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phantom has always been just as good as vandal. people just don't use it as much


Phantom still doo doo. But I'll agree it's better than before the update


Phantom has been usually considered better since it’s “technically more reliable”. But nothing will ever convince me of dropping the satisfaction I get with a vandal


Ok? It would be nice to also explain why you think that? I could say "Classic is the best weapon for heaven" but it has no meaning without explanation.


Sorry for not explaining. You already know about the ISO shield buff. If an enemy with ISO is peeking and you’re already aiming for their head, hitting that first headshot with proper crosshair placement, then needing a second headshot for the kill creates a much larger gap. This often gets you killed if the ISO player is any good. So, obviously, it's easier to burst and the fire rate is also quicker with the Phantom compared to the Vandal. Now, for Neon, you already know about the crazy speed and slide buff. It’s obviously going to be hard to one-tap a full-speed Neon or to spray her down with a Vandal. Trying to kill her with a Phantom spray, tracking her slide, will be much easier for anyone than using a Vandal. So, again, the Phantom shines here. Now for maps u know almost everyone uses vandal on breeze due to long range fights . Now with the breeze gone phantom is already the best gun stats wise for maps like heaven ascent and lotus . So overall I feel like phantom is going to have more use with this new neon iso meta and map pool in general.


How certain are we about the Neon Iso Meta?


Iso will show up in higher ranks stealing pick rate of Reyna whilst Neon will drop to slightly lower pickrate compared to Jett/Raze after people stop thinking the buff is broken.


Iso probably because it‘s overall more effective to spray because of the shield, neon because idk?


Neon probably has the same logic, spray wise. She's just fucking flying in every direction this patch and can accurately shoot your ass while dashing. It's ridiculous, there's no burst battle there you either spray for a lucky headshot or you're toast. The stun pretty much you can't dodge and lasts longer.. She has no fucking equip time out of the slide.. Yeah.. I fucking hate the Neon changes so much if you couldn't already tell. /s


So, let me get this straight. Asking a legit, justified question get's you downvoted?


Yes, unfortunately.