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Well no shit. Its hilarious to imagine how the controller vs M&K debate would go in this game though.


If cod is any indication they would buff aim assist until the point that the game basically plays itself, then if you bring up any issue with this the response will be "lol just buy a pad bro"


Spamming smokes with aim assist would be craaaazy


pretty sur aim assist turns off in smokes. aim assist being active during stuns to turn faster was some stupid ass shiy in cod me19 and some other titles


to be fair games like apex drastically decrease aim assist while inside or looking through a smoke, but yeah lol.


Which was hilarious because mnk comps were specifically catered to disabling aim assist for fair fights. Bang was already a good pick, but if you for some reason didn't pick bang on 3 mnk, you'd be throwing.




Yeah, I got killed multiple times through/in a smoke. But I didn't know that AA doesn't work in the smoke. I realised how many cheaters are in cod...


I would love to see them implement a week during which you can toggle on aim assist on mouse. Would shush those pesky controller players forever imo :p.


And Halo Infinite...and Apex...


Halo is a console first game historically and those (players who have switched to PC) who are on PC still use controller in general for many games. Obviously they're going to cater to their primary fanbase. Valorant is entirely different.


It's just funny cause they had to give aim assist to mnk


It killed APEX for me




Quite literally every single person who owns a console and plays COD, Battlefield, or the hundreds of other shooter games that currently exist and *has* existed. You do know First Person Shooters have existed on console for the past 2-3 decades, right?


to be fair he did say FPS but Val and CS are very different style FPS games than CoD of BF. Val/CS require very pinpoint aim and precise micro-adjustments which controller is absolutely not designed for.


this is why I dont understand why they didnt add KBnM support for consoles. Both Xbox and PS support it natively. Could have input based matchmaking on consoles, especially considering its f2p and crossplay, playerbase should be big enough, could also give players the ability to opt-in to "any input" based matchmaking. Dont really understand the decision to force everyone to play on controller when both consoles support KBnM and this game is a KBnM game


This is what I think. It’s really not an “obvious” decision to not include crossplay when newest gen console support KBM. Input based matchmaking and we don’t have any problems. And if people are worrying about cheaters, go look at other crossplay games to see WHO is doing the cheating. Hint: it’s not console gamers.


Apex is cross play and controls dominate the pro scene cause aim assist is better than most aimers


Cod is a console first game and not a tac shooter. They have brought CS over to console at some point way back and it was ass on controller lol. Anyone using CoD, Halo, or Apex (especially the first 2 which were like exclusively console) as evidence they'd make aim assist an OP thing are people who just don't really think things through. A tac shooter will not have cross play AND crazy aim assist. Probably not aim assist at all or won't be crossplay (except with ps5 and xbox) in ranked. You can look at Rainbow if you want a tacshooter comparison and Overwatch.


Personally I'm expecting Gyro aim. I've tried it on CS and honestly it's pretty damn good. I could see a skilled player being basically equal with kbm


CSGO was bad on console but 1.6 is fucking great. The issue is Valve straight up didn't give a fuck with the console release of GO.


Halo also has aim assist for MNK. Not sure If people know about that. At an esports tournament for halo a couple months ago there was the first MnK player to ever reach the top 8 in a halo tournament


COD first came out on pc. Still agree with you tho (as an mnk player) ppl who complain about controllers/aim-assist on cod are dumb


It would have been bearable on pc if we can actually see what we are aiming. Those details obscuring aim is what making aim assist too strong for CoD imho. Like CoQ combat all i see is smoke from the barrel while the other dude slides around and locks on with the rotational assist and not worrying about the finer details.


Overwatch 2 as well early days


Clearly you've never used a controller 🎮


Why can’t they have a separate system for cross players. Like what if pc players want to play with console players who don’t have a pc and vice versa. The only reason I would want console val is to play with my console friends, can’t see why else


There’s no debate in tac fps. People complain about ximming/playing MnK in siege console queues because it’s strictly better


There should be no debate ever in any type of FPS game m&k should dominate, its simply faster and more precise. But since cross-play was such a necessity for these other titles they had to buff controller with ridiculous aim assist for them to stand a chance.


apex legends the prime example. Aim assist in this game is monstrous and ultimately makes the input better than MnK, since controller dominates in the close quarters combat that the game is built around. it's depressing because apex is the best modern movement-based FPS game on the market rn, and that movement is almost moot since a 4-3 linear turret can one clip you the second youre in stinky breath range.


Yeah, apex is such a sad fall from grace. When veteran Tier 1 MnK pros swap to controller in an FPS because the aim assist is so absurdly strong something is majorly wrong.


I mean the accuracy stats says it all. If it was just low elo shitters complaining about aim assist and it was just a skill issue then why the hell do the top m&k players have a ~30% gun accuracy while the top controller players have ~40%? They're both cream of the crop so surely the deviation shouldn't be THAT bad right?


If anything, just give them minimal aim assist or no aim assist whatsoever. Its called coping lol


There is one shooter where controllers are better. And that was gears of war.


Gears also didn't really play like any of the other examples, it was slam yourself against the wall them cancel then dive out the other way then this and then that all the while jerking your shotgun


I would say if there was ever a fps game where no aim assist controller could be semi competitive it’s valorant as head height plus aiming with movement can get you pretty high with game sense.


have you actually ever tried using a controller without aim assist? it seems like you havent. aim assist is pretty much a necessity. also this isnt CSGO, people can fly around corners in this game. flicks are a huge part of gunplay as is recoil control. if you want to understand how absolutely dogshit a tac shooter on controller is without aim assist, go play CSGO on xbox. its quite literally the most dogshit experience in existence.


You wanna play against chronus and xim cheaters? I don’t. It’s already terrible in cod and kills the competitor integrity of the game.


Same way it always goes in fps/battle royale games. “Aim assist is literally aimbot….. keyboard and mouse just point and click…”


hi, new to valorant- is there an advantage for playing m&k?




As proven my aim bot level quickscopers on console, what plastic you're using doesn't matter lmao. Kids with skill issues will claim otherwise when they die.


In many games, it's not a huge difference, tbh since most people are bad at games. Even in one's without aim assist and their are plenty on console without any aim assist. However, games like valorant are a different matter. To the point where people who are actually cheating will accuse really good players of cheating because precision aiming and movement from a good player is just that good. That would be impossible on a controller. >Its hilarious to imagine how the controller vs M&K debate would go in this game though. Tbh. Theirs only one side that really makes it a "debate" at all. And it's PC players. You won't find many people on console who would say valorant on console would be anything like on PC. And its PC players who are the ones in the other thread making up utter nonsense and outright fabricating lies.


I do feel like controller players or those with a history of using controller usually just don't give a fuck. Most of them (and me) realize that if a game isn't meant for controller, so be it, they won't play it if it's too much of a hindrance. But MnK people (only me for Valorant) will just play while still bitching 24/7. I have a friend who grew up on Halo and has overall more time on a controller than MnK, but he uses MnK on apex and then bitches about aim assist. And I mean every death, not occasionally. We make fun of him because we're like JUST USE YOUR CONTROLLER THEN. It's a very one sided "debate" which is really just bitching. I admit it's too big of a thing on apex on probably, but it is still exaggerated as well. And yes, controller players would get laughably destroyed in a PC lobby. Quick peek spotting would be near impossible and I'm not sure even jump peeking would be possible at all. And aim assist may fuck you since it helps you with sticking onto a body, but that means it *does* prefer the body because it's a bigger target. Going for those super quick headshots with micro adjustments would be a bit harder.


Apex has an actual controller problem though and not everyone wants to switch to controller since it's just less physically intensive. I don't want to play on an interface that aims for me. I see people saying how it's not that big of an issue, but they have all been controller players, every time, its a controller player. There is definitely a reason that pros all use controller for apex though and if my friend didn't play apex basically exclusively (on controller) I wouldn't play it at all, I'm not their audience.


Du laberst einfach nur müll mit Sicherheit werden soger gleich stehen sein oder ebent knapp deine Aussage ist lächlich du bist ebent nur schlecht 


I think people considered it because a lot of people's first thought is "how big would a console population be?" This doesn't feel like the type of game to be popular on console. Even with crossplay between consoles (Series S/X and PS5), in some regions you might have issues finding games.


counterpoint: Valorant is going to be on Game Pass (already is on PC GP) which is a tremendous value to me. I bet the population is intensely healthy in the vast majority of regions.


im so confused what gamepass has to do with anything??? the game is free without gamepass


Wtf wait is it really?


This game is going to be a massive console hit. 


It works perfectly in Overwatch. Riot just can't be bothered to give the customer what they want. It's a shame.


What makes you think this is what we want tho? Cross progression is honestly a decent surprise


Because it allows people to play together.


Maybe people want this is custom or unranked games but no one on PC wants someone with a controller on their team or on enemy team. And no one on controller wants a PC player going against them.


I want it in unranked.


I stopped playing OW long before anything like crossplay happened, but the only thing I remember about console OW is they had to nerf Torb's turret because it was too OP. That fueled so much hilarity in the Console vs PC discussions.


Apparently crossplay no, cross progression yes


Probably because there could be some exclusive content for either, like I can see a Xbox or PS5 gun buddy for players who play, idk, 2-3 games on console


They just specifically said no exclusive content for consoles


Can you link me where they said that? I must have missed it


https://youtu.be/7uLNPAO84M0?si=dRCdyeJJsxXGmJrJ Time 2:20


At 1:00 she says "currently there are no plans to bring Valorant to Switch and Mobile". Does this mean Valorant Mobile will be exclusive to China? Because a mobile version does exist. Does she mean "bring Valorant to mobile in the west"? Edit: She also says the game is going to be 120FPS. Wonder at what resolution that is. I'm not sure the PS5 can do 4k120fps on Valorant. I have a slightly worse GPU compared to PS5, but a way better CPU and hitting 4k120fps was possible, but inconsistent, especially with higher graphical settings, getting dips as low as 100fps.


Could be a dynamic res


The game will likely be a little lighter for console as they usually are. Or upscaling tech now days is pretty impressive so they could just do that too


I have a feeling the ps5 definitely could hit 4k 120fps it's not a very demanding game and it's much easier to heavily optimize for one system then a million different PC's


Thank god, I don't want to have to download Valorant for PS5 just for exclusive content.


They also said no to that, at least rank related


would be fun if there is a seperate ranked for console when im using my PC account so i could see how far i would get and such


Thank god


Riot >>> Respawn


Yeah, that's a "sweet summer child" moment right here.


C1n’t wait to see radiant consol player get iron stuck on pc


Nah once they have time to adjust im pretty confident they would situate around plat, dia maybe ascendent to the more mechanically gifted. While there raw k&m mechanics would probably be lackluster. The game sense and team play is gonna be about the same. PC supremacy circlejerk is fun and all, but no one playing at a top level on any platform is gonna suddenly be part of the lowest percent.


Good players are good regardless, and mechanically probably only need 6 months to adjust. Dashy, a CoD pro, is a good example of this. Started playing valorant in the offseason and was absolutely horrendous, but grinded and hit Radiant within like 4-5 months.


Doesn't prove anything, no good players aren't good regardless, it's like saying your checker champion could play chess competitively, being "good" is a mix of tons of factors that are related to a game, being strategical or mechanical ones, mechanics are not that easy btw, you aren't gonna get the mechanics of people playing CSGO with k/m for 20 years in 6 months, your COD pro would would do miserably against high level pros in Valorant or CS, probably wouldn't even be better than face it lvl 6 mechanic wise.  Those aren't even the same type of games anyway, so ofc they aren't comparable and skills aren't really transferable. 


That's a pretty dumb comment. A pc player switching for the first time to a controller would be also really bad at the game on console.


Your comment is the dumb one. Someone used to drive a manual car would have less trouble switching to an automatic one than vice versa, shouldn't even need to be explained tbf. 


Nah i Think it's u who's dumb


You got me there buddy


You pc only players are so weird man. I play both, you're taking it waaaaay too seriously. 


Will Vanguard detect XIM users? It’s an issue that has plagued Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch 2 for a while, wondering if it will affect Valorant as well Also, JUST MY OPINION but console gaming and “precise” gunplay does not go together, maybe Riot focusing on mobile Valorant should have been the right move first. The mobile market and purchasing stuff in games mobile wise is much more normalised compared to on PC. For console I’d say purchasing games is more normalised, but not in-game products.


Buying ingame products is pretty normal on console, most big games do it.


ah, didn't know that. I mean if I'm forking over $80 for an AAA game I expect to have no other extra payments (looking at Dragon's Dogma 2) UNLESS it is a DLC like Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree which I'd say is worth the money If I'm paying $80 for a game and am expected to pay more I expect the game to grant me future access to all subsequent releases of newer releases of games under the same genre (like MW, MW2, MW3 kind of stuff), guarantee me all future DLCs for free, and tuck me into bed.


By big games I meant like popularity wise, so COD, Fortnite, Siege and FIFA. They all have a lot of micro transactions that are probably just as overpriced as the ones in Val are. The way they charge for AAA yearly release games is still extortionate though.


Oh yeah those too. $10 in my currency for a single fortnite uncommon green skin. Damn… Even fortnite skins are expensive nowadays


did they mention cross progression though?


yes everything crosses over besides rank, so skins battlepass levels, what agents you already own etc.


nvm it’s xbox s/x and ps5, i only own pc and last gen stuff


Good news for PC players!


Valve tried it with CSGO and it didn't pan out well, lets see if riot can do it


When? Ssly I dont know when did valve try this out?


They released CS on Ps3 back then. But it was long ago


And Xbox 360


Crazy! Honestly cs is better with pc 😄


csgo was meant to be console port of cs source originally, and when csgo came out in 2012 it was also out on consoles it just didn’t work on a controller as you’d expect and it stopped being supported quickly


I see!


I remember playing the beta on x360 at the time, it was horrible


aim assist against PC would unironically be the most OP ability/utility.


Halo: Infinite joined chat




Nobody on consoles even wants crossplay with PC, but devs do it because games die so fast on PC without it.


True for a lot of arcade shooter


Not the case with tactical fps




thank fuck for that


Bro if there were cross play everyone would be blaming their deaths on aim assist lmfao


Which is valid lol.


Not really, you can always just turn it off in settings


> Not really, you can always just turn it off in settings You can not turn off aa for your opponent, and no modern console shooter comes out with it. Something like Conkers Bad Fur day or Golden Eye on N64 was probably the last aim-assist free shooter on console.


I’m talking about crossplay


Lmao yeah man lemme just disable my opponents Aim Assist rq.


You can turn off cross play how is nobody understanding me


You’re assuming that would be something you could turn off…


Hahahaha what???


Even with aim assist a mouse should always be more powerful than a controller. If you die by a controller and blame aim assist, just get good next time


Depends how hard they crank the aim assist lol - lots of kbm apex pros (like actually paid to play) switched to controller because it’s just objectively better.


i just hope that they crack down on xim/cronos users, given that they have a harsh no cheater policy on pc with vanguard


Good, valorant should not be cross play. That would ruin the game


Will be fun to give this a go on console. Will only make the game more popular as well


Ok but why are we having a game advertising 'precise gunplay' being ported on console in the first place?


I just want to be able to use CONTROLLER on my PC to play with my XBOX friends. Is that not possible? Can I just download the xbox version of the game on my PC and use a CONTROLLER?!


The worst thing Halo did was add CP to the game. Keep consoles separate from PC. I play both, I love both, let controllers have aim assist, let PC keep doing it's own thing. There's no reason to make them CP outside of custom games, which I think games should allow imo.


I wouldn’t mind playing with some console players in a non-comp mode like Escalation or TDM. Would be hilarious and fun lol.


Well that makes sense but I wouldn't mind hopping on unrated mixed lobbies.


what a relief


what about in custom games?


Good question. Cause I would like some way to play with my friends who don't have a PC, even if it's just custom matches.


Same here. I was hoping they could provide cross play when ps and pc are in same party and not otherwise


thank god


Hopefully we'll be able to play with controller on PC and queue with other controller players


Does anyone know when you’ll be let know if you’ve been accepted into the beta


You’ll get a code in your emails? How else💀


when not how




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Will there be crossplay between PS5 and Xbox though?




But will it atleast support controllers properly on Ps5?


Shittiest thing they could do tbh


Remember the finals aim assist shooting thru smokes and locking on moving players when the game is about movement. Got to a point where pc players where using rewasd and dominating ranked.


It looks like the devs have been keeping an eye on the industry for the last couple years and realised crossplay doesnt work for everything and doesnt need to be implemented in to every bloody service... thank you riot i cant wait for the launch on console let the climb to immortal begin!!!


but can you play the console version on pc and just use a controller


Well how is console going to handle keyboard and mouse? I'm not super knowledgeable but there are for sure ways to use K&M. Does anyone know about cross progression? Couldnt you just use the same account, hop on console with a K&M and just climb the ranks that way?


Yeah well most console players are not Dasnerth. PC players would quite literally run circles around them.


we don't wont it to be like cod


That's shit .would love to play with my fiends.  Just do what all the OTHER GAMES do and add a setting to disable and enable xplay, ffs devs!


man i really wanted to play with my friends who only have consoles


they should make pc to xbox customs


what i dont get is WHY NOT EVEN IN CUSTOM


As a player with a group of both console and PC this sucks but makes sense. I hope in the future they add at least private match crossplay


Why don’t just deactivate aim assist at all and give option for unranked first - like a beta but easier to access and with cross play


is it crazy that i hate most of your responses? My girlfriend has a really shitty computer and this is going to make it so we can finally play together. I understand keeping "competitive integrity" but... just disable cross play in competitive?? Why can't I at least play unranked with my console pals? just feels silly to hate on a feature that promotes more avenues for players to connect with each other. Is the competitive integrity really the only thing you guys care about any more?


Dont see why they cant just give KBM to console. Really not that hard. Just make it so pc and console can play together but only in UNRANKED lobbies


Instead of breakin the game w aim assist, they could make it crossplay w autofire, that way u still have to aim an if u moving then shots will be innacurate regardless of ya crosshair being on the enemys head, they could make a toggle bind so that if u wouldnt want it to shoot when u tryna lurk up on someone u could quickly turn it off, and they could make it so it wouldnt apply through smokes an you would have to manually fire for that. Js a idea tho


Cross-play in unranked game modes would be a nice option or even a separate playlist


why can’t it just be an option for console players tho??? what if they wanna play in pc lobbies wit other friends lol.




Everyone's talking about aim-assist, but have they actually said anywhere there would be aim-assist? I've only heard about the Focus mode, which just lowers your sensitivity without ADSing


>And the Focus Mode, mixed with some very light aim assist, makes getting those headshots feel as smooth and gratifying as it does on the PC original, if a little less precise. \- [Polygon](https://www.polygon.com/24173223/valorant-console-ps5-xbox-series-x-beta-release-riot-games)


Ooo I see


Think it would be terribly difficult and just a weird experience to not have any aim assist, tho as the other comment mentioned, it would seem like riot is taking an approach that’s more so a skill focused way to help u aim, not just a static aim assist.


Why would this even be a point of contention? They could just give people the option to choose what input they play against and everyone's happy.


I remember back when the crossplay debate all began, PC players were like 'dont do that, controller has disadvantage cause they cant flick/180 effectively' Now the biggest complaint is the controllers dominate cause 'aim assist' Pc players didnt see that coming. Lmao. Imo, in valorant, with how fast you need to react, controller does in fact have disadvantage, especially if when they peek they arent directly on the head, the 'slow down' motion from being close to a target would cause you to react slower than a mouse. However i understand why it wont be crossplay. Regardless of any of our opinions the end game statement is always going to be 'creates a disturbance in competitive play' because its less about *if* or *how* its implemented. The simple exchange of releasing it would shake the beehive that is riot games community. But also, lets remember what happened to csgo's console port. Its just not the same experience as on pc and did not survive long. Lets see how val does. They may implement crossplay in casual modes later once the console port runs low on players. Overwatch 2 makes me sad that crossplay isnt unlocked for ranked (unless this has changed) cause id like to play with my friends if given the chance. Ut i understand the debate is fragile.


Controllers will always be at a disadvantage on shooters, inherently. Aim assist bridges that gap, but it does so artificially. It’s literally just legal cheats added to one input to help it compare to another one. Now, I think aim assist is even needed purely for console alone, shooters need this, controllers simply aren’t as accurate. That’s okay. But we shouldn’t ever have cross play with this shit in ranked. It’s unfair to mnk, it’s unfair to the controllers. Regardless of how close u can bridge that gap, it will always and I mean ALWAYS be unfair regardless. It’s like an ICE car and an EV. U can make them very similar, same numbers and looks and whatnot, but they will always be different fundamentally.


You need to play a crossplay game with a controller then. Mnk has advantage long range whereas controller dominates close range. Those 'cheats' are terrible at a snipers range if yoy are using anythibg other than q sniper. If you have ever played CoD professionally you would know the advantages and disadvantages of both. If someone strafes left to right at 100m, aim assist is more like aim deterrent. Its actualy far hardee to aim long range when someone is moving. Its only when someone is in motion at close range for a long period of time is when controller benefits. 'Tracking' is what a controller is good at. But if you tried to fight an op with a vandal at the ops range you just lose on controller cause your qim assist will constantly break and micro adjust away from the person via whats called 'sway' provided by the aim assist. Just *try* using a controller on any other fps vs mnk players. You'll understand. The whole reason people complain about it in apex is because the main gameplay loop is a close ranged jump tap strafe fest of who can track each other for the longest period of time. They both have advantages and disadvantages but not in a way where either input is 'cheating' aim assist is easily abused by both parties due to being able to 'break' the tracking. All you have to do is jump, and the controller players aim assist is going to shoot your legs. Aim assist doesnt lock onto heads like its a GTA game. Theres skill required for aiming at specifically the head. People who have only played on mnk for all their lives dont know how to abuse a controller player and vice versa. The people who complain about the differences of inputs just havent played on both inputs long enough to understand.


So why exactly am I supposed to try a controller??? I’m just saying it’s unfair regardless, and that cross play shouldn’t be a thing. It fcks with competitive integrity. If riot doesn’t make any agent skins due to competitive integrity, u god damn sure cross play isn’t a thing either. Idk, I literally say i understand the necessity of aa. I just don’t think they should be fighting pc players. Ur not on equal grounds, so why would a fight ever be considered fair? In all sports history, it’s never considered fair if ur opponent doesn’t have the exact same situation as u do. When the game literally helps u fight ur enemies because ur input method is considered to be so inaccurate, then imho u have no good reason to put them up against pc players ever. Also, played plenty of games with cross play, atm most notably apex. In the mixtape playlist, u get killcams, and I sure have moments when lm tracked and die due to aa. I also have moments where I out move the controller and they are dizzy trying to find me. It’s just not fair to the both of us.


First person shooters always feel like ass when using a controller to play them, same feeling when trying to play a fighting/beat em up on mouse and keyboard, it just doesn't work


I lowkey fck with the motion control some shooters have nowadays. I thought they were the biggest pile of bs a couple years ago, but it's something I appreciate now. Probably doesn't feel as great as keyboard and mouse, but the new way of playing a shooter keeps me more engage in a way swapping between the two


Bro if there were cross play everyone would be blaming their deaths on aim assist lmfao


TBF if there were aim assist and they were facing against console it'd probably be true


Rightfully so plenty of times. I definitely die to aim assist when playing vs controllers. If u don’t agree, why don’t we turn aa off then. Why do we even have it? The same reason we have it is the same reason u can die to aa.


why not make it input based?


If its on the same patch, same game, etc why not have crossplay?


Crossplay should be enabled if they decide to plug in a keyboard and mouse. Also be reranked to get placed.


Not allowing crossplay for custom games and non-comp modes is so stupid...


i think it’s because console val will have some differences. like flashes being slower so you can actually dodge them with joystick and such


keybind to 180 like csgo maybe?


That’d make sense then. Is there an article that talks about those sorts of changes?


i can’t find an article, but from what i can gather from various youtubers and testers: - Flashes are slightly slower - Focus Mode, Which lowers your sensitivity when you hold it, like an in between of ADS & Hipfire - Your crosshair will stick to an enemy once placed on them, remaining on them as long as you move your crosshair in the same direction as the enemy - The character select and buy menus look slightly different to allow easier controller use.


and i haven’t seen it, but i wouldn’t be surprised if util like cypher/chamber trips took a bit longer to stun to allow for you to shoot it


I don't want to be with c\*nsole players. We gotta keep the master race pure


Agreed just do what Overwatch does with Cross-play, and the give people the option to opt out of crossplay lobbies or even make it crossplay lobbies can only play with crossplay lobbies, they could make it work.


if console have strong aim assist, I will be very happy, I enjoy the tactical aspect of it but can't aim to save my life if I could play the less aim focused version of val, it would be cool


It has cross progression so they should be adding cross play only if ps and pc mates are in a party and not otherwise, I think this would help game and it’s players


I would also have to pair them with only people that have crossplay on because I don't care if a party of 2 wants it, I wouldn't want it in my lobby.


Yea makes sense


I understand why this is a good thing and most healthy for the game; however, I have read a few articles and can't find anything, will PC players be able to queue with a console friend? Friend has never been a PC guy, so being able to play Val with him would be dope.


Maybe they should make that an option you can toggle (like what fortnite does)


Yeah I feel like that would be the most natural decision, lobbies having a mix between pc/console or we would play against only PC players so innocent console enemies don’t get railed by 4 PC players and a console.


Should be crossplay without aim assist so we can sort out what really is the better input once and for all :)