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They went waaaaay over the top. 0.2 secs after sliding to get gun up, no accuracy penalty, 2 charges, stun activates faster.. god have mercy on my low sens..


I like neon and now I’m even more excited for these buffs I didn’t know they were goin THAT hard


The stun is my issue. I understand she needs a compensation nerf, but I feel like her stuns are significantly more important than her slide.


It's to make her unique, not just another utility bot


Having two slides instead of one isn't more unique.


No but her power has shifted to her slides as opposed to her stun, so she feels more unique that way.


Stun only has one charge now though, so theres that.


Neon smurfs are gonna have a field day with this


All 3 of them


I play bronze ish mrr there neon can already wreck because our aim is trash. Now neon will run the lobby


Dw bro I cant hit a Neon thats moving funky either and Im D2


Immo 2/Immo3 Peak here, still get occasionally shit on by a dodge strafing neon. One thing I don't think has been mentioned is the increased strafe speed, which makes choking a dodge strafe SIGNIFICANTLY less punishing. She's going to be running circles around basically every elo.


I can’t hit her either and I’m Asc 2


TBF i dont think bronze players are going to be able to fully utilize a lot of her strengths


Funny that you think it's all bronze players down there


Friend of mine plays Neon like she's an Apex Legends character: strafe sliding everywhere, slide jumping everywhere, easily 30-40 kills a game. He's in Gold, but we regularly get matched against lower-ranked players, and they simply can't keep up with him.


Then why isn't he out of gold?


Because he’s playing w his friends in low tier lobbies.. obvs he struggles more in gold+ lobbies


Oh... gold is still considered low, lol. High elo is typically dia+, which is why I was confused.


I get that. But there’s still a pretty decent mechanical gap from iron/bronze - gold


I mostly noticed aim gaps from back then, if I'm being fr. But fair enough!


It’s average.


Which is low elo...


Are you 12?


Ok, bud.


gold is considered average iirc


gold can be statistically average, but in a competitive sense it would still be called low. it's like if you relate it to anything else, a statistically average soccer player can dribble, score goals, maybe do a couple niche fancy things, but competitively they are on the pretty low side of things despite being statistically average. the average is skewed by casual players so it doesnt represent competitive play Likewise, statistical average in valorant doesnt really represent competitive skill because so many people dont play very competitively in the lower ranks. If you put effort into aimtraining/playbooks/theory/IGL/teamwork anyone can get gold


You're taking what I said wait too seriously. Gold is the average, according to Riot themselves. Therefor your average player is around gold/silver. I do not care how low it is compared to other people or other ranks.


Y'all just keep moving the gold post. When I hit diamond I'll hear someone say ascendant is where high elo begins 😂


Goal post* but gold post is a nice pun. Dia is under top 10%, plat is higher than average, gold is average, I would consider anything above 10% high elo.


I'm plat so what does this make me


Well if its a smurf then it doesnt even matter if neon is broken. Because even if they played viper you'd still be getting stomped. Just how it goes with smurfing lol.


Yes. The two slides, no penalty when sliding, and faster movement; she will be pretty damn dominate


As someone who plays Neon, yes. Cypher will destroy her as much as he already does, but if a good Neon player can match into a team with Cypher or KJ, she can completly take over the game. Her attack side is now scary where if you get hit by any util (including her stun) she can kill you. Her defence is better now as she can rotate for days.


Neon will become the first choice for smurfers now. It was already a great but underrated choice, but I feel like it will become the new reyna now


Clove or Reyna is still probably gonna be the smurfers choice


Reyna’s ult lasting the entire round and still costing 6 orbs means you’re gonna hear “THE HUNT BEGINS” every other round, so yeah good luck with smurfs


a smurf is going to shit on you on any agent just stop beating a dead horse with reyna


The point is that they can shit on lower level players with significantly less engagement/effort and with a lower skill floor. The difference between a Plat Reyna in bronze and a Radiant Reyna in bronze is very small. The difference between a Plat Raze and Radiant Raze. Or a Plat Sova and Radiant Sova, is much more noticeable. They'll still shit on you but the context is different and Reyna actively rewards smurfs by enabling them to hard carry while having zero focus instead of low-half focus.


fps game u get shot, u die


We're not talking about aggro gunfights. We're talking about smurfs forcing an unfair advantage in their favor. If you can't tell the difference I'd appreciate you saving us the time.


i don't care fps game, u get shot, u die


Thanks for saving us the time :)


A smurf will do that but a smurf will do it even more with a character that has insane selfheal and dismiss xd


It's mostly Reyna only. Just now I had match with the smurf dropping 50.


its way fucking worse with reyna, reyna is untradable with her orbs already but now you can only hear where shes going to get an idea of where she is + insta heal in ult


No they wouldn't. Other agents require brains, but Reyna doesn't. Other agents can't heal themselves, it can't do it very fast, while Reyna CAN. Other agents might struggle to get themselves out of sticky situations, but Reyna can. There is a reason smurfs pick Reyna and not omen or Phoenix or Killjoy.


reyna obviously require brain her util is just easier to use and less situational blind always work and go pass wall jett need prep wind other flash can blind team you talk like smurf don't have brain and only aim better but smurf actually smarter than a player in lobby they have better timing when to peek, tap and move, or spray have better map knowledge, angle advantage, and better crosshair placement


Let's be real. If they were, they wouldn't have been playing with bronze players for their ego.


let be real, there are bronze sova cypher kj and everyone too not just a reyna and smurf playing with bronze because they play their friend acc


Sometimes you gotta get that win feeling back man


yep that’s right the difference between you (bronze-gold) and an immortal smurf is reyna, without reyna you’d be right up there


Thats not what theyre saying my guy lmao Reyna just enables smurfs not to die to random stuff more, being harder to kill makes a smurf stronger. Yes, theyd still do well on other agents, but Reyna allows them to be much more aggro without being punished


both jett and chamber can do the same bro it’s a total non issue


They both have escapability but not a heal as well. Literally everyone, including *RIOT* has acknowledged that Reyna is a strong solo queue agent that smurfs default to. I can only assume the reason youre defending her is because youre a Reyna smurf lmao.


i only have 1 account pal i dont do any of that nonsense but i’m just sick of hearing the complaining like it’s something that can be fixed


jett and chamber also can't just insta heal while being able to get out after getting one, why do you think smurfs/ranked demons run her?


I think you might struggle with reading comprehension


i understand 100% what he’s saying i just think he’s wrong and it’s a non issue


its cause the dead horse has been left on my fron porch for years now.


\`\`Stop beating a dead horse with reyna\`\` There is a reason she is the most popular agent for smurfs.


yeah cos she’s easier to autopilot with because you think less about positioning and utility obviously and? it’s not because smurfs HAVE to play reyna otherwise they lose or anything


nah, my gold reyna will still never use her ult (they have the ult unbinded)


you guys should not forget that what makes reyna strong is the overheal, neon and iso might be strong now, but they still have only 150 hp


Nah it will definitely be Iso now, you thought smurfs were bad, now try facing one that has auto-shield every round. Good luck hitting two headshots on them before you get capped


I am Neon main and she was good, yet underrated ALREADY. I am scared of this buffs, because it will certainly push everything up and rioters will come up with huge nerf, that will destroy any fun. I wish they'd only tweaked her speed up a liiiitle bit. This would be more than enough.


Been maining neon (one-tricking, basically tbh) nearly since her release, almost cracked immortal with her but school got in the way and I couldn’t play for a while. IMO the only buff I ever actively wanted for her was for her stuns to activate ever-so-slightly quicker and possibly for her sprint to regenerate a little faster. I think this is over the top and I’m almost sad about it. No more off-meta hero for me, now I’m gonna be fighting people to play the only character I’ve been playing for the past however long lol.


I'm in the same boat. Pretty much one tricking neon for all but 2 maps. I loved having a non-meta agent, and now I'm aware imma have to fight for her...


been playing neon for a bit now, and the slide was never an issue for me. the only thing was that the startup time to the sprint felt a bit slow.


Main someone new? ;)


thats what riot does in league aswell, overbuff a champ/agent and after they get nerfed to hell :/ i think she needed a small buff and i’m happy about the big buff but we all know what’s gonna happen next


Yeah I wouldn't mind neon going faster or having more juice


when i first started , she was so hard to go against cus i didn’t have the time or ability to react to her slides , so i feel like for beginning players it’ll be especially rough


yes but she better not turn into the new raze because if i gotta fight to play her I WILL


Gotta practice your instalocking skills.


i used to be a reyna main, don't even worry abt it they're ON POINT


I mained Neon to ascendant back before Cypher got buffed. Imo, no, she will not be meta. What Riot is doing with these buffs is interesting, because they are basically giving every duelist a way to "break the rules" when it comes to how to fight. Jett and Raze have their movement, Reyna is untradeable, Phoenix gets a second life (from his ult). So now they are making Neon able to run and gun via her slide that she gets 2 of. That is quite good, but also too gimmicky imo. Silent slide peeks will be very good for single engagements, but her losing 1 stun makes her less self-sufficient. You will get traded a lot just trying to slide out and fight. You will need to recon first. I think Iso buffs are actually much better than Neon, because he just always gets his shield, and that's pretty busted. Consider two people of equal skill...Iso always wins. It also makes his ult far more useful since you can always have your shield when you ult (and keep in mind, his ult actually is advantageous for him if you play the cover correctly).


Cypher hard counters her entry so we’ll see I guess. Every team will need a Sova if they want to play her


ur cooked anyway if u don't have an initiator on ur team that can deal with that


Not rly, they need an agent that can stall/break a cypher trip like sova, breach, skye and raze


Yes, it'll probably feel similar to trying to shoot raze when she entries with double satchel pre-nerf. edit: at least until like after Diamond maybe


I don't know. All I know is that I'll start picking kayo a lot more. Currently learning lineups


This guy gets it!


imagine shooting during a jett dash and being accurate. god help us


I think she‘s annoying and now even more annoying so until she gets nerfed again it will be annoying


Ate Neon finally getting the the praise she deserves


And raze is screwed


She was already pretty strong (I am a neon main) but two slides is actually godlike, not talking about the no penalty. Not even cypher will stop her.


Two...? Two slides is fucking crazy. I think they're out of their minds with this patch ngl.


I really don’t expect all of these buffs to stay for very long. It’s going to be quickly obvious that she’s over powered. Two slides alone is insane, you can slide forward and then backwards and that’s a really hard shot to hit at any rank. Then you pop ult and get a 3rd all in one sequence. Insanity.


Neon was already annoying enough to play against, now she is going to be picked pretty much every game 😔


Everyone's talking about the double slide, but have you seen the movement change on High Gear?? You're going to be zooming now


Yeah, people must not realize that neon is going to be even harder to hit now even without sliding


I think iso deserved this big of a buff as much if not more than neon did


They needed to buff the movement duelist least used in pro play




She will become meta then riot will nerf her back to her current state which is also OP


No paneity when sliding is insane, previously you can fight the Neon when she finishes the slide, now she will have an upper hand every time. There are angles where she can slide from cover to cover and fire accurately in between, and you can't really punish that.


Breach Sova Neon comps will go extremely hard


No, but she's gonna push Jett away.


Yup. She will be able to literally op while sliding now. Isn’t that crazy?


For people who don’t know, you aren’t completely laser accurate while sliding it just got buffed so it’s a little more accurate than crouch walking


I really hope not. I love neon and don't want people to take her now it's cool🤣


I want whatever riot devs are smoking. Absolutely insane and I’d bet $100 they are gonna revert some of the neon changes in the next few patches. Raze has ‘op’ movement but then they do this to neon lol


Neons movement is regenerative and is better than razes now THAT IS CRAZY


FINALLY, She is now good without needing a pos-graduation on movement mechanics


Neon and iso too




How is Raze unplayable? Did I miss something besides the lowered horizontal movement from satchels? Did they give specifics?


Yes, these changes will likely make her the second most valuable duelist in the game in my opinion. I think most of her value will still be more based on the skill of the player though. She's not the type of agent that can just be valuable by using abilities, you have to be good at using them for them to be remotely useful. Before this patch she was still somewhat useful but any duelist main that was *good* with her would be just as good or better on another agent. These changes are enough to make her at least the second best duelist. Especially with raze getting nerfed into the dirt


Wait she’s getting buffed?


Hate it, bruhh


Shotgun neon on breeze will sure as hell get more fun


she seems fucking busted she lowkey might be be meta on haven


she'll be like clove where she'll dominate ranked but only niche in pro play


i hope so. Neon is awesome to play.


Maybe in ranked but raze is still better


All the neon mains will become menaces rn. I fear the day i go against them


I played against a previous platinum 2 Neon in my comp game and his Neon was just crazy. The jumping into slide headshot was just deadly. Sheriff was a nightmare against her. That being said I don't think it's OP as it takes skill to be able to do that well. I wasn't mad about it, I was more impressed by it and realized this is something I'm going to have to learn to play against. Maybe Ares/Odin could work against the Neon movement.


Its gonna be finicky, depends on how quickly people adapt to it, we gonna feel the loss of that stun


yeah on map like fracture maybe breeze and pearl too


Why 2 dashes? When it already resets?


As a neon main that makes me angry i’m not going to be able to play my main anymore


It depends on how good the movement is jett and raze will still be good in split 2 of VCT because no one has played neon apart from mini boo


I think her ult should not grant you an extra slide now since she already has 2 charges. 3 slides is way too much. Also I think her stun should do 20 damage so she can break cypher trips herself since she doesn’t have any vertical mobility.


No one is realizing that because of the strafe speed, you could basically just use her speed to strafe then switch to your gun, it would make you much harder to hit and basically be a free neon ult


Sadly yes, i just hope they dont nerf my main too hard after the buff, and i hope that i will be able to even play her anymore


Do you think she would be balanced if they were to re-add the slide penalty and pullout time?


Cypher is a big problem for Neon. But other than that she's probably gonna be insane. My dumbass still can't kill a Neon in ult in Diamond so i'll be in big trouble.


To be fair I’m ok with them making neon better she wasn’t really picked at all in any of the games I played in diamond+


It will be a great competitor with jett and raze


Most probably. Like no accuracy penalty and 0.2s gun pick time? Like what is that Riot be like: Raze is too much, she has 56% pick rate. Also Riot: We decided to make neon more COD style...


I feel like Neon has already been causing WAYY too much havoc in low elo I play casually and am High Silver low gold, the one person I can never kill in any lobby is a neon, they are always so quick to bounce around the screen while sliding and throwing up a wall it’s pointless to attempt to shoot them they turn up behind me and pop me once with a Bucky. I feel this change is gonna be hell for low elo 💀


she will be situational on some maps. i think on maps with a decent breach presence, she will get picked. haven and fracture (in rotation), she may get picked a decent amount


Why didn’t they re-work her stun? Throwing it and hitting a slight slope sends that shit out the map


She might replace jett.


As a Neon main since the first day I started playing, I hope not.


No. No no no and more no. Neon will not become meta because she is such a unique character. Her movement has a MASSIVE learning curve. Idc what buffs she got, she is not someone you can just pickup after watching a YouTube video. Reyna mains aren't gonna become Neon mains lol Now, the people who've been maining Neon? Those people SCARE me. They are the ones we should be afraid of 😬


Sure, she now is overpowered


Cypher still hard counters neon


hell nah yo ahh tweaking jigsaw


yes. and i am here for it.