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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!man gets scared after his partner falls!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


The crocodile was the only one who never lost concentration.


We should all strive to be more like Mr/ Mrs Crocodile


Imprisoned with a hand down my throat for your enjoyment?


I’m not here to kink shame.


Jesus Christ


"I'm not here to kink shame Jesus Christ"? Me neither! How our lord and savior gets off is his business alone.


He likes to get nailed. A little bondage... On the seventh day. He gets a rise. Sunday school was a long time ago. So I might got some details wrong.


That’s the jizz of it.




So the people didn’t just see his rock hard abs?


>death by crucifixion causes boners For the guy being crucified or?


Somebody get the Haiku bot


Only takes three days to get a rise from him. By the 7th he needs a rest


Is him also the one that watches and judges other people masturbating and having sex or is that his father?


“I’m not here to kink shame.” -Jesus Christ


Kingdom Cum


- Thy will be done - On earth as it is in heaven - Give us this day our daily titillation - And forgive us our kinks - As we forgive those who have other kinks - Lead us not into shame - For thine is the kingdom, the pornhub, and the glory hole - Forever and ever. - Amen.


Tell that to his daddy!! Fucker always be watching me!! Like wtf dude it's gettin creepy


it's Jason Born to be Wild like a Crocodile!!!


What if kink shaming is my kink?


Find someone whose kink is being kink-shamed. (which shouldn't be too hard, being called bad and dirty is one of the most common kinks in the world)


My Friday nights are none of your business.


You mean sir crocodile? ![gif](giphy|pVqdppIj9tz7Z0EqMz)


Damn, Luffy's mom got moves.


Mrs? Are you implying crocodiles can get married? Thanks Leslie Knope.


Well I didn’t want to assume. And knowing Reddit, there’s some biology major ready to jump down my throat about how it’s *obviously* male/female and I should know better, why don’t I know this, didn’t I learn *anything* in school.


it's the "mrs" vs "ms" that i'm making a joke out of. you should've just said "mr/ms" mrs implies (explicitely) married. i wasn't trying to be some trans actavist. not that there's anything wrong with that! i was just pointing out that crocodiles can't get married, so regardless of their sex and their "romantic" relationship with others of the same sex, or other sexes, there should not be a "mrs" croc.


Very few crocodiles are married.


This crocodile is heavily sedated, which is the least depressing aspect of the Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm & Zoo. What is most shocking is how many Thai's have shuffled off their mortal coil by willfully jumping into the feeding area nearby.


That really seems like a terrible way to go. The intrusive thoughts won. >There were at least three suicides at the facility—these involved women who jumped into a crocodile pond and got eaten alive; there was such an incident in 2002 and a news report from the BBC made reference to a similar occurrence a decade prior to this, and more recently in 2014


Out of all the ways to kill yourself, why choose something as painful as being eaten alive by prehistoric super-predators?


Don't have to worry about botching it. Crocodiles are professionals and get the job done properly.


I'd have to say that the cause of death in crocodile attacks is drowning. Crocs et al can't chew as they have no lateral jaw movement. They eat by gripping and then twisting flesh off and swallowing whole.


>crocs et al.


And others such as alligator and kamen. Brevity old boy.




The more comfortable ways to go are deliberately made less easy to access.


They wanted to make it snappy


The real unexpected was in the comments. Holy shit.


How do you know they are heavily sedated?


I'm pretty sure I saw this same croc there 10 years ago. It never moved. Its mouth never closed. They had like 10 shows like this per day. Sedated? Paralyzed in some way? It was not nearly as alert as the crocodiles in the pond area, where people pay to feed them chicken dangling from bamboo poles.


Not saying it's not sedated but big crocs (well all crocs but especially big ones) are ambush predators that have to wait for food to come to them by remaining completely still for hours/days at a time. The open mouth while sunning itself is common behaviour here for salt water crocodiles as it allows birds to clean their teeth. Again I have no proof they are not sedated but every behaviour you have listed is common behaviour right down to the smaller ones you can feed being more active. (Also that slip looks very intentional and part of show)


>wait for food to come to them Like, sticking a whole limb in their mouth?


How do you know it was the same Croc, in terms of identifying features? And you have to remember crocs are by nature cold-blooded, lethargic, especially so when fully fed. A sedated Croc would also not keep its mouth open like that, as that is more energy intensive. The relaxation of its muscles would cause it to close its mouth.


ketamine works perfectly without relaxing muscles. they give it to humans in hospitals too. its a common practice in these kind of zoos


Right? My guy was zen af


Bro was locked in


Good boy absolutely deserves a treat or two. Did exactly what we would want him to do in that situation.


That guy will thank the crocodile for not losing concentration for his whole life


Probably because of the drugs they gave to him before attempting this show.


I think it's part of the act, I've seen 3 videos of very different places where this happens.


It is. I saw one personally at a Thailand zoo (do not go to Thailand zoos).


Crazy guys. It works ninety-nine percent of the time until it doesn't.


At 3 shows a day, I hope it works more like 99.999% of the time. 


Lots of turnover in those positions. Normally a bad sign on management.


Crocodiles are notoriously snappy managers.


3 Shows a day, 365 days, 1 accident. 3x365=1095 shows (100x1)/1095=0,0913242009 failure so it's 99,9086757991% success if one failure happens. if it would be 366 days the number would be 3×365=1098 (100x1)/1098=0,0910746812% so still 99,9089253188% success r/ididthemathbutimbadatit,


60% of the time, it works every time.


Went to a Thailand zoo once and also will never go to a Thailand zoo again. The whole place is basically animal cruelty everywhere you look.


I got SUPER scammed at Thailand because I just so happened to see the same taxi driver 3 times in a row who gave us a price less than grab offered. The third time when we dropped us off he encouraged to take us to the floating market with zoos, elephant riding etc… it was our last day and we were just planning to chill but this driver was pretty cool so we trusted him. 2.5 hour drive there, $400 for a scam ride on a motorboat and then riding a chained elephant. then took us to a zoo with drugged lions and monkeys… never again


I guess you don't remember taxis from a time before Uber. They always sucked, overcharged, many smelled, and that's in the US. Always check youtube for scams in the country you're visiting. Taxis are always mentioned. They probably got $40 for the scam. In Vegas, the "free" limos are the same way.


This one is more like a "private zoo" ran by sketchy people for scamming tourist (both Thai and foreigner) than a real zoo. It's been a while since i went/heard from any of these shit hole troupe but i still remember the smell. These kind of place used to be really popular, like REALLY popular around 20 years ago or so. Often it was either tiger or crocodile you know dangerous animals so that they can set up a show on "the art of handling dangerous animal" like this. it got popular for a while and they expanded like crazy, then the popularity eventually died down and they were force to take care of the animals by the government (because obviously you can't release them at this point) while generating really little money because of that. In the end it became a tourist trap because nobody that's still sane would go to this kind of place, and the animal (that they bred like crazy before) got neglected into oblivion. Just incompetent, greed and lack of foresight all around. Think of this like the Thailand version of "Tiger king documentary" that was really popular a few years ago on Netflix I'll just leave this here for all y'all foreigners, real zoo still exist and they still care. I recommend Elephant sanctuary and provincial zoo. Don't go to these sick tourist trap animal torturing troupe


Yeah I went to one of those place which was more focused around tiger, crocodile and elephant. Not sure the exact locations but between Pattaya and Bangkok. Our driver sold us this place pretending it was a tiger sanctuary and since it was my first day in Thailand outside of Bangkok I said why not. I have told off any others drivers who wanted us to go to one of those parks. It really suck that plenty of tourists don't seem to see the problems.


Yeah well, Pattaya (and its adjacent areas) is a shithole made entirely for debauchery, a stain to our country ran solely by mafia. I don't know why tourists still go to that place expecting to see other thing that is not literal dregs of our society. I'm sorry you have to experience that. I swear we aren't all like that.


Haha yeah no worries, I visited quite a lot of part of the country afterward and it was lovely and most people are great. I absolutely despised Pataya too.


Don't go to Japanese zoos either. Not as bad a Thailand it sounds like but animal rights are pretty terrible here. The few zoos I saw before deciding not to go again are pretty terrible


I visited Ueno zoo and was thoroughly upset by the end of it. Of course it was projecting, but I could see the sadness and stress in those animals. The place just radiated cruelty.


I'm curious. What kind of things happen in Japanese zoos. I haven't been to a zoo since I was a little kid but even the zoos in my country seem cruel just because the animals are held in captivity. But I don't remember anything particularly cruel beyond that.


Where do you live? After the San Diego zoo/ wild animal park, most other zoos seem cruel and unusual.


It's mostly ignorance and neglect. Some enclosures are mostly concrete or all concrete floors, too small, animals needed a specific environment not getting it, animals obviously needing medical care, stuff like that. Also the animal cafes are big no no. They overwoke the animals, usually get them from breeder mills, throw them out once they are useless, etc


I went to a zoo in 2017 or 2018 somewhere in a medium-sized town (not a major city like tokyo or kyoto) and we found 2 polar bears in the middle of summer on display in a small glass enclosure. I'm not sure the exact size, but from memory it felt like about the size of a living room or two living rooms, but with two polar bears inside. I didn't go as far as to think this was normal for japanese zoos, I thought it was just small towns that wanted a zoo.


Which ones? I've been to Ueno, Inokashira, Zoorasia, and the Skytree aquarium and nothing seemed out of the ordinary to me. And can you specify what was terrible? Not doubting you. I've heard animal treatment here isn't the greatest but personally haven't seen any mistreatment at the zoos. The animal cafes though? Yeah those animals are fucked for sure.


Compared to something like Toronto where the animals have huge, natural enclosures that replicate their habitats, yeah, Japanese zoos are prisons for animals. There still seems to be a disconnect between Japanese society as a whole and animal welfare. Still see those godawful monkey shows here and there where it’s obvious the animal is a slave.


I saw a monkey show at grandberry park last week, shit was very un-chill.


“There still seems to be a disconnect between Japanese society as a whole and animal welfare…” Have you seen an American factory farm or slaughterhouse? Have you seen an American horse jockey beating their horse, then shipping them off to be murdered for “convenience?” Have you seen all the pointless sport and trophy hunting Americans do? Animal cruelty and exploitation isn’t a Japanese or American problem, it’s a human problem.


Don’t go to zoos. If you want to see “fun attractions” go to a theme park. Keeping a living, sentient being caged so customers can gawk at them while their captors get rich is disgusting in my opinion. It’s better (for the animals) to spend that money on wildlife rehabilitation and sanctuaries—they do far more good for threatened species.


What happens at Thailand zoos?


The animals are drugged for photo opportunities. They breed for cute young ones and then do God knows what with the old ones. The elephants get overworked for rides. The conditions are questionable. Staff are underpaid and will let you in dodgy areas for $10. Source: I used to go to them and saw this first hand.


Went to thailand and I definitely agree that the elephants are not only mistreated; but also kept in horrible environments, like they just walk into this bigass box that doesnt even have a cover and theyre locked behind with barely a couple feet of space behind them.. its horrifying. I felt so bad for them when I saw them walking, and my aunt asked me if I wanted to ride.


> The conditions are questionable I mean this describes most of Asia.


I visited a wildlife beijing zoo, in China. That was actually great. The areas they live in are large enough for them to run in and they have no schedules. They are allowed to do whatever they want, so visitors are not always going to see them but visitors are aware and okay with it. Kids like to go there to feed animals with food which are appropriate for them. There is no employee forcing them to eat the food either.


Yeah everyone specifically talking about Thailand obviously hasn't been to a zoo anywhere else in that region, they're all the same. Couple I've been to in South America were very similar too.


Elephants used in tourism or in Thai zoos are still much better off than elephants engaged in demanding lumber work in the forests, which is the livelihood of rural Thai villagers beyond the beaten tourist destinations. Good luck trying to convince locals not to bound their elephant legs with chains and repeatedly prodding them with sharp-ended rods. Nowadays, elephant rides are less prominent in Thailand due to immediate backlash from international communities residing in or visiting the country. Thailand is heavily dependent on tourism (10% of national GDP), so these establishments would capitulate to foreigners accordingly. However, individual elephant caretakers may make exceptions and allow selfie-hungry tourists to climb on them while bathing/washing them in the river if asked or tipped. If you're fond of seeing elephants in SE Asia, conduct due diligence and visit the legit elephant sanctuaries/reserves.


A huge majority of Thailand zoos are very shitty to their animals. Some do not get fed unless tourist buy food at the zoo to feed them, many of the baby animals are drugged to take photos with tourists, the enclosures are obscenely small and literal cages in some cases. I did not know any of this prior to being dragged to one with family.


I appreciate all the comments. We are planning to visit Thailand and would have been ignorant to this.


...stays in Thailand zoos.


Even if it is part of the act, there ain’t enough spectators there to make this stunt worth it.


We are the spectators


Not if we aren’t sitting in the seats paying him.


And yet they said there ain't enough to make it worth it. Not sure adding people watching it over the internet counters that statement lol.


Even if it is an act. Why are we sticking our arms in animals' mouths for entertainment. I don't speak for the rest of the world, and maybe my opinion is shitty, but I don't think this is that exciting or fun to watch. It's not something that happens in nature. Having a limb bitten off isn't something anyone in these shows actively wants except for weird people. WTF are we doing here? Leave the giant lizard alone.


It's immoral. Many humans are still just monkeys hoping to see violence.


Well yeah. The guy doesn’t slip, he intentionally steps over and falls. Is this not clear to anyone else?


I was. Thinking the same thing you can See the way the guy falls it's staged.


Watch the dudes step… it’s not even natural. 100% scripted but that would be hilarious to be there and present and not expecting that.


He checks to see if he has his arm 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I can’t imagine the amount of anxiety that job could cause if that’s a common fear lol.


There is a clip somewhere on the wonderful web of another Asian dude doing the whole croc thing, except the big lizard catches the trainer's arm and goes into the whole death-roll thing. Snaps the joint and bones like a twig and then makes the arm look like a wrung towel. Live show too, so you can hear everyone screaming.


I remember seeing something along those lines when I used to doomscroll a lot. It seems so sudden too, like they don’t move much (at least the reptiles of that size I’ve seen) unless they’re swimming. you have all the signs that the gator/croc is about to give you a bad time. You’d think you’d have time to react but then the thing will snap at you in the blink of an eye, then you may not even have an arm seven seconds later.


Yep, your arm will literally be gone before you can even process what’s happening. Doesn’t matter how quick you are, the alligator’s jaw is quicker


I wonder if anyone would be quick enough to counter the deathroll with some fancy somersaults. I imagine not, unless the gator was like injured or missing a leg or something.


People who work with alligators are trained to do that I believe. Doesn’t always work but definitely improves your chances of keeping a limb


[HES GOT ME](https://media.tenor.com/EanA5KK2yfYAAAAM/backflip-happy.gif)


you got me cackling at 2 am friend 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve seen a video of a woman doing it, a visitor jumped in after she rolled 3-4 times to jump on top of the alligator to stop the rolling and it eventually released her and then the trainer had to tell the guy how to get off of him. She wasn’t doing any of the dumb shit where she reaches in the mouth, she was just feeding the thing and iirc she slipped and it grabbed her arm.


Was her arm okay?


https://youtu.be/KuWPHtLwibQ I remember it doing more rolls


This is much more interesting than everything else I've seen on Reddit in the past day. Particularly how she coordinated what the two guys should do.


Not gonna lie me too man lol. I could’ve swore she rolled a couple of times with it at least. Her quick thinking definitely saved her from a nasty break though. Edit: It’s weird but having a kid around the same age as the ones in the video, my main thought when watching this video is how scared the kids were. Obviously I’m glad the trainer and guy who saved her are okay first and foremost, but I hope the little ones didn’t dwell on it too much.


Her name is Lindsay Bull, she's badass. There's an interview with her where they go through it step by step and she explains what happens and her thought process at the time too, I found it super interesting, by Clint's Reptiles.


> Hero jumps onto alligator that attacks handler during children's party > children's party jesus


yeah i saw a video of a zoo employer getting caught in the deathroll and he rolled with the croc and was able to get his arm free


The arm won't be gone, just completely crushed, broken and dislocated. Crocos/gators don't have sharp, slicing teeth like sharks. It will need to death roll several times to take the arm off.


On the other hand (by necessity), it will *not* take long for the Crocgator to turn several times. Literally seconds.


Should the arm be recovered quickly, is it even possible to reattach?


If it's crushed into jelly, no. If an arm is cleanly cut, you're really lucky and you have a great surgeon, yes. Crocodiles usually don't bite limbs clean off. They will smash it whilst getting it off.


Probably not. Limbs can usually only be reattached with “clean” cuts that keep things relatively intact. A rip/tear amputation is much less likely to be recoverable


No. The survivor wouldn't be able to use it again even if they managed to reattach and re-establish blood supply. Would be better off to amputate and get a cool, useful hook.


That shit makes me mad cause how come we don’t have speed like that? Or powerful jaws like that? Every animal on earth is more impressive than humans and it’s total bullshit. Name one cool thing we do best Edit: yes I know humans are the dominant species on this planet, this was a tongue in cheek comment about how we can’t do cool shit like jumping five times our height or bite thru steel plates or lay eggs


Bro, we have opposable thumbs. It's literally the ultimate weapon. Also, while their upgrades went to reflexes, ours went into brains. We win.


Opposable thumbs and big brains allow us to rotate hungry sharks till they're dizzy, throw thunder rocks from small tubes, put lightning in other rocks to make them count, defeat invisible colonies of infectious "demons" with bread mold, and take a dump on the moon. For a stupid species rapidly eroding our environment, we're pretty smart.


What's the shark thing referring to?


[Kids, don't try this at home](https://youtu.be/iA4LKxj81zc?si=xmdpfCjLysQ7qoo-)


Persuit predation! Animal hears a predator so it runs off, but this predator is smart and tracks it, eventually catching up. So the prey runs off again, only to hear the thing catching up again a bit later. No matter how fast or far you run, this thing just keeps following, it’s been days of running no time to sleep or eat or rest just endless fleeing from this following thing. Eventually the animal just collapses, no stamina left to run or fight. Just sits there as we walk up with our spear/club/whatever early hunting tool we had on us. It doesn’t seem as cool as claws or incredibly strong jaws, but it was scarily effective in the early evolutionary arms race


This reminded me of “do you know why the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color” from Fargo the series


I used to work nightshift on a security gig with a guy that did this to bunny rabbits. He'd basically walk towards them and it'd run off, he'd walk out of sight and loop behind the bunnies and they'd get spooked and they'd run back to original position. Repeat for an hour and he could just walk up and pick up a bunny or two.


We can make thousands of kilograms of metal travel at velocities many times the speed of sound and drop death from above on anything with jaws or claws stronger than us. Also, we're amongst the only animals that can effectively cook ourselves by sweating, and about the only animals that can throw things hard and accurately enough to cause harm, meaning we can chase down any other "stronger" animal for dozens of miles, and bring it down from range even without advanced technology. The evolutionary arms race was pretty much fucked the moment we figured out throwing sharp sticks at anything we wanted to eat.


> we're amongst the only animals that can effectively cook ourselves by sweating I've never done that.


I'm doing that right now, fuck the global warming


perhaps you use too much deodorant


Tool use. No other animal can develop and use a cell phone. Other animals use tools, no other animal uses them to the extent we do. Oh, and chins. We're the only animals with chins.


Tool manipulation is up there but I haven’t found it that impressive in several thousand years, especially since orangutans started sawing wood for fun


I think it's pretty impressive that we can use tools to overcome most of our evolutionary disadvantages. The ability of flight, the ability to fight, or the ability to breathe underwater. Whatever we need or want, we're usually able to get it through our advanced tool use. We can use tools to change our bodies in ways evolution couldn't. Using tools doesn't make us unique, but it's unique how good at tool use we are. We can use it not just to influence our environment but to adapt ourselves to new challenges. Rather than the slow march of evolution deciding what abilities we have, we decide that for ourselves to a greater extent than any other living thing we know about. That's what makes humans special. That and our chins.


We sweat. It seems stupid until you realise sweating is the reason we became persistent hunters. We can tire a whole pack of animals just by chasing and when they fall, we swoop in for the kill. There is a great video on this. https://youtu.be/BJzJtm7OfdQ


I wonder if this video was shared recently or something cause half the replies I got were about stamina and outrunning our prey. It’s interesting for sure, thanks for the link, I just noticed it’s a common theme


Enjoyed this video a lot, thanks for turning me onto this guy’s channel. The video game gimmick is a great way to describe this type of shit, I’ve used that myself occasionally talking about different personalities/classes that my pets have


Seen this and thought it was funny. We are by pigs and anchovies on this predatory list. To scientific for me to follow and understand, but the 1 line I picked up and understood was that lol https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1305827110


> Every animal on earth is more impressive than humans Name one animal more dominant than our species, one that can disrupt and utterly destroy ecosystems, gobble up the resources, and just move on to the next location.


Invent things… name one thing another animal has invented better than us


Excluding things like the thumbs or intelligence, the stamina is a huge benefit, you can just keep chasing prey until they collapse from exhaustion.


we walk on two feet, thus letting us use our hands to whatever we want. we are not speedsters, but we have fantastic stamina. we don't have fangs, but with our hands we can craft our own fangs. we can't outrun the animals, but we can pursuit them for basically forever.


Have you ever tried an enchilada?


Bro, I lay eggs at least once a day, sometimes twice if I ate too much.


Thats what you get for messing with wild animals, that should stay in the wild🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate the internet.


lol how the fuck could it not be a common fear in that line of work. I know people getting eaten by crocodiles and alligators is a pretty common dream experienced even if you don’t live anywhere near you’d see one. They’re scary ass dinosaurs.


Doesn’t have to have that job


It's part of a show. They did this on purpose. I've seen videos of this like a dozen times from different days


FUN FACT: The croc doesn't bite your arms off. It bits and then does a death roll until your arms are rotating more than the rest of you and your arms get teared off.






Alligators a pro, he didn't even flinch.


It's a comedy bit, this is rehearsed for a crowd


Pull out game still good.


Pulling out quickly and pretending that nothing even happened




that's part of the show haha they got you good. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgHCTfp8CRshfQk|downsized)


Well the whole "how can they bite shit underwater and not drown" thing is now answered for me.


You can open your mouth underwater you know? Or is your throat just a wide open pit to your stomach?


Throat god


How was that even a question? Humans can bite underwater without drowning too.


Yes but you have a diaphragm which creates air pressure in your lungs which prevents water from going into your mouth while submerged. Reptiles do not have diaphragms, so they need that pouch.


Exactly! Nature's design is terrifyingly efficient.


Crocodiles have been around for more than a hundred million years if I’m not wrong so they are pretty optimized for their job. Same as sharks


Relax, folks. It's all part of the show.


I saw people keep on saying this in another video, even when the crocodile clamps down and starts death rolling. They really throw in so much effort for these shows...


Pay attention everybody, I can only do this trick twice...


Real pros do it four times.


There was a photo going around for years of a croc at one of these shows with just a forearm in his mouth, fist still clenched. I don’t like watching these videos now without reading the comments first.




The croc: "ya good bro? Im just waiting here man"


Yes it’s part of the act that’s why he has a stick! To enhance the noise of the fall.


Ooooooh I didn't see the stick. That is actually the sound a bone breaking makes. So I thought he genuinely hurt himself.


Well, at least he has a good story to tell now!


For what good reason you think this is OK???


Once saw a video like this one, but instead of hand, the dude used his head. Mr. Croc felt it, shut his jaws and did a death roll.


Leave the animals alone, people.


I remember watching this at crocodile zoo in Thailand last but I was more scared than the men doing the stunts.




I hate these.


Was in Thailand watching one of these shows and could not enjoy it due to anxiety (and just imagining how these animals are teeated and trained). The crocodiles do snap their mouths closed from time to time so the trainer guys can show that they're awake, and they do move around. Though I'm curious as to how they get the crocs to do this whole suspense will-they-bite-their-arms-off-or-not thing


Would’ve been, TOO SLOW!


His [coworkers over the next 5 years.](https://static0.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/the-far-side-missile.jpg)


He just only lost 10 years. I would lose my whole life if that crocodile moved.


No wonder he was scared. They have such a dangerous job


Anyone else immediately notice how delayed his reaction was? That crocodile had hours to close its mouth with the hand in it, I would have taken my hand out the second I saw the dude even slightly tilt


Animal abuse.


Are these people stupid? How can he ever agree to do something like that? He does NOT have the reflexes and reactions to get his hand out in time if it decided to snap his arm off


The gist of it is, the animals don’t really care and their snap reflex is triggered by something touching their jaw. So don’t touch their jaw. Or have an unlucky drop of sweat…


or if you fart and they smell it (because it reminds them of rotting meat.)


That, and the poor thing is drugged to the eyeballs


I would not trust their “snap reflexes” as they can snap whenever they please.


You’re right, you’ve convinced me not to do this.


Or have a fly land.


They know more about these animals and how to deal with them then you do. Like, idk about you, but I’m inclined to trust that the guy whose job is dealing with animals…knows how to deal with animals without dying


Yeah, obviously they know more than me, I’m not a professional at this field, but don’t be surprised when an animal acts differently and decides to retaliate