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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!I expected to hear a sugar coated response from a professional but Peirs Morgan had other things in mind. Just getting straight to the point no need for beating around the bush!!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


How is this unexpected? He is literally always like that


No, he was right this time.


Not necessarily. If you want to just lose weight he's right. If you want to lose weight and keep that loss, you need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle that go beyond just 'eat less' You can lose weight if you eat fast food, but less calories than you need to maintain weight, but it won't be a healthy weight loss and it's much more likely you will gain back the weight




Oh, gotcha


Jesus i hate to be that guy but... Is he wrong? For most people. Diet and exercise would do it right?




Can confirm. I lost over 30kgs eating medium fast food meals instead of large…




Especially the fatties. The truth a little too close to home


It’s within orbit.


He is technically correct, but it would be like telling an addict to "just stop taking drugs." In fact, many obese people are addicted to food. A lot of people also binge because it is the only thing that helps them cope with stress/trauma.


No. He’s not wrong in the slightest


But he is still an asshole for not letting the medical professional answer the question. Mind you, that's not the only reason he's an asshole, but it's the one that's applicable to this video.


I haven’t got the clip to the video, but just based on how the host was wording things, I think it’d be a safe assumption to say they were dancing around the sensitive topic of weight so as to not offend anyone, and Piers got sick of it and said it as bluntly as he possibly could.


Oh I definitely agree with you there but still what he said is not wrong. Exercise and smaller portions=weight loss


Here is the thing; weight loss is actually (assuming an otherwise healthy body) calorie deficit. You don't need to exercise to achieve that. Burning off an extra 400-500kcal per day in a gym helps, but it is not required if someone drops their intake from 2.4k to 1.4k kcals. This is important as not everyone has the time to spend in the gym burning off hundreds of kcal. This is aside from those who have medical issues that cause weight gain, directly (like thyroid) or indirectly (early onset arthritis).


Even more so: the weight loss is mainly done by the diet. Keeping the weight off by having a working metabolism and enough muscle to keep burning kcals is why you need exercise


Indeed, maintenance of a correct weight is done as a combination of things, exercise and corrective behaviours (retraining negative habits into positive ones) help. It depends on the goal, removing the negative behaviours and learning to have a balanced diet will keep the weight off in if itself. Exercise is a tool that can be used to help this as it feels like you are "earning" your new found health, and taps into the dopamine loops which encourages future behaviour. If we got into the science of it all, you need to work out your basal metabolic rate and use that as a minimum calorific requirement. From that you calculate the estimated amount of energy you burn in regular activities to get a minimum sustained calorific intake. If you eat a diet that matches that you will maintain weight. This said, it is not an enjoyable way of doing it, and more enjoyable is eating interesting foods and undertaking exercise to burn it off.


Yup. Also what you eat. 2000 calories of Starbucks sugar coffee is not the same as 2000 calories of meat and veggies.


But if you burn more than that a day you’ll lose weight regardless


Yep you can eat a large whopper meal and guzzle energy drinks every single day and be underweight because it's not enough calories, don't ask me how I know....


Sounds like my kind of dieting…


Get out of here with your facts and logic.


In terms of weight loss, calories are exactly the same regardless of where they come from


Thermic effect of food is surely a thing. But if a guy is on 2000kcal and regularly exercises he would probably be or become healthy weighing in time.


No one let the medical professional speak!


But he is bc you can eat less but still be eating unhealthy non-nutritious food vs saying eat more healthy fat, energy sustaining food. I can eat "less" chips than I usually do, but I'm still eating chips instead of say almonds


It’s not a stretch to think he implied caloric intake. Though a lot of people really do eat too big portions, reducing the portion size does help.


Weight loss is all about calorie intake. You’ll lose more weight by eating 100 calories of chips vs 150 calories of almonds. But you’ll feel like shit if you eat the chips.


Hence the nutrition sustainability, if you feel like shit you're less likely to be active and more likely to eat something else less nutritional.


It's about sustainability within the eating habits. You ever hear those stories of how people on the biggest loser gain back the weight? It's because that lifestyle is torturous, punishing, cruel, and most importantly not built for them. Losing weight and being healthy are things that need to be built for and around someone, not something the person needs to become. No need to make it harder than it already is.


I was friends with one of those people from The Biggest Loser (actually she was my sister in laws aunt - but who cares). She (the aunt) got staples in her stomach or something rather that shortened the size of it. She was instructed to eat healthier to sustain her size or get smaller. She gained the weight back even with the procedure. But she also took big Mac meals (everything in it) and blended it and drank it. She’s massive now and I don’t think she changed a bit. Something I learned about being close to people living through these situations is that eating is 100% an addiction. She and her other friends competing to lose weight would become sloths as soon as they finished working out and eat REALLY badly again. They also constantly complained that the diet was gross - it was fantastic food. We even ate it with her to support her - and one meal she scoffed at us while we ate the food and got McDonald’s. I really wanted to believe it was mostly genetics or the diet was impossible or any number of other factors. Truth was (for their group) many of them just liked fast food more than anything in the world.


Blended and drank big Mac meals??? How is that enjoyable??


We all wondered the same thing. When she got the procedure she was instructed to only eat liquids for a period of time. That didn’t stop her from eating fast food, clearly.


So like hamburger and fries?


All of it. Except her Diet Coke - she drank it on the side


I am 100% certain I would throw up lmao


Imagine trying to act normal. The idiot life coaches told us DO NOT BE NEGATIVE! We just had to sit their like idiots acting like nothing is happening. I genuinely don’t believe their life coach BS anymore. Strictly told not to say anything - they’ll handle it (leave it to the professional yada yada) so we acted like everything was normal. Then the entire group got just as big or bigger after the shows. I would have preferred to have been like, ma’am, that’s a really bad idea, or, you’re destroying yourself (anything) other than ‘positive reinforcement’ and all the other BS we were forced to spout.


It's also because the show does it in an insanely unhealthy way. It's not sustainable in the slightest that way. A caloric deficit and walking, losing 0.5-1% of your weight a week isn't good TV lmao


Yes, but honestly the way I interpreted that was the lady was more asking more about socially good way to treat someone that need to lose weight because she brought up "body shamming" as the thing you shouldn't do. So he could be wrong in that sense.


Yes, the laws of thermodynamics apply to everyone. BBC had a great story, about 10 years ago and I can't find it anymore, where they opened with a woman claiming it's impossible to lose weight due to hormones/thyroid and she only eats 1500 calories a day but stays at 250+ lbs, then ends the story by actually following her and counting ever calorie she actually ate.... And to her surprise she didn't realise or count something like 2000 extra calories, every day.


It's a show called secret eaters. It's great!


Secret Eaters was a good show, people really don’t realize how many calories they are consuming every day. My favorite was the retired guy whose breakfast was “a bowl of healthy cereal” — which wound up being something like 2500 calories.


Exactly. What’s I’ve found even with friends is that most people are completely oblivious to their own eating habits. My friend always complained because he was overweight but every time we went to the store to buy drinks he left with a bag of m&ms and a big thing of ice cream. He would proceed to eat this when he got home. I just had a few beers, and maybe a snack. but he always gave me shit for being in shape like it was some kind of miracle. Also people only see what you are when you are with them, they don’t see the effort you are putting in at the gym everyday and just assume it’s just a god given thing.


Yeah this is something I’ve noticed too. I have had a few friends who are/were obese, and they would always blame it on their medications or thyroid (which *can* be factors, but not to that extent). They’d say they barely even ate or ate 1000 calories a day, but then I’d go out to dinner with them and they were obviously eating 3-4 times as much as I did.




In the famous words of the dude: you’re not wrong you’re just an asshole


He's not wrong but I'm surprised that he's still in that shape despite knowing the key to weight loss in such obvious terms.


The only point I would argue is that with most overweight people, food is a compulsion and a coping mechanism just like drugs are. So to tell someone “just eat less and exercise” is pretty much the same as telling a drug addict “just stop taking drugs”. I’m not saying it’s a disease but there are underlying issues that need to be addressed before actual change can happen. I’m not fat-positive nor am I fat phobic. I just know all too well the compulsive habit people use to cope.


He's not wrong. Literally the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. The way he said it makes him a right prick.


He is kind of wrong because it's a huge oversimplification. While thermodynamics is king, the calories out can vary wildly regardless of excersise. There is a lot of room for biology to fuck with the simplicity of thermodynamics. Ultimately you need to have your body use your fat reserves. If you just don't eat enough to sustain yourself than theoretically it should "force" your body to burn the fat, but it can also just decide to make you really tired and give less calories towards energy etc. I mean hypothetically if whatever biological switches were flipped just right your body could just refuse to burn your fat and you could starve to death while still having fat.


it's called unintentional reverse psychology if you tell someone not to do something because it's bad for them and your blunt about it, the person's gonna do the thing you tell them not to do anyway


He's not exactly wrong, but the general rule is that if any concept seems simple, then you don't understand it. Not only is metabolism amazingly complicated, but the psychology behind eating is not at all well understood. There are the brain signals to understand, but also the hormones to signal when to eat and when to stop eating to understand as well. So while eating less seems like such a simple concept, there's a reason why everybody isn't just doing it. Especially since so many of them truly want to.


He is correct for everyone. Also, I dislike him too... He's very unlikable... But have to give credit where it's due.


for everyone


He is somewhat wrong. You need to change the things you eat, you can lose weight eating more food if you're eating the right foods. There are also methods which are more effective at getting you to exercise than just saying "do more exercise!" Also just look at Piers. His diet is horrible, he barely exercises. Should he be the one giving advice?


Yea it would. I’m against body shaming but the whole “telling an obese person to lose weight is wrong” shit is stupid. Most doctors and nutritionists will promote weight loss as a positive thing that can increase quality of life and decrease risk of complications.


Most obese people realize they are overweight and should lose weight. It’s pretty rude to tell someone to lose weight when they didn’t ask for your opinion on it. It’s one of those things that really isn’t anyone else’s business. Telling someone eating less and exercising will help them lose weight isn’t some sage advice They are having a discussion about it in this video so I don’t think the guy is totally out of line. Just could word it better cause if it was so easy he wouldn’t be overweight himself


Ya but I wanted to hear the opinion of the doctor


Almost. Diet for sure. The exercise part is a variable. The problem is the body compensates for weight loss by lowering basal metabolism. You can run and keep the same level of muscle mass, or you can lift weights to increase lean muscle mass, which increases basal metabolism to some extent. There's nothing wrong with lifting weights to lose body fat. It works out after a year of strength training to build lean muscle. You also change your diet to make it work.


The big girls don't like being told to eat less


Are u a psychologist!


Yes, I am


You heard the man. He is what he says.


An analyst *and* a therapist...


The world's first Analrapist.


I heard he is making anustart, though.


If only he hadn't blew his wad on a dry run.


Someone had to help daddy get his rocks off


WHO wants a banger in the mouth??


You go buy yourself a tape recorder and record yourself for a whole day. You might be surprised at some of your phrasing.




So many people these days are too judgmental. I can tell just by looking at them.


Are u a Gynecologist!


Nope, but I can take a look


Are u a Plummer!


Nope, but I can lay some pipe


Are u a Trumpeter!


Nope, but this one time at band camp


Losing weight is hard. It requires sacrifice and lots of self-discipline. If it was easy, everyone would be at their ideal weight.


You have described everything.


If only everything else was as easy as getting fat.


As downright pleasant


I’d go as far to say that staying *healthy* in all aspects - physical, mental, emotional and with relationships takes sacrifice and a lot of self-discipline At least this is what I’ve come to realise as I’ve gotten older and understand more about life.


Balance is crazy hard to find and harder to keep


People also don’t recognise that the reason they are overweight is because they have overindulged for a prolonged period of time, hence why the need to under-indulge for a similar period of time… It all boils down to education and understanding how the body works, nobody is taught about calories or macronutrients at school, so people just develop habits of consuming 5000 calories a day.


True. Don’t reach for snacks and chocolate bars when you’re bored. It takes sacrifice and self-discipline, but any adult is capable of that.


Hmm, having met many adults I respectfully disagree with the last part.


No, it's easy. The process of losing weight is a simple one. It's the discipline and consistent committment that is the only difficulty


Yep. People hate being told that they have the power to fix their problems because once you learn that, the only thing that stands in the way of getting better is you


Except this isn’t how we treat any other problem. Dumbed way down, it’s like an addiction. It might be true that drinking less is how you stop being an alcoholic but everyone knows that and it’s completely pointless to bring up unless you’re trying to dogwhistle some much less objective point. I have no idea why it’s become so trendy to just hate on people for having this issue. In reality, it’s way more complicated than most addictions. It’s usually addictions to multiple substances, some of which you literally need to consume to function properly. And we have a ridiculous amount of products being peddled with insane proportions of those substances. This increasingly popular notion that there’s no value in delving into the nuances of these dynamics is beyond idiotic.


Not everyone who is obese is a food addict though. Thats like saying everyone who drinks or does drugs is an addict just because they're overweight or underweight. The general consensus is that, yes, you can lose weight and reduce obesity by eating healthy and exercising and he hit the nail on the head. I understand and agree with you that it isn't so simple for addictions but obesity isn't an addiction and the question that the doctor was asked was "What is the most effective way to lose weight?".


not everyone who is obese is a food addict, except insofar as "addiction" is defined as the proclivity to compulsively overuse a substance to the detriment of one's health


Sugar, not food. I’ve had a weight problem my entire life. My father was a drug addict, his brother, an alcoholic, his two sisters, overweight. I realized in my twenties that this is not a coincidence. My mother was extremely thin partly due to depression and my father was athletic and a normal weight. When my crushing depression kicks in I subsist on 600 calories a day and the weight just melts off. People tell me how great I look when I’m at my lowest. Shit is twisted and sad.


Shit is twisted indeed. Going by some of the remarks in the comments they'd just tell you to cheer up and hey presto your depression is gone because these are simple problems to the simple people looking in from the outside.




Was a massive, massive sugar addict. I wouldn't even crave water when I became intensely dehydrated, I craved *soda* of all things. I had occasional emotional over-eating but I know I was literally addicted to sugar. I don't get hangry anymore these days and I used to a lot and I actually feel *thirst* before dehydration sets in. I used to be over 330 lbs by the time I graduated at 17. Got incredibly ill at 18, lost the first 100 lbs. By 19, I weighed 145. I went from being big yes, but mobile and *strong* and capable of working, existing -- living -- despite the sugar addiction to being in constant, neverending, agonizing pain that I have to either schedule meals around medications for pain, force myself to eat, or try not to vomit from pain all the while potentially spending 18 hours in bed per day, depending on how it's going. It's degenerative, life long (depending on how long that is), and I am currently experiencing a cancer scare. Despite all but the last being common knowledge in my life, I *still* hear "well, silver linings!" regarding my weight (aka at least you're easier to look at!) Fuck that, I miss eating what I want, when I want, in a quantity that I choose. At 28, I now weigh under 125 lbs (5'3") but that's with *15+ lbs of excess skin from weight loss*. I buy children's clothes for god's sake. Being a former fat kid, I'm wearing a size I wore in *3rd grade!* But at least it's easier for people to look at me, eh. I can drink water now, though, and soda often disgusts me (but so do many normal healthy foods I loved.) The sugar addiction was real though, I couldn't help myself, I needed it more than once a day, I needed it *more* than damn water to the point water actually disgusted me -- bottled or otherwise. I often find myself disgusted by sweets I used to love, able to taste what I call the wrongness -- either pure sugar or something artificial. It didn't help that I have and have had my whole life texture sensitivities so preprocessed foods were more often safe because you'd know what you were going to experience and those foods are rarely food lol. I was and am poor so healthier foods were more expensive (both time and money, which in a single parent household is the same thing)


The thing is, every single obese person has heard this advice and most if not all of them have tried losing weight several times in their lives. It is pretty bad advice because it doesn't tell you anything about 1) how to actually do it and 2) how to keep the weight off which is often the hardest part. If you simply eat less of what you were eating before, you will probably end up being hungry a lot. The same also happens if you eat too little as it is not defined what "less" means. Being hungry means it's not sustainable even if you manage to lose weight. The body actually fights against losing weight, for example by making you hungrier and by reducing your calorie consumption so it is actually much much harder to lose weight and maintain it than it is to be at a normal weight if you have never been overweight. What obese people really need here is more detailed advice about what they should eat, how their eating schedule should look like so that they don't get too hungry between the meals, how to keep it flexile so that it is maintainable, what to do with emotional eating, how to deal with stress etc. There are so many issues that play a role in eating that it is actually pretty complex. Exercise also only plays a very minor role in weight loss as the calories burned through exercise are pretty low compared to the base consumption. Exercise is good for overall health, of course, and may help with things like dealing with stress, but just for losing weight it is not nearly as important as people think. In short, just repeating this advice is not going to help anyone to lose weight. If this advice was enough, we wouldn't have a lot of obese people anymore.


I mean it's simple advice, doesn't mean it is bad advice. Eat less, exercise more are the fundamentals necessary to lose weight and gain muscle which leads to a healthier lifestyle. Piers Morgan isn't a personal trainer (as far as I know) but his advice is solid. Any personal trainer will tell you to watch what you eat. Diet is extremely important in watching weight. You can't expect the average person to teach every obese person the exact details, that is in their hands to go out and find the exact ways to do that. The fact of the matter is that there are those that refuse to improve on themselves and there are some that attempt but give up halfway. I've seen many friends go the full mile and reach a happy weight, I've also seen some that are still overweight and that's entirely on them. Nobody but you is responsible for your own health, if you can't manage to close your mouth and start using your legs more then that's a sign that your just lazy. Personally, I think gaining weight and losing weight (for those on either extreme end) is very difficult, but there's no quick fix to reach the middleground. Perseverance is key. Nobody is going to hold their hand the entire way unless they pay for that service or they luckily have a really loyal and helpful friend beside them. Just to touch on emotional eating as well so I don't miss anything, yes it sucks but people that emotional eat should seek treatment for that. Your mental health is just as important (if not moreso) than your physical health and people overeating as a result of stress need to seek professional help to overcome that. Advice is just what it is, advice. The advice of "eat well, exercise well" is the furthest thing from bad advice.


Talk to anyone who's lost over 100 Lbs, they'll tell you it IS that simple. But that might not be the only problem as they might also need a therapist.


People do hate being told that they have the power to fix their problems... because it's a lot easier to say you have the power to fix your problems than it is to actually act on it. There are a ton of behavioral theories on this but--in short: changing a health behavior is *way* more complicated than just having the efficacy to do so. Some people don't have the tools (money, geographical access, literal kitchen tools). Some don't have the time (60 hour work weeks and kids. Leaves very little time to meal plan and pizza Rolls takes 90 seconds in the microwave). Some people don't have the knowledge (did you know that being overweight can be caused by a nutritional deficiency, not always an over consumption of calories). Some people don't have the emotional stability (trauma and mental health illnesses are often supplemented by disordered eating). Some people don't have the biology (PCOS is often overlooked by doctors, *especially* when the patient is overweight... which is one of the symptoms of PCOS.) The will to make changes in your life to lose weight is *not* the simple quick fix to being overweight that people want it to be. And we do not give advertising, pricing, and strategic packaging and grocery store placement *nearly* as much credit as we should be for the role they play in unhealthy eating. And thats not even to mention the addictive ingredients various products have. Heck, when I was a kid...20 years ago... the food pyramid recommended __Six to twelve__ servings of starch foods a day. Rice, potatoes, pasta, bread... *six to twelve* servings per day! And the problem is: we have found that once someone has been a certain weight. Losing the weight and *keeping* it off is more difficult than just maintaining a healthy weight is for someone who has never been overweight. Yeah, sure. There are steps we can all take to lose weight--eat less food, eat healthier food and exercise.. which is great... if you have grocery stores easy to access, time to prepare fresh meals, areas nearby that are safe to walk around in, the knowledge of what's healthy ans what's unhealthy, the tools to create different meals in the kitchen, q kitchen with consistent power and gas, the mental health to assist you, and a body that isn't fighting against you. I have ADHD, one of the symptoms of ADHD is mindless "bored eating"-- that is: eating because I'm bored and not stopping when I should because the part of my brain that manages self control doesn't work the same way as other people. It is no coincidence that when I started taking medication that gives me more self control and manages my appetite that I lose 50 pounds over 6 months. It is also no coincidence that when I ran out of my meds for a month because the doctor won't schedule me that I gained 10 pounds for the first time since losing 50. People hate when you tell them they have the power to fix things because sometimes it isn't true, frequently its coming from someone who doesn't know how many things you've tried that haven't worked, and 100% of the time it's unsolicited advice with almost 0% actual substance. "You just have to eat less" is not a solution or a strategy. It isn't even a S.M.A.R.T goal. It's an umbrella concept at best under which contains a multitude of strategies that the "advice giver" hasn't even begun to consider and spell out in detail.


Once some of my "family" saw me lose a over 100lbs of fat with just diet changes, they absolutely couldn't handle not being able to use the old "its genetic" excuse and took it out on me with insults or worse to make me feel bad for getting healthier. Some lazy people will jump through a lot of hoops to convince themselves that something well within their own control is impossible.


She asked a medical doctor a question and some pasty old fuck interrupts said doctor to hear himself talk. He could have have waited a minute until she was done speaking but he felt his opinion as a tv host was gone be better.




It would be far more shocking if Piers Morgan WASN'T an insufferable prick. I don't think he's necessarily wrong, but he has to pipe in like a sanctimonious and self-important twat when he clearly wasn't being addressed


I'm annoyed the video didn't let us hear the answer!


Fr the interrupting was just disrespectful to the doctor


Except he had a point. A lot of people would feel so dumbfounded that this question had to be posed to a doctor that it's totally expected that someone would jump in like FFS it's obvious! Yes he was a bit 'rude' but it was justified. What wasn't justified was the instant denial.


No, because it's a BS answer. Everyone knows that. The idea was how do you get yourself to eat less and exercise more? That's the tricky part, and Piers Morgan here with his dim-witted answer solved zero issues and helped nobody.


They guy with two double chins and a gut should maybe take his own advice…not exactly in marathon shape…


Or hear that someone else can lose weight by diet and exercise “It doesn’t work for me” Noo putting down the fork and doing work doesn’t work for you


How can I be a victim if I’m responsible for my own actions?


Because some people have no discipline and think they’re not responsible for their own actions so they can shift the blame on other people.


Yah it isn’t like you learn how to lose weight in medical school. You learn to sweet talk patients though which is what they want to hear. There’s no easy trick. Just less calories in than what you lose each day which translates to eat less and exercise


They have thyroid problems 🤣


Telling someone to eat less to lose weight is how people get eating disorders and it’s not the end all the health problems


It's true to an extent becuase basal metabolism is almost constant.


Why is no one talking about the fact the professional is not even being allowed to answer the question she was asked? The level of disrespect in this steam rolling is worse than even Fox News and this is out of the UK.


Lots of mouth breathing in that room




The problem is prescribing the desired outcome as a cure. Like telling a depressed person to "just be more happy", or a smoker to just not smoke, or an alcoholic to just not drink. You don't cure compulsive behavioral disorders by telling people to just stop engaging in them. You need to deal with the underlying psychological or biological causes of the behavior. Piers is a simple man who appeals to simple people.


Teaching people how to form habits and how to maintain habits is infinitely more useful that yelling at them to "just eat less, fatty"


I love how the Piers apologists in your replies are too simple to process your last sentence.


Jfc, doctors in the UK have actually started prescribing walks for mental health, if I was still in my early 20s, as depressed as I was, and a doctor told me to just go for a walk I'd just off myself.


He speaks the solution. But the other half of the equation is still a bunch of letters.


Except when you tell yourself that is not an actual solution you are just delusional at that point. I am a smoker, and I know it is bad and I am destroying myself, and I know that the solution boils down to just stop smoking.




>But the question is 'what is the best way to lose weight' ... It's 'be in a caloric deficit through diet and exercise' So your answer is that the best way to lose weight is to lose weight? Brilliant. If only someone had been able to figure that out sooner we might have avoided this entire obesity epidemic. Problem solved everyone. Crysis averted. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go call Lewis Hamilton and explain to him that winning at Formula 1 is simple, he just has to go around the circuit faster than the other guys. I'm sure he'll find this information super useful.


>So your answer is that the best way to lose weight is to lose weight? Brilliant. If only someone had been able to figure that out sooner we might have avoided this entire obesity epidemic. Problem solved everyone. Crysis averted. Bruh this man is a genius. The answer to climate change is to stop the climate from changing. We can end poverty by getting rid of poverty. Government corruption can be solved by not having a corrupt government. WHY HAS NO ONE THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE?!


My thoughts exactly, ive never been skinny in my life, oscillate from normal male weight to obese all my life, one factor remains the same, my addiction to sweet stuff, or to say sugary stuff, I go to the gym, it's not just fat, there's muscles, always been self conscious about my arms so that's why I don't avoid the gym, but I still haven't been able to kick the sweet tooth, so yeah when you tell me I just need to stop eating I wanna punch you in the face. No shit Sherlock. People are fat because of many things, and being lazy I believe is not the main reason.


He should take his own advice.


My Biology professor in college put it as simply as this and it always stuck with me - "The only way to lose weight is use more calories than you consume". That's literally the only "secret" to weight loss and every diet is just a different way of going about it.




​ ![gif](giphy|szU0jPWITpZXxA3Ilg)


Short answer for the title there, no. It's not healthy. No, it's not okay. Take care of yourself. Live longer and healthy.


But if we live longer we will have to deal with climate bullshit. I'm ok with checking out early at this point


I don’t think I have ever heard someone say they don’t want to live longer because of climate shit. That’s a first for me lol.


I'm justifying those donuts one way or another lol




He’s not exactly thin himself though.


He's definitely not skinny or fit but he's also no where near their size


Estrogen levels, age, and changes to BMI after giving birth all are factors in women’s weight gain that men don’t experience the same way. But clearly whatever that guys doing for weight management isn’t working either so that might be why they’d rather hear from her than from him on the subject.


Women's bodies are also designed to hold more fat. According to the American Council on Exercise, a healthy woman has 21% to 24% body fat, whereas a man will have 14% to 17%. Men also hold fat in less obvious places. We have more visceral body fat, which means me the fat is hidden between our internal organs


Yeah, bit that doesn't change the fact that the basic laws of thermodynamics still prove CICO. I'm not saying it's easy, but it is that simple. I gained weight with my last pregnancy and didn't make it a priority to lose it because exercise hurts and I'd rather relax after a day of work and chasing after a toddler. I know I would feel better if I exercised every day, but I'm not ready to make room for exercise in my daily life yet. I'm not letting anyone else down but myself. These women are on a TV show as advocates. Could you imagine how much powerful their message would be if they said, "You're right. We are fat because of our choices. We are more than able to make a healthier lifestyle a priority, but we have chosen not to. I'm not here to talk about my personal decisions or how to help people like me who are already privileged. I'm here to talk about the people who want to make different decisions for their health, but find they are at a disadvantage. People who live in food deserts. People who's neighborhoods aren't safe for exercise. People who get confused by predatory messaging by diet companies and snake oil salesmen. People who want to buy healthier food, but find that they can't fit it into their budget. These are major systemic barriers that we can change."


I don’t know my friend. I’m a healthy weight now but it took me years. It wasn’t until I cured my depression that the extra weight really began to fall off. I had been desperate to lose weight before that but it turned out to be mental health issues that were interfering with my weight loss more than my diet. I don’t recall consciously making any massive changes to my eating when the weight came. The main difference was that I wasn’t feeling stressed or depressed anymore and I dropped 30 pounds in about a year after that.


That's what's hard about living in an environment that is surrounded by cheap calories. You can't lose that kind of weight without CICO. It literally isn't possible. If you had a time machine and could watch your daily life from then, you'd see now all the little ways you ate more and moved less. But that change is so unconscious that you didn't realize it. Congratulations on curing your depression, btw!


Add a pair of fat boobs on him and I garentee you he will look just as fat as the women on the other side. Don't try to tell me he is healthy, he is just as grosse excpet since he is a man, 1. He is hsaped differently, and 2) Him being fat will be accepted up to a much higher threshhold than a woman being fat.


Piers is such a wanker


Holy fuck. As a medical professional in the making, I absolutely get destroyed on social platforms whenever I engage in a conversation with someone who thinks being morbidly obese is okay. This comment section passed the vibe check.


I have a lot of very obese people in my family with a lot of health problems and I was quite overweight for a long time (6'7 280 lbs) the positive effect on my life dropping down to 211 pounds with daily exercise, home cooked healthy meals and just generally trying to be conscious of my weight is tremendous. I have lost all symptoms of a minor heart condition I was seeing a cardiologist for, feel generally better with no sore back, more energy etc, and I have had a lot more luck in dating and it's a big confidence boost to be told by people I know I look good. I kind of grew up overweight eating fast food and frozen food and never knew how good I could feel as an adult and how bad I felt all the time directly related to weight until I dropped down to a "normal" healthy weight for the first time in my adult life. I truly can't imagine letting myself get to the point I was at again after I learned how good it feels to be in shape.


Congratulations mate, it's not an easy thing to achieve


I worked specifically with bariatrics for about 4 years. By the time that they get to that point theres almost nothing that you can do for them besides admit them, force diet and PT, and hope for the best. Ive seen clients lose 200 pounds in 6 months, leave the facility, and gain it all back and then some 3 months after. You would think that having to have a lift to be able to use the toilet, and having to have in home help to clean yourself and wipe your ass would be humiliating enough to want to make a change. But no. Its really sad.


It’s almost like they have mental problems…almost.




You better work on your bedside manner.


The professional would have likely said something along the lines of "There's a wide range of challenges that different individuals may face in their weight loss journey," which is 100% correct. And Piers Morgan is also correct in controlling the calorie intake and actually incorporating some kind of exercise. Both can be true at the same time. Disorders that require professional help to combat exist. Other times, people may have physical problems that stop them from exercising, hell, sometimes you're too poor to even afford quality vegetables that last a week compared to McDonalds that lasts a day. But these problems don't change the fact that you need a caloric deficit to actually lose that weight. That very basic concept needs to be taught in all schools, as well as means in calculating caloric intake. I had a Health class in high school, it didn't teach much outside of GMOs and Sex Ed, learning how to calculate calories and some ways to minimize intake would have been a godsend to my 250-pound ass.


piers is dumb asf but in this case he is right for 99.99% of cases


right, unless you have a very rare medical condition or defy the laws of thermodynamics


I can promise you those 3 girls there has got those conditions AND break the laws of thermodynamics... According to them and webMD


Sure that’s what it boils down to… but also that advice is so stupid and doesn’t take into count the nuance. There are so many factors at play when you try to lose weight. You’re not a robot so the “eat less do more” raises another question: How? How do you do that sustainably? Here’s where it gets tricky. You have to find your own way that is healthy and sustainable. It’s a lot of trial and error. There’s no one way to do weight loss sustainably but there are ways that will guarantee you won’t lose it. A diet that makes you so tired and sick, and stops you from doing the simplest tasks. Avoid it. Educate yourself in nutrition. Nothing too deep, just the basics. Don’t go all the way from the first day. Take it slowly. For example: If you count calories, try eating 2500 calories of mostly healthy foods, then slowly lower the number each day or few until you get to your weight loss number (which probably is around 1600) Its trial and error, and it’s not easy, so you have to take it bit by bit.


He's not wrong, eating less calories and burning more calories is the only way, other than surgery, is how you lose weight. You technically don't even need to exercise if you are normally physically active, like at work. It's all about caloric intake. Those women on the shoe just don't want to be told what to do or be held responsible for their poor life choices.


Adding mass and removing mass. It's all math in the end.


Or meth




Morgan is a twat , but he isn’t wrong here


Piers is an absolute cunt. No one really likes him. Yes he's funny sometimes, even makes me laugh, but don't forget this guy faked photos of British troops torturing Iraqi troops and got his lackeys to hack phones all in the name of a good read, amongst many other things. Absolute. Cunt.


Yeah he's not good but the thing he said here is absolutely true


There's no easy way to becoming fit, the most basic structure to losing weight is what the guy said, eat less, more exercise. But forgot one more thing, its the mental capacity to say no to eating more food, and to keep at it with your diet.


Person with PCOS and insulin resistance here 👋 Yes the theory 'eat less exercise more' should work right? It should be that simple but for some it's not. I workout 3 times a week, I fast and normally eat 2 meals a day. No those aren't 2 calorific meals, just 2 normally macro balanced meals. Can I lose weight? Yes, but is a fucking slog. In 6 months I've realistically lost 2 lbs although I have replaced fat with muscle. It is not such a simple thing when you factor in issues such as I have. You punish and push yourself for very little reward. It is beyond difficult.


In the words of the Dude. You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole!


It's about body shaming is what's wrong I drink and smoke because I like it I don't go on TV looking for sympathy for my addiction problems


There's nothing worse than having to agree with Piers Morgan... lol


I went from 130lbs to 250lbs. He’s right. It takes a lot of will power and lack of depression to be where you should be.


Is it okay to smoke? Is it okay to be an alcoholic? Is it okay to do drugs? Is it ever OKAY to continue doing unhealthy things when your body is clearly telling you to stop? Fat people are not attractive. It’s nothing personal, that’s just how it is. We our programmed to desire healthy mates, so we are attracted to people who look…healthy. Unhealthily skinny people are also not attractive, not is THAT healthy.


You’re not wrong, Walter, you’re just an asshole


Ironic coming from Piers considering how much Penaldo dick he eats


As someone whose grown up on different diets, honestly he’s right in a certain sense. Yes eat less food, but make sure its nutritious. If you look at the serving size of salad and pizza and then the portion size, you’ll see you get filled more by salad but pay way less in calories. Add in some protein to your diet to support the exercise you plan to do (mainly cardio and weight lifting seem to be the ideal work out goals), balance your food groups, and you’ll be on a better healthier road. Of course other things influence weight but if im being honest, being healthy is more important than being the right weight. Looking at professional weight lifters you’ll see the burliest dudes and yet they are healthier than professional body builder contestants. Looks change with time but your organs need a healthy meal to keep functioning. So yes, he has a point but he’s saying it in the context of looks instead of health, honestly making him an asshole.


Piers is a massive cunt but he is right in this instance


Fuck he's a privliged twat


The physical answer is: yes, eat less energy then you consume and your body will burn fat to compensate. The mental answer is: omfg brain why can't I stop eating


He's not exactly a picture of health himself, although it is impressive for a sack of shit to take on what resembles humanlike form.


For loosing weight is 80 % eating less and 20 % exercise. But fo being healthy, exercise is as important.


Murdered by words 😂


He's not wrong though 🤷🏼‍♂️


Pierced Organ is such an idiot.


There are a lot of studies showing that diet and exercise can lead to some amount of weight reduction but it is not likely to be sustained over a year for most people. Obesity is a result of many different physiologic changes including changes in the way your body makes hormones. For many people to have sustained weight reduction they need a combination of surgery and medications in addition to lifestyle interventions. So personally I think that dude should sit down and let the doctor talk…


Everyone thinks they can just state a simple answer like this and everything will be fine if they follow such simple advice. It’s like stating ‘if you’re an alcoholic, just stop drinking’, if you’re depressed ‘just stop being sad and be happy and get outside’. To boil down complex pathological issues into simple single answer solutions is ignorance and arrogance. To think that obese people are fat just because they are addicted to food is ridiculous. What are the underlying factors that make them over eat? How many of you comfort eat or drink or have unhealthy habits? Why don’t you just stop immediately? The oversimplification of issues to make oneself feel superior without thinking deeply is a toxic trait of most people it seems.


The unexpected part is Piers Morgan making sense.


Says chubby piers Morgan


Thats why he deserves more respect


he is not wrong but as a guy, I can literally tell that this is mansplaining. Talking over a medical professional is pretty douchy


fun fact. as an adult, you don't really need to eat every meal in front of you and you certainly don't need to snack in between. unless you want to grow, that is.


There’s nothing to sugar coat. There is no secret to weight loss. There is no pill. You can’t dance around feelings and emotions. If you want to lose weight, eat less. When you do eat, make sure you get a good amount of protein. Eat vegetables. Eat an appropriate amount of carbs. Drink water instead of soda. And on top of that, exercise for 20-30 minutes a day. It doesn’t even need to be an intense workout. Literally fast walking on the treadmill will burn calories. There is nothing political about it. America has a horrible culture of eating unhealthy. Nobody wants to admit it. If you don’t lose weight, you won’t live as long. If you do survive you will have tons of health issues. We can hate Piers Morgan all we want, but he’s right. If you want to lose weight and get healthy, stop fucking shoving junk down your throat and take 30 minutes out of your day to go on a walk or a jog. If you can’t do that, you don’t value your own life. Period.


No, doctor's do not prescribe donuts for a thyroid issue.


He’s not wrong