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That deserves a GOP nomination


trump may still be looking for a VP.


Think these guys will likely be top assistants to the new Secretary of Defense, the Dishonorable General Mike Flynn!


Also are top candidates for working under Trump's AG. There's a real chance that could be Ken Paxton.


Or maybe what they suggest for black and trans people haha


So not a hero then?


No hero just another idiot


Another Crooked Republican


Not idiot - asshole. We need to stop letting these horrible people get off easy with a label of ignorance rather than malice.


Hard to hold any of these scumbags accountable after Speaker Mike Johnson went on a crusade to keep convicted Steve Bannon from serving his jail sentence. GOP has been totally corrupted and only cares about the law when it is being used against DEMS.


He'll be a keynote speaker at this year's Republican convention.




Definitely not a drag queen.


Common suburban Republican


common field tit


this guy and kyle rittenhouse will be the GOP front runners in 2028


Look up Capt Scott O’Grady… after all that he went through, the dude turned out to be a Flynn-like GOP troll… traitorous valor


Only if Trump kicked the bucket by then. Otherwise, I could see him just running again with a SCOTUS blessing, if god forbid, he wins in November.


well yes, if he wins there won't be any need for him to ever leave... i guess is was being optimistic and some bastardized form of democracy still exists in 2028. how silly of me.


They get to go hang out with their Aryan Brotherhood friends in prison, hopefully for the full 10 years.


unless they get pardoned


These people are dangerous, we need to take their threats seriously.


i don't understand why they think attacking a decentralized power grid will do anything at all... like i could get it if they were targeting the Tx grid, but... that's an entirely different sort of situation. if they managed to take out one transformer station... they'd have only cause a momentary power outage before the other stations re-route power... like... i know the fasch are stupid, but this is a whole nother level of stupid.


Saw documentary or perhaps a 60 minutes show on the similar attack on the west coast US years ago. If I remember correctly, some foreign actors were behind that attack. The reason provided: If there is ever a war....Taiwan attack by China, for instance, they want to attack computer networks, electric utilities, water treatment facilities and basically all kinds of US infrastructure to tie the hands of US authorities and perhaps cause riots, confusion, disruption, etc..


What did they hope to accomplish? If they were successful this would not have promoted their agenda, it would just have made people angry with them.


Owning the libs and some RINO's? Just guessing. Who knows what goes thru the mind of white supremacist, NAZI, brain washed, violent POS?


> “Come home white man.” Home to ADX Florence.


Think the count was up to 137 ‘probing’ attacks on electrical substations in the last year, if we’re counting..


I’d be really interested to see the use of FBI informants in this case. You start dissecting the foiled “terror plots” by the FBI in the past couple decades, and 90% are dudes who would never have engaged in anything without the FBI setting them up. That includes both so-called left & right plots Then, you find out the extreme dirtbags they uses as ‘informants’, which have included child molesters & career criminals, and it makes you wonder why our federal resources are being dedicated to the FBI constructing plots, and plugging citizens into them. Don’t get me wrong—maybe this is legitimate. But it’s very scant on details, which is usually a tell-tale signs it’s another FBI created ‘plot’ they use to justify funding & violating our constitutional liberties. I mean, there’s too boderline mentally-handicapped guys in federal prison, who, when you read the case files, seem more like victims of ambitious ladder-climbers, than terrorists.


The majority of the violent acts seem to flow and track back to rhetoric closely aligned with many RW media sources that spew out hateful propaganda. There seems to little to nothing similar in left wing media, eg. MSNBC. IMHO there is no "equivalency" here between RW & LW media that encourages violent plots. Also, consider the recent (last 10 days) threats by GOP politicians & influencers: -Chip Roy: Wants to "Ethnically Cleanse" Progressives from the US - Arizona GOP official threatens to lynch Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer -We'll hunt you': Trump, MAGA supporters' violent rhetoric isn't a glitch. It's a feature. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/06/16/trump-violence-threats-supporters-fbi-texas/74102591007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/06/16/trump-violence-threats-supporters-fbi-texas/74102591007/) Is this a MAGA Militia or a Clown Car? [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/napalm-maga-militia-clown-car-1235042105/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/napalm-maga-militia-clown-car-1235042105/)


Media is an entirely different conversation than my thesis above, which is related to the FBI’s concerning pattern of creating ‘terrorist plots’ to solve. Left, right, or agnostic, it should be concerning to folks for many reasons. As far as media goes, first, I should clarify when I referenced “left wing,” I was most certainly not including MSNBC, NPR, or even the DNC in that description. They may be called ‘left’ in America, but on the political spectrum, most are center-right. I mean, even Obama compared himself to Reagan. That said, to glean an actual picture of media-induced violence, you cannot simply extrapolate words into violence. Both ‘sides’ of the media relentlessly promote violence—whether islamophobia, justifying genocide, or prolonging the slaughter in Ukraine by keeping working class Americans in the dark about the reality of the situation. From my perspective, both parties play off the other’s excesses to erode civil liberties—especially freedom of speech—which enables far more violence than domestic terrorism.


The federal court records are publicly available. You can look it up. It seems like these particular traitorous terrorists were just stupid posting about it online.  Looks like Eastern district of NC did the prosecution. 


No informants? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pro-domestic terrorist, lol Just think the FBI needs to be focused on catching real terrorists, not [manufacturing cases.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/07/fbi-terrorist-informants/)