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Read the article, there is no crossplay but there is cross progression which is great. Skins, battle pass, etc will sync between PC and console.


Best news i've heard all week!


Curious if they’re gonna combat keyboard mouse adapters for it. OW2 has a huge problem with console players using kbm with the added aim assist.


My biggest hope is if you play on console using a keyboard and mouse you get put on PC. I know it’s unrealistic, but I have a friend who does exactly that on his PS5 and I want to get him to play with me.


It feels strange to me that they are doing it thia way though. They could have went the overwatch route where you play in pc lobbies and long as you have a pc player in your party. And just to go the extra step, just deactivate it for ranked, keep it console-console and pc-pc. It just feels like a shame because I wanted this game to come to console so that I can play with my friend but I guess we still can't.😅


I assume it's like R6. Those are treated as almost separate games by the devs afaik, and it's the only game that's like Valorant on console.


Oh I didn't know that that it's how it works for that game. It's a shame but at the end of the day, I'd rather get the game in these conditions than not get it at all.


They tweeted that there would be no keyboard and mouse support for consoles, only controller.


Console won't support mnk


ive never played valorant before, so im not going to have any skins or anything when the game launches on console. is there free to play avenues of unlocking cosmetics? battlepass, challenges, etc? or is it all paid?


You get 1 pistol skin per battlepass if you finish it and there are also agent themed pistol skins for each agent that you can unlock with in-game coins. So basically only pistols and not even the cool ones. Being f2p sucks but at least teammates can drop you their skins.


There are REALLY good pistol skins though you can get for free. Like Omens Ghost or Chambers Classic. I'd say you can't get the *fancy* stuff


Cyphers ghost is also pretty dang good.


Understood that reference, sire.


The only free skins you can get are sidearm skins (glocks, sawed off shotguns, tec 9s, revolvers etc) one from every battlepass and others from agent contracts (skins with the theme of that particular agent) they do not have any special effects or anything tho


Battle pass has free tiers, there's a free cosmetic shop as well


You can get most types of cosmetics for free, but for weapon skins specifically (the one most ppl care about) you can only get free Pistol skins, and the options are limited


One sidearm skin per battle pass. Agent contracts skins which are also sidearms. Weapon skins are paid but cosmetics like sprays, titles and banners (minus the exclusive ones) can be bought from shop for free.


If you want a good free skin then you should try to get to the end of the free battlepass for the comet ghost its one of the best battlepass sets in a while imo


I hope I signed in with the right account bc that’s huge


Oh thank God I can carry over I Haven't been able to play on PC in awhile so this is great


As a console player who hasn't played Val in over a year because my PC broke this is great news


Happy cake day


Is there crossplay between the two consoles? I would imagine so


*They also confirmed that cross-play will not be available between PC and consoles to preserve VALORANT‘s “competitive integrity"* At least most of our worst fears won't happen


> Moving forward, players will have a connected, shared inventory and gameplay progression tied to their VALORANT account across all platforms, allowing for cross-platform progression. Also this E: no cross-platform mmr, ergo no cross-platform ranks


Man that’s so crazy. For wild rift you had to start fresh. But with that I think there won’t be any console exclusive skins since it synced. Also where’s my wild rift on console I’ve been waiting years for it.


I mean Wild Rift is a different game than LoL really. Valorant will be the exact same on console just with controller support.


yeah, 90% of assets are new. WR just don't have my epic olympic anivia skin or some god forsaken gold or black alistars.


That as well but I was thinking more of different map, items, balancing even champion abilities I think. It seems like it would definitely play different.


TBH there will probably be at least one “I played console beta” or “I played console day 1” weapon charm or something.


There will be a special Closed Console Beta playercard for Val :) [see this Tweet on X](https://x.com/ValorantUpdated/status/1799189649522626654?t=g9_XKxrABUvMBeoHRLCOzg&s=19)


Called it lmao


Fck yeah. Cant wait to meet console immortals.


I wonder if the buddy will be different or if those ranked buddies will stay on console.


Awesome. Can't wait to play on PS5.


This is actually huge. I'd gladly play Xbox gamepass on my steamdeck for the console version, but definitely not for the current version with controller to key mpping input jank


Gameplay progression mean rank? I can't imagine a console Diamond suddenly playing Diamond PC lobbies.


I think it means everything except rank.


No. Your experience level, battle pass level etc.


There will be separate leaderbords for pc and consoles (while both types of consoles will share their leaderboards)


That is a huge w. Does Apex have that yet? 


Yea apex added it back a little bit ago but only with the EA launcher and not steam


Common ea L


I play on Steam and have all cosmetics from Xbox? I'm confused.


genuine question: why do people see this as a good thing? there’s a common belief that console rank & pc rank don’t correspond directly in terms of skill e.g. in Overwatch, people believe that console diamond is pc platinum different games are different of course, but part of me wonders if pc players are gonna like having people on their ranked teams who got their rank by playing on console


Like you said, it's vastly different for different games. Games like Apex and CoD and even recently released XDefiant, the console players are standing toe to toe or even dominating KB+M because of aim assist. But this is talking about highest tiers of play, on average KB+M wins most of the time according to some devs that had cross play enabled (don't remember who) Games that don't have them though, big gap. R6. I don't think this will have an aim assist.


makes sense! interested to see how this plays out


Given they will occupy separate queues, my guess is that there will be separate rankings by platform, which would not be mutually exclusive with cross progression; you might see some surprising gun buddies in ranked queue though I suppose


then what was meant by cross-platform progression? just like AP level, skins, etc?


That's what I'm imagining, battle pass level, purchases, quests


Yeap, we've been talking about this from the beginning - it's very important to us.


Do you know if xim will be allowed because that would kinda ruin the game on console


Clearly not because it’s a cheat device whether it be detected is something we won’t know till the game releases to everyone alot of games are trying to counter the issue but it’s borderline impossible


Supposedly Xbox gave games developers the tools to deal with xim/cronus. Think it just adds to the cost for devs so they don't bother looking into it. Just another thing to fight every patch. Riot takes anticheat seriously though - so hopefully hwid bans come in hot.


It’s not borderline impossible. Mousetrap is pretty fucking good. It is possible to bypass it but when you start reading the hoops people have to go through and the settings people have to change just to trick mousetrap you start to realize that a lot of the people using a Cronus are just going to suck or couldn’t be bothered to jump through all the hoops.


Yea, I basically thought this immediately after the reveal. It's just going to be the same shit as Overwatch. Higher rank games are just gonna be kb+m xim users dunking on everyone else.


I just hope they learn from other FPS games that got ruined by Xim losers, R6 Siege and Overwatch being big examples


you guys are lucky your game's devs give a shit about competitive integrity. cough respawn cough


i do hope eventually we get a crossplatform unrated/casual modes only queue. i can name at least 5 friends who want to join me in this game badly


I'm pretty pro crossplay, but I can not see Val working crossplay even casually.


Just allow native KBM support for consoles put them in the PC pool if you use KBM and controller players get placed in the console only pool.


COD already does this


should be possible in custom games but that's it


At that point why would they even devote dev hours for it




Usually yes, unless the aim assist is ridiculously aggressive.


PLEASE don't even suggest aim assist. It has already ruined so many games for PC players. Just keep the player bases separated.




You don't. That's why gyro aim is superior on controller.


Is the PS5 controller still the recommended one for PC? I've only ever used Xbox controllers. Why they won't implement gyro aim is beyond me.


We use gyro.


My friends who are crazy at cod on console run stupid high sense they know they’re going to be running snipers and want flick shots. It’s pretty weird to me how they’ll like adjust everything to the max and then run it back to like a 4 sense if they’re running rifles. Also have a friend who was fucking sick on siege with a controller. He played on pc with controller against the same ranked people I would and ran like an 8 sense. It was pretty impressive. I can’t tell you how many people were surprised when he’d tell a lobby he was ok controller.


Depends on the level and strength of aim assist. For the overwhelming majority of games however, at low elo, controllers with aim assist have the advantage over KBM, at the mid level, it's about even, but KBM will always be superior at the highest level. If this isn't the case, then the aim assist is so strong that nobody enables crossplay, but most people who complain about one or the other are either really good or really bad. Controller has a lower skill floor, but KBM has a higher skill ceiling


check /r/apexlegends controller aimassist ruined the game pretty much. a bunch of pros also went controller because that's how OP it is


Now they just gotta keep an eye on all those people who use mouse to joystick emulators or whatever.


Hope they also ban people who use mnk on it unlike siege.


>"No crossplay between PC and Console; separate matchmaking. But, your account is shared so any skins/agents you own on PC will carry over to Console and vice versa." this is the chance to farm the noobs for radiant gun buddy


Last time I played an FPS with a controller I was probably 18, I'm 26 now. I am the noob on a controller now hahahahah


Game sense will get you extremely far early on. Something tells me there’s going to be a metric fuckton of Fortnite / COD players trying to run and gun for the first few weeks


I switched from COD and spent an embarrassing amount of time ADS body spraying.


For sure but I doubt I would be able to pass my peak of ASC 2 that easily


I bet quite a few immortals will play on console using Xim to get radiant


Cross play isn't there, but I'm hoping the RR leaderboard is shared. We wanna see the top 500 on there, not top 500 on: - PC - Console - 30 fps - 60 fps - 4090 - 1050ti - 1070 max q laptop You get the point


Valorant CC really do be like "HOW I GOT TO TOP 500 RADIANT ON 1070 MAX Q LAPTOP WITH 69HZ (TENZ REACTION) 🤯🤯🤯"


The top 500 leaderboard shouldn’t be shared lol


So what you are saying is that no console players should get radiant? Cause it’s gonna be a lot easier to get it on pc that on console for sure. That’s kinda unfair for people on console. It shouldn’t be shared. Maybe just don’t share the ranked buddies and it’s fixed


Do people bitching about "crossplay" just choose to willingly ignore the giant ass paragraph in the article that says they aren't adding it lmao?


Why bother reading when I can just get upset at a boogyman I made up?


lol that's fair




Usually it's the bad players, and bad players don't know how to use abilities. For example, the ability to read.


Yeah, unfortunately they can't even use real life abilities. How are they going to play the actual game then?


everything people are complaining about in these comments is answered in the article, but I guess Valorant players don't know how to read.


They don’t know how to use util what makes you think they can read


I’m new here but been an avid Valorant watcher via twitch. I’m happy this port is happening, always wanted to play it but don’t have a PC to run it. Though that’s neither here or there… as long as the platform is strong enough to run said game then what’s so bad about this? That crossplay is between consoles only was a smart move. K&M players on PC are indeed at an advantage. At least battle passes, in app purchases will be across all platforms that’s good. Signed up for the beta, hope I get in and glad to be here… hope to finally dive deeper into the world of Valo.


Even PCs and laptops with no graphics cards can run it. I'm sure modern consoles won't have much problems yall console players better get a headphone though


My potato laptop runs pretty smoothly on 60fps (I have it capped cuz I don’t like the jumps from 78 to 150 to 23 to 45 back to 60 all the time) so yeah any console even a ps4 should run it like butter


As someone that has always wanted to play, but couldnt afford a PC, this is HUGE for me!


The beta starts June 14, wonder how long it will last, excited to try it


My guess is that the beta won't end until the1.0 release. It's going to be in beta for a few months until 1.0 release. The beta title is probably just there to give them room to have bugs/errors since it's their first major console release for a huge multiplayer title.


Was it like that for Val’s PC beta? I only started playing a year after launch so I wouldn’t know 😭


Yea the pc beta lasted a long time and then went offline briefly before the full launch


No clue so don't quote me. But if they were planning to end the beta soon or do a weekend beta they would've announced all the end date the same time to give people fomo to play. Plus when I signed up for the beta they gave me 5 referral codes so they aren't trying to keep players away.


I just ordered all the parts to build my rirst PC this week, and wanting to finally play Valorant was a factor in the decision. So you're welcome 💁‍♂️


On the bright side, you can now play pretty much EVERY game. You'll have a lot of fun with your pc, trust me


I already feel my hair growing and flapping in the breeze and see my skin turning more and more golden as each part arrives. My body is ready.


I love console, but PC is awesome dude. You won’t regret it.


Me too I’m so excited!!!


You can make a pc the same price as a console that can play valorant


Me too! I’ve played this game on my friends pcs before and loved it but could never afford one myself but I have an Xbox. I never thought this day would come lol


I'm on the same boat but also I prefer a controller one billion times over mouse and keyboard. I'm trying to shoot not write some essay it's so uncomfortable for me. Last time I tried mouse and keyboard was on Minecraft and it was just not for me.


Dasnerth bout to hit Radiant #1 on consoles.


That guy will be a total menace


Hopefully this no longer triggers the riot lawyers to come after me for NDA since the game is announced but I played in a private playtest for this and it feels surprisingly good.


How far back was it? I'm assuming this has been in the works for a while now


About three weeks ago


If any studio can pull this off it’s Riot but man, even CS flopped on console. Tac shooters are so utterly different from every other kind of shooter on console, even something nominally similar like Siege. The playerbases will have to be 100% segregated and if the console base doesn’t take off it could flame out quickly. Hopefully they make it work though. This game and world deserves as much love as possible.


The last CS release was on the Xbox 360 store, no? 30FPS, cost money, severely outdated. I think being F2P, 60FPS, and designed for modern consoles would perform infinitely better than console CS did


Yeah, I remember when that dropped. I don't think a single one of my 360 friends even bothered with it. I also remember spending hundreds of hours on 360 TF2 before realizing the console version wasn't getting ANY of the updates like new weapons and maps that PC was and then just leaning more into Halo/CoD the rest of the generation. As for performance, the PS5/XSX should easily have a 120 mode for 120 hz TVs (most TVs don't bother going above 120 so don't expect higher or uncapped) if more demanding games can manage it.


120 FPS*


CS flopped because CSGO was terrible at launch. Also Valve just doesn't like supporting console at all for any of their games. 


Currently Valve doesn't even like to support CS2 on PC.


Valve doesnt even like devloping games lmao


I pray we see Half-Life 3 one day. Hopefully before I die.


It flopped on original Xbox too. There where some servers, but overall it felt weird. I did enjoy playing it online back then twenty two years ago. Showing my age with this post lol


I played CSGO on the xbox 360 before I got a PC in 2018...


Hes talking about the CSX 2003 release, based on Condition zero iirc, not CSGO


CS straight up doesn't work on console. The quicker movement + focus on sprays and the lineups for util means it just feels horrible on controller. Valorant doesn't expect you to do extended sprays the same way and your targets move slower, it'll work better.


This is nuts, this sub and valorant about to go crazy! a polished free to play shooter dropping


ive always wanted to try this game, but dont have a pc. pretty excited to give it a try!


Damn between this and Marvel Rivals I might finally upgrade to the PS5. Fortnite doesn’t run that well in PS4 anymore and I can only play so much Overwatch before losing my sanity.


Death sentence or play tank on overwatch for life? I know what im choosing


The amount of people in this thread even *thinking* that crossplay would be considered here terrifies me. Brainrot is at an all time high.


I said it when it released this would happen Took way too long but it finally is happening. Too everyone who said "valorant can't work on console." It never couldn't.


I can not imagine playing this on a controller


Riot is already very aware of how terrible gamepads can be with shooters. They invented a new technique/technology for the controls just because they weren't satisfied with any of the traditional methods.


Gonna throw my console kd so that I can get a iron buddy :))))))))


Dasnerth is about to destroy some people in ways they cannot yet imagine.


This is good news for people who cant afford or fit (not space) a pc setup.  Hard to imagine how hard it must be to play this on controller.. 


Take a look at this: https://youtu.be/gXq176aI7Mk?si=EtmxS_cdUgkl5VFy


Holy shit they're doing it The aim assist on controller is about to go insane


It’s not apex. No amount of aim assist is going to out-crosshair placement better players




Games like this on console typically don't have any aim assist. This may come as a shock but games like R6 work perfectly fine without it.


R6 has different recoil patterns for console though. If you ported the PC version's recoil to consoles without any changes it would be total clownery every round


Only as of the last year recoil patterns are different


Yesssssss !!!!


I’ve always wanted to try this game out, it does look fun


This will kill so many other shooters on console


Yep, came at an absolute perfect time too. The fps console scene is putrid right now.


XDefiant just released which is pretty good tbh. And most console fps gamers will jump on the new COD as soon as it‘s released anyway even though cod has been shit for years. People keep buying it anyway. Also, valorant will probably have no aim assist which means casuals will quickly stop playing it.


I find it very funny how ubisoft timed their release to have less competition with CoD only for Riot to bring debatably the most popular shooter right now to console not even 2 weeks later lmao Granted they are different kinds of shooters and i’m sure a lot of those twitchy b-hopping spazzes on xdefiant won’t like valorant at all, just funny timing


Valorant will have aim assist. Not much by the look but it will have some small form of aim assist. Keeoh mentioned it in a video he made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18BeslSfjy8


I thought everyone is dying for finals


I really don't think it will. All the other popular FPS games are almost entirely different genres.


No it won't lmao


I wonder how popular is this actually going to be. And are they going to region lock releases? Like, mobile for east and consoles for west? Because it feels so weird to already have a console beta when mobile isn’t out of beta.


Different teams work on mobile/console/pc


I'm curious to hear what they'll say about XIM and what they plan to do to prevent people from using and abusing it on Valorant. It's plagued Overwatch for a long time and has gotten ridiculous on Overwatch 2, where the team's now spent a long time working on ways to detect it, which we're finally going to see from the start of the next season.


Im late to the party but since cross progression is available on console/pc will it also be a thing with calo Mobile(heard its in the works)


Always had a passive interest in Valorant (and even following the esports scene), but I'm a 100% console player that enjoys both Series X and PS5. Absolutely thrilled about this announcement. Looking forward to learning how to play this game and adding it to my rotation!


I actually want to cry. I discovered Valo during Covid and always dreamt of playing it but can't afford a PC. My dreams are finally coming true.


this is so sick. i HAAATE turning on my windows machine to play valorant. finally i can grind out the battle passes without being hunched over a desk next step: give us a mac port, pretty pretty please (and also linux)


I think people who've never played the game on PC who are cod/apex/whatever console shooters are gonna have a hard time adjusting to this game, R6 console players will probably adjust fine though


Bro Riot is making massive W plays


This is awesome. I've been there since day 1 on PC, haven't played much the last few months but excited to play this with friends who don't have a PC. Cross progression makes it even better.


I can finally play this game


I believe it will succeed, especially considering the majority of North American gamers use consoles which is where Valorant is the most popular.


bro its an already existing free to play shooter thats extremely popular and published by a massive company its basically a certainty it'll succeed *as long as the game itself feels good to play*


The lag will be WAY BETTER than my shitty pc compared to the ps5. I lag whenever I see an enemy a lot.


I know the population of this subreddit probably doesn't care about this very much. But this is huge for me and I can't wait.




60 or 120 fps for consoles?






Cross progression is amazing, I’m glad they have that feature.


I sincerely hope they have a method to detect xim usage.


Do you think that plugging in a keyboard and mouse into the Xbox will allow you to play with keyboard and mouse on Xbox? I know some games allow that but idk abt val


never add.. just controller .


What will stop people from plugging in a mouse and keyboard?


not adding support


if (isMousePlugged = true) { exitGame() } else { openGame() }


This will exit the game every time no matter what.


Has anyone seen any gameplay from an actual controller demon? I saw gameplay from people who play Valorant, not your usual roller player. I wanna see someone who’s actually nice on the sticks.


Not on sticks, but I know a guy. https://youtu.be/icdw5Lp--G0?si=U4D-osA-SqPO2EqO


Damn, he cooked and had no aim assist. Flashes are going to be insane on console. That was cool, thanks for that video.


NP. He's using gyro aiming for this, and from what I heard, the official console version won't have it... which makes no damn sense, but also figures. It's a relatively new concept that very few games have fully embraced and it's always better than trying to program in aim assist.


from the playtest i saw that Nadeshot and JoeWo were there, both very good controller players so im hoping they release gameplay vids but they haven’t yet. Of all the playtest vids ive watched so far Shiro was definitely the best player on controller, give his vid a watch


Time to buy a ps5


I am happy for console players


how is esports gonna work out with this?


Hmm. Potentially have a shooter to play on PS5. I don’t have much faith in myself being into it but I’ll try it.


Does anyone know if Valorant would be capable of running 120 FPS at 1440p on PS5? I use a 27" 1080p monitor, and there's a 27" 1440p monitor I've been interested in for some time that's on sale.


I mean it can the PS5 is pretty capable far from a low budget PC. It’s not known yet but as the PS5 expert here. Wait until the beta releases to make that display purchase though, I don’t want you to feel let down if it’s 60fps only. 1440p is supported natively on PS5 so at least that part is checked. We will know much more when the beta opens up, on the 14th this week how we looking so check back.


I allways see valorant but i don't have a pc i LOVE see It coming to console


If anyone has a spare ps5 referral code would be much appreciated and vice versa if I recieve an invite


This is gonna be xim infested at high ranks like all the other fps games on console.


I don’t think riot hasn’t thought of that. They will probably ban those (they have the one of the best anti cheats asl well)