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Them signing off when they weren’t actually doing check in is horrendous. Will there be any accountability?? The troubled teen centers here can’t seem to get their shit together. How awful


Troubled Teen centres are just prisons, where you don't have to bother with actual trials and lawyers. They should ALL be shut down. Stop sending your kids to concentration camps, for the love of God.




There’s a documentary about this exact thing on Netflix!


I struggle to see how competence can happen when these places are amoral and shouldn't exist. They keep doing the same thing over and over again, and the results aren't changing, so obviously whatever the hell they're doing hasn't worked, isn't working and will never actually work.


Literally the definition of insanity 🤦


Well, tbf, the center sounds more like a youth mental hospital rather than your "kill them in the wilderness" camp shit. That said, it's insane they let a suicidal teen die in their care. Their license should be revoked. I used to work in a mental hospital and there were special rooms for the suicidal people right next to the nurses station. Checks every 15 minutes. Some of the badder cases people would sit in their room with them and even restrain them if it was bad enough. No one ever died on our unit. It just boggles my mind. And they don't know her cause of death? Wut? There is something really fishy about the whole thing. I wonder how much money they "donate" to their local politicians. I hope the facility gets sued and has to get shut down.


She didn't kill herself though.


I realize that but part of being in a psych ward as a depressed person is having eyes on you and being almost constantly checked. It's like when you're an inpatient on an ICU ward. They don't care about your comfort, they care to check that your alive. The girl had suicidal ideation. That's why she was there, which means she should've had eyes on her constantly, checks constantly. It boggles my mind that they didn't.


If we’re going to be practical about a solution, what if there were a requirement for each facility to have weekly oversight from at least one parent of a child who is housed there? The parent would fly out from wherever, go through the facility with a checklist, and have a private meeting with their own child and perhaps 2 other inmates chosen at random. So they have a chance to objectively assess and report outwardly on whether safety rules are being followed, basic needs are being met, and detect possible signs of abuse. All parents with a child in the facility would have visibility to the weekly report. Something like that. Parental participation would have to be a requirement if they want to put their child in the facility. Otherwise, how are the parents not being held accountable when there’s abuse? We wouldn’t let a parent get away with dropping their child off at a prison to be disciplined, so why is it ok to throw them into a facility with no parental oversight? Without objective external oversight from trusted adults who don’t have a profit to gain, other than ensuring the child’s well being, I don’t know how else those facilities are going to be held accountable. Self policing and reporting clearly isn’t working.


Sometimes these kids are left here and this is the American version of boarding schools. Or we can wake up from the well designed practice of colonial extractivism organize abs see how this too is the design of white Christian capitalism


My idea above only applies if we’re unable to shut them all completely down. If they have to exist at all, parents should have some responsibility in providing oversight.


It's a double edge sword


A lot of times the parents are the reason the kids are there and weren’t proactive, attentive, respectful parents to begin with.


Which is another reason the parents should have some responsibility for oversight. It’s not valid for parents to just toss their kids into a private prison, and be resolved of any responsibility for their safety, just because they have the funds to do so.


I have a child with a lot of behavioral concerns over his lifetime. I got him a therapist, medication and intense therapy for him and myself to understand how to manage any meltdowns and set up boundaries and help him understand his big emotions. He just graduated early with honors. I never had to put him into a program. It wasn’t very easy but it worked.


I agree with the spirit of what you're saying here. This is a difficult situation, and I think it's natural inclination of people who have empathy, and also a desire to make the world a safer place for kids, even if the kids aren't theirs. It's how we take care of each other and also ourselves. As someone who had a traumatic childhood, and as someone who has been on a journey to healing from that, one of the first things I recognized is that yes, parents do have a responsibility to take care of their children, and that they need to be held accountable for their children. My parents cannot do this. I made the choice to turn and look forward, rather than hang onto a past that isn't going to change. I've also learned that it is hard to provide the love and support children need as parents, if we didn't receive that ourselves. I had a VERY insecure attachment with my parents, and I was unaware of the severity of that for most of my life. It resulted in me having difficulties with reinforcing that bond with my children when they were in their formative years. There's no going back and changing anything because that's not how time works and so all I can do is move forward, and take every opportunity to show up for my kids the way they need me to. And I've talked with my kids about this, and they acknowledge that I have done the things that needed to be done, and that they feel so much better about how things currently are and that they are optimistic about our future relationship; that relationship being between of the individual child and me, their mother. Times three since I have three kids. If parents cannot nurture and heal their inner child because of lack of resources or the support they need to be able to do so, and it's lead to them placing their children into these facilities, then it's not really going to do any good to put them in a position to do that for other people's children, because then their near non-existent resources are going to be stretched even thinner. **I don't blame the parents for putting their kids into these places. I blame the society that we live in that forces them to feel like they have no other choice.**


I work with children and teenagers with developmental disabilities and some behavioral issues and I am one of the people who come into people’s homes to work with their children/teens, to keep them out of care homes or institutional housing or other facilities. I deal with a lot of different types of parents and they really run the gambit. A lot of children with duel diagnosis have a lot of problems with cues and I teach them to manage their emotions and teach them tasks to be more independent and confident. I had a ton of friends in my circle sent to a lot of these places. I had one friend who was sent to Tonga for sobriety after the nature camps failed. But this was in the 90’s and they treated children with behavioral issues like it was all the child when it was often the kids were trying to get attention from their parents and/or they were never given healthy boundaries. Just my 2 cents.


Not always at all. It's not black and white. And it's really unfair to stereotype parents and be so judgemental when you don't know the details.


I didn’t say always.


You said a lot of the time. Which it really isn't.




That would be nice, but none of that requires any effort on the part of the parents. There needs to be actual effort, responsibility, and accountability from all parents for the safety of the children they add to the planet. If we allow private child prisons to exist, parents should still be required to personally oversee the child’s safety and well being, physically in person, on a regular basis, like any other parent. Just because they have the means to throw their child into a private prison doesn’t absolve them of their parental responsibility.


Parents are the ones hurting them.


Except when the parents throw them into a private child prison. Then the parents get to blame the harm on the business, rather than themselves. I’m saying the parents need to have accountability by having actual physical involvement in confirming the safety and living conditions of the child prisoners. That way when a child is harmed, or even dies as in this case, the parent (or even multiple parents) can be held accountable because they knew about the abuse, and had the means and responsibility to prevent it, but didn’t.


they could also make this illegal like everywhere else did so no one had to fly their kids to utah to get psychologically tortured for being more than their parents can handle. kids like this need structure and most of all compassion. even the safest inpatient facilities can leave patients with ptsd. i really believe we should stop institutionalizing children. i wanna know WHY this girl feels the need for drugs in the first place. why is she suicidal? getting to the bottom of her psych care is essential and it doesn’t always have to be inpatient, but when it does, it should be at a medical facility with nurses doing medical checks


100% agree.


Kids who have parents willing to be this involved don't end up in places like that.


This is so negligent. Poor baby probably aspirated in her sleep and passed. This could have been 100% avoided if policy was followed and staff had been checking on her.


No that place abused her every day when she was alive also. All staff must go to prison


Wide blanket to throw. I don’t subscribe.


Prove it.


This is a rehabilitation/medical treatment inpatient facility for patients, not a "troubled teens" ranch with inmate/clients. If it were just for healthy troubled teens, 10 hours wouldn't be unusual. But this was a facility that promised nursing care, and proof-of-life checks every 15 minutes, *that's* what makes the 10 hours egregious. Fox13's error. To me, they confuse the story and almost downplay it, by trying to tag it to "troubled teens." Most trouble teens facilities have little or no medical staff, usually only one or a couple psychologist-types. This story is about an inpatient drug rehab, yes for teens, teeming with medical staff. I feel like they are mushing together disparate concepts and business plans. The proposed solution: to flash a light in patients' head/face and neck every 15 minutes throughout the night seems like its going to torture some people who just want to sleep.


>The proposed solution: to flash a light in patients' head/face and neck every 15 minutes throughout the night seems like its going to torture some people who just want to sleep. An easier thing to do would be to have them wear a pulse oximeter during the night. As long as it stays on, they get uninterrupted sleep.


These people often times WANT to kill themselves and thrive off of the attention, the suicide attempt is often a cry for help. Maybe they don't actually want to die, maybe they just don't want to live the life they're living. Maybe they just got a little to deep on the cut, maybe they take a few too many pills. But I've worked in a psychiatric hospital for 3 years and seen some stuff. One person told me they would do anything to kill themselves and then the next day while choking on their food begged to have someone save them. I've seen a lot of people fake attempts for attention, probably the most common.


*shrug* then if they take off their pulse oximeter for attention, they don't get to have uninterrupted sleep. Their choice.


It's legally not their choice to kill themselves in most states.


I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said. They can have the pulse oximeter that monitors their vitals, or they can be checked every 15 minutes and have their sleep interrupted. Both ways ensure they don't kill themselves.


[Staff history](https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/wiki/index/threepoints) [inspection reports](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Hq97kI7UfdnrN-TVZPbqnRQDcSOu7Qj_) [critical incident report](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Hq97kI7UfdnrN-TVZPbqnRQDcSOu7Qj_) [three points center on conditional status letter April 5, 2024](https://drive.google.com/file/d/100sohgTCJ5CFnAXJHzisCG5LpeQ597xp/view)


I cannot fully express how infuriating and exciting that conditional license letter is. Two months was awfully short, but at least it was something. I wonder if it was extended, or if they “fulfilled” the requirements set forth. Thank you for sharing that.




These facilities *need* better regulation. My cousin went to one after his 11th(?) suicide attempt. His parents realized that even with both of them taking FMLA leave they just couldn't keep him safe from himself. He says the facility helped. That it was *much* better than the hospital for actually addressing his trauma. But really, all I know is that 10 years later he's still alive and says he's happy. So I know that at least some of them do good. BUT there's no way for a parent to know from the outside looking in if a youth treatment facility is going to help or kill their kid. If my cousin hadn't been so close to success in his goal as a teen, I don't know that his parents would ever have taken the risk. Regulation and audits are supposed to provide that guarantee that a facility is safe, because of course every sales person/pharmaceutical rep is going to say the facility that *they* are associated with is one of the good ones. Even if they're not.


We need to find out who is at the top for all these WWASP 'teen rehab' facilities and name a publicly-funded center after them. Hurricane would be a good place! /S https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/05/09/hws-hurricane-officials-address-city-announce-soon-opening-lichfield-family-gymnasium/


The mayor of hurricane is friends with the owners of the placea that have killed the kids and tortured the kids


I suffered tremendous abuse at one of these facilities when i was a teenager. The entire industry is built on it. It desperately needs better regulation.


So damn sad!!!


I used to work in medical malpractice. We had a case at the LDS Hospital psychiatric ward. Our clients’ loved one hung herself on the bathroom door frame with a sheet in her room at about 11pm. Her nursing records for that entire night said she had been checked every 15-20 minutes and was “sleeping soundly”. When they finally found her hours later she was in full rigor mortis. So this kind of stuff happens at legit establishments as well. So fucking tragic.


I used to work there, they’ve lost more kids before. This isn’t the first time.


Send me an email if you want to talk further about this -- [email protected].


Wrongful death and mal practice law suit for sure and likely settled out of court. Criminal negligence charges maybe. 15 minute checks should require observation of respiration.


That's heavy negligence. I worked at Provo Canyon School and the Heritage Community which are less medically-focused than Vive, and even we checked on the residents every 15 minutes throughout the night and made sure they were breathing.


And troubled teens will keep being unalived by these negligent program and settling out of court until Utah stops being a "parent's rights" state where underage kids don't have to consent to medical treatment.


My mom was in a college course and this dude came in I was in class with her that day as a guest for something else I had to do up at the college figured I’d listen to the lecture. The dude runs these camps. The reason he chose Utah was because of the fact that it’s easier to get away with anything they wanted. And he was teaching this at UVU. As a guest lecturer. It was horrendous the way he described the kids and seemed not to grasp that what he was doing was abuse.


Those places need to shut done.


These places need to be shut down. They’re disgusting. So many of my friends were sent here. They’re part of the adoption/foster/prison pipeline and it needs to stop.


All those places need to be shut down. They hurt more kids than they help. All the employees and owners need to go to prison


Here is more information https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557037555564


Just be careful be for you send a love one to one of these facilities. They are for profit and have very little if any over site from the state. My nephew got sent to a trouble kid facility cattle ranch near cedar city and it messed him up bad. He was abused by staff and other kids there. A lot of these places don’t have people that are trained to handle the problem kids or have a staff member that is a trained therapist. He had worst behavioral issues coming out and ended up committing suicide.


Big government regulation of this industry would be communism


No treatment facilities follow the rules 99% are there for the easy money promise there kid will be fixed when they come out and they usually come out worse


omg i remember being in that facility 😟


Classic 👏👏👏


Shocker, the unregulated trouble teen industry is unregulated and is a problem


While I am disgusted by the actions of this place. I'm equally disgusted in some of these comments that parents need to stop sending their kids to places like this. First and foremost alot of places such as this ARE REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD. As a sister to 2 brothers who went through the Boys Ranch in West Jordan that helped them and as a step parent of a child here in North Carolina I see a tremendous difference. My 13 yo step son has been in and out of programs like these out here since he was 6 he learned to manipulate the system out here there is no institutionalization out here. He was WRONGLY diagnosed and EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM OUT HERE was lazy and went with it NEVER ONCE ACTUALLY DOING ANY EVALUATION of this young man's mental health. I came into the picture having had AMAZING MENTAL HEALTHCARE as a child in Utah I was institutionalized twice once at Primary Children's hospital mental health side and at UNI I got the help truly needed I came out here and went WTAF? DO NOT BLAME PARENTS BLAME THE HEALTH CARE. MENTAL HEALTH IS STILL A "TABOO" THING. ITS MUCH EASIER TO BLAME GUNS, SOCIETY AND PARENTS then to get intouch with reality. My step son was "diagnosed" with high functioning Autism IQ of 92 ect. He shows signs of ANTISOCIAL DISORDER you know socialpathic, psychopathic, conduct disorder. If in Utah he would be able to get THE REAL HELP NEEDED HERE IN NC EVEN THE MENTAL HEALTH CARE PEOPLE WE ARE WORKING WITH SAID NC HAS BARLEY ANYTHING FOR CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH.


Now that I ranted on how amazing NC is for mental health for kids 🙄🙄 Places like this place are looking at things like a business $$$$$$$$$$$$ Stop running places like its a business and start looking at the individual in these places as such. Individuals. I believe in 1 and done with my kids as well as every human. 1 and done You get 1 violation your done NEVER to be allowed in the health care side EVER AGAIN. Not even in administration. You take on a job as a mental health provider then THAT IS WHAT YOU DO. You follow ALL THE RULES AND GUIDELINES However you have dirty rotten politicians who are "friends" with so they "help" keep places open. Maybe start CHARGING EVERYONE WHO HAS THEIR HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR FROM the police the investigators to DHHS to the mayor everyone that has some sort of ties to places such as this watch how much things change. But we won't do that because it makes to much sense to do this. Its much easier to be sheople and turn our heads and point the fingers at the parents then at ourselves for how we have allowed politics, laws, "rules" what Suzy down the street thinks. Put yourselves in a troubled teens parents shoes for 30 seconds and tell me what would you do.


Utah placements strike again. The owners and staff on duty need to go to jail. I'm calling for public trials and prison time. Enough is enough.


Something ABSOLUTELY MUST BE DONE ABOUT THESE FACILITIES. They go against humanity and its survival and must be shut down completely, everywhere. It's doing harm only for money and fucked up research. ORGANIZE, AND SHUT THIS SHIT DOWN TOTALLY. These places put infinite power into the hands of the worst people leading our world. If you'd seen the things I have seen, you would understand without a doubt. These things are a terrible thing for the world.


How many more children have to die in these places before people wise up and realize even the best TTIs deserve the same exposure and treatment as conversion therapy facilities.


Why do these places still exist? Didn't Paris Hilton do a documentary on that horrible place in Park City, Utah she was sent to as a teen?




Bro... I'm glad I don't live in a dystopian world where this is taken seriously.


Could you imagine applying on indeed for one of these resident service technicians jobs for $15-$16 an hour?  Expectations: If a resident dies on your shift, expect to face a firing squad. 


You mean if a resident dies cause you neglect them for 10 hours instead of checking in on them every 15 minutes like you're legally required to do. You blow in from dumbass city or something?


Maybe you should read the article. Do the direct staff bare some blame? Absolutely. But they didn't murder her in cold blood. If you want to even suggest a firing squad, wouldn't those actually responsible, and paid well to be responsible, be to blame? Meaning the actual administration/owners who allowed systemic issues to balloon and neglect their patients while still happily taking money. Do you think everyone who causes a lethal car accident should be immediately executed? They're legally required to pay attention. And their actions were far more direct in causing death. I'm curious how far your bloodthirst goes.


Negligent death is manslaughter which is still murder, and to answer your false equivalency question at the end, I dont think cars should even exist because the general population is too fucking stupid to operate them, so that's my answer


Got it, I'm glad you cleared up any potential for you just over exaggerating. I certainly agree that some parts of the population are too stupid to operate cars. I certainly see that. Like those with the moral understanding of 5 year olds, for example. I'd loop those in the "too stupid to drive" category, no question.


Have you ever even worked in the care industry? You are paid to put people's lives in your hands and the only way you can mess up as bad as this is if you're willfully ignorant


In your mind, you're arguing with someone who has no understanding of healthcare and thinks the death of a 16 year old should bare no consequences. In reality, I'm arguing with a madman who thinks the staff, ALL the staff, who may or may not have participated in medical negligence (a serious issue that should be investigated and harsh punishments doled out) should be executed wholesale by the government. That's some psycho energy.


Who DID participate in medical negligence, resulting in the death of a child


manslaughter is not murder, literally by definition


My bad, electricfleshlight, manslaughter is not murder, but instead homicide, which is still basically murder


Killing someone in self-defense is also homicide, but it is not murder. There are indeed degrees of taking a life, which is why there are different crimes and some killing isn't a crime at all.


Yes that's correct but this is not killing in self defense, this is killing by being an idiot and refusing to do your job, which is a really easy job too.


LOL. Put so well. Everyone loves to blame the low paid, undereducated, barely trained peons.


If you can't meet the basic requirements of vitality checks you shouldn't be in the industry. The bar is on the floor and they still couldn't reach it. If you're that negligent, you deserve the blame


Your original comment wasn't "the staff should all face serious consequences." It was for them to be shot. That's the only pushback you're getting.


Seriously, you dont just accidentally ignore a patient for ten hours unless you're too stupid to do the job in the first place


That is a serious consequence.