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Prayers for all involved. Let us see to it that this is handled properly and the correct actions are implemented per the outcome after review. My heart goes out to the family of that poor kid and the officer.


Poor kid who pointed a gun lookalike at an officer while being chased? LOL


I know it. The thing is He was likely in with a bad crowd and had little or no parental influence. At that age you are the product of your friends and highly impressionable. It’s a sad story all around . Of course you should never do something like that I agree I just wish it was avoidable that’s all.


I ain't from Utica, I'm down in NYC and grew up in the hood, and there's absolutely no way in hell I would be pointing a gun at people trying to rob them. At 13, you know right from wrong, and you know when wrong is *really* wrong. Here's why your statement is completely full of shit. When [a 14 year old commits a crime like breaking into a woman's home and raping a woman in front of her 4 year old daughter.](https://longisland.news12.com/teen-pleads-guilty-to-raping-mastic-beach-mother-during-home-break-in) You still gonna use that "bad crowd/no parental influence" excuse? Go ahead and downvote away!


yeah you grew up where you had plenty of 'real' opportunities to learn. utica is way too rural for you to compare your experience to theirs. It's a completely different enviornment


Utica isn’t rural at all. The surrounding areas, sure, but where this incident happened is prelude city life.


Utica is like the majority of upstate NY. There's a nice small city and then the rural area is mostly loose suburbs. It's way more rural than NYC, yes, but if you put someone who actually lives in a rural area in Utica, they'll tell you they're in a city. If you're from NY, and you think Utica is rural...you need to take a drive and go see an actual rural area.


NYC has more criminal gangbanger teenagers than you can imagine. They aren't out here robbing people with bb guns, they're having actual shootouts in broad daylight in the middle of a packed train. There are places worse than Utica and NYC where teenagers still pick their path of being a decent person or ending up a shitbag. There's no excuses my man, they know right from wrong.


Til 70,000 residents in a city is rural lmao


ok fine lol 'its way too small' doesnt really fit what i meant so idk


The childless pet parents of today have no idea how badly some children act.


You mean DINKs or DINKWADs.


I have a home in utica and nyc. I see lots of stupid kids trying to act like thugs. Why would anyone be carrying a fake gun? I can assume why. I understand that the police are corrupt thugs themselves though. My brothers were almost shot on the roof when they were shooting pellet guns. If you give them a reason, they will kill someone, as they did in this case. They will be cleared on the pretense that he had that fake gun and they assumed it was real and they were in fear of their lives.


I don’t get why parents can’t be charged in their kids’ crimes. I’d imagine that kids would act up a lot less if it meant their parents freedom on the line


Two incredible parents raised me in a wonderful setting and I still wound up an addict who did a lot of wrong to a lot of people. If my parents had to do time in cells for all of my dumb actions, I think it would have messed me up even more. 


I get that. I feel like that should be take into consideration, but if these parents are not monitoring these kids whatsoever, let them out all hours of the night, etc, then they’re complicit


Interesting idea for sure. It would likely make the parents more interested in their kids behavior, maybe leading to a decrease in their stupidity.


You clearly don't have kids. A lot of kids act in spite of their parents, and a lot of kids would see that as a huge opportunity to get rid of their parents for a while. Think back to when you were growing up and think of how many times you've heard friends talk about hating their parents, and then think about those same parents, who you knew were decent people.


Not to mention that this kid came to America as a Burmese refugee less than a decade ago and his mom doesn’t even speak English and considering where they live, likely struggles just to get by. But sure, send her to jail.


He was 13 regardless- a child. A dumb kid, but still a kid.


Now a dead kid.


Stupid is punished.


You point that at anyone at any time if they have a weapon you are most probably going to die


Agreed. Order of events was funny tho. Had they shot the kid straight up upon first encounter when the gun was pointed, we’d have no controversy here. For some reason they subdued the boy to the ground first, then *after* the threat was neutralized the hard way, they shot him while pinned to the ground. Gonna guess that’s not standard operating procedure.


He wouldn't let go of the gun, and a gun can fire no matter what position you're in.


The gun appears to have been on the ground before the officer fired. (Whether the officer *knew* that is the question though.)


The threat wasn’t neutralized, the kid kept reaching for the gun. That kid was given so many opportunities and he chose wrong every time.


I have some very expensive airsoft replicas. They are full metal and indistinguishable from the real thing. People pick them up and think they’re real. They’re gas powered and make some noise too. They don’t ever see the light of public life and never will. I would fully expect to at least get the cops called on me if I was walking around with them. Imagining *pointing* it at police if they did show up is insane. We as 14-15 year olds with airsoft stuff understood “to everyone else, it’s a real gun” and knew what that meant. A deadly weapon (as far as they knew) was pointed directly at them. Guns aren’t a joke.


I got the other Glock replica bro is brave asf !! He better be glad he aint get unalived 😮‍💨 .. them shits look exactly like the real thing i also have the glock 19 x blow back which i dont even lile bringing in my backyard it looks so real then i have the folding stock ak-47 … I would shit myself before aiming those at another real life armed individual


Same here. That shit is well hidden. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight.


Facts !! 💯💯💯


My 2011 combat master replica is so loud I can’t use it at home. People don’t understand how realistic some airsoft shit can be.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Utica/comments/1drsr4y/gun\_pointed\_at\_police/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Utica/comments/1drsr4y/gun_pointed_at_police/) Another thread with an image of the kid pointing it.


Gun pointed at police at night. <<— correct headline.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


How are these even legal to sell??


Because 99% of the time the people that buy them actually use them like normal people, and keep the orange tip on. They should probably put an age limit for buying this stuff. As much as I love the hobby I hate seeing shit like this, it’s how people get shot.


There is an age limit to buy in NY.


To be fair that seems like a good place to have one.


You need a real gun in that neighborhood.


Perhaps the parents should go to jail for buying him a gun that resulted in his death… or we only do that for schools ?


The only place where they could remove the red tip is the Airsoft field.


This isn’t an airport gun, it’s a pellet gun. This shoots metal pellets capable of killing small game.


Oh shit I understood that it was an Airsoft one then those are quite dangerous


These don’t come with an orange tip because it’s capable of killing small varmint animals


Sorry I hadn’t seen pellet gun part. I was more trying to make a point on realistic replicas anyway.


Pellet guns don’t have orange tips. Only airsoft guns have that. Pellet guns are actual weapons, people hunt squirrels with them and shit.


They aren’t in NY last I knew.


You pull that “toy” on an armed civilian and you’d probably get shot too.


Yes I would react the same.


Looks real to me


Looks real to me. No orange tip. If it were at night, I'm not taking a second to think about saving my own life. I would have pulled the trigger. Otherwise, my wife and kids would be crying over their dead loved one.


I wouldn't even point my fingers in the shape of a gun at a cop let alone a pellet gun. Respect in this country has deteriorated to a point it is disturbing. If you cannot learn from this, you cannot learn from anything.


The behavior of the the community members who are outraged by this 100% justified shooting is abonimable. I hope they charge the parents for allowing their son to roam the streets at night pointing a realistic looking replica gun at police and others.


I know... why is no one looking at the parents and saying where were you?


I’ve lived right outside of Utica for my whole life. This sort of thing is nothing new. Some parts of Utica are scary af and dangerous. Look at the history of Proctor High school. Just last year a 16 year old shot a security guard at a football game. It has always been an area known for violence and weapons (again, not all of Utica is this way, just some parts). If the parents are shocked at this information coming out about their child, they didn’t know him at all nor the area that they live. It’s unfortunate. I never want to see a child hurt. But this is press because it was recorded and once again people are complaining about the police.


Because they're dumbasses. If the gun was pointed at them, it'd have been different. But it wasn't, so they can act all pissy about it


Dumbass parents. What would they get charged with though? Actually curious.


13 year old pointing that at police! You just played yourself, kid!


Wow! So many armchair judges sitting in their comfortable home who will never be put in that situation.Is it tragic?Yes!I feel bad for the boy who never was raised properly,who had parents that just didn't give a damn!!!I feel bad for the police who risk their lives every night and have to make split second decisions when it's nothing but a dangerous and chaotic situation.Its easy to say i wouldn't of done that or they should have done that.YOU WERENT THERE!!!!!!.Why don't you wait til the real video telling the whole story before you become armchair judge and jury!


the real video is out on YouTube posted by UPD and it shows the kid dropping the replica gun prior to being shot. there is no justification for shooting the kid. period. a performance review of his was also released and it does NOT help his case. he needed more work and training with diffusing hostile situations for this exact reason.


According to an ABC News report... "the city's police chief alleged Monday that the teenager had a realistic-looking replica gun still in his hand when he was shot." I'm sure the chief has closely reviewed the video. I've looked at it several times. It's of poor quality, and I can't say whether or not the kid had dropped the weapon before the fatal shot was fired. Maybe you see something that I don't.


https://youtu.be/FgEtvK-8MmY?si=rHGP_4vi5iTW_1C5 in this video you can see it at 0:23 just after Officer Patterson tackled him. it’s near the officers leg, you’ll need to use the scrubbing feature to see it in the frame. Officer Husnay’s shot fired at 0:25.


Nothing of value was lost. I hope the kid hurt for being stupid.


i hope you do not have children that you are instilling this kind of hatred into. i also hope we never cross paths! a life *is* valued and i cannot make those connections for you. it’s infuriating that there are people out there like you lacking empathy and compassion. he just graduated middle school and had so much life ahead of him; all to be taken away by a power hungry, murderous regime only built to round up poor people for slave labor. your username checks out!


That's a lot of words for: "i don't understand why he suffered consequences for his actions." The asshole pointed a gun at someone. He got shot. This is justice. His age isn't important.


Killer kkkops. Imagine shooting a kid.


They shoot even themselves, small dogs. Nothing new.


this makes more sense why they shot then


play stupid games win stupid prizes














































😂 why aren’t the parents on tv


Sue Glock


The world would be a better, safer place if there were no police 




Surely they deserved it. This was a kidddd after all, he never did nothing wrong. The police were bullies!!!111 :((((


"The world would be a better, safer place if there were no police" The world would be a better, safer place if there were no CRIMINALS. Fixed that for you. And don't forget - ACAB (All Criminals are Bastards)


Right. They should have let that kid go so he could have gone and carjacked some people with the replica gun!!! Fuck 12!!!!!!!!!


No, it would be a much worse more dangerous people. It would be a much better place without criminals like the one that was shot and killed while pointing a realistic looking replica gun at police.