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I mean , there's a reason Giorno's part ends with him becoming.boss Maybe he was good enough to deserve the Mafia boss title by force , but it's questionable that he will be able to hold it any other way. What I'm saying is that by trying to stop drug trade he only gives a space for new organisations to fulfil this role. There are no easy solutions in real-life politics. He could go in a good direction (like change mafia structure from illegal organisation to just a normal business doing stuff like managing shops , producing goods , etc) for sure , but knowing his character , he would try to strengthen the mafia to kill everyone who tries to do drug trade , which eventually just would make it so the real drug traders will find new ways to hide from both mafia and police. In reality what he needs to fight with drug trade is to eliminate reasons why people might go onto drugs in the first place , and to increase people's trust for legal institutions , reform police , etc. But not even real politicians with long careers, big power in government , interest to stop the problem and deep understanding of it could achieve this , not even talking about a teen given the power equal to an absolute monarch


Honestly it would be interesting to see how Giorno might go more onto his Dio side after he would get such a huge power as mafia boss


There is a misconception that Giorno has an issue with drugs as a whole. He just has an issue with selling drugs to children, I highly doubt he’d shutdown all of Passione’s Drug Trade, just make it more regulated.


You make an excellent point overall but it's foolish to think that politicians that want to bring change have the power to do so and that politicians that have the power want to do it. I'm not sure how GER works but it seems to be some sort of checkpoint system that goes back whenever anything goes wrong for Giorno, and that coupled with the overpowered, untraceable ghost that can do everything Golden Experience can do seems much more effective than any political title in the world.


I meant that some societal things like corruption and trust in public institutions aren't a matter of just law or policy , but also a matter of societal change.


This is literally a jojo meme what is unexpected here


Them getting josukes character completely wrong


50%, hair is still insulted, however he doesn’t go crying to mom, they go crying to mom


He's not crying over his hair, he protecting a tribute to his hero


Wouldn't be surprised if the mafia actually does something good for my country


Too bad that josuke is characterized better than giorno


Giorno approaches life with the same calm and sharp perception as dio. He takes after his dad. Josuke is a goofball who’s grown up a normal kid ina small town. He takes after Joeseph, cocky and boisterous. They’re both characterized extremely well. Josuke is just more of a ~character~


We have different opinions, it's fine


I mean, yeah of course. Have a good one.


stop posting instagram memes


El jojo Bro de josuke está vivo


At least Josuke managed to safe most of his comrades from death, nearly all of Giorno's friends are dead. I think that both Giorno and Josuke would agree that Josuke had a more succesful outcome. What good is a major win if most of your friends arent around to enjoy it?


Imagine getting a Part 5: Part 2 that would be insane


honestly Josuke's hair deserves it


Stfu the pompadour is great


I agree with both of you