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It’s been 2 years bro chill


But his son bro


Haha, I was worried brining the kid part would make someone like you say that. I was 13 when I fell in love with Stockton/Malone/Hornacek. Different for you, I guess, but watching them as a kid is the reason I’m a fan today. Guess we’re just different in our fanhood reasons 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve been here the last 30+ years to my friend. But dude come on, support the team, embrace whatever process we’re going through and maybe one day there will be a championship parade going down State street that you will be lucky enough to enjoy with your son. And maybe you can both look back on what got us there and realize your favorites back then might not be the ones you have now.


Sounds good to me. Didn’t expect the hate I got from this post!


You said in your first sentence that you were gonna get heat from this lol


Sounds like you need to teach him the importance of patience.   Just going to the playoffs is no longer enough for me and hasn't been enough for awhile.   I'm willing to go through the lean years in an attempt to build a real contender. 


People don’t remember what it’s like to be 12. I’m with you. This teams sucks to watch now.


It’s insane how when any fan says they don’t think the team is going in the right direction they are met with downvotes and scorn. We just tanked for the tenth pick. Too much talent to get a top five pick - not enough to compete for a playoff spot. Cleveland and MN especially are too good to provide anything more than late round picks unless those teams have major injuries. It’s thought right now to see the light at the end of the tunnel and expressing that is a perfectly legitimate and honest take.


Some strong strong first world problems you've got, my guy. I hope you and the boy make it through.


Oh man, I wasn’t trying to compare it to real World problems. Just responding to what I’m hearing on this sub. Sorry you jumped to that conclusion. My dad is a refugee from Palestine, and I’m not sure if you’re aware, but his homeland is being bombed mercilessly daily. Check it out if you don’t know…google Gaza. We’re not religious, but me and my two young kids reflect and say a prayer daily. Thanks for the comment though on basketball sub about our favorite basketball team.


"Google Gaza" lmaooo That would be a great band name


It looks like you’re a chiefs fan. They were pretty bad for a while in the mid 2000s there, probably when you were younger too. Yet you stuck with them and now they’re a dynasty. Let’s hope the same happens here. These things take time after all.


Mid-2000s?? Oh man, they broke my heart as a kid in the late 90’sand sucked until 2004 (I was at the game in 1998 where we should have won and started Grbac over Gannon). But you’re right, I’ll try to keep his head up as a fan until we get good again. I guess I don’t trust the process as much as everyone else on here’. Sorry.


We support a team and we stick with them through thick and thin. As a Jazz fan, a Newcastle United fan. I’ve never seen any team I support win anything. Its the journey that is part of the fun for me. We don’t have a given right to win or even be good. It can be a good teaching moment, you can’t just win everything all the time, sometimes you have to be patient. Keep believing, and good things will happen. We are 2 years into a rebuild. Yes its not where we want to be, but we have some good building blocks in place and I can see a positive future. Would you rather watch us make the playoffs and lose in the first round 4-0 or take a couple of years to build and try and create a true contender?


For sure i would, I guess I just don’t trust the system a Sky h as everyone else. Totally hoping I’m wrong.


Lol, welcome to sports. Teams change.


That’s true. Good for him to see that, just sucks for him to have so much fun at the beginning of fanhood and then have nothing. He’s a kid. Sorry.


Brah. When I was 8 and 9, the Jazz faced the 90's Bulls in the finals. We stared down MJ, Pippen, Kukoc, Kerr, and a host of other hall of famers. Then when I was 12, AK47 was our best guy. I watched the Jazz become a shadow of its former self. But I never stopped showing up to spend time with my dad. Being a fan is complicated, and sometimes it's hard following a team that fails to meet the heights we'd like. But if you always show up, for your team and for your son, it doesn't matter how good the Jazz are. It's the players, it's the game, it's the time with your family that makes it fun.


I understand that we aren’t the most fun team to watch in the league right now, but a few rough years for the hope that we could become a legit contender for once is worth it imo. It sucks to see us lose all the time, but it sucked even more knowing that our ceiling was a second round exit despite being strapped for assets. That is what we were with Donovan and Rudy: perennial second round exits at best. We haven’t even sniffed the finals in almost 30 years, and I want us to change that so badly.


You seem like a similar fan to me…mid-late 30’s and loved Stockton/Malone years… Are you legit cool with the direction of the team? We’re all just so confident because of Danny ainge..? Ok…🤷🏻‍♂️


We aren’t even in year three of the rebuild yet lol. It’s too soon to say if Danny Ainge is steering us in the right direction or not. There is stuff to like though. He’s loaded up on assets and drafted several young studs with killer potential. Hendricks, George, and Sensabaugh was one of the most impressive drafts the Jazz have made in years. The only qualm I have with Ainge is that he’s only really fired up the tank at the trade deadline each of the past two years, which hurt our lottery picks, but other than that, I think he’s been fine. We just need to be patient.


Thank god people who share your sentiment aren’t in the front office! You want to go back to being second round exits at best? That’s fun for you? lol the front office couldn’t care less about your perspective or any other jazz fan who agrees with you. It’s Danny fucking Ainge. We have a stacked future, just not for the next 1-2 years. Go find a new team support if you can’t handle the way they’re prioritizing their future over your feelings. Oh and don’t come back supporting again when the Jazz are in the WCF.


It’s been big changes these last few years. New players, new owner, new play styles. It’s a lot. Still early but maybe it’ll click one day.


I hear ya. I think my favorite part of this organization until the recent past was the degree to which you could count on the central core of players being there. I understand the fans who want to win at the expense of all else, but I think there’s also something to be said about consistently good performance, and consistency in personnel. It feels like you get to know those guys, especially when you’re 12. Also, all the fans who are telling you how to parent seem kind of unaware that being a fan is inherently somewhat like being a 12 year old. We act a little crazy for the thing we love


Jazz finally do the right thing and tear it down instead of committing to being mid and people are shitting on them for it only 2 years in? I don't give a single fuck about winning one playoff series a year.. that is so boring. Did you forget how little heart the team had before they blew it up? They collapsed against the Mavs and clippers in back to back years... You enjoyed that?


How old is your son? Does he have a terminal illness? I think you’ll be fine. Relax


Yeah, I take it you either don’t have kids or don’t watch sports with them. No matter what you say, it sucks to watch a kid be insanely exited about their favorite player winning the dunk contest and the team competing…to now…nothing. Sorry you don’t get it and you were offended 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus fucking Christ. Imagine being a kings fan or Detroit


Yes…that’s called Whataboutism. Thanks. Also, Detroit has won a final three times in my lifetime, granted I don’t remember the first two. I’d kill for one final. Sorry you don’t agree 🤷🏻‍♂️


Would you kill for a final? Or are you sick of the state of the team. It can’t be both. lol is this satire?! Your sentiment is not consistent.


Most patient Jazz fan


Time to learn that some times life ain't fair for your son.


Disown him




He failed the marshmallow test.


Holy shit, you know the Marshmallow test? About instant gratification? Awesome. I was a second year teacher when I saw that Ted Talk and shared it with my student up until moving to a higher level. Never tried it on him, but he definitely gets the concept of instant/delayed gratification. Sorry if I didn’t convey that.


That is just part of being a Jazz fan. It is truly a masochistic endeavor.


Do you understand there are fathers and sons who are fans of football teams in Europe and those teams never win anything and never have the ability to challenge for the championship? Yet their fandom persists? Yeah, tanking is pretty uniquely sucky thing in sports but it'll be over in a few years. I get the disappointment, I truly do, but the post comes off as quite melodramatic, that's all.


No need to hide behind your son. If you aren't enjoying this subreddit or watching the team then just stop.


Chill. I was about that age during the 2007 WCF run and guess what, I was just fine through the Corbin years. It sucks, but it’s just basketball. And what good is playoff basketball if you know you can’t win?


Way to teach your son what’s important, dunking and shooting. Hurray.


Wise words from an NBA fan in an NBA team’s community…