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Even in unrated we are still talking 5v5 competitive. I don't think it's wise to enable cross console.


or maybe do it like every other game, if ur on console and want to play with pc players you will be put in pc lobbies


but it would be voluntary. other games do this too


The only "fair" solution I can think of is you would get queued with the same number of pc and console players as in your team.


queue times might be insane, the toggle should only be for the console players to use. PC players can join a crossplay party but can’t make one, how abt that?


If they do that then they have to allow mnk on console. Also "I lost that because of aim assist" and "I lost that because of mnk" these 2 sentences would be said thousands of times a day.


it’s just unrated tho


The only way I see this working is how Apex does it. Console only crossplay unless you queue with a PC player. You then play in PC lobbies. You even said your Champion ranked friends in R6 would do "decent". How would the other 99 percent of players do?


Imo, an own crossplay queue would fix that as then you're queueing into it KNOWING you'll get both pc and console players but I'm also unsure how'd that work considering how different console and pc is with things such as spread on guns, etc.


Is the spread actually different?


I could be wrong, it just feels that way I'm most likely wrong as I haven't seen anyone confirming it nor have I tested it myself it's just how it feels when I've played on the PS5. I doubt anyone has made any comparison videos yet so who knows. There are other different features such as the "Focus mode"


I'll have to check it out tonight. I've played both and they seem the same so far. And the focus mode just slows the aim down. Doesn't change the spread from I've seen.


Yeah, that would be interesting to see. If you wouldn't mind, please reply with what you see as I'm somewhat interested myself.


Alright will do.


Just checked it and the spread looks the same for pc and console even the focus mode.


Ah, alright! My bad in that case!




but it’s just unrated via a toggle


Console valorant and pc valorant are physically different games. There are certain things that are tweaked to made things doable on controller. For example, flashes are slower on the console version to make it the same difficultly to dodge instead of impossible. They are just two games with the same characters, modes, and abilities.


Hell no. Mnk is FAR superior to Controller. There is no way you can compete on Controller. If you do, you are throwing.


Can't they make a separate game mode that would allow console and PC players to play together?


I think a solution to that would be instead of adding aim assist like every other game they could add auto fire that u can quickly toggle on an off so u can still lurk, ovi shots still innacurate while moving, i feel like this would actually make it fair, plus they could make it so rifles have auto burst, kinda like when u ads w a bulldog


I wish, if comp play is gonna be a problem i have no problem with playing casual only gamemodes


idk why people are hating. if it provides a way for people to have fun with friends and unite, then why not?


It doesn't end in a clean way that's why. Either controller players just get decimated without aim assist. Or riot adds aim assist and it pisses off most of the pc player base because it will end up changing the way the game is played. Either which way people are gonna bitch. 95 percent of the posts on this sub are people complaining lol.


thank you 🙏🙏