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Do you wonder how old Andrew Peters was and how he came into contact with Starr to sexually abuse her over a period of years? It's worth mentioning that former Boston mayor Andrew Peters who allegedly sexually abused Starr was born in April 1872. The then 20-year-old Starr told her mother in 1926 that Peters began abusing her when she was 11, which would have meant 1917 since she was born in January 1906. Some articles claim she told her mother as early as 1924. Peters was 45. As to how a former politician that age came to even be in contact with a 11 year old girl, his cousin-in-law was Starr's mother. Peters had been married for 7 years when the abuse began. He had 6 children with his wife. Starr spent summers at their summer home on an island in Maine that to this day is only reachable by ferry. And he took her on road trips and hotel stays seemingly with her parents' knowledge and consent, though allegedly they believed his interest in her was strictly fatherly.


Peters was the husband of Starr’s mother’s cousin, Martha. She spent summers with the Peters family at their home. Andrew often took the young girl on trips alone with him, during which the two stayed in hotels (!!!!!)


Sickening to even think about.


I wouldn't find it surprising that a heavily abused girl developed trauma-related mental health issues and eventually committed suicide, especially since her family seemed more interested in financially benefiting from her abuser than supporting her well-being.


> She had $3 and was planning to have her hair done. $62 today > He publicly connected Peters to the case, revealing that in 1927, Stanley engaged an attorney and negotiated a settlement with Peters, who paid the Faithfulls $20,000—allegedly for Starr’s medical care and rehabilitation—in exchange for their silence. Despite the settlement stating it was a one-time payment, the Faithfulls received several additional large payments from Peters, estimated to total around $80,000, which appeared to be their primary source of income. Peters paid the Faithfull’s about $361,000 and $1,444,000 in today’s money.


Yeahhhh you don’t pay people that kind of money out of the goodness of your heart


Thank you for the conversions!


You’re welcome https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ Good job on the write up


"The Memory Book of Starr Faithfull" by Gloria Vanderbilt (yes, THAT Gloria Vanderbilt) is a fictionalized tale from Starr's point of view.  Gloria Vanderbilt said she was obsessed with Starr's case after learning that her diary - what Starr called her "memory book" - had disappeared after her body was found.  It was alleged that the diary was destroyed because Starr had proof that Peters had been raping her and Starr's family was paid more to cover up her death.


I have been young and stupid, and have experienced drunkenly falling off a boat near the shore, and bruised the ever loving sh!t out of my back and head on some low wooden pilings, the bruises made worse by my alcohol level. Had I been full of barbiturates I probably would have died and washed up on shore the same way. Not ruling out foul play, but also not ruling out young and stupid.


I lean towards an accident while suicidal. As in she had been trying to kill herself maybe with the barbiturates but it didn't work and she was woozy, fell overboard and drowned.


The book Butterfield 8 by John O'Hara and later a movie with Elizabeth Taylor, is based loosely on this case.


Whilst I don’t doubt the possibility of the sexual abuse accusations bring true this sounds like a suicide or accident. If Peters wanted her dead or out of the way this seems like a weird way to do it.


The book Butterfield 8 was based on this case.


I had no idea! I loved the movie! Taylor won herself an Oscar for the role!


I wonder if people still party on the docks with the naval officers?


I wonder if the witness accounts of her on the 6-7th June are correct since they're notoriously unreliable and her body was thought to have been in the water for at least 48 hours? I'd look more into her night at RMS Carmania and what she did during the night between 5th and 6th...


I believe time of death estimates were also rather unreliable in 1931, so the 48 hours thing may or may not be accurate.


The Wikipedia article on this case goes into depth about everything, check it out!


Jonathan Goodman’s book on the subject is quite good. A very interesting and sad situation.


Damn. I thought Chaim Weiss was the only one that was murdered in LB and unresolved but I guess not. I’m from LI and live 10 mins from the Gilgo Beach killer and 5 minutes from the Amity horror house


I’m sure there was a baby


What a sad story. I guess they didn’t save any physical evidence. Not sure any dna would be left anyways if there was


There are parts if this case that are similar to the Black Dalia Murder. Even if she was contemplating suicide, it seems more likely to be a homicide or like you said a sexual encounter gone wrong. Since she was closely associated with powerful men (as well as a socialite herself), it wouldn't be that difficult to make it look like an accident. From watching true crime, I learned a lot about how police involvement (especially in the 1930s) catering to the wealthy and Hollywood scene could really botch up investigations. But then again, that's the idea. I wouldn't put it past Peters or associates of his to kill her. But at least her family seemed to fight for her. Such an unfortunate end for someone who seemingly had it all. RIP


Just thinking about how many cases like that were so botched back then due to reporters and whoever else being allowed to tromp through the scenes and whatever else is so frustrating and mind boggling to me. Black Dahlia had reporters and whoever else answering and making phone calls from the police station and even claiming to be law enforcement. I can’t even imagine what men in power were able to get away with back then as well.


Oh absolutely I went down a rabbit hole after discovering the Black Dahlia murder and its crazy to find out how much the wealthy controlled the police. LAPD (cause Hollywood) specifically from that era get tons of flak, and rightfully so for covering up cases and deliberately tampering or removing evidence for crime scenes. So many cases that could have been solved but tragically won't be.


Look at the crazy shit they get away with *now,* just thinking about what they might've gotten up to back then with no accountability whatsoever makes my skin crawl. Being a Hollywood fixer was quite lucrative back then, too. I can't imagine what horrible secrets that industry holds


Exactly. It’s sickening what is still allowed and ignored these days but I can’t even imagine how awful it was back then. There was nowhere to go or anyone to turn to for help.


Well written! What a fascinating, if sad, twisted tale. Thank you,


Oh, to get one's hair done for $3


This is 1931. That’s a bit over $60 today


I'm aware 😆 (I knew someone was going to be pedantic about a joking comment 😆)