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put up a sign that says "if you steal this flag, you're gay"


Haha I was thinking that or "For every flag you steal I will donate $100 to Joe Biden"


That's an incentive for some people.


Not to the people who steal pride flags though, generally.


Unless they’re stealing it cuz they like it lol


That might upset them if they could read.


Under rated comment


Get one of those motion activated sprinklers that's meant to deter cats. 


This, but just fill the tank with piss or something.


Warning not to do anything that could bring a lawsuit. We don't want to hand them free money


How do you sue someone for getting covered in piss when you’re on area of their property you don’t have permission to be on?


You can buy wolf piss online. We use it to keep coyotes out of our yard. Bonus if you can use it to keep bigots out too! It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever smelled.


Piss disk


This, but fill it with mace


Don’t do this. Booby traps are super illegal (and for good reason).


Great idea until someone trips after being sprayed, smacks their head and the law allows them to sue you even though they are the one breaking the law


This, but full it with boobies.


Dag ya beat me to it 😭


Great idea! I just got a flag stolen and I so happen to have one of those motion detector sprinklers.


There are these window alarms at Walmart. They work by going off if the window is opened. You put one side on the window and the other on the sill or somewhere that won't move when the window is opened. So you put one part on some part of the flag pole and the other on the flag pole holder . If the flag is taken from the holder, the alarm goes off. It's loud as hell. They probably won't take it again, and if you're in the right place, you might even see them. The window alarms are under ten bucks.


That’s brilliant, thank you!


This is a one-time solution because if you do miss it, you’ll never see who it is- they’re not going to come back. Honestly get a camera first and foremost so you can press charges


Put the part that makes noise on the flag itself. Superglue the shit out of it lol


Great idea. That way they will hopefully leave the flag there.


When ours were getting stolen, we’d immediately replace each one with a bigger one. We had a supply of increasingly larger flags. Eventually they stopped stealing them. We’ve had no trouble in the few years since.


That’s what I’m thinking. A pride flag hydra of sorts


A pride-ra if you will XD 


Shit I'd send u 20 and go without a meal for an extra flag if it spites these fuckers


I’d go full petty and paint my entire garage door rainbow.


I could not love this any more.


That’s great until they steal the garage door


I have friends who hang it inside the window, like a curtain or on their second story. I also have a friend paint their bench that was on their porch a rainbow after they had their umpteen flag stolen.


That’s a good idea! I’ve been thinking of painting something too. The flags stay up year round anyway


It was a bench with wooden slats. Each slat was a different color, end result was a real cool and clean look.


I am so sorry this is happening. This is not ok.


This is the way


Can't wait to own my own house so I can fly one right under Old Glory and the new State flag. As of now, landlord says "not on my property"


For extra trigger factor I highly recommend this one: https://flagsforgood.com/products/utah-lgbtq-pride-flag?variant=43598672429301¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyUJ2n9dWGJVBZNPFv6oQPuucFoD7lDz15z7N3hY3wuu3DhxDx6OunEaAknfEALw_wcB


Display it in your window. :)


I've been lucky. We have the only pride flag in the neighborhood but it's never been fucked with. It does mean some neighbor kids aren't allowed to play at our house with our kids, but there isn't much I can do about their parents.


That is so messed up that your neighbors won’t let their kids play with yours just because of that…ugh


I feel bad for the kids being raised by ignorant parents like that. It’s not their fault.


I would invite certain kids over when I was young. They never came because my mom was divorced and they couldn't trust that or something. Utah is just staying klassy.


“They might catch the gay-virus!”


There's no hate quite like mormon love.




Did you ever consider that you’re the one sexualizing queer people, not us sexualizing kids?


We’re the gay pariahs in our neighborhood too. Once everyone was 8 and up, the neighbor kids stopped playing with ours as well. 🫠


My coworker has a gentleman in their cul-de-sac. that plows everyone’s sidewalk and driveway but theirs. Petty.


Oh my god. So petty. Sounds pretty on the nose for a Utah suburb


How VERY christlike, amirite?


I plow everyone’s sidewalk in my neighborhood except for the bigots. So reverse uno card.


Ours is a stranger scenario, my kids, 7 and 10, finally learned to ride bikes and as a result finally met the neighbor kids. For several days everybody was playing and having a great time. Free otter pops for the lot! Then one day one of the kids said that one of the groups of siblings couldn't play at our house anymore because of the flag. Our kids still play together, just not at our house. There is an upside, the otter pops last 10 times as long. We managed to be the gay pariahs while still being straight. Quite an honor really. That our desire to recognize that everybody is worthy of love and respect, has the opposite effect for us personally.


Wait! Your kids still get to play with other kids, but you don’t have the noise or the mess that comes with kids playing at your house? All because you hung up a flag?! That’s an idea right there…🤔


Flag sales are gonna skyrocket now!


Hey that's what happened at my house as a kid! My parents were Catholic and Lutheran in a Mormon neighborhood. My parents didn't have to buy as many snacks until we had the only trampoline in the neighborhood lol


People are assholes. I’m super glad you don’t have to deal with them but I hate that they are being raised in hate under an illusion of god. You are too good for them anyway


So, what I would do is put a box of pride flags out by the flying flag with a note expressing that you didn't realize there are so many LGBTQ in the area that are short on flags and that if they want/need one to please take one from the box rather than the hanging one! Then express that your camera has been moved to better identify them so that when next you meet, you guys can talk LGBTQ for HOURS!!


I’ve been wanting to get a cardboard cut out of that Jesus pic where it looks like he’s peeking around the corner saying “I saw that”. I have the perfect spot to hide him, they wouldn’t see him until the moment they need to start reaching for that flag. Life size Jesus hiding just around the corner ready to scare the jeebus out of someone about to do something stupid. 😂


"Jesus is watching. So is my camera."


I started laughing so hard💀


So there’s a porn shop in Farmington,NM. Right next door is a giant billboard that says “Jesus is watching you (or something to that effect lol)


Mount them high with nice metal mount, and use long screws. Then mount a camera (real or fake) directly beneath it. I haven’t had anyone mess with my flags (a pride flag and a spicy abortion rights one) when others in our neighborhood have had them stolen. I am very close to a high school and lds church, so I know they are seen lol.


"spicy abortion rights" made me actually laugh out loud. 😂


([Has little uteruses flippin the bird](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1079084077/), I’m sure church goers who notice really appreciate that ;))


As a church goer, I do appreciate that. 10/10 no notes


I’m in church every Sunday morning and I love this lol


It's beautiful!!! 🥲


I have a pride flag hanging on the inside of an upstairs window. It's flat against the window so still fully visible, but not steal-able. Not quite as nice as outside, but it is what it is.


We finally put ours outside of a window on the 2nd floor.


There's no reason you can't get a high quality security camera that way you can figure out who's actually doing it. Most of the time people get the cheapest camera they can find and then it doesn't do any good because you can't see who it actually is. Most likely it's some dumbass teens thinking there they are funny or somebody who actually really wants one but they don't want to buy one. Could go either way.


I’ve never understood this, why someone is so triggered by a flag so much they feel the need to destroy it. How does a pride flag on your property affect others? smh In my neighborhood I see pride flags, Trump flags, Biden flags, America flags, I’m glad tolerant people still exist. OP I hope you can win the battle of steal the flag 😊


There is just a divide right right. Dumb thing is....I wouldn't say that we're forced to take a side, but it feels like that. Then it's so easy for someone to just throw you in a 'category' of where you stand on certain issues. We live in some dumbass times.


Totally agree, it’s become very tribal


NOOOO, theyre not triggered, the lgbtq community are the ones who are triggered!!! /s Real talk I've seen someone say basically that over a similar issue. They really do the "I've depicted you as the angry wojak and myself the Chad, so I win"


Teenagers don’t respect property or freedom of speech. Get a ring camera. It’s about all you can do.


It isn’t always teenagers. I have seen and heard grown adults brag about taking down Pride Flags, or the “Love your Neighbor” signs.


Ain’t no hate like Christian love


I would say if you have like a front facing window to put it up on the inside that way if they try to damage it it’s actually property damage


Itching powder.Top it off every few days in case of rain and wind.


My husband decided one year to booby trap by using a very large amount of tangled fishing line and beer cans, tied off to some of our trees. We inherited a Leatherman as someone came into our yard, but ran away and left the tool behind. Subsequently, someone drove over several large yuccas in order to take out our flag and signs. My husband then got gigantic landscaping rocks to put in our yard, and someone took out a bumper when they hit the rocks with their car. We’ve had a camera for the last few years and have one of them prominently pointed at our yard.


Electric fence hooked up to the metal pole


Booby trapping your property is a felony.


Only if it causes injury. Otherwise all the farmers with electric fences would be felons.


Not true at all. Fences are not concealed or camouflaged like rigging up a flag pole would be. Rigging up a flag pole with an electrical current in order to zap people stealing a flag is absolutely a booby trap. A clearly marked fence is not.


What if you have a sign that says “electrified pole”?


It's the booby trapping that's the problem, not the intent. There's no possible way for you to argue in court that you've electrified a flag pole for a good reason. There are ways to argue other stuff was in your yard that could cause injury though.


Why if your parents forgot you on Christmas and now you are home alone, but you suspect there are robbers scoping out the place?


Instead of a flag I have Jellyfish Lights, so my house is a giant flashing rainbow 🌈


It's been a bad year. Mine got snatched not long ago. I bought a few more. Next year I'm going to get vinyl wrap material cut to the size of the sections of the garage. The regular flag generally stays up all year round. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hate that people who are ostensibly all about keeping private property sacred don't seem to have a problem destroying the property of others


Yep, the party of free speech is only the party of free speech when it's what they agree with.


Exactly. I posted here when my flag was taken, and some of the abuse was unreal. I felt like I was in another dimension


Yeah, this sub can be truly disappointing with some of the people in it. They're the people that give Utah a bad name. 😒


That's true. But there were FAR FAR more decent people in the comments. Even people who didn't have any love for Pride still disagreed with the vandalism and the hate. Idk. I've been here (ugh) almost 50 years. And I can say without a doubt that... it's better than it was in 1979 lol


Our comment thread is getting downvoted rn by probably those same people 😂 but I'm definitely glad it's better than 1979 🤪


I keep getting notifications that I've got 5 updoots, but when I check, I've only got 3. Is this their advanced MAGA cyber warfare? 😂


It's probably reddit's vote fuzzing. It's an anti bot thing that obscures the actual votes slightly to confuse bots. Often makes new comments look like they're getting down voted.


Huh. That's actually really interesting! I know there are bots, but I don't really understand how they work


The whole *"don't you dare speak about any abyoos after we victimize you fer being differ'nt 'n us! You keep that abuse to yerself!"* energy is real. Being an awful, frothy-mouthed bigot is so much harder than it used to be. They can't be quite as open about it as they once were


Fake security cameras and "Smile you're on camera" signs


Yeah, we've never had ours stolen, but I don't hang it out anymore. Ever since the first time putting it up 3 years ago, about 8 months after moving in, we've had excess dog poop and litter put in our front yard. We're both disabled, and the HOA despises messy yards, so that's been very not fun. So if the allies can't hang their flag without getting the yard trashed, I feel bad for my next-door neighbors


I wish I knew where you lived so I could start a dog walking business and leave your lawn to be the only clean one in the neighborhood


Utah County. Woo...


Sit outside in a rocking chair with a shotgun. Like the old timers used to. They'll respect that


Get a camera and aim it towards the street. Try and get the license plate.


Two cameras, with each able to monitor the other. That way, when the lowlifes try to damage the camera before stealing the flag, you'll have them on film.


Hidden cameras and a police report? Or a supersoaker full of cat pee.


My husband and I are fans of the LGBT Gadsden Flag. It makes \*everyone\* uncomfortable.


Am I the only one in favor of electrification? Get a flag with copper fibers woven into it. Attach it to a bank of batteries. Get a game camera and record the entire experience. Would be wonderful.


Theres tripwires that use a 12guage blank. Would scare the piss out of them at least


First time in Utah, and I can not believe how hateful some of the people are. With all the bumper stickers and even license plates. “Sucketca” suck it California? Met so many nice people, but then they go get in their oversized hate machine and speed off. Stealing pride flags? Whole new level of pettiness and hatred. Risking getting arrested just to stick it to gay people?


Yeah, it’s an odd mix of acceptance and brutal ignorance…


Nobody should be messing with whatever flags you put on your own property. This is so wrong.


Dig a Burmese tiger trap around the flag.


Get a ring, print pictures, make a yard sign of shame.


Try putting up an American flag as well and put an NRA sticker on your house.


Posted about the destruction in the local LDS church fb group with quotes about love one another etc. laid it on thick. No problems later. But we added banners and signs etc. including a “smile! We have cameras!”


People are such assholes. We got a nighttime motion sensor that makes loud barking noises when anything gets close. It sounds like a pack of rabid Dobermans. IIRC we got it from Home Depot online a few years ago.


I had a flagpole mounted onto the house itself. Only reachable by ladder. It was left along after that.


I have a flag pole mounted on my house, but now they've broken the flag pole itself. Snapped it right in two. Now I can't even fly my American flag.


I am so sorry!


My young friend painted his on his front window.


I have one on our upstairs balcony. I also have a large amount stashed away and will put the previous amount plus one up for every flag theft from out front. Fortunately I haven’t had to implement this yet!


You can't technically booby trap your property with intent to hurt people, but you might do a lot of gardening and leave a few of those handheld 3 prong cultivators, maybe a rusty tiller head. You might also be staking out a garden with nearly invisible string. You might also be so inclined to plant a garden of rose thorns which occasionally blooms roses. There are many ways you can improve your garden and I think that you should take the initiative to do something creative and exploratory.


Paint your roof in rainbow stripes!




If the goal of this is to force them to destroy an American flag in the process of stealing a pride flag in hopes of being able to have them charged with something that may not be very effective now destroying the flag is considered an act of free speech.


I didn’t think it was about charging them, it’s about making a “patriot” short circuit. As a middle finger to the crowd who’s fucking with peoples’ pride flags in the first place


Land mines


This is the way


At least I’ll be aware of if/when it happens


We have put flags in our windows from the inside. All the windows. We have them hanging in our garage along with the country flag of my husbands heritage. We've had to install ring cams and cameras around outside. We've gotten lots of footage of teens and adults. We've saved l, showing them pounding on our doors and windows, stealing our rainbow planters, and flags. We live in a smaller town, and the police have been called numerous times, with the footage and screen shots of faces. Our neighbors have started coming over to add their voices to what's happening. Police know our family very well. I'm someone who quietly does everything I can do, and then I get very loud but tactful.


Motion alarm with a siren?




Even cheap security cameras like Wyze have AI-run person detection these days, you can set them to only notify or alarm when a person is detected.


That's what we did. It flips a light on, records and the alarm sounds for a few seconds. So far this year's flags are still in place.


Flood light with sensor? I have a nest outdoor camera that lights up the area when there's movement and also would record their faces. I heard someone mention somewhere on Reddit that you could also sew an air tag into the flag to track it. Make sure you file a police report each time this happens. Talk to all neighbors to see if they have any recording of it as well .


I hang mine inside my window year round. I have a camera right next to it. Zero problems for several years now.


Have a sign that says trespasser’s will be shot


Bedroom window so it's visible but untouchable is lovely!


I have a camera watching mine.




Utah is a castle doctrine state. You can’t just shoot someone for taking a flag off your front porch. Kind of sick you’d even suggest that.


I'm guessing they are doing this at night when they can't see the flag base very well. Maybe putting some spikes on the flag pole would teach the asshole a lesson.


I have never had anyone touch mine, but then I have several cameras that are clearly visible. On the other hand, I have a neighbor down the street that has had several stolen. They now have a sign in their yard that says “if you want a flag, knock and ask” and another that says “every flag stolen means another donation to the pride center”. Which honestly seems to work pretty well for them. Best way to fight hate is by doing something they hate more by giving even more love IMO.


Sew a maga flag on the other side of it, they wont know whether to salute it or tear it down.


Mount it on your roof. If they fall and get injured all the better


Step 1: Go to Tractor Supply/Murdochs/other country store. Step 2: Buy the cheap electric fence juicer. Step 3: Attach the juicer to the flag. Step 4: Setup Cameras. Step 5: Laugh/profit.


Glue or cement the pole of the flags.


I write in sharpie on the flag. “If you steal this flag you are gay.” Seems to be working.


I’ve seen people hanging the flags in their windows. Seems like the best solution, unfortunately.


I don’t have a flag pole on the outside of my house, so I hang mine inside my front window with suction cup hooks. It’s very secure, but it’s not quite as visible as it would be on the outside.


Hang them on the inside of the window. If you have a second story put them in the windows upstairs, get a bunch of them (flags). Get cameras up with an alarm sound you can set up and set off from your phone and hopefully scare them off. Personally I’d sit in a dark corner, black clothes laying in wait and catch them in the act and film them and then take them to court for a restraining order and if they do it again they will be in violation of that said order. I also recommend a very very large can of bear mace. Put up security cameras with infrared and night vision. You got this!! Cops and courts won’t do shit without a lot of evidence if it continues.


Set up a tree stand about 30 yards away and wait


Get one of those motion sensor sprinklers that runs anytime it's triggered.


3/8 in. x 3 in. Galvanized Steel Carriage Bolt




Got it, I’ll put more up, thank you :)


Razor blades


MAGAS do that where I live.


There's always this classic (it's a paintball sentry modeled after the suitcase one from James Bond) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxBa5bQfTGc


Byrna LE


Defend your property. Defend your lgbtq+ allies. Our community needs protection not only from cowards but also armed extremists.


1) remember that the people doing it aren’t the regular population, that would be very silly to assume that because 1 out of maybe hundreds or thousands of people who pass by will be stupid, it doesn’t mean the all are stupid. 2) I bet just a security camera will do fine. They’re probably not masked bandits or something, so you could probably just identify them by face easily… then the revenge is more sweet when you get them arrested 😎


As someone who has had his property damaged out of political bias, there isn't much you can do other than just keep doing it or stop doing it. If someone is determined to steal/vandalize/destroy something, they are going to do so. Unfortunately people can't mind their own business anymore. I chose to just keep displaying it as a major fuck you to people who get so upset by it. They may, if you are lucky, eventually give up.


Ugh, people are the worst sometimes… the only acceptable reason to steal a flag (IMO) is if it’s insanely dirty, the owners are out of town, and you plan to take it home, wash it, and replace it like nothing happened. Or it’s extremely weathered and just shredded to bits and needs to be replaced with a newer, and better, model. (Have I done this? No. Have I thought about it a time or two? Yes.) Motion activated sprinklers are a good one. Additionally, I found insanely bright motion activated porch lights with signs that say “smile, you’re on camera” are effective.


Put up a camera to see who’s doing it


Make sure you put up a camera that can see your flag. Have it set to detect movement. When someone steals your flag, find the relevent footage, give that to the police, file a lawsuit against the thief for conversion (civil lawsuit theft), and put the relevent section of video on youtube. Send a link of that video to pretty much every news organization in your area.


I’ve thought about running an electric fence wire up the flag staff. It would be fun to watch on the security cam!


Electric boobytrap


Booby traps are generally considered illegal in most jurisdictions, but in Texas, you may be able to legally set them under certain circumstances. For example, you may be able to set a booby trap if you could have used the same force and caused the same injury if you had been present in person. You must also be able to prove that your use of force was justified. Additionally, the device you use cannot be designed to cause serious bodily injury or death, and you must reasonably believe that its use is appropriate in the circumstances. Since often Texas and Utah have mirroring legislation you might want to check it out


Probably someone who also wants the 'right' to shoot anybody that comes on their property.


Put it out of reach of the people that are doing this


Secure it in side your home so no one can take it


Mine was damaged 2 nights ago. My camera caught it, but the teenager was dressed in black with a hoodie. Police officer said it happens to a lot of people in my area every June. I’ve decided to just take it down each night.


Shouldn't have to....8


have a sensor detector when someone gets to close and song "i'm coming out" starts blasting. 🎶I'm coming out I want the world to know Got to let it show I'm coming out🎶


It’s probably the store that sells them, they steal them so you buy more


So THIS is the rainbow capitalism they were telling me about


Mine is hung sideways at 10' tall. No one has stolen it but I'm not sure anyone has tried.


You can attach a scat mat to the flag maybe around the pole where they would grab it. Once they grab it, they get a light electrocution.🤣🤣🤣🤣


8 years I had to look at a giant Trump sign every day. My neighbor attached it to a right angle pole to make sure it jutted out over the road. They finally moved to Cali (to live with their PORN STAR son, I shit you not) and the new people immediately replaced it with a pride flag! (They are not LGBTQ too!) just kind people.


I saw some friends of mine put theirs on the roof somehow.


We put ours inside our front window


Ours was ripped off the front of our house a few months ago. We reported it to the police, put up a new flag and bought a flood cam for our front yard. In the last month, someone shot our flood cam with a BB gun. 🤬