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Yes i reach max fps that is related to my monitor hz. I turn vsync off because it introduces input lag. However I cap my max fps to my monitor’s refresh rate to reduce screen tear there I can still at better input lag plus the benefit of less screen tearing. Provides a smoother experience imo


You shouldn’t ever have v-sync on in a competitive FPS game, nor should you cap your FPS as both will increase response / display time due to your PC limiting the frames it pushes to your screen.


How is matching FPS to monitor Hz (not VSync) increasing display time (time to display)?


For example, let’s say you are on a 144Hz monitor. If you cap at 144Hz, you will get your game updates (per frame) at intervals of 7ms. If you play uncapped, and say get 300fps, there is only an interval of 3ms, so on that final frame of each second, instead of your computer waiting every 7ms to send a frame, it will send one every 3ms and you will have newer information - so for this example you could be 4ms behind if you were capped at 144Hz. Of course this is a very minor difference, but it’s consistent and obviously any minor advantage without any downsides is going to be worth taking. The more FPS you get, the greater this difference will be. Of course if you are only getting 160fps, it’s not really going to make any difference - although if you had say a 60Hz monitor then it’s absolutely a bigger advantage.


But if a monitor gets a newer frame faster, it's going to continue rendering the newer frame, which causes frame tearing (worse clarity of the timage), doesn't it?


Yes, it can cause screen tearing but screen tearing can still occur when FPS and refresh rate are matched if they don’t line up - and that’s not accounting for potential dips which would be far more obvious. Unless you have some sort of vsync enabled in a game (which as said is a pretty conclusive no for FPS games), screen tearing will always occur in some capacity. Uncapped FPS is generally going to be better as it also removes the potential for those aforementioned drops below your refresh rate, which in turn results in a far smoother display. Remember that FPS is an average, having 10 fps does not necessarily mean those 10 frames are evenly spaced across a second - which would also still result in screen tearing.


How can a screen be torn if my pc generates at the same rate as monitor is set to?


Chatgpt can answer all these questions and more


Because the generated frames may not necessarily line up with your monitors refresh rate. This is where g/free sync comes in which does make them match, typically with less of the downsides as vsync. Vsync matches your fps to your refresh rate, while g/freesync match your monitors refresh rate to your fps. But of course, these features are only available on monitors that support them.


Thank you kindly for your answers.


Even if i do win more fights with uncapped, i really find fps drops distracting... If i am at 300 and then there's an entry with lots of effects, having that fps drop to 120 feels a lot worse then it should. So i just cap it right below my refresh rate and use gsync.


V sync off, fps max 400 (240hz)


Med-VSync OFF. I get 240+ FPS. (240Hz/4060)


my old PC using Intel CPU (7700k). Even when my game only use 50% of cpu (250fps). The chip still manage to make my game laggin. I have to change fps down to 165 to play the game. Any way. Kids. Buy AMD.