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I'd say it's best to describe some situations and assign then the theoretically best techniques. Keep in mind it's situational and if you peek the corner the same way every time, enemies will just prefire you or learn the correct crosshair placement. Deadzoning - Deadzoning is super useful in mid-long open range. You have to be very precise to bit the head (silver should be pretty easy to combat tho). If you get hit, your movements speed decrease and you lost your advantage and become easier target. It also becomes more tricky if the enemy does the same thing. It's good to break patterns and instead if going left right left right, you can go left left right wide left right right etc... - Imagine holding top mid on breeze and someone peeks double door. That's situation I can imagine one bullet deadzoning. - Imagine holding trees and looking mid. I can imagine doing it here. - Fighting from Ascent ramp to B site link. - Peaking from the corner - you can do one or two deadzone shots from behitthe corner and then wide swing. The enemy (especially in silver) has probably his crosshair already glued to that corner so if you suddenly wide peek, they will possibly start shooting next to you and you have more time to process wher he is and adjust your crosshair. Imagine peeking top mid on Ascent. Strafe bursting - It's more viable for mid range. You have time to adjust the crosshair to enemy head before you loose bullet accuracy. You should be able to kill an enemy in 2 strafes. First 2 bullets, strafe, 2 or more (body shots). - I can imagine strafe shooting anywhere. For example fighting from Ascent A heaven to main or site. - It's really useful in combination with deadzoning. You can do one or two deadzone one shots to try to hit the head and then burst. Crouch peeking -Strong for close range. The enemy it's generally going to have a crosshair at your head level so if you peek the corner while crouching and spray the enemy, you should be able to kill them while dodging bullets. It can be little bit tricky, because a lot of people (in silver) aim on the body, not the head. So you'll get HS if you crouch. -it can be useful to dodging a player doing only headshots. Or a marshall or sheriff player. They have slow one hit to head weapons so they will try to hit the head every time. If you know where they are, you can try to crouch swing and tap/burst them -do it in 1v1. You can win one fight but if the enemy has a friend nearby, you are just a sitting duck and easy to trade. - You can again try to combine it with bursting on close-mid. Imagine attacking a site (I like Ascent A a lot LoL). You peek, burst, strafe and crouch spray. From the enemy pov - they try to hit you, miss, so they adjust the crosshair to your head again, but you crouched so their bullets go to the wall and yours to the enemy. In the end I'll just say - don't shoot when you don't need to, don't peek again and again the same corner, you'll get one tapped. Reposition after contact if you can. You don't have to shoot immediately when you see the enemy. It's better to give it a few ms more time and adjust the crosshair properly. They can spray you and hit shit, while you just put the crosshair on their heads. When you hold the corner, aim where the head is possibly going to be, not right at the corner. In many situations, there should be a bigger gap between your crosshair and the corner than it seems. Your reaction is only about 200ms - enemy can go for 1,5 metre in full speed. Imagine holding A site on Lotus from stairs. You can place your crosshair like 1,5 metres next to the corner. If they run, they won't run across your line of shots, but just into them.


Its the same thing


i crouch spray