he goes "well no you can't actually have it," you can be happy to yourself that if he actually was willing to give it to you, then you would have gotten a bunch of money. However, you got nothing and the person who picked the chocolate bar got free candy for the sake of this dude's video. He has two videos and conveniently no one in either video picks the silver bar... But I'm sure people on reddit would much rather feel smug about stereotypes off of a obviously cut up video or knowing they would have picked the right choice in a fake situation


This reminds me of the old “What’s heavier a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?”


And the usual answer… a pound of feathers. Cos you still have to carry around what you did to those poor birds.


A kilogram or steel or a kilogram or feathers? That's right. A kilogram of steel, because steel is heavier than feathers.




I choose the silver! No, we are making a clickbait video about people being dumb, you need to take the chocolate.


Lots of good reasons not to take it: -Don’t need it -Someone else might need it more -Not worth the hassle of carrying it around all day, finding where to sell it, and explaining where you got it -Could be fake -Could be a prank -Could be stolen -Don’t want to feel beholden to a stranger -This guy could be a creep and want something in return -Don’t want to give this guy an excuse to be in your life in any way -Don’t want to become content on this guy’s channel People in here acting like they wouldn’t think twice but I would


or they were told to pick the chocolate beforehand. prob had no intention of giving the silver away


Hmm either a bar of the worst chocolate known to man or 1000$ worth of silver... Gotta say its a tough one


It’s probably not very good silver, though.


Thats kind of irrelevant considering the alternative is a 2$ candy bar.


Oh no, those fuckers are like five bucks. Still not the better choice.


Those are the big Hershey bars, not the little ones from a vending machine.


Lol people probably think the silver is BS


that guy has steroid tits


i mean why would you even believe some guy is just handing out silver bars? i wouldn’t think it’s real unless he showed the paperwork with it.


You can't even buy an iPhone with it, so who cares?


I can't buy an iphone with a bar of chocolate either.


What you don't see is the time when he tells the people that they can only have the Hershey Bar and not the silver bar, and only when they act like they are stupid and act like the chocolate bar is more valuable. Trust me, I was there.


Considering Hersey is fucking trash this is even more concerning.


The public disappoints me *daily*


Because it is easier to explain why you are carrying Hershey bar than a silver bar.


Will he actually give out the silver bar tho?


I am pretty sure that I'd take the silver and then not know what to do with it, toss it in my closet where it will sit until I die


Looks like nobody is really comfortable talking to him on camera like this and are too wary to take the not safe option. If a guy offered me free money I would probably pass it up too because it's sus and honestly other people could use it more


He’s in Encinitas they’re all millionaires already


I once had an Nigerian prince offering me all his fortune over an email I took the offer and I am living in a palace now


I’ve taken my grand kids under 10 years old to the mint to show them the gold and silver they know the value and they will of chosen the silver you’ve got to educate people but by the way those where older people Da


Even if we ignore the fact that that is likely a few hundred dollars of silver, I can't understand why anyone would want a bar of vomit.