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There's always a character that dominates. Meta changes, adapt and overcome, instead of crying in the forums. Now you have at least a couple of characters viable, other than raze and jett. It was so omega boring. You wanna counter somebody tapping you on iso? Go play KJ that counters his shield with a turret dealing 4dmg or neon that sprays you while sliding. Git gud. I'm ascendant also, and I find this post embarrassing as well.


I went down to ascendant 2 solely because of Iso, glad this fuckhead is getting a nerf tbh


Meanwhile characters like deadlock struggle to survive. waiting ages for just the tiniest of buffs


Doesnt deadlock have quite an okay winrate?


Doesn’t change the fact she needs a buff


Really doesn’t. She’s already a strong ranked pick.


She’s strong, but her sensors need a bit of a tweak, especially when she’s a sentinel


I like deadgelock, but I'm on low elo^^


LoL what about poor astra? I think that one more star is enough to lift her up.


Lmao go to X. Patch 9.0 iso nerfs coming. 2 kill reset gone. Shield duration 20s --> 12s


Cope harder


brain harder


9.0 patch nerf incoming, no more coping soon along with the shit iso abusers


I actually find it fun to play again. sure it's annoying when the enemy iso is playing like a GOD but it's nice to not see jett, reyna, raze every damn game. and if i had a choice to pick iso or the holy Trinity to go up against, I'd pick Iso. (Turret go Brr , shield go bye2)


As a pre buff and still iso main (mostly doing Yoru now until iso pick rate goes back down), it’s ridiculously easy to break his shields. Mollies, kj turret etc. I think I’ve gotten at least 10 kills on shielded Iso with just the vandal two shot burst in the last couple days I’ve played


I hope you enjoy him while he lasts before the 9.0 patch nerf 🤣


if no other character is strong. then there would be no reason to play anything but jett raze you dont understand the game so dont criticize the devs. thanks


You don't understand my point.


this post is embarrassing


Not at all? What are you on about


Not sure why ,but defense seems a bit underpowered now ,I thought the previous meta was too defense friendly Idk at this point


Go outside brother


Boycotting this game is wild, it’s called learning. Learn ISO’s weaknesses, because valorant is a thinking game. Though judging from the post, I’m not sure you have one.


No agent has or had (for some time) this much beneficial starting position. Highest pick rate - raze with satchel and nade. That's it. Now we have an agent with free shield and two vulnerability utils. Pop the shield, vulnerable the enemy, kill in 2 body shots, pop the shield again, vulnerable the enemy, kill in 2 body shots again. And you have 5v3 for free.


No need to explain, just tell him that riot already announced the iso nerf in 9.0 patch 🤣 thinking game my ass