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Wow this feels like it's ment for me. Thank you ..wish I could say my life was good but I can't lie it was hard and I had to work hard to get off the streets and make something of myself. All the family hated me treated me like ahit when I was a child I was the outsider the one that never belonged was forced to stay away from all my cusions cause I would carupt them ..thing is I was the good one but I was the most hated i was just a child but hated by everyone..they still look down at me today ..but that's ok ..I'm still making it when they said I would never make it ! Even being in group homes I still made it !


I'm so glad you're making it! It sounds like a hard life. But it also sounds like you have a lot to be proud of, kicking ass despite everything in your way! Some people shouldn't be parents, I'm sorry you had to deal with this. No child should be made to feel this way. We don't ask to be born!! You deserved the love of a family. You shouldn't have had to grow up feeling that way, but I'm glad you managed to pull through and make it. Very seriously, good for you, I'm happy for you! Thank you for sharing this :)