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Yay, ballon releases are dumb.


Balloons are single use plastics. So balloon releases are double dumb.


They're just pretty garbage.


The kardashians of party supplies


Balloons are usually made of natural latex rubber. The plastic ones are less common and really obviously different, they're the shiny decorative ones usually printed with a picture on one side that don't actually expand from a small size but are just a pocket that gets filled with gas. Sooooo you're right but only sometimes. When you think "balloon", the one you think of, that kind isn't plastic.


Still chokes wildlife all the same.


By that standard PLA made from corn isn't plastic...


I work near the Arkansas river, walked outside the other week to see dozens, maybe 200 MYLAR red heart balloons released at a local event center. Blowing right out over the river. I took photos and reported it to the state's pollution enforcement arm where I'm sure it was promptly deleted.


Any time I see one, I tell whoever I’m with “If you do a balloon release for me when I die, imma haunt you in a bad way.”


Take it from Cleveland, find one of dozens of other reasons to hate DeSantis


like Florida's bans on bag bans


Yabbut freedumb


Damn. Something (possibly the ONLY thing) I can agree with DeSantis on....


yup, saving those turtles that cant tell the diff between jelly's and a rubber balloon ...just too close to the ocean


I once went to an aquarium that had a little tank of water with a ripped-up plastic bag floating in it, and a sign that said "you can tell the difference between a plastic bag and a jellyfish.... but can he?" with a little picture of a sea turtle. Only problem is, I could *not* tell the difference between a plastic bag and a jellyfish, and I didn't read the sign, and I spent some time looking at this floating plastic bag like "wow, how beautiful are God's creatures." That was how I learned I'm about as smart as a sea turtle.


That puts you in the top 10% of people I've dealt with in my life.


Still smarter than 99% of Maga. Edit..stupid autocorrect from my phone.


The irony of misspelling a word while saying this. I mean I'm on your side, but c'mon lol


HA! I didn't see that. I was on my phone so goddam autocorrect.


A humanese bag-o-man it was


>That was how I learned I'm about as smart as a sea turtle. Aren't turtles supposed to be smart? I wouldn't count that as an insult then. Maybe I'm thinking of a different creature though.


They're very smart. With enough training, they've even been known to learn the art of ninjitsu.


Only if they live in the sewer.


I hope right there and then you realized you were duped about a lot of other god shit.


He doesn't care about those, he wants to control Chinese weather/spy balloons.


Probably because he hates celebrating, not because he cares about sea life 😂 


He saw some LGBT+ people doing it


Literally was thinking “how did he tie this back to gay people?”


He probably thinks he's stopping the colorful balloons from reaching heaven and turning the angels gay or something.




I actually convinced him that balloons were good for the environment.




They're vegan and solar powered. And very gay.


I do like your joke but just for those who aren’t aware I want to point out that it’s about a lot more than sea life. When it lands in a farmers field and they don’t see it, it can end up being mowed and the little chunks can end up in their livestocks food. When that happens it can sometime cause intestinal back ups, which is fatal if not caught early (and the surgery to save the animal is hella expensive). If it doesn’t end up harming the animal, they’ve now increased the amount of microplastics in their body and since you’re literally going to eat what comes from their body that means you’re also consuming more microplastics. If it ends up in a field that isn’t part of a farm, they still can get mowed and broken up. (They can also still end up being eaten and fatal to pets and strays in cities.) Then when it rains, those tiny pieces of plastic end up in the runoff. Runoff gets treated and either turned into city drinking water or put into rivers/oceans. Since we’ve now discovered it’s impossible for us to actually filter/treat out all the microplastics, this now means even more microplastics in our water which increases the microplastic count in *everything*. Balancing life and fun is about risk vs reward analysis. The very minor risks associated with a well maintained rollercoaster is worth the fun of riding it, but the much more real risks associated with a unmaintained rollercoaster covered in visible rust and tracks that look like they’re being held on with duct tape and dreams would probably not be worth the fun of riding it. Similarly, the risks of the balloons not being properly disposed of by your cities waste management is likely worth the fun of having balloons at your party, but the much more numerous and serious risks of intentionally releasing them into the sky isn’t worth the ‘fun’ of watching them drift off for a couple seconds/minutes (wind dependant).


🤣 Top comment right here


Lol yeah he was like "these balloons are killing sealife, but they take sooo long to get into the ocean when we inflate them like that, make it FASTER"


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


He banned squatters too. That was a huge positive




Even that sack of shit can be right for once in his life. Or, more likely, he viewed it as a marginal thing he could do to distract from all his other bullshit.


I feel so dirty agreeing with DeSatan. WTF is going on here??


You put values over party something he’d never do


Broken clock is right twice a day. So, for 2 minutes a day, 60mins x 24h is 1440 minutes... That's 1/720 times that it's right. Seems about accurate for DeShitbag


Same. Well that and stripping the stupid Disney sovereignty or whatever people were calling the laws that let Disney do almost whatever they want on the D. World campus. All though, I don't agree with the reasons why he tried to do it. Disney is a horrible company to work for and needs to be held accountable and making them follow ALL the laws will help with that.


This and banning social media for kids I’m all about. Let’s do some games on insurance in Florida. He might get my vote. (Truly only saying this so it’ll happen with insurance, it would have to be complete personality change for the good for the people before I’d consider voting but was sure it was fake psychopathic games and wouldn’t vote for him.)


Unfortunately the insurance situation in Florida is more of a reality of its own existence. It tends to get hit the hardest during tropical storms. Claim loss ratios haven't made sense there in decades. Unless DeSantis invents a anti-woke hurricane gun, similar to the CIA death ray.


The people who claim they don’t coparent with the government sure want the government to step in and do it if their kid might find out how terrible they are


Look at what is happening in CA - they regulated insurance to cap increases and now a bunch of home insurance providers are dropping coverage in the area.


Right? Like, don't make me admit it....


Actually, there's two things that he's done right. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/25/desantis-childen-social-media-ban-00148805](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/25/desantis-childen-social-media-ban-00148805) He's still a horrible human being, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Kids on social media are already violating the terms of service based on laws already in place.


He also went against the state power lobby and vetoed a proposed law to keep 1-for-1 net metering in effect across the state for residential solar. You don’t care unless you have solar panels, but if you do or are looking to build that was a pretty good one.


yes, this is unlike his past behaviors. I would think he would make them mandatory.


I agree with him about getting rid of daylight savings  This makes two nickels for me


It will help the environment but he signed it only because he lost a balloon at some point in his childhood and now “balloons are woke”.


Broken clock being right twice a day


Seriously. I feel so conflicted…


I'm actually not conflicted at all. A good idea is a good idea regardless of who signs it into law.


I always get cagey when I see a diabolical mf like DeSantis do something reasonable. It makes me scrutinize the whole deal, because I find it hard to believe he'd do anything that didn't profit him foremost.


Remember there is no idea so good that you can't find an asshole supporting it.


He's probably did it because balloons are colored like the rainbow.


Actually a good move


Top tier pun post


r/whoosh here What's the pun?


"uplifting" news


The sub is uplifting news and balloons float in the air.


Well they used to :(


Came here for this; I wasn't disappointed.


A stopped clock something something


Wow, I am actually on board with something DeSantis decided. Heartbreaking.


I disagree. This is how politics is supposed to function. People can disagree on things but still come together to protect ourselves and the place we live. It’s like the whole point of having a government. How we get there might be shaky, but we’re supposed to be working toward a common goal. So rest assured, he’s still the one letting us all down at the end of the day. This is the kind of work he’s *supposed* to be doing and it’s a good thing you’re functionally able to support something that someone you don’t like does. It’s an ability desantis himself does not have.


> People can disagree on things but still come together to protect ourselves and the place we live I think that's why they were saying they were conflicted. Desantis and his ilk usually do things that harm us and the environment, or ignore those things that are harming us. I'm glad he did this, but a lot of people, myself included, are genuinely surprised when someone like Desantis falls on our side. >It’s an ability desantis himself does not have. Hear hear...and I think that's part of the reason some people do find the idea heartbreaking, because we're going to give him credit for not being a shithead, but he and his supporters would never do the same for our goals. Either way, to sum it up, still uplifting overall so I would like to leave it on that happy note.


I hear you, and totally understand and feel the conflict with agreeing with this myself. But that’s how I’d phrase it instead. “I agree with this action” instead of “I agree with DeSantis”. First of all, I don’t know what his intent was. In my mind, I assume he saw a homosexual couple doing a gender reveal with balloons so he banned them, or some other scenario also along the lines of bigotry. And if that’s the case, I *don’t* agree with DeSantis, but I still do agree with a functional ban on purposefully releasing balloons. In my view, this kind of nuance is just part of the human experience, as a consequence of our ability, as a species, for critical thinking. There’s nothing heartbreaking about that. What would be heartbreaking is if a bipartisan, mutually beneficial law was blocked simply due to the party or individual who penned it. Progress is progress, and i don’t think a situation would arise very often where agreeing with progress would be heartbreaking. Maybe this is indeed one of those times, idk, but it’s still a tribute to *our own credit* when we accept and acknowledge that it’s okay to agree with actions taken by people you usually disagree with. And that not everything that a bad-person does is actually bad. Ron DeSantis ties his shoes. I don’t like the guy and hate 99.9% (apparently not 100%, again, I’m also surprised by this situation) of the things he says and does. But I’m not going to stop tying my shoes just because he does it. Tying your shoes is a smart thing to do. So is banning balloons. That said, this isn’t giving DeSantis a pass for anything he’s done or said, or will do or say in the future. I’m just don’t think we should be heartbroken for being happy that balloons are banned just because some asshole is the one who banned them. It’s not a stain on our character, just like it’s not a stain-remover on his. It’s just something, he happened to do, that will actually benefit the environment.


Hate in policies don’t really have a middle ground, which is why Desantis isn’t like


It’s not middle ground. I’m not in the middle about it. I hate DeSantis and love balloon bans. It’s called mutual existence, and like it or not, we already mutually exist with racists and all other types of bigots, because we ourselves are not intolerant to the point of murder. So here we are. He banned balloon launches. That’s good. Where’s the middle?




Ha ha that was exactly my thought!


The penalty is a wee fine so this is more of a "Desantis signs bill instituting $150 balloon release fee"


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


that’s giving him too much credit. it’s more like however often an old discarded calendar lines up correctly with the new year


I'm giving DeSantis a "thumbs up" for this. I don't think people understand how bad ballons can be, especially when animals consume them when they fall back to earth. It's a similar situation to sea animals and six pack plastic rings.


Heh. Uplifting. Balloons


I wonder when was the last time Disney did it... They're probably grateful so they have an excuse not to.


Whaaaaaat?! Something I actually support DeSantis on?!! 🤔


Damn the fact he did A SINGLE THING THAT WAS GOOD still fucking shocks me


The real title: "Bigots petty hate law accidentally helps some animals"






We're trying to get the word out that this balloon release ban "hertz da libs".


Holy shit.


Broken Clock 


For someone who doesn't believe climate change (caused by pollution) is real, it's strange that he's worried about balloons.


Balloons are gay. There really isn’t much to read into here…


Florida... turtles...   if I need to say more you are far from the south east.  EDIT: fuck it. I'll fill you in.  even though everything about the existence of Florida is an existential threat to the tortoise and the manitee; Florida absolves itself of its mortal sins through performative measures to "save", honor, or champion the tortoise or manatee. (or coral reef, or other life form that florida is actively erasing)


Perhaps he means to ban weather balloons as well?


I know a few climate change deniers that are properly concerned about the helium shortage, could be part of it


I know a lot of people who don't give a shit about climate change but do a very good job at recycling their own waste and keeping their surroundings clean. For a lot of people the climate change arguments are so "out there" when they know that big companies cause most of the CO2 pollution, not to even speak about China. So for people who fly maybe once a year and commute fairly low polluting cars, going any extra miles for climate change just seems like a waste of time and money. To be completely honest, I'm in that boat too. I haven't flown anywhere in the past two years, I commute with EV because electricity is so much cheaper than gas, my lawn mover and weed whacker are electric because I don't like the smell of gasoline nor the sound the two strokes make. My heating is geo thermal because it is cheap and efficient. But when I go fishing with my friend a few times a year whose boat isn't the most climate friendly, I do not feel any grief at all. I have a composter, I sort my waste into ~10 different bins to lower my waste management bill... And I do feel pissed when my EV is hit with an extra$ 250 tax a year for "climate reasons" even though my electricity company sells only 100% renewable electricity.


Cool. How the hell are they going to enforce it? Unless the act is seen and an officer is willing to make a report and charge someone, how is this going to be enforced? Also don't we already have a law about littering? Isn't this just long distance littering?


They can release a police balloon to follow the illegal balloon until nighttime when it goes home to roost.


it will at least prevent planned releases for concerts, parades, other events. They are not going to arrest a 7 year old who let a balloon go. Unless the 7 year old is trans, that is.


At the least if a customer mentions that the balloons they’re requesting are for a release, they can refuse and let them know about the law. It’s awkward for the persons selling the balloons to tell the customer that their heartfelt memorial balloons are litter. The customer doesn’t want to hear that. The law is an easier explanation.


DeSantis is an evil prick but finally did something right here.


Weather balloons are woke.


Like a broken clock, at least it's right twice a day. He has nothing like that hit rate, so I guess he's just running very slow. Balloon releases are just littering.


Bro trying to stay one step ahead of North Korea


as an off shore fisherman i approve


Im all for giving credit where credit is due, but this is such a low fucking bar who gives a fuck? He had nothing to gain by going against this, otherwise he would have. His response to this was probably “yeah sure whatever”


A stopped clock is right twice a day.


First sensible thing he’s done.


Hey look, it’s that time of the day the stopped clock is right!


Probably not because of the environmental risks, but probably because of the risk of two or more colours being released together, and that's gay.




I was curious about weather balloons so I looked up HB321: Weather, research and hot air balloons that are recovered after flight would still be allowed. Previously biodegradable balloons were allowed to be released, but no longer.


Dammit. I had banning rainbows on my bingo card.


How did he do something actually kinda smart. Really not on brand for him. Ruining relations with one of his states largest employers and destroying the economy sure, but an environmental cause? This has to be a mistake.


Pettiness in politics *does* sometimes serve a purpose... though I am sure he did this to ban gender-neutral-gender-reveals and not because this is awful for the environment.


Finally he does something right.


Is this in uplifting news because balloons or what?


How about turkeys?


Wow, did someone replace Ron with a person? But what about weather balloons?


If they can't release balloons into the sky anymore, then isn't this the opposite of *uplifting* news?


Ron D actually did something good for once? I'm surprised he didn't demand that everyone should let balloons go so that local businesses weird make money.


Wow, he actually did something positive for the first time in his life, even though he didn't mean to (this is an attack on Disney)


I think this is the one thing he’s done I agree with?


Isn’t being environmentally friendly like mega WOKE though?🤣🤪Since he apparently loves to use that word for anything even remotely liberal.


Extremely rare DeSantis W


Probably the 1st and last time I’ll ever agree with that asshole.


Only thing he's ever done that I agree with.


I like the fact that even though I hate Ron DeSantis and disagree with him on nearly every political/social issue, I can still give him credit when he does something good. I feel like that means I'm still a reasonable person.


What about the horrible conditions for construction workers???


The only good thing he's done.


Weird because I remember having a sign on the counter of party city saying this almost a decade ago. Wonder if it was local ordinance code or the previous bill lapsed and this is it being reinstated


Duh. Balloons are how the gays signal that they want to meet other gays.


Nice pun post


Wait….is littering legal in Florida? While I’m sure it’s rarely enforced, balloon releases are littering…I.e already illegal.


The fact that they wrote another law sort of implies it wasn’t covered under the littering law. And, after reading it, I don’t think the Florida Litter Law is broad enough to encompass release of lighter-than-air objects. But I would love to hear your arguments as to how it’s already considered littering in Florida.


I don’t think the public health and littering law needs to be any broader. “(d) “Dump” means to dump, throw, discard, place, deposit, or dispose of. (e) “Law enforcement officer” means any officer of the Florida Highway Patrol, a county sheriff’s department, a municipal law enforcement department, a law enforcement department of any other political subdivision, or the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. In addition, and solely for the purposes of this section, “law enforcement officer” means any employee of a county or municipal park or recreation department designated by the department head as a litter enforcement officer. (f) “Litter” means any garbage; rubbish; trash; refuse; can; bottle; box; container; paper; tobacco product; tire; appliance; mechanical equipment or part; building or construction material; tool; machinery; wood; motor (4) DUMPING LITTER PROHIBITED.—Unless otherwise authorized by law or permit, it is unlawful for any person to dump litter in any manner or amount: (a) In or on any public highway, road, street, alley, or thoroughfare, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or any other public lands, except in containers or areas lawfully provided therefor. When any litter is thrown or discarded from a motor vehicle, the operator or owner of the motor vehicle, or both, shall be deemed in violation of this section;” I’m sure LEO’s just never cited anyone because I’m sure they have far better things to do than write citations for littering.


So you don’t have an argument then? I didn’t ask you to copy the law. Seems pretty obvious that if I release balloons on my own property, the government has no way of proving that I “discarded” or “placed” or “discharged” those balloons onto public property or someone else’s property. Rule of lenity. Defendant gets the benefit of ambiguous criminal provisions. So of course the government wrote a more specific law if they really care about balloons.


No intention of argument. Simply stating that to me, it seems like it would fall under littering even given the most favorable application. Im curious how many fines were written previously (if any) and how many will be written now.


Can someone ELI5? What's wrong with releasing balloons?


Florida has lots of water around it. When people release balloons, sometimes they land in water. Fish might eat the balloons thinking they're a tasty treat, and become sick and die.


Ahhh. Yeah, that's not good.


What's wrong with throwing stuff on the ground? It's just littering. In extremis, imagine this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B18OODqPJJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B18OODqPJJg)


Balloons that land in the sea look like sea turtles’ favorite food, jellyfish. The turtles eat them and then die of starvation.


If they float over a foreign country illegally it could spark and international incident and fighter jets will have to be deployed to shoot them down. It just becomes a whole to do for everyone and it's best to avoid it all together


I guess all the really important issues have been solved.


This is an important issue.


I assumed littering was already a crime. My mistake.


Something something broken clock.


That wasn't already illegal?


Littering is illegal. I don’t see how this didn’t run afoul of littering laws.


Broken clock and all that


Stopped clocks I guess?


[Meanwhile, in Newark, NY.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/balloon-release-honors-teen-found-dead-in-erie-canal/vi-BB1oTLqx)


Holy crap, DeSantis manages to sign a bill that isn't objectively terrible for the people of Florida!


Never thought I’d see DeSantis in a thread title unless it was followed by the word “convicted”, “resigns”, or “dead” but here we are. I totally agree with this and hope he doesn’t look the other way if those balloons come from Mar A Lago.


OMG. I agree with DeSantis on a thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Is this "no longer uplifting news" now?


Not because of the environmental impact but because he finds balloons "gay" /s


This is a good move.


Wait, did DeSantis do something right?


Stopped clocks and all that


uplifting news indeed \*ba dum ching\*


I'm conflicted because DeSantis is doing something I like. Fuck it, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


But this is not "uplifting". In a literal sense.


Good. Needless litter and pollution, and a waste of helium.


Desantis did something that wound up on uplifting news?


Yay, this'll change EVERYTHING! 🤗 I agree with the ban, but fuck me is this low on the priority list...


Ron Desantis signing an environmental protection bill? One that actually requires people to change their behavior and might be unpopular? What?       I guess Big Balloon didn't get to him


I anoint you to be the president of S Korea.


holy shit desantis banned something and I... agree with him??


All helium balloons should be banned


Even a broken clock can be right two times a day


The freedom state!!!!


Bill Ban Balloons Better


Is this an Onion post?


I like this but can't help but feel like there are reasons for it that would make me hate it.


Just read the headline. Assuming balloons are gay or socialists now?


Got it, but we can still release balloons by accident, right?


Man that's so woke. /s


It’s because he hates parties and celebrations


We need less laws, not more. Every new law signed is a law on top of countless other laws...it just builds and builds over time. This isn't really going to accomplish all that much.


Did they say how they are doing it? As specific law seams stupid but maybe just add a descriptor in current littering and fly tipping laws to cover balloons, lanterns etc. balloons do cause a lot of problems.


Releasing balloons is essentially littering...I like your approach.


Banning balloon releases is hardly uplifting


Why not? This is awesome.