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They really missed *”Police Praised Post Pride Parade”*


Alliteration god 🙏


And the parade was in Peterborough. People Praise Police Post Peterborough Pride Parade


Oh man, that’s straight out of a [Point Pleasant](https://youtu.be/FdRA5Q5-dgU?feature=shared) skit


Your version is easier to say then the one I replied to for some reason


Post Peterborough Pride Parade


"Prideful Poofs Praise Police Presence!"


Pommie police...


Meanwhile in the Netherlands: cops join the Amsterdam pride parade with their own boat


Are the people in this sub aware that this is in England? While the cops there has their own issues, they have much higher standards than the US and shouldn’t be lumped together.


Yeah, still no police at pride. Capitalist lackies upholding gross laws and a transphobic state. Same as no banks at pride.


At London pride, BAE system has a float in the parade


You're right, let's get rid of the police and watch as nutjobs are free to murder you instead, well done lmao


Wayne Couzens was protected by his police colleagues and went on to murder a woman.


Does your singular anecdote nullify the countless times police have actually stopped a crime? Or the countless times a crime hasn't occurred due to fear of police retaliation? I for one am glad police were around to stop this [attacker](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7173094) who killed 6 people, primarily targetting women.


Cool. Tell that to Jean Charles de Menezes. Oh wait...


Again, your anecdotes of police brutality do not make the police any less necessary. It means *change* within the police is necessary. As a queer minority, regardless of bias the police may show me, I am legitimately safer with them existing. Genuine question, what would prevent someone from attacking me if there was no law?


As an LGBT person, I'm very aware of the shortcomings of the police. You're under the illusion that there aren't much better structures for community safety than the police. 19th century models of protecting capital ain't it. Sure, a small force may be necessary, but investing in communities and infrastructure to prevent the need for the police would be better.


"As an LGBT person, I'm very aware of the shortcomings of the police. " That's fine, we should be constantly pushing the police to improve, just like the government, judiciary etc. "You're under the illusion that there aren't much better structures for community safety than the police." Because there isn't. Link one reputable study or paper that says otherwise. "Sure, a small force may be necessary, but investing in communities and infrastructure to prevent the need for the police would be better." One doesn't work without the other. Investing in people's well-being helps to prevent crimes of necessity, but that's only one portion of overall crimes. Stopping people living paycheck to paycheck won't prevent some ideological homophobe from shooting up a gay nightclub, and good luck responding to that with a "small force". This is the equivalent of someone worshipping communism as an answer to capitalism without ever visiting the utter shithole communist countries lmao.


Which gay club shooting in the UK are you referring to?


If cops want to attend Pride then they can do it out of uniform


Man, this is sub is nothing but bait.


“Hey! Worship these cops doing the bare minimum of their job!”


No cops at pride.


Then how am I going to complete my Village People group cosplay?


Costumes ok, just make sure it’s sexy enough that it can’t be mistaken for a real one. More in the village people spirit that way anyway.


Cops never wear shorts that short.


![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY) Pretty sure the documentary series Reno 9-1-1 proves that's a lie.


You realise gay people who work in the police exist?


You realise that if that gay cop shows any empathy ever towards anyone not directly related to law enforcement, there's a very good chance they're ostracized, right?


Are you complaining about ostracisation when you're ostracising gay people?


You realize they can take off the uniform to go to a parade?


I personally want it to not be controversial to be gay and in the police. The entire point of Pride is for it to be OK to be gay, segregating who is allowed to show pride is entirely against the ethos.


Being a cop is a job. Nobody is saying that you can’t be gay and a police officer. Nobody is saying they can’t show pride. People are saying they don’t want people **actively representing** the police.


Your aggressive attitude is shaming them for being both. You're making it hostile for gay police to exist.


“Shaming them for being the police” It’s a job, and a choice.


Trying to shun gay people out of a career type ain't a good take. Try and reflect on what you're saying.


Lmao stop pretending like this is somehow about the fact that they’re gay. There is more than enough information out there about why people don’t support the police, and being gay or not has nothing to do with it.


Except it is gay people you're hurting. You're so blinded by your ideology that you have lost nuance. You're disenfranchising gay people and trying to segregate them. You've full horse shoe theoried.


You realise they don’t have to work in that police? But the people at pride have to be queer? If you want to support the LGBTQ+ movement you can just not be a cop


Why the fuck are you making LGBTQ representation in police a bad thing lmao. You realise either way, the police will continue existing? And is a fundamentally necessary part of society? So, like the government, judiciary etc, more representation is always a good thing


Still the weirdest take.


Well, that's not sensible in the slightest -- as if we should want cops to remain bastards. I think cops involving themselves with the community, especially minority groups, is probably one of the most effective ways we can prevent them from targeting minority groups. It tends to create cognitive dissonance when the stereotypes people have learned don't mesh with their one on one experiences. And that dissonance often creates better people when they realize what about they believe is wrong.


Says the group moving with the heaviest security presence in the city that day.


Cops should have to do their jobs to get paid, but they have no business *parading* along with us. They stick at the sideline, where the danger is. Also, did you just call that person a "group" x)? What are you, an escaped high school science experiment in tribalism or something?


Fun fact, cops can be gay or allies themselves.


Fun fact, queer people have the choice to be a cop. Another fun fact, queer people don’t have the choice to not be queer. What will they do when the cops come for them again?


And they can march off the job like the rest of us.


Not Fun Fact: Pride Parades were created and exist to remind people that LGBTQ exist without equal protection under the law. They were explicitly created in response and remembrance of Police raids on LGBTQ establishments. You can be gay or any ally and a cop, but someone wearing a police uniform at Pride is like wearing a police uniform at Black Lives Matter protests. It's a reminder of the oppression and deaths at the hands of law enforcement.


Lol any ally would have already been dismissed


The parade is the group. The group surrounded by people they make a point of saying they’re not allowed to be there like children playing make believe.


Huh? Try again, fam.


95% of his posts over the past 7 years of having an account are in r/ServeAndProtect, he's just another cop seething at people not loving cops as much as he does lol


Such fragile souls in that sub.


Read it over a couple times. You’ll get there.


My bad, i need glasses


I came here expecting comments full of hate and bigotry, what I didn’t expect is what side it’s coming from.


>bigotry Being a police officer is a job... I wouldn't exactly describe not liking cops as bigotry. It would be like saying someone is being biggoted if they don't like the guy who knocks on your door to try and sell you solar panels because they're a door to door salesman.


You can’t be bigoted against the police. They aren’t a minority, it’s a job they chose


Bigotry noun obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. So yes, you can be bigoted against police as they are a group/faction.


by that logic you can’t be bigoted against religion, because belief systems are also a choice. i mean personally i think religious beliefs should not be excluded from criticism, but most people who are anti-police may believe otherwise.


Religion and culture are not the same as jobs, please be so fucking serious right now.


I joined this sub for some positivity in my feed, Jesus Christ this comment section.


Police are largely antithetical to the Pride movement, which **explicitly** started in response to Police raids on LGBTQ people. "They didn't cause problems for us" isn't a praiseworthy statement, it's the bare minimum.


"Police are largely antithetical to the Pride movement, which explicitly started in response to Police raids on LGBTQ people." By that logic are men antithetical to feminism because it explicitly started in response to women having practically no rights due to men? Movements change and evolve over time, you'd do well to learn that


Police still treat LGBTQ people unequally and the rights of LGBTQ people are unequally applied and in some areas still nonexistent. The Pride movement hasn't moved on from it's origins because the issues it was created to address still exist.


You can say the same about the government, yet I don't think many would argue that a government is necessary. You don't enact change by further distancing yourself from the organisation you're at odds with. Rosa Parks was not advocating for a different type of segregation was she? More LGBTQ police = more change in their attitudes, it's that simple.


>More LGBTQ police = more change in their attitudes, it's that simple. Doesn't actually work that way any more than more Black police has eliminated racism.


Do you genuinely believe the police are as racist today as they were 50 years ago? 100? Lmao that is demonstrably false, and more representation in the force is a big driver for that change. *More* change needs to happen yes, but it's stupid to think that change hasn't already been progressing.


American police killed the most civilians they ever have last year. Ever. In the history of the United States. Please, please stop talking.


1. We're not strictly speaking about American police here. Yes I know your country is fucked up, but you don't own the only police force in existence. 2. That "fact" seems to be completely false. The guardian reports "Police in the US killed at least 1,232 people last year, making 2023 the deadliest year for homicides committed by law enforcement in *more than a decade*". So, not the most in the history of the US then. 3. The solution to this is not no police, it's better police. Training your officers for more than 6 months would probably be a good place to start lol.


Once again using immutable traits (gender) to falsely compare to an occupation (police). You are bad at this.


Redditors hate hate except if its them hating, then its ok


Those same cops would be stamping on our faces ig they were ordered to.


Lol pride is a protest against the cops They would turn on us the second their politicians tell them to do so. The police are the ones that will enforce anti-LGBTQ laws


Not sure which rock you've been living under but last time I checked Pride was to celebrate LGBTQ people? >They would turn on us the second their politicians tell them to do so. The police are the ones that will enforce anti-LGBTQ laws You do realize that the police have gay members too? And bi members? And that the bad eggs you see on the news being reported represent the minority rather than the majority world wide? Believe it or not most cops around the world join for moral reasons.


>Not sure which rock you've been living under but last time I checked Pride was to celebrate LGBTQ people? It was explicitly created in response to police raids at Stonewall. The celebration of gay people is the LGBTQ twist on remembrance and recognition of unequal rights under the law. It's there to show people that they exist and are harmless, in direct opposition to police who raided LGBTQ bars and establishments with deadly force.


And what will the police do when they are supposed to enforce anti-LGBTQ laws? Last time I checked the gay rights movements in the US started because people were fighting against cops




Given the increasing anti-queer climate, I'm a lot more scared that some kind of mass killing is going to happen at one of these events, so personally I'd rather have a police presence than none.


So more of an "enemy of our enemy is our current ally" kinda thing? Yeah, I dunno how I feel about this, but if the cops aren't working to shut down Pride and are working on our side - or at least, actually helping keep us safe somehow - I might just be alright with that for now.


>if the cops aren't working to shut down Pride This is the crux of the issue for me. If, for example, the laws criminalizing "drag" were in place, these same police would be tasked with enforcing those laws. I'm generally not anti-police, but they're at best an amoral force. They're on "our side" today, for which I'm glad and will accept their presence, but they could easily be on the "other side" if the wrong laws are passed and upheld.


Yup. They enforce the law (at least, they should on paper or in a more ideal world), and many laws are subject to change. That's why I think we've gotta work to have laws that protect us on our side, and keep the right-wingers from legislating our right to exist as we are away. Having the government on our side and answerable to us, whether lawmakers in legislatures or enforcers on the ground, benefits us, since they should be obligated to protect us from threats and we don't have to take more extreme measures to protect ourselves. But we can't do that if we don't vote to have more people representing our interests in positions of power at every level. At the very least, we should vote for people that aren't intent on beating us to death with the long arm of harmful laws. TL;DR, unless we want to take up arms (and I believe most of us are peaceful folks), we gotta vote to keep us and others safe. Or something, I hope I'm coherent here.


This is very much it. Law Enforcement, with their personal individual feelings aside, are fair weather friends for every single demographic. I don’t even mean that as a criticism, it’s just a simplified explanation of how our system of government works. The front line is the laws and legislature. Law enforcement agencies are obligated to take their marching orders from that corner and will do so one way or another. It is fantastic to have the enforcement arm of our government protecting Pride events, but that is only possible so long as those rights of expression are protected from opposed legislators. Blanket hating cops is generally stupid and misses the forest for the trees. Bad cops and crackdowns on minority groups, be it LGBT+ or others, are a symptom not the cause.


Then provide your own armed security.


Haven't cops even as recently as a few years ago been seen arresting people at pride parades for no reason?


Yes they have. There are also great stories like this: > **Police crash SUV into St Louis gay bar and arrest owner for assault** > […] An LGBTQ+ bar owner in Missouri who was jailed after police accidentally crashed a cruiser into his establishment is facing charges filed against him by prosecutors – albeit ones that were quickly reduced amid a public outcry over the case’s circumstances. > “Nobody should have to go through this – going from being a victim to going to have to defend yourself, your family and your business,” James Pence, whose husband, Chad Morris, was arrested and charged, told reporters at a news conference on Tuesday in their home town of St Louis. “That’s not what the police are here to do.” […] > However, in an interview with the local weekly Riverfront Times, Pence said the tone of the encounter changed when he wouldn’t show an officer his identification, leading him to be temporarily handcuffed. > Police then accused Morris of confronting an officer who arrived shortly after the crash, hurling obscenities at him and shoving him in the chest. Police allege that they told Morris he was under arrest, prompting him to run through a gate and push a trash can back as officers ultimately arrested him. > An attorney for Morris, Javad Khazaeli, vehemently denied the police’s version of events, saying it was officers who did the attacking. > Khazaeli challenged them to release all video of the confrontation that was captured by the officers’ body-worn cameras. The St Louis Post-Dispatch Khazaeli lso showed reporters parts of a bystander video that did not capture any confrontation like the one described by police. > “The police were clearly the aggressors here,” Khazaeli said at Tuesday’s news conference, before releasing surveillance camera footage showing the crash. **“When he was arrested by police, they had beaten him and ripped his shirt off.”** > Khazaeli told NBC News: **“You can’t have police officers terrorizing people because they’re victims of a crime – and when they asked what happened, to be treated this way.”** […] This was 7 months ago btw. Not 20 years ago, no 7 months ago. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/20/missouri-police-crash-car-gay-bar-owner-arrested-lgbt


The police will not protect you.


depends on the country, police have always attended New zealand pride and kiwis are friendly by nature that includes police and lot of the time


My husband is maori, we live in nz, multiple men in his family have dealt with horrific racism from our police including my husband. Our cops aren't the exception to ACAB, they're part of it


Countries where Rupert Murdoch and his right wing propaganda have yet to turn their attention on


the country currently has a right wing prime minister and the sentiment is rising, but that has nothing to do with the cops, they are individuals and don't suddenly become bigots because the PM changed, you dont understand kiwis, we are some of the most accepting welcoming people you'll meet.


Yeah Amarica's cop issue is pretty unique to America as near as I can tell


Canada’s aren’t too great either.


The Māori disagree lmao


i've met tons of maori officers and they often attend pride. not sure how that engages with or challenges my point?


This is like an American arguing that there can’t possibly be a culture of racism within US policing because black cops exist. It’s the institutional version of “but I have a black friend!”.


The violent arm of the colonial state can never be in true alliance with those they oppress :) Māori cops are class traitors.


What a dumb thing to say.


It depends, Uvalde is a pretty glaring example. Legally the cops do not have to protect you.


Yet they do all the time all across the country. Cops lose their lives protecting their communities. That’s such an incredible insult to broadly say cops will not protect you.


You're missing the point. The point is that cops don't have a LEGAL OBLIGATION to protect you, and so plenty of them won't. Common sense would suggest that it's kind of like their job to protect people, but nope. The fact that some will is not the point.


I don’t care about that point at all. Can you not grasp that what the law ruled and what actually happens are two different things?


You sound like you're not black.


I'm not saying there are no instances of cops saving lives. I'm not even saying that the presence of cops can't be a deterrent to violent crime. I am simply saying that cops \*legally\* are not required to intervene if your life is in danger. [https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html) Yes there are individuals who become law enforcement officers because they want to protect their communities. The issue is that the system, as it is right now has zero accountability and as a result is rife with abuse. If you're at a Pride Event, or a protest and a counter protestor starts a fight, the cops can (and and have) simply choose to not intervene and allow the victim to be assaulted. There is no legal consequence for the officer or the department if an officer refuses to help you. Even in obvious cases of negligence, like Uvalde, it's the town, and by extension the taxpayers that have to pay out damages. None of that money comes out of the Police Department's budget. The parents of the students actually agreed to a lower settlement because they did not want to bankrupt their town.


You’re making an argument I don’t care about. I don’t care about the law. What I’m saying is broadly saying cops won’t protect you is silly. I do not care what the law says cops protect people every single day. Also saying those cops don’t belong there is a fucking gross gatekeeping thing to say. Don’t call the cops then ever, you don’t deserve their help.


It's dumb that they stated Supreme Court court Backed Law? They have no obligation to protect you. Folks wanna mention Uvalde but it's been prevalent way before that.


Yet they save lives literally everyday. Just google cops saves life and find the thousands of articles supporting it.


Indeed they do save lives, when called, and by choice. It's not an obligation. If you aren't under their custody, they don't have a responsibility to save you. There's are definitely officers who go out and save lives and help people. That is an exception and them acting out on the spirit of the law, not the standard.


Ok but that’s exactly what I’m saying. The commentators broadly said cops won’t protect you. Had something happened at that pride march, I guarantee those officers would put their lives on the line to protect those marchers. Yet there are people in this comment section saying they don’t belong there. Sorry but fuck those people. If you don’t want the cops there then they shouldn’t respond when you call them.


I see what you're saying. I would offer the counter in regards that the children and teacher were likely hoping for police to get involved much sooner for Uvalde, and that didn't happen. It did for the Tennessee school shooter though and the cops were quick to share the video. >Sorry but fuck those people. No need to apologize, it's your right. You can say that to LE too and if they know their job, they shouldn't do anything when you say it to them. >If you don’t want the cops there then they shouldn’t respond when you call them. Responses like this are strange to me. Giving open criticism that isn't based on opinion but fact that police deserve a response regarding to not contact them when trouble is afoot? Go ask the Black community how often they didn't call police due to the corruption. Tonto Ask women subreddit and those who were victims of assault how often police would gaslight them. If Police didn't have the history of corruption, abuse, nepotism and privilege then people wouldn't have a problem with them. If I had to call police, it's because I don't want to go handle a lawsuit because I stopped a guy who was attacking a defenseless person. They have qualified immunity, I don't. They have a union, the town, the fraternity, the government on their side. The best I can offer is a lawyer; public defender at that. I say F-12 when I see my cop friends and don't mind mocking those I'm close with. I give respect until you give me a reason not to. If cops don't like the accountability then they can leave the job for something else. Remember the cams are for our protection, not theirs. You may have family or friends who are LEO. They may be the exception, or a cog into the problem if they do nothing when witnessing corruption at play. The system itself needs to be readjusted or this animosity will continue since the inception of police was created.


Even dumber is that legally police are a) not required to protect people from harm and b) allowed to be ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce. So while it’s a dumb thing to say, it’s even dumber how absolutely fucking true it is.


This isn't a gay bathhouse or something- thousands of people (including straight people) attend these events with their families and children. Police are individuals, just like any other profession. Are there corrupt ones? Absolutely. Homophobic ones? I'm sure. But to act like the majority of police officers are not going to try to protect the masses if a spree shooting starts at a parade is ridiculous.


Oh man let's breakdown how awful and wrong you are! >This isn't a gay bathhouse Right of the bat starting with a hypersexualized idea of queerness to juxtapose with the "families and children" which doesn't read as disingenuous at all. >Police are individuals, just like any other profession. They are not like any other profession. They are the violent arm of the state and the kinds of people recruited to be police officers are purposefully less intelligent and more aggressive than the average population. Do other professions have 40% of their workforce are reported as domestic abusers? No? Not like any other profession then. >But to act like the majority of police officers are not going to try to protect the masses if a spree shooting starts at a parade is ridiculous. I am not acting like anything. This is what their behavior proves over, and over, and over again. If cops want me to trust hem with my safety, I have to know they are compassionate and competent every single time, without fail. Are either of those words one you would use to describe police, generally? Of course not. Police are *purposefully stupid and aggressive because those men are the easiest to control.*


Not sure what your issue is with the first part of my comment. My very point was that the same people who might have an issue with gay bathhouses are at least likely to care about the families at pride. My very point was that even if they're homophobic, they're still likely to care about large pride events.


i'm from new zealand where police are a whole different ball game and believe it or not they are actually welcome at NZ pride events, they quite often are lgbt people themselves allies or friends of participants, and they are there more as a form of security (as with any venue or event) i guess in other countries they are much more hostile towards us but its just food for thought, im sure there are other countries where they're not as bad as they are in USA.


Yea, I'll readily admit that I looked at this from a purely American point of view, which is a dumbass way to look at things because this particular event wasn't even in America. I've never had a good experience with a cop in my life, so I sometimes forget that obviously not all police systems are as completely cracked as the US's is. My bad- if NZ cops are genuine in their efforts to protect you guys, word up. Get that security, stay safe, and I sincerely wish you a happy Pride.


In pride in my country the cops are welcome and often join in and dance, not saying they are all good but neither is any group.


The police are inherently a danger to queer people. Should right-wingers be able to pass anti-LGBTQ laws, the police will be the ones enforcing them. And they have shown that they aren’t on our side multiple times


>they You're using a very inclusive word to describe a whole collective of individuals based on the actions of a small group of them. Are you going to say next that Muslims are inherently a danger to non-muslims because a radicalized minority have comitted acts of terror? And you seem to be naive as to the level of outcry and active violent protests that would occur if the right-wingers were to even attempt to pass one of these anti-LGBTQ laws. There is enough people who'd actively protest that it could potentially cripple the national economy.


In which sheltered world are you living in? The "outcry and violent protest"? They are passing anti-LGBTQ bills right now, in this exact second. Trans people have to fear for their right to get vital medication every single second in almost every single country. And at least ~40% of the population in western countries wants this. I’m not generalising based of the actions of a minority. I don’t have to. Homosexuality is criminalised in more than 60 countries, in some of them it’s punishable by death. Do you think the police there would protect queer people? Do you think the police stepped and protected gay men when homosexuality was illegal in let’s say 1960s Germany? What do you think they did? They were the ones arresting arresting and beating gay men. The police is the enemy of everyone except the state and the rich. They don’t act based on what’s right or wrong, they simply do what the state tells them to do. If you’re lucky those laws align pretty closely to what you think, they might even protect you, but if you aren’t you could get killed for simply existing. I’m not generalising based of the actions of a minority. You can’t compare the police to actual minorities. I’m talking about the special role that law enforcement plays in society. Again, tell me if trans people aren’t allowed to dress how they want to because the government passed a law outlawing crossdressing because of indecency or something like that, what will the police do when they’re called? I’m really interested in your answer


You're all over the place and slightly incoherent. It's a nice rant but is ultimately lacking in substance.or any real evidence. You mosly show clearly you have several chips on your shoulder you might want to address at some point. In other words a perfect reddit post, you should do an AMA


So you have no argument? Because you said nothing besides "waaaaaah I don’t like this" Reply to when you have an actual point to make


What about queer cops?


All cops. Edit: take their fucking boots out of your mouths. Cops are class traitors. Queer cops are LGBTQIA traitors. If 11 people are having dinner with a Nazi, you’ve got yourself a dozen Nazis.


The Us vs Them mentality has only ever harmed the world. There is nuance in everything. It’s both childish and dangerous to disregard that.


There is no nuance if you willingly become the violent arm of the state.


The incredibly vast majority of police encounters are non violent. And even among those few violent ones, a good number are deservedly so.


Okay but literally all of them protect the violent ones from accountability so……………


Huh? Not true at all this is another generalization. The Unions are who mostly protect the actually evil ones. They’re what need to be plucked first.


And who makes up the unions? Keep going you’re so close.


Copying and pasting what I said to the first person to ask this negligibly clever question Do you think this is some kind of gotcha? How do you think police unions operate? They’re hierarchal. I promise you the average cop has no say in how the whole union is ran. There is an issue somewhere higher up. As for why a good cop would want to join in the first place, there are benefits to doing so that any worker would want. They don’t only cover up injustice. If anything the covering up is a rotten extension of their desire to protect their members. Hence why I’ve been saying reform over destruction throughout this post.


Hmm I wonder who comprises the union?


Do you think this is some kind of gotcha? How do you think police unions operate? They’re hierarchal. I promise you the average cop has no say in how the whole union is ran. There is an issue somewhere higher up. As for why a good cop would want to join in the first place, there are benefits to doing so that any worker would want. They don’t only cover up injustice. If anything the covering up is a rotten extension of their desire to protect their members. Hence why I’ve been saying reform over destruction throughout this post.


Don’t argue with this person they are extremely unwell. Just look at their post history.




Why is that exactly?




The Us vs Them mentality has only ever harmed the world. There is nuance in everything. It’s both childish and dangerous to disregard that.


No nuance in ACAB


That’s why it’s a stupid slogan


Didn’t stutter




Hey so the onus of reconciliation is actually on the party doing the harm! You couldn’t be more wrong :)


Not taking sides, but it could be argued that not being open to reconciliation will prevent the party doing harm from attempting it. You can’t build a bridge from one side.


It could be argued but you’d be wrong and awful for believing that.


Then you and I would be good company. We can be wrong and awful together.


You don’t speak for me and we are not in company. Police in the USA are purposefully under-educated, over-funded and aggressive. Queer people just exist.


> in the USA So not in Peterborough


Someone doesn’t know where ACAB originated and thought they were so smart!


This whole thing started because you thought this applied in Peterborough.




Hey so being a black person and having a job are not the same actually and it’s weird you’d try to conflate them.


Do people get a choice in their life like: You want to black? -Yes- -No- Do people get a choice like that when they join the police?


Are you oblivious to how much cops are fetishized in our community. Stop living 50 years in the past


You sound quite bigoted and hateful. I guess inclusion isn't part of your ethos.


Can’t be bigoted against a job actually


So it’s not the abuses of power and authority (not part of the job) that’s you’re mad about but the concept of enforcing laws?


They don’t enforce the laws. They don’t even have to know the laws.


You’re still looking at everything as black or white. A lot definitely don’t and it can sometimes lead to an escalation but that’s survivorship bias from only looking at the cases that go viral. I agree that cops should be a lot more versed in the law though. It’s part of what I mean when I say the police force needs to be fixed. I just realized I read over your first sentence. That’s probably the least informed and most reactionary thing you’ve said so far. They fail sometimes but it is what they do and should be doing.


You have such limited knowledge on this you cannot speak on it with authority. You read my last sentence and declare it ignorant without knowing there are several Supreme Court cases this century that echo what I said. Please have several seats.


I guess I didn’t say anything directly but I thought it was pretty clear that I was aware of the fact that they don’t need to. I thought it was implied from when I said “I agree that cops should be a lot more versed in the law.” And sure they don’t legally have to but it’s an impossible job to do without at least some understanding.


But they aren’t. And they weaponize it and shield themselves from accountability. This isn’t a fixable system. It was designed with the maximum harm in mind.


The term bigot is actually more broad than you might think. I was kind of surprised when I looked into it.


I’ll rephrase: you cannot be discriminatory against the ruling and/or violent class.




Pride Cops get Pride Props from Top Fops


No cops at Pride. ACAB means ACAB, regardless of who they're "helping" today. Cops don't exist to serve or protect the people.


Have you ever even met a police officer from the UK?


I had an ex UK cop as a boss once. That guy was bad news.


Having lived there for many years, yeah, I have. Don't get me wrong, the US is multitudes worse, but that doesn't mean UK-based police have a significantly better history of enforcing oppression or have superior modern-day discrimination statistics. There's an endless list of valid reasons people don't want Police at Pride.


Wouldn't you want them there on stand by in case a group harasses the parade?


That’s them doing their job. We don’t want them participating in pride, which is something completely different


Why though? They simply walked around in civilian clothes making sure the event ran as smoothly as possible and everyone had a great time. Really don't see the problem.


Cool hope you outrun your friends when this months wacko with a long gun shows up.


Because the police have ***never*** hid from an active shooter, right? I'd much rather the billions of dollars that fund police yearly be diverted to preventative resources so we have significantly fewer monthly wackos around.


Yeah there were some random cowards in east fuck nowhere that fucked up. So back to the parade that is going to pull in the majority of officers working that day including huge amounts of overtime. Big brain move banning the queer officers and their allies who want to march.


>Because the police have never hid from an active shooter, right? So the Police standard tactic against active shooters should be the Human-wave-tactic of charging them ala WW1 rather than attempt to minimize casualties while not getting shot?


There's like a 40% chance this was an attempt to gain info they can later use


Or maybe 100% chance.


Acab. No cops at pride ✊🏻
