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I’m not sure what you mean when you say that San Antonio has sucked “a ton of years.” They won a championship in 2014, and their last playoff appearance was in 2019. We made our last playoff appearance in 2022. We also had a 4 year playoff drought from 2013-2016. It’s ok to rebuild and get good draft picks for several seasons if it’s done with a clear vision and strategy for future success. Like even “The Process,” which I think is an extreme example of a team tanking for picks, only lasted 5 years before the 76ers were back in the playoffs. Rebuilding doesn’t guarantee you a championship though. All it can do is put you in a position to contend. The 76ers are a perfect example of that. Actually winning the damn thing comes down to a lot of factors that are ultimately outside of a team’s control. The Jazz are a well run organization, and I believe their time will eventually come. It’s also ok for fans to want their team to win. I don’t think there’s anything out of the ordinary about Jazz fans in that regard.


They got the number 1 pick a few times and capitalized on it...the Jazz....going 3rd getting kanter...5th getting exum....kinda telling how they gistorically fumbles when opportunity comes....but i do think they did well with deron....but cp3 would have been a better fit with Sloan at helm


No team picks perfectly in every draft, and it’s kind of a crapshoot to begin with. I’m not sure why you think the Jazz are unique in that regard. We also picked Mitchell at 13, Rudy Gobert at 27, John Stockton at 16, Karl Malone at 13… honestly it’s more impressive that we’ve selected so many All Stars from lower in the draft than it is just landing a number 1 pick. And last time I checked CP3 hasn’t won a chip either lol.


Yep but cp3 is still playing and where's deron?....i brought up CP 3 because he is the prototypical Sloan PG....also ...san antonio always capitalizes when opportunities present themselves....david robinson....tim duncan...and now wemby


When opportunities present themselves? You mean when they get the number one pick and there's a guy that everyone agrees is a generational talent?


They drafted tony parker and manu as wellto build that timmy led champ team...and the year they drafted kawhi....we drafted kanter at 3 and alec burks at 12....so yea...when the jazz gets a top 3-5 pick ..they dont capitalize


So many teams don’t capitalize, picks can be very random, there’s a lot of top 10 picks than never panned out. You talking about Parker and Manu, they were drafted over 20 years ago. Utah drafted Mitchell and Gobert more recently. Why are you taking about picks 3-5 and then mentioning the Spurs, they got generational talents always at pick 1, not 3-5.


Ok? Do you think CP3 would still be playing for the Jazz? He kind of screwed NOLA when he didn’t resign, and Sloan made the call to go with Williams over CP3 anyways so I don’t know how you can say he was a “prototypical Sloan PG.” And I don’t know why you keep pointing to San Antonio. They didn’t win shit when they just had David Robinson, and they were still ass last year with Wemby. It was only when they drafted Duncan that they started winning and by then Robinson was past his prime. Arguably drafting Ginobli 57th and Tony Parker 28th was just as important to their dynasty as picking Duncan, who was the obvious 1st pick in the ‘97 draft. They also picked Lonnie Walker in 2018 when they could have picked Jalen Brunson, and Devin Vassell in 2020 when they could have picked Tyrese Haliburton or Tyrese Maxey. Focusing on when a team gets the #1 pick as if it isn’t just luck, and is enough by itself to guarantee a championship, is some low IQ nephew shit.


That's why sloan never fot over the hump.....dude is limited


Dude is dead, sort of like your shitty nephew takes.


I know...solid mid coach perfect for their era....gm and scouts failed that team...and pretty sure the franchise being in Utah helped their misfortunes on getting free agents coz no one wanted to be in that horrible state


If only the people in charge of the Jazz wanked to anime as much as you, we'd have 10 championships, right? lol


Huh? So because an entirely different regime fumbled those picks.. we are destined to? Literally EVERYTHING has been replaced in the last 4 years. I absolutely hate arguments like this because it's relying on superstition and shit when there is no actual reason.


Jesus you guys are just the worst


Fr. This is what people mean when they say Jazz fans don't know ball. We have sucked for barely two years, and people are already calling for Ainge and Smith’s heads because they're “steering us towards indefinite irrelevance.” Every team has to suck for a while before they can contend for titles—every last one. Apparently, a large portion of the fanbase can't see that and wishes that we instead competed for a low to mid-playoff seed capped off with a second-round exit at best every year. It is exhausting.


Bunch of doomers like what the hell. I suspect they will in my lifetime


IMO you look at teams like Boston, OKC, and Memphis. They successfully rebuilt into contenders by patiently drafting high upside players and they giving those players time to develop. We just need to keep taking swings in the draft, acquiring good guys via smart trades and then give the team time to develop into something.


Thisis something i can get behind...but a lot of ild folks atUtah orefer the insanity of being middle of the pack...sometimes if you sont risk it for the biscuit...you just dont get it


Not in my lifetime, but I’m going to die in 10 seconds


Ever is a long ass time; eventually they probably will. In my lifetime though; no, I don't believe they will. I will be surprised if they get to the finals again in the 30-40 years I have left as a fan--(at least I hope to have that much time left)


League parity is the best I’ve seen in my lifetime. Along with a increase of talent coming in internationally and the cap aprons limiting super teams / ring chasing. Mid market teams are looking solid across the league all with chances to make it to the finals. The Jazz have great mgmt and a owner that is investing, thats a damn good opportunity to win as opposed to the dumpster fires of the of the league. Solid coach also.


Dallas, Cleveland, Toronto, and Denver have all won their first title since 2011. It'll take some good team building and a bit of luck, but it could definitely happen for us too.


Jazz had 50 yrs and zero...it will be another 50 more and still zero..


Cavs and Nuggets went 50 years without too. Why can't we win one too?


They won with an exceptional player on their squad....we only had good but not exceptional....stock and malone included


2 time MVP Malone wasn't exceptional? You're clearly a troll.


He wasn't he choked on the finals....and the fact that they had bo help wasthelping their cause...they are good players....not exceptional.....if they were they would have won already....only exceptional players get to say they carried their team to win it all Unlike you im not overly attached to people that cant win em all


> Unlike you im not overly attached to people that cant win em all Then stop fucking whining about the rebuild! We traded the ones who couldn’t win. I’m so done with the whining doomers in this sub. You’re such cry babies. This isn’t 2k. Fucking grow up and deal with it. This shit takes time.


Will it ever happen, yes. Will it happen in the next 5 years, maybe, but probably not. The new rules help smaller markets with caps and small to medium markets of Toronto, Denver, and Milwaukee have all won recently. If they can build a team that can win, so can we. You just have to use a crystal ball if it will be soon. Oklahoma and Minnesota have young competive teams and are our market size, they'll be good for the next few years, ideally we can be them in a few years if our young guys develop like theirs.




That's a fair point, and I do think Utah needs to keep making improvements on diversity, and making it a more attractive place for NBA players. However, I don't think any of the cities I listed aside from Toronto are much more diverse or have a better night life scene than SLC. So Denver and Milwaukee are probably similar demographically and culturally to what SLC is now to 10 years ago for them. LA ,San Francisco, and Miami will always beat us for nightlife and weather. NYC will have culture and nightlife but crappy weather. But maybe 10 teams in the NBA are in similar place to SLC, or were a few years ago. I don't think it's hopeless that we'll win a championship.




I understand your point and agree with it, I'm just adding Utah is continuously changing from the old stereotype. It's good I saw the Census report that were almost 20% Latino, but you're correct our black population is non existent. But I think over the next 10 years and the infusion of more culture will continue, and that bodes better for Utahs perception.


To be honest i doubt it will ever happen...if it does happen...nba in general would be dying


If we don’t in the next 10 years I’ll lose hope, we have so many picks, one of the best gms, good coach. But it’s really hard to win a title, luka got to the finals and won one game and luka is incredible




I mean, what’s the incentive to winning? The fan base just needs to be told that we’re “acquiring assets” and they’ll be satisfied. I cannot wait for the tank era in the NBA to be over.


For sure they will at some point, but in the near future (10-15 years) it all depends on how they use the draft picks. If even one hits and becomes a super star, and one or two more can be fringe all stars or they trade picks for All-Star caliber players, then I’d say there’s a decent chance, especially as the West gets older.


Watching videos breaking down the Celtics path to their championship has made me feel much better about where we are now. Ainge blew up that team when most wouldn’t have, got an insane amount of picks for it. Then drafted Tatum and brown, slowly built around it and eventually got a chip. I see a lot of similarities between us and the Celtics 6-7 years ago. Honestly, I think the worst of the rebuild is behind us. But I don’t think we are pushing for playoffs yet either. We just need our draft picks to get older, and then we are solid. I have a lot of hope that in 10 years or less we will have a banner in the rafters.


As a fan since the 1980s, I both enjoyed a team that won a lot and hoped that we would win a title. However, since the catastrophically inept Smith/Hardy/Ainge regime has been in charge, I have lost all hope of ever winning a title. If Ainge is in charge long enough, I think he destroys the fan base enough so that Ryan Smith can move the team to Vegas or Seattle. So from that perspective, we would never win a title. Hopefully Smith gets sick of this and fires Ainge or sells the team to someone with a clue. If so, and if we get good owners like the Millers, we may still have some hope for a ring.


> If Ainge is in charge long enough, I think he destroys the fan base enough so that Ryan Smith can move the team to Vegas or Seattle. This just shows how little you know about anything. Those expansion teams are coming in in two years, so have fun thinking the fan base (50+ years of being incredibly strong) will magically disappear by like, the all star break to give enough time for Smith to also grow to hate Utah (his home) and decide all his work to develop more things in Utah will actually just be up and moved to fuckin Seattle lmao There’s literally no worse fan in any sport than the irrational Jazz doomer fan. This was the whiniest comment I’ve seen in a long time. Two fucking losing seasons (that weren’t even depressing, we’re literally further along than we should be) and you are about to need a straight jacket. Unreal. Why do you even bother to be a fan when you’re so fragile and volatile?


Why do you bother pretending like you’re a fan when you just root for our team to lose and lose and lose forever? Tanking cultists aren’t fans at all.


Exactly. See, if I’m just a grown up who understands that rebuilds happen to every team in every sport, and my team happens to also lose during their rebuild, I’m ‘rooting for it.’ You are like an iPad kid demanding championship contention out of every single season there is. If you don’t get your sweets, everyone is incompetent and everyone who shows more patience than you simply LOVES LOSING AND IS A LOSER. Absolute cry baby. You should be embarrassed that you’re like this at your age.


I'm sorry your reading comprehension is so poor. I am demanding the opposite of "championship contention every year," I just want a team that tries every year and never enters a season with the intention of losing. I've always thought that making the playoffs makes the season a success, and not making the playoffs makes a season a failure. It is not "grown up" to lower your expectations while the costs of being a fan continuously increase. That's just being a simp for greedy billionaires.


> I've always thought that making the playoffs makes the season a success, and not making the playoffs makes a season a failure. Ah I see. You’re very simple. Is nuance a curse word in your house or? > It is not "grown up" to lower your expectations while the costs of being a fan continuously increase. That's just being a simp for greedy billionaires. And…if those billionaires forced us into perpetual mediocrity and earned massive playoff game revenue checks that would be…less simpy. Got it.


Ryan is brining more sports to utah, and his a utard himself. He’s not moving the team


No offense...but just getting into the playoffs doesnt count as winning to me...like ricky bobby always say...if ye aint first tour last....like what billie bean says ..none of this matters unless you win the last game of the year


Winning games isn't really winning. I'll explain later...