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\*\*\*More information is coming out about the filipowski/girlfriend/family situation by the minute. I won't have time to update it until this evening, but I'll try to keep on it if/when I can.


Who cares? He’s a kid- if the Jazz aren’t concerned why are we gossiping about it like a bunch of Relief Society goers?


What in the hell, so you are implying filipowski is being held captive by Mormons to play for the jazz😭😭😭


Like cmon we drafted him because he's very good value for a second round pick it's not that deep lmao


Absolutely not, not sure where you got that from. I'm talking about the media coverage causing a storm about the coincidence of the mormon aspect of it and being drafted by the Jazz.


You’re weird


Here's the way I see it with the Fianceé situation. There are three potential paths of what could be true:   1.) Either he has a Groomer, Gold Digger Fianceé that has isolated him from his parents and family. (What the family says is happening.)   2.) He comes from an emotionally abusive family that is going nuclear now that he's succeeding AND out of their influence. With Fianceé having made an "iffy" choice that they can move past but that will cause many people to reasonably have a bit of a side eye.    3.) Both Family and Fianceé are abusive and Kyle is a victim from all sides.    Each potential is sad to me. ETA: Of the three, I think 2 is closest to the truth. But with full admittance that Fianceé is a tad sketch. Maybe Connor Ingram from the Hockey team will have a Psychologist he can recommend.


why do you think 2 is the most likely? all the information including from his own brother seems to point towards 1


Last night when I wrote this I was not aware of the sitter part of the equation. That changes things and I'm thinking 3 more than 2. I don't trust estranged families easily and that's one reason it's good I'm not in Law Enforcement or social work. 


I am very excited about this pick and his girlfriend/family situation doesn't matter even a tiny bit. I hate that people assume you have character concerns if you have family problems.. maybe the family fucked up. Such a weird non story.


I definitely think it shouldn't affect how we look at him. But man, it's a shitty story. I think he probably dropped more because he's never been the most alluring prospect out there. But he might be able to be a glue guy.


Mom and brother should have been happy for him on Kyle’s biggest day of his life instead made it about them.