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He used a card copier and possibly simply copied his own card (unless he stole someone else's card and PIN).


Bingo. Card scimmers got my card details at an ATM in the the UK and my bank asked me if I was using my card in Chile a week later (only because the usage was flagged). It has left me very paranoid about electronic banking tbh.


How long ago was this? Haven't heard of anybody having their card skimmed like that for a long time now, but may just be coincidence.


It was a while ago now, I was more shocked at the audacity of the atm they targeted as it was very open and public


If you're scared of electronic banking, then I would definitely not watch these very well done videos on card coping, and ways to help prevent it https://youtu.be/ZDstCHYlj0U?si=F1V7kHzV-QYVvwEd https://youtu.be/Ccm1caB6bao?si=nv-RkoqH6p6lOF2J https://youtu.be/Qt2Gn2CoJ74?si=cyGS0joqU3HQAy1m


This has actually been a fun watch thanks šŸ‘


We use QR Code to take cash from atm, not such thing existed there yet?


There is a way... but I won't tell.


He stole someoneā€™s debit (possibly off the internet or purchased it in a batch of stolen card info), probably copied it to a new card, and guessed/obtained their pin with info off the internet more than likely. Thatā€™s all, folks have been doing this for decades and there isnā€™t a fix coming around for it anytime soon.


My friend asked me to do this with him in like 08. Called me a vagina cause I wouldnā€™t go with them. Then he got arrested for tying up a guy and locking him in the trunk. Kidnapping. I think heā€™s still in thereā€¦his sister was pretty.




All my friends are heathens.


Take it slow.


Wait for them to ask you who you know


Please don't make any sudden moves.


You don't know the half of the abuse


Welcome to the room of people Who have rooms of people that they loved one day


Docked away Just because we check the guns at the door


I just wanna do the click click. Dang!


1 Come on bro Im your friend, lets go make crime. Dont be scared. 2 Come on bro Im your bunkmate, dont do this to me.


Hahaha pudding pops, just try it bro, man up!


On your belly, celly!


Any update on the sister?


Ehhhā€¦.I knocked, but I didnā€™t have enough swag. No ice. No bling. She thought I wasnā€™t even a real G bro. Coulda kept er from gettin gooned


Bro, you knocked and shot your shot. Confidence is the key man keep trying Edit: other people done be a creep




Whats gooned mean?


I heard it from the streets one time. Mathematical conversion to damaged goods. But with enough love, she would make a good mother. But you gotta be gangster to wife er after bukaki. Otherwise, it ainā€™t pretty. And you gonna need the girth.


Someone should get that guy outta the trunk


Blow the walls out of his sister while he is in prison.


Blow the walls outta erā€¦I like this. Who taught you that? Thatā€™s a good phrase. šŸ§


Tell us more


Oh check it, I got one for youā€¦these twin brothers. My younger sister was dating one. Degenerates. This other guy stole her laptop. I found him with his homie and asked him some questions. His dude jumped out but I didnā€™t mind. So he changed his mind and they hopped in the ride. These dudes, laptop robbers, got t boned at the intersection by the twins mom. Full blast. Earlier that day, the other twin boofed a bag of dog food while starin me right in the eye. I was like beeeech, I was in the kitchen first. Why should I look away. Hahaā€¦fudge. Then he got shot in the bar and died. Now the bar is closed. And now both my sisters are with someone in law enforcement.


Let me see hereā€¦mmmmā€¦when I was like 10 years old, I wanted a popsicle from the corner store. I picked coconut flavor. It was ten cents. Then half way back to grandmothers house, I almost screamedā€¦I started runnin back, and ripped open the door. Skipped everybody in lineā€¦and slammed it on the counter, the dime. I forgot to pay bro. It was terrifying.


No one let the guy out of the trunk by now? Sheesh. Heā€™s probably dead dude.


I knew some kids online back in the day doing this shit. Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t get involved. Some of the idiots were ordering food their parents house using stolen cardsā€¦


Heā€™s still in the trunk?!?! Bro tell the police


Wellā€¦ He was kind of a nuisance in the neighborhood. And I ainā€™t no snitch


Thatā€™s a Joey Diaz story, cocksucka!


Welcome to Ny muddafuckka




Dangson dang. I canā€™t wait to meet Joey Diaz Bro


Me either. Here pop a ā­ļø






Happens all the time around here, gas pump skimmers are common place


I thought the chip in the card protects against cards being duplicated. I thought that was the whole purpose of chips so card skimmers can't duplicate them.


Yes/no. I have heard success of chips being duplicated but that's not economical for your typical person in that business. These cards are being skimmed via their mag strip as the skimmer is exploiting a reader that will only take mag strips or has its chip reader in an inoperable function. This often appears innocent to you the customer, or the shop keeper has not a clue their reader doesn't need service but is instead now a card skimming reader. Thousands of people skimming cards across the US generates hundreds of thousands of card data to duplicate. The 1 in 5 people that don't notice or care that they can't use their chip and won't use tap to pay will swipe, and then the data is stolen. To dodge that use tap to pay via your card or phone's wallet app, or just leave politely as it is probably just a broken reader.


Ok another question. Isn't tap to pay unencrypted RFID that can also be cloned with an NFC app?


iPhones are good enough to recognize a face, but atms which can have 10s of thousands of dollars tech ainā€™t good enough? Crazy


I believe this is the way it is because its not in the bankā€™s best interest (financially) to care much about what is probably only a few hundred million a year in ATM thefts and whatever other kind of skimming activity occurs in criminal orgs. What would need to be spent to reduce that theft number would probably cost several times more than just insuring the losses, hence the system we have nowā€¦ Of course the system we have now screws everyone, but mostly the customer who has to wait days to get their money returned lol Iā€™m sure the capitalist overlords and banks donā€™t mind a whole lot that 40-50% of society would take months to entirely financially recover from that lack of funds


RFID blocking shit can stop some of the scams, but I think that's more or less lifing money off your card rather than stealing the pin. Not entirely sure of the difference lol.


Itā€™s a clone card, u can buy stolen credit card šŸ’³ info and load it onto a blank card, then cash it out at a atm and empty their account, itā€™s fraud. Most scammers who do it, buy drops of hundreds of stolen bank info at a time, and load up tons of cards at a time, then sell them off for for a fraction of the balance, laundering the fraud money


How do you get the pin?


Social engineering, research from users leaked info


The balances and pins of the accounts are included in the drops, usually get written on the back of the card w a sharpie once the ccs loaded


Why would they sell the cards instead of stealing the money themselves?


is less risky to get caught. a little digging and cameras everywhere is most likely to caught up those guys, vs someone selling it in the confy of his moms basement accepting crypto for the batch of cards info.




Idk what y mean by that


How do you get blank cards though? Sounds like you have to know someone in a bank.


You guys don't know how to scam. You send off to get a customer "blank" copy of your card (50 USD), then buy 100 blank white cards. Make a shop, sell the blank white cards for 50 each and upload the video of you using the working white card that's tied to your bank account. The only crime is selling snake oil. But it's not a federal crime so who cares?


So in America at a atm are you able to remove your card from the machine before you enter how much money you want out? Because in the uk you have to keep your card in the machine whilst you enter how much money you want out. Only when you are finished can you remove your card


Some machines. Like gas station machines. But I never seen a US bank machine do it.


Depends on the bank, some yes some no


Not if you use nfc


The major banks are like that. Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo. There are still some old third party atms out there that donā€™t do that.




Even in Europe and Asia the card remains inside until the entire transaction is done.


Lost half my savings over night because of card fraud. Never got the money back and am left saving it up againā€¦ this is really shit crime to commit, itā€™s cowardly and leaves people in really horrible situations. Iā€™m lucky in a way that I wasnā€™t about to buy a house or anything. It was just disheartening, but I can imagine if it was an older persons retirement fund or something, it could be a lot worse.


How the fuck did you not get your money back?


Itā€™s a long story that I cba to type out, but I tried for months to get something back but they said they couldnā€™t replace the funds as it was from a debit account and not a credit account.


Live in Australia, dropped my card in a supermarket, someone cashed up a bunch of stuff before I'd gotten home 10 minutes away. Got my money back within days even though I was obviously at fault.


Was it not secured with a PIN?!


Pay pass, yo.


Even with a pin, at most registers you can simply hit the green button when it asks for a pin and it will bypass it.


Wtf, how is that even remotely secure?!


I have no idea, but I know the ones at my job do it and the one at the gas station by my house.


Where do you bank at?


Lloyds TSB


Why did he drop all the money ?


early onset parkinsons


never take financial advice from someone who says "checkings"


ummm what?


But we didn't see him use that card... I'm sure that part was just cut. But I could literally go make this same video right now with my real card to get the money out, then show you a blank card halfway through.


Money glitch?


No glitch, itā€™s crime. Hes using a cloned card.


Cloned card, PIN is in the drops when you buy a bulk order. But good.luck not getting scammed in the process lol.


Isnā€™t a blank cash app card? You can order them with a ā€œdesignā€ and leave it blankā€¦?


The unfortunate truth is the amount of scum bags doing this by buying credit card info off the black market is greater than the resources we have to combat this. There will always be a market for chumps like this clown. Best you can do is be responsible, donā€™t use public wifi, use scanner protected wallets etc because there are leeches everywhere.


I use privacy.com virtual cards for almost all my online purchases. Several credit card brands/banks have rolled out similar features. Basically they make virtual debit cards with whatever limits you want. Sort of like visa gift card at a story only not prepaid. So if one is stolen from a hacked website itā€™s already dead or is super easy contain the damage. All of my online payments are different VCCs and I put limits on them. Be it single use, no charges over X dollars in a day/month/year, etc. Gives great peace of mind and is also convenient for preventing overcharges or keeping ā€œfreeā€ trials actually free. Oh you are gonna charge me $60 after 7 days? lol good luck the card could never be charged more than $1.


This is fake. I was in an ATM and POS Business for a very long time to know that you can't copy the chip of a debit or credit cards. If you try they will break(if they are good and expensive ones) or simply don't work.after you insert the card in the ATM or POS there is a dialog they the chip and the machine is doing, and if one of them doesn't answer right the transaction is not even begin.You can only copy the magnetic strip but in my bank we stopped writing on it like 5 years ago. In my place of work we used blank cards like that for testing but the maximum amount you can withdraw or purchase something was 5 dollars and thus was going to make your life hell if your balance of your testing card was minus.


this is the correct answer.. but downvotes? Reddit is weird


Down voters are disappointed now that they learned the truth about cloning the chip.




It's a blank card.... the info was already phished from actual peoples cards (a mirroring machine anywhere a card is swiped --- anytime u need to insert ur card, make sure the machine isn't loose in any manner bc if it is, just don't use it - the Parr where ur card goes in /swipes and pin pad) ..... they then take one person info, clone it to this blank card and he obv cannot use it at any teller or actual person.... pay at the pump, take out cash etc.... pls protect yourselves guys.


I remember a story about an Ausie who discovered a glitch a long time ago. He found out how much he could withdraw each night at a specific hour without losing his credit.




Newsom 2028 lmao


He flipperd some1 card..


Itā€™s easy to buy these cards.. I didnā€™t know it was stolen info tho so thatā€™s new. Of course the sellers donā€™t say so. But itā€™s easy money if you donā€™t get caught, which is likely.


chip still cant be copied as i know, so its fake. i think this video was filmed for scamming on carders forums.


Howā€™d he even get that beginning screen?


Yal tripping about 300 or 400? Looks like the game is afoot, Watson šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Eh I think he thinks this gives him clout, and it doesn't. I also think this isn't real. It's his account.


What comes easy go's easy


Teejayx6 swipe lesson 1 scam rap song for all of the directions on how to swipe! Dark web is pretty funny but also step by step directions.


These are new machines and they are garbage. Ours is always breaking down and constantly needing maintenance. Someone complains that the machines didnā€™t give them their money. Idk dude just go to the damn tellers. Theyā€™ll probably actually give you youā€™re money. But yeah now you have to remove the cards on these new ones. I think itā€™s because people kept forgetting them in the machine so they get stolen and creates a fuck load of fraud cases. Idk I just work here.


What democrats vote for šŸ˜‚


You can tell I believe in you.


Dude you need a credit union. Fuck banks.


What even happened