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Do this again but with only 1 bullet per bot


Done Link: [https://youtu.be/1\_vvNmcob6I](https://youtu.be/1_vvNmcob6I)


Yeah you have a skew in the rotation of your mouse from upper left to lower right. When shooting the left bots, you aim too high, when shooting the right bot you shoot too low basically [Watch this video to fix that.](https://youtu.be/AsTcv792DBA?si=QnPezbygap9P0-yY)


I do think your sens is too high. Im playing at 1200 dpi, 0.23 sens.


wow i play at 800 with a .15


Hello, I use 4800 dpi and 0.35 sensi, I can't rank up from ascendant and it's clearly due to my aim, My sensi simply doesn't allow me to be accurate enough, what I want to ask is how do I lower my sensi, if I lower it I am not able to look 360 from one side to other, I am purely wrist aim so only move as much as my wrist allows.


Thought you said you had 800 dpi 1.16 sens?


Not the same guy lol


Oops lol


Your sensitivity looks really high for a game like this. You could barely shoot the start button cause you were shaking.


I think im using a 800 Dpi mouse and 1.16 sens. Not so sure bout the DPI part though


holy shit man lower ur sens 😭 i play 1600,1


1600 DPI and 1 sens? That is faster than his unless you have a high res


0.1 shit😭 my bad


Lol no worries. Just wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page


Im not so sure about the dpi, The mouse i have is a cheap one and its listed 1800 on documentation but i did some online calculatoin and it came to 795 so probably 800.


try different senses and check ur mouse pointer speed and im sure ull find something that fits u better!:)


I play 1600DPI and .25 sens which is still pretty high (I have a very small mouse pad) so I'd recommend doing somewhere around 800DPI and .4-.5 sens.


I play 800 dpi as well on 0.25


Sense is subjective if he can use it let him.


oh yeah it is subjective, but u can clearly see bro frequently overflicking. he can just go down a bit like to a .7-9 and check if its better




While it is subjective, for a game like Valorant will profit from having more control. Higher speed is good for bigger targets that move fast. For tracking a high sense can be good. In Valorant you have a lot of microflicks because your aim is done 75% from crosshair placement. Microflicks require more control which is why pros have eDPIs that have a certain range. Last time I checked it was like 150 - 600. 600 is an outliner though. Most of them have like 250-300 eDPI.


Ya I guess but making extreme flicks can be important in quick time as the ttk is so low.


Of course but before going for that you need to be able to handle 95% of the aiming which aren't extreme flicks. We're talking about getting HS accuracy up btw. Aiming to a body and spray isn't the goal here. Then you would be stuck at Gold/Plat aimwise.


I don’t know they can use whatever sense and it has up and down sides.


Over 800 eDPI: Upside: Fast as fk boi Downside: Shaky inconsistent and uncontrollable aim eDPI within range of static/dynamic clicking in a tactical shooter like Valorant 160-500 eDPI: Upside: Offers a preference to very slow or still quite fast but controllable Downside: No more XxX 3 x 360 no scope XxX compilations --- But yeah play what you want. Freedom baby


I main neon so i like high sens to maneuver easily. Thats a factor too


Maybe he has a small mousepad or is used to high sense. Sense isn’t a black and white thing.


it's subjective to a certain degree. they're in bronze and trying to improve their aim, and their sens well above that of any top tier player. I've never understood the "as long as you're comfortable" argument when talking about things outside the norm. if I only played while lying in bed, I could say I'm comfortable playing that way, but I wouldn't be wrong for someone to suggest I get a proper desk and chair setup if I'm looking to improve.


Well ya but there’s pro players that play almost laying down. It’s subjective. Lowering it could help but he was looking for other advice then change it and relearn his aim.


Sure, and they've become pros playing that way. if OP was on the verge of radiant, the comments wouldn't be so heavily focused on changing sens because they would clearly be having success with it. but they're in bronze, so it makes sense to suggest they change a setting that's objectively making the game harder


I guess there could be advantages but it’s not the only option.


a youtuber has proven it with an experiment, lower sens is almost always better the analogy is like this, with lower sens, the area that you can flick to to hit headshot are bigger


I guess but if your precise it can still be good.


He can't use it thats the point lol. He bronze everything they are doing is wrong. 


Well ya but he can get good with it.


He probably can't. Its significantly easier to aim at a lower sensitivity and a vast majority of good players are significantly lower.  Its like trying to play basketball with a shoe 5 sizes too big.


I guess but again ig there’s a player in immortal with a pen trackpad his sense isn’t the end of the world. He can lower it if it’s not working but if it’s his favorite sense he can use it.


Aiming with a track pad has nothing to do with aiming with a mouse? They work entirely differently. 


Well my point is. You can have good aim in anyway it doesn’t matter too much.


LOWER IT I play 800 Dpi 0.33 sens


I play 800 dpi 0.18 and still oveflick sometimes. This is crazy sens, I get that some people find hi sens comfy but edpi of nearly 1000 is like good for overwatch or smth.


Play something like 1600 and 0.2 or 3


dude i play on 800 .2 please lower ur sens


That's over 800 eDPI. You should try to aim for something lower than 500 atleast. I recommend around 400 ePI for you for now.. So 0.5 ingame. This will feel super slow for you though but it's actually not. People go even as slow as 160 eDPI which is like 800 DPI at 0.2


rank - s1 WHats wrong w your aim - youre trying to shoot and pray it hits instead of calmly taking your shot id say that to practice on easy bots and calmly try to hit the head. :)


Rank B-1 also i have a hard time on medium bots i play slightly better i think on ez bots. Also the pray thing, i think ur right cuz whenever the crosshair is near the enemy i start shooting. Thanks!


Firstly, stop using vandal on this. Use sheriff. Secondly, don't do medium until you can consistently get 25 on easy.


I generally practice w/ jett knifes but i medium i miss so many shots that it takes time to re-equip knifes so i miss another one.


That's the issue that they're trying to help you with. Use a Sheriff or Guardian here since they will force you to not spray and take it 1 shot at a time. You have to start slow. Work on being precise first and then you'll eventually start getting faster and faster. You're trying to work on being fast first and you have absolutely zero precision. Your priority when aiming is completely wrong and that's what's wrong with your aim. If you're on 800 DPI at 1.16 sens like you've said in other comments, you honestly need to drop that by more than half. Try something between .3 and .4 and stick with it allowing yourself a chance to get used to it. Then, once you're used to having a sens around that level, you can then start tinkering with it a bit more. Not to be harsh, but there's a reason the majority of pro players have sensitivities that are significantly lower than yours. It offers more precision and just works better. Yes, there are outliers that have some higher sensitivities, but I'm going to go ahead and let you know you're not one of them. If you were, you wouldn't be in this situation right now. If you were, you'd naturally have the hand eye coordination to play with your settings and be an immortal+ player already. Obviously you are not.


Thats true, ill practice on lower sens and see if i can play with those. Appreciate it!


You can do it. Dropping your sens to a more typical value from where you are now is going to feel awful. It just will, but you can adjust to it and it will make your aim much more consistent in the longrun. If you drop to say .36 and it just feels so slow, instead of going up, do a couple of rounds with the bots at .18 instead, then go back to .36. It will have it feeling much better than it initially felt and make the change from your original sens a lot less drastic feeling.


Also i always get 25+ on ez cuz there is just too much time to micro adjust my aim.


It's fine to use vandal, it's what hes gonna use in game anyways, it's best to try it with the main weapons he's gonna use so he gets used to it in gun fights


I agree on this for the automated range test. Use Vandal and burst. That's fine. For actual aim training in the range, one tapping might be better [like written here](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/rDrCDF5VAS)


I agree. I did this with a sheriff for a while and got pretty decent with my aim but couldn’t hit a shot with the vandal for shit. I went sheriff only for a few games and my headshot percentage for the rest of that act was like 30% and I was winning gunfights against vandals with ease. Then stopped playing for a few months so lost all skill lmao




I think im using a 800 Dpi mouse and 1.16 sens. Not so sure bout the DPI part though


Damn, that's pretty high my guy, well for me at least.. but if you can make it work with the suggestions the other guys above are talking about.. I think you'll be golden :)


Offtopic but how do i accurately calc my mouse DPI cuz i dont think the Documentation is right.


Hmm there is a site for that I think. I'm not 100% sure tho.. but personally, I think the best way to see the right sensitivity for you is to slowly lower your sens until you can consistently hit the targets with 1 or 2 bullets only without too much hassle to your hands and wrists.. but this takes time since you need to really slowly lower the sens to not overwhelm your muscle memory


You should be able to find the mouse's dpi in the software settings for the mouse or in the device info if you look around in your PC's settings. Then just multiply the dpi by Valorant sens for your edpi.




You shoot before your crosshair is even in their head, calm down think to yourself "im better than them" and do micro adjustments to your crosshair so it fits their head and only then you shoot


I mean it seems to be pretty fine but as u can see u do have quiet a bit of error if u see the graph, idk what dpi or sens u are playing on but I feel like if u just kinda find that sweet spot on your edpi maybe it might help cause it looks like(idk but im just basing it of the clip) there is some noticeable inconsistency in the aim and like uk u feel it as well, idk how to explain it


Maybe just like try to find that sens and just stick to it, that's like pretty much the only way to kinda get over half the overshooting or undershooting issues


Yea the Inconsistency part is pretty tru cuz i randomly become tenz with jett knives and ace when i feel like it.


Do u feel like u try to adjust your aim because some other factors like frame issues or like ping or something and u like are kinda "predict aiming" the shot so u adjust that much to get it


So here's the seccond attempt (same sens and DPI) with Jett Knives on Easy mode and a bigger crosshair. [https://youtu.be/1\_vvNmcob6I](https://youtu.be/1_vvNmcob6I) (Video is unlisted)


This is good, taking your time to shoot the head, thats important to do. Some advice: -Take the advice of everyone and lower your sens, it will be strange at first but I promise you this is absolutely necessary. If youre unsure abt your DPI, odds are that its 800 DPI, so go for around 0.3-0.5 -I think you should work on your tracking more at first, rather than trying to flick to everyone's head. I personally play more of a flicky game style but work on tracking, that will be better for climbing out of lower ranks. Turn on the practise bots and put your crosshair on one of the bots heads, and then try to keep your crosshair on the head as you move from side to side, it will get you more familiar with your sensitivity, so youre able to hit more headshots -Have a good understanding of crosshair placement. I can write abt this for a long time but basically dont sweep the floor with your crosshair, your crosshair should be in a place where an enemy can walk into your crosshair and without moving your mouse, be able to headshot the enemy. Watch videos on this it will be helpful -This will be a wild take but try not moving your mouse as much, that being, try and base your frags off your reaction time, not just your flicks and everything. Exact same point as last point, they should be able to walk into your crosshair and you can fire one bullet and kill them if your reaction time is right. -With any game ever, the only way youll ever get good at a game is if you play it more. I started Iron 2, Im Immo 2 now. Just takes time! Do yourself a favour and clip your best clips now and enjoy looking back on them in 3 years time, its a blast :D


You are shooting way too fast. Think of aim as a 2 step process. You do 1 quick flick that gets you close to your target and then a slower much more accurate micro adjustment. And don't shoot until your brain registers that you are on the enemy's head.


crosshair might be too small for you, aim before you shoot


I generally change crosshairs mid-game if i die due to aim and try to blame it on trash crosshair.


Try using a dot crosshair. I just use a big ahh square dot and got to gold 2. Plus please lower ur sens. By like half. And watch woohoojin's get to gold tutorial. Sure he's in a hot pile of controversy now, but that video did get me to gold in 2 months.


I measured it it takes my mouse to move 6.5 inches on 1.16 sens and whatever DPI to do a 360 in valo.


Honestly, you won't have to 360 that often. I can barely do a 180 on my edpi but my aim is a lot more consistent than before. Hell I'd say ur aim is better than mine overall, I can barely hit 10 in the hard bots and that's on a good day. Just pick one agent and get good with them. Lower ur sens and regularly play dms. And try to play dms with guardian. It forces you to hit your shots. That's all I did.


I honestly don't know how to duel anymore. I'm so great playing CS2 but transitioning to Valorant makes my aim horrible. Every time i see an enemy, literally like half a second, I died. It didn't give me a moment to react. In CS2, at least there's a chance to react.


Haven't slept well last night.


In my opinion the biggest flaw in your aim is the lack of micro-adjustments after big flicks (you can train microflicks in aimlabs/kovaaks). My guess is that you are around s2-g1.


Not only a lot of over- AND undershooting but also vertical errors in a horizontal aim challenge. To me it looks like untrained muscle memory and ~~POSSIBLY~~ not the right sensitivity for you. Even when you try to go back to the middle, you aren't exactly at the same point. Edit: Definitely change your sense. I read your comments and your sense is too high. In other comments I explained why Also there is a rotation skew from upper left to lower right when you try to go horizontal. [This can be fixed](https://youtu.be/AsTcv792DBA?si=QnPezbygap9P0-yY) with RawAccel. It's because you're probably holding the mouse a bit rotated. I do too. If you feel like you tense up too much to control your mouse, lower your sense. Aim for an eDPI between 160 - 500. I recommend between 250-350 for most people. I use 240 eDPI. Here are a few firing range practices you can try. I link some videos how to do them: [Practice 1:](https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/i3ZZcnWQNjXWdIo0i) Stand in the middle. Activate "Practice" mode. Always start and go back to the middle. Kill the closest bot with 1 click. Don't miss. If needed take your time. This isn't about flicking but moreso to build up muscle memory. If you're impatient you will ruin your muscle memory. Speed comes automatically once you're comfortable and hit 95% of your shots. Make sure your crosshair is on the target before shooting. Speed up once you're getting comfy [Practice 2:](https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/i406qSann-1HCTSod) Use a Guardian. From left to right, headshot the closest bot ignore newly spawned ones or react to them as you please. Then reverse and keep repeating. This practice is for microadjustment/microflicks. [Practice 3:](https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/i40dhw4VUIv5XvOCi) This is what you try to do already but you gotta flick. This one is a practice once you trained Practice 1 enough to build up muscle memory. This is more like a test. Take a vandal and burst fire and go back immediately. Make sure you always stay on head level and go back to the exact same spot unlike in your video. This is too advanced for you right now so please don't do it yet. Focus on practice 1 for now. Then practice 2 in addition because this is more important for aiming in Valorant than hitting big flicks. Most of your aim in Valorant should come from crosshair placement and not flicks.


Try to tap then not burst fire Eventually you will get heads.


Yo, d2 guy here. A few things I noticed you could improve. 1. Calm down, the bots won't shoot back. Aim before you shoot, always. Try in game as well you'll be surprised how many more kills you get on average. 2. Drag your mouse down if you plan on spraying, you're not dragging down as far as I can see. As you mentioned in an earlier reply it's probably cz you're using jett knives usually. They have no recoil. Vandal does. 3. Reduce your sensitivity. Though low sens is good, you'll need to find your sweet spot yourself. But this is tooo high. I play at 1300 dpi 0.4 sens (though even this is comparatively really high for better players) 4. Crosshair placement, try to maintain a horizontal head lvl while shooting. Also if you're below gold, I'd suggest removing your crouch keybind, you'll be surprised how much it will help in the long term with respect to aiming. Hope you improve and have fun <3


You aren't confirming your crosshair is over the head. You are just flicking and blindly shooting. 


Your sens is to high. You have no control of the gun


Bronze something, you dont take your time to confirm the target.


Impossible to play well on sens this high. I would highly advice sticking between 800dpi 0.20 - 0.80 sens


Try to aim at the heads and not fire any shots, just place your cross hair on the head, and after you get pretty good at that then try just to shoot 1-2 shots. This helped me from silver to plat this act (my DPI is 1600, my sense is 2.32, but I have like 2cm of mouse space)


I'm guessing bronze is your rank. With all due respect, your aim is shaky, lack precision, reacting too quickly without aiming at the head, and no fluidity between bots for crosshair movement. You may want to consider lowering your sensitivity if you don't feel comfortable with the current. Calculate your edpi settings adjust accordingly lower/higher where you hit a sweet spot. You should not be using medium/hard difficulty, despite you getting 16 kills on hard, you have 16 kills based on bad mechanics. Using medium/hard difficulty is not worth your time until you reach mid silver-diamond to try and test and train your mechanics further. You need to learn how to 1 tap on medium bots first. Based on my observations, your goal appears to be getting the kills more so than building good habits. That needs to stop. Learn to control yourself first on easy mode by only doing 1 tap headshot with a guardian, tracking, not spraying as much, controlling your aim better, body movement plus shooting, etc.. Once you're comfortable with using guardian, go back to vandal and learn to control bursting AFTER you've locked the bot into your crosshair. Even a sheriff is a good option, but start with guardian first. You're doing everything too hastly. Learn to practice mechanics slowly first then build yourself up to a faster pace. In the shooting range, don't make it into a race by looking at the number of bots you can kill on med/hard difficulty. Your reaction time is fairly good, just stop building bad habits and build good habits. If you can't get the headshot on the current bot, move on to the next one.


You need skins man xD


Do you even micro-adjust bro?


Play ať 300-600 edpi




This is pretty solid aim, can easily get to plat with this


Thats a wild statement


Bro i get plats in my games they i tap me as soon as i see them, dont get any time to react and im ded and they fire only 1 bullet like no bullets before, no after..


It’s weird to me. I’m diamond and probably only score like 20-25 on medium.