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the other day someone did 90 damage to my overheal and the combat report said they did 0 damage to me. pretty sure this is a bug because doing damage to reynas overheal reflects on the combat report


Yeah doing 160 damage to a Reyna while she is healing is disappointing.


rito is a small indie company


They were hits, she had overheal shield, which doesn't count as damage


Oh. That makes sense, still weird it wouldn't show up in the damage report


Who knows how Riot decides on things


I imagine they decide on things like in that southpark episode where they behead a chicken and wherever it stops running is the outcome.


From what I see Reyna is not over 30m Wich means that you dealt 52 HP and it should have appeared on the report as 2 damage so it's just bugged and maybe a bit of lag spikes making the hits not register.(It happened to me sometimes)


That still counts as damage though, just like doing damage to Reyna's overheal.


No they do not, for some reason they decided to work it different to Reyna's overheal


That’s gotta be a bug right?


wait you are immortal while overhealing?


No, it just doesn't count as "damage" in the after-action report




Are you sure? The animation of that shield started after she was hit by at least 1 bullet on her arm. I mean it's clearly a server side issue however you put it, happens with me a lot because I have like 5-8% packet loss in the game. Servers and NetCode is shit, that's why they postponed the replay system indefinitely. I will also add that the game is infested with cheaters and bot accounts, not having a replay system again makes it impossible to know if someone is legit or they are walling and shit.


That animation is not really reliable. You can see she's pulling her gun out by the 2nd shot, probably casted then pulled the gun out. Same with iso shield it starts shielding while the animation is still ongoing.


Summary: Shots 1-5:


Clearly missed


Man, we really need replays


with a replay system we would have dozens of videos like this every day on the internet and people would begin to ask if theres something wrong with valorant hit reg/net code etc, i would personally ask the riot devs on twitter how on earth the enemy reyna head shotted me on breeze across the map while full running. They will never give us such an easy access to those things that shouldnt be happening in a tactical shooter, like getting headshotted by a stunned enemy and things like that


If we had replays then we'd see how shit the games reg is, and god forbid they fix their game!


The hit reg honestly feels really good in Val, like the best out of any shooter I’ve played. Are you using a wired connection?


It’s very inconsistent.  Some people have great connections, some people have awful connections. 


Is trash mate, one of the worst.


Idk my only real experience on pc is siege and CSGO and it feels better than those


?? its pretty fucking good lol


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Ohh i remember this from CSGO ohh how the time flies away :D


No they hit some shots but cloves overheal doesn’t show up on the damage report at the moment, not sure if it’s a bug or if they meant for it to be that way


This is just stupid, you can clearly see the shots hitting ping before she dies


It’s an old meme, this is explained by overshield from what I have seen, but this comments just a shitpost


Username checks out


It's an old copypasta from cs lol don't blame you if you don't know it but it's a funny one to remember




Oh my sweet summer child...




Bug with overheal probably


maybe this is why riot doesn’t wanna add a replay system 😭


Welcome to Valorant , what you see is what you don't get


if you slow it down and compound upon his slow-mo you will see his crosshair wasn't on the target when he fired...... however.... the bullet tracer is lying to you visually. they don't go where you fire. they're just cosmetic BS that causes visual clutter. so in a way you're right but not in the way you're saying it... basically valorant lies to you by using fake tracers when your shots are somewhere else entirely (the part that your crosshair is over vs where the tracer goes are 2 diff places) disable tracers for yourself (pov) and you'll never have this incident again


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Precise tactical shooter game 👺👺


Unregisterd (lag maybe AKA packet loss)


Overheal shield, nt dude.


OP look at your crosshair when you fire. DO NOT LOOK AT THE TRACER they're a lie. I disabled self tracers in the menu after someone in deathmatch told me to try it. Never turned them back on again. (you can still see all other tracers just fine, just the lying self tracers are gone) If you right click your video on here and enable "show all controls" and FULLSCREEN THE VIDEO you can access the 3 dots behind the volume button and then you can change the speed to 0.25x when you do this watch your video when YOU do your own slow-mo (so we have compounded slowmo) and you can REALLY SEE how your crosshair was not on them at all when you fired. the tracers are lying to you. there is no bullet leading/drop/compensation in Valorant (not like battlefield etc). where your crosshair is when you fire is where your bullet will appear. the tracers are a lie, they make you shoot all over the place.


Is this true? No compensation needed at all always shoot exactly on person?


yes, Valorant is a hitscan shooter. The moment you click a ray is cast from your eyes to your crosshair (plus inaccuracy values) and anything that intersects this ray is getting hit except there is something in the way that can't be penetrated


All guns are hit scan so yeah


I mean I'm pretty sure? Just make sure you're on their head and fire. Now lag will represent that behavior in weird ways but in terms of the game simulator deciding who won that interaction, i don't think there is any leading of the bullet... i hope im not wrong but if i am someone should definitely correct me


try shooting when your crosshair is on the enemy next time.


You were Gaijined in a Riot way


Valorant in a nutshell


Are u using any software to fix ping?


I get it bro


Its just like that…welcome to fam


You didn't have the sen bundle


Dude, you see that on every single shot the crosshair was not on


Clove just had a better gaming chair


The damage report has been buggy these days, so maybe you did do dmg but it just didn’t show up on the report


Skill issue


Skill issue im afraid


Check rep-


No hits cause u didnt use Sen Classic. 🫠


Skill issue of course


you are playing chamber thats why


Riots visuals dont match the calculations and its amazing


This always happens, no idea why. When buying on next round it usually shows the right numbers, but those two shots I saw that had a yellow flash are definitely hits.


Tracers in this game are just client sided, also when you slowed it down you were legitimately missing. The only hit you got was because of the guns inaccuracy. Plus if you're gonna take that angle use the headhunter mayne. ​ Not shitting on you nor claming to be a god gamer, just being honest ​ EDIT: I see you did not do damage to clove, while this doesn't change that you were missing the target, it does surprise me that the game STILL plays the damage effect on misses. Big oof for the small indie dev who claimed to fix this like 4 years ago


Overheal negated your damage so it says 0-


Yeah I overhealed the other day on Clove and the enemy Reyna got my overheal down from 100 to 30 ish with her Odin, but it didn't register as any damage. I'm assuming Riot don't count her overheal as health, more like a bad Iso shield? But imo it should still show as 'overheal: x damage' like it does in Iso's combat reports under the util section. Seems like it's mostly a bug that Rito will fix within the next few patches. Maybe. This is a small indie company we're talking about though.


Istg its the angle not u its been cursed since map change


Same thing happened to me like 3 days ago or so? Clove was the enemy, Icebox the map, clearly hit at least 2 shots, stats say 0 hits - idk why it's showing that, probably some kind of bug in the new update i would assume? I have a clip of it too, so if anyone wants to see it i can upload it to YT and link it here.


Sometimes, in non-long range duels, my shots would register as wallbang despite not shooting through a wall. The damage would be decreased because of it and would often lose me the duel. I don't know what's wrong with the bullets in this game hahaha


Overheating sir


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Chamber was already dead.


He shot 4 bullets bruh


It's a old copy pasta


Imo there are rare occasions where bullets aren't recognised. 99% of the time when I watched the clip in slowmo, I saw that I missed the shots by a pixel or smnth. But I recently recorded how I emptied a half of a clip into a player from 5 metres and have 0 bullet recognition 😁


can you explain why you're not using your headhunter