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If anyone wants an answer as to why, the devs have temporarily disabled some of the skins upgrades due to a bug with seeing enemies through walls. Here is the link to the tweet announcing this temporary change: https://x.com/valorant/status/1786098435017564296?s=46&t=X3P56ewOxg_3siz_NWq8WA


Sorry folks, this is right. We're working on a fix for all of these! We're sorry we had to disable these levels but we didn't want the competitive integrity to affect your games. Likewise pro teams are not allowed to use these until they're fixed.


When will it be fixed? Need the spinny animations to curb my ADHD


Was worried for a second there after buying the whole mystbloom bundle and the kunai had no vairants..phew lol!


If the fix changes the visual effects I will be asking for a refund


Thank you for commenting and confirming for everyone! I’d love a riot gun buddy for my services as the messenger ;) lol. appreciate you guys reaching out and replying to the mass posts that have popped up on the sub about this issue.


Np, we feel bad about the competitive integrity issue and also feel bad that folks can't use their skins.




perhaps compensation or smthn?


It’s a temporary thing, and the skins don’t affect gameplay. You’ll get them back once the bug is fixed


it's okay just compendate players for your action and it's all good whoever has primordial , impredium , magepunk 3 and mystic bloom give something to them for inconvenience and it's good otherwise what's the point of supporting riot games if they don't care about their buyers


Aren't pros on a different patch? How would they be able to use this?


Do you want to lose to the baller team who only has these skins equipped on Ascent?


why is this so pathetic. the main new content in that game is skins, and you can't even get that right.


You think devs updating their game to remove exploits is pathetic? You must be a counter strike 2 player lol


I think for a company of this size, value and caliber, focusing mainly on skins as new content, and then still fu\*\*ing them up is quite pathetic and embarrassing, yes. Especially when there are plenty of other game breaking problems. There are so many people around the game for all kinds of unnecessary garbage roles, and no one actually improving and upkeeping the quality of the game. Like Blizzard the OGs just sell out, and the entire company becomes a joke, where game quality is secondary, and milking the dumb customer is priority. A short term strategy to kill the company, which is fine, you just short your positions in the stock market, let the woke underqualified smoothbrainer hire fk up your game, s\*\*k off the mental disease that is blackrock, screw over the conservative investor, and down the line ruin the gaming industry with the filth that they ruin every other industry because of greed. So yes. It's pathetic.


Can't believe you managed to turn the fact that a game company created a bug (like all of them do) into an incoherent political rant, lowkey impressed bro.


just how the world works. people put lead in drinking cups, push product, then short stock, then push media that there was lead found in x cup, cup gets recalled, stocks take dive, profit $$$. and so on, especially with every successful company going public and doing somehow avg.


incoherent if you lack the intelligence maybe


thats how people get away with all the scummy stuff. cuz ppl like you think it's incoherent, or just lack the intelligence to understand it. you get f\*\*ked for all your life, paying taxes for these trashy companies to be bailed out :) only because you consider it incoherent. and they play into it too, by making education expensive. well the usa at least.


And now you've gone and replied to my comment 3 separate times, if you want someone to argue with go to 4chan


It’s also visible in the client, if you mouse over the yellow circle in the top right of the video.


The same thin happened to me with my Imperium vandal skin so I feel you pain.


So until when? I need my pinky finisher


So ita teue some skins does give you wallhacks lmao


The bug is fixed in the live game and the skin levels are back on! https://twitter.com/VALORANT/status/1786214171903946824


Mine isn’t working


The VFX upgrades are bugged and the variants are hidden, does anyone else have this issue?


my blades of primordia is missing the upgrades and variants too


That happened to me as well but for mystbloom phantom


It's because of the wall hack bug on Sheriff Imperium just found last night


And many more skins, think it started with mystbloom


yeah my imperium vandal skin is missing the finisher and the skin variations.


Cant believe i paid 100$ for this bundle and cant even use it


Yes me!


yes me .. people tell me to wait they will fix it


Pay to not use




It's sad cos this and the new Mystbloom were the only knife skins I had but least it's sorted now


Bruh i just got the magepunk knife


It is allright I guess... I am just little worried that the new bundle has the extra priority and the other older skins dont... When Split was taken out due a bug, it took approx 2 weeks to fix... I really dont want to wait weeks to get my skins fixed... Dont forget Riot that we also paid hundreds of euros for those bundles...


also primordium


Damn... I was wondering why my magepunk guns were suddenly nerfed


Wow! How long has this been going on? I've had this variant on for a while and haven't had any issues.


I was so confused why my Magepunk Vandal was landing on the Level 1 default even though I selected shuffle. This makes sense lol


wooooooh that so beatiful skin


This song is jammin


yeah same with imperium blades. on the bright side, this made me discover that the unupgraded blades have a different animation


some designer probably took a random shader and started working on top of it, woops


Why does no one look this shit up before posting