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Yes, it's called wallbanging. You can shoot through some walls/objects to deal reduced damage to an enemy behind it. There are different materials, some that can be penetrated easily (wood and radianite crates), and some that cannot be penetrated easily (concrete). Guns also have different levels of penetration (Spectre has low penetration while Guardian has high penetration).


The crates contain radianite?


Yes, that’s the whole reason we’re trying to plant the spike and extract it. The spike is some sort of a teleportation device or something. So the attackers are invading another version of earth and stealing their radianite.


If Riot made a Valorant movie, that statement would make more sense 😭 that shit was confusing to read


Watch all the cinematics it'll make sense


Ah, yeah i forgot about the cinematics…


Definitely watch them though. The lore is great.


i wish there was more though, the lore is the only reason i play the game lol


Radianite is kinda like MCU's vibranium. "Super rare and powerful material that does whatever the story needs it to be done and people from multiple realities want to fight over a small supply of it"


By people from multiple realities, you mean the vast amount of agents fighting to obtain Radianite?


Its more side based than agent based. To summarize, there are two parallel earths (usually referred to as Alpha and Omega). Alpha earth is our earth, where our Valorant Protocol agents originate from. Every agent in the game is a current member of the Valorant Protocol and all of them come from our earth (Kay/O is a bit of an edge case as he comes from an alternate timeline). In universe however, there is a parallel earth (Omega earth) which has mirror versions of every agent, who all are members of the Valorant Legion. Now each earth is not 100% identical. The agents are visually the same, but don't always seem to have the exact same personality, nor the exact same history. For example, we know that the recruitment order in each universe isn't the exact same (Our universe's sage is agent 7, theirs is 10). Omega's Valorant operates in the open more akin to like a justice league or avengers while ours operates more covert. The in game conflict occurs as a struggle for control of Radianite, which Alpha earth is only recently starting to understand the value of while Omega earth has known for a while and is running short. The majority of maps have Omega earth as the attackers attempting to steal radianite from alpha earth, with the exception of Lotus and Pearl which are the inverse as counter attacks from Alpha. This is why on Pearl has *orange* radianite crates instead of the green of every other map (lotus is a bit weirder lore wise).


The cinematic for lotus also shows alpha team going into a gift shop where the omega team is seen as heroes almost like overwatch agents when they were still accepted as such, its really cool to learn about


Precisely, though I will mention that that is Pearl, not Lotus. If I'm not mistaken all the 'comic book' player cards are Omega universe comics.


Right Idk why I said lotus lol I need to lay of the weed


Yeah, the earth we live on and a different earth that created a portal to come here and steal our radianite because they're running out Or something like that. I think... xD


There's alpha and omega earth, each one is a mirror of each other and when you play a game that has two Phoenix's, for example, it would be Omega Phoenix fighting against Alpha Phoenix. The Chamber lore does the best to explain it imo since in lore, the two Chambers collabed together and is the reason Fracture exists. Fracture is a map that shows both Alpha and Omega earth.


Wait shit that's Fracture's lore? God and with how much I dislike that map, now that's some cool lore...


I hate Chamber as an agent but love him as a character in the lore as a two-timing weapons dealer lmao. It definitely helped me during hard fracture games. Fun fact both chambers setups and tour-de-force gun cases from where they destroyed the collider are located on the map in game, one is behind the satellite dish on attacker spawn the other is behind the alpha sector sign on attacker bridge. You have to be in a custom and ghost to see them, but they are there.


That is also why the boxes are different colors on each site for Fracture. I believe the green boxes are alpha earth and the orange are omega earth. Most maps are omega attacking alpha, except fracture (split half and half) and Pearl (alpha attacking omega).


Ngl, if that whole storyline would be a full movie you could watch at the theatre or on Netflix, I’d watch it


You can just watch all the cinematics in a row and get 80% of that information the last 20% is in text / in game lore


There aren't vast numbers of them, there's just Valorant (the organisation), but there's two alternate reality versions of Valorant.


theres only 2 realities though unlike mcu


dude i thought radianite was the enemy faction because of gekko saying "why cant we just hug it out? damn radianite" as if the enemy was too evil to cooperate


LMAO nah it's Alpha earth and Alpha characters vs Omega earth and Omega Characters I totally understand your confusion though haha


Really? It makes perfect sense imo


I heard somewhere they plan on making a series like arcane with valorant, and i pray to whatever god hears me thats true


I'm not english native and I had to read it like 10 times to understand lmao


I can recommend this video! Made it mcuh clearer for me :) https://youtu.be/AKeCPclpnyI?si=aY5vl98x-uGfrKuD


Why do you die from getting spiked instead of teleported


It isn’t just a teleportation machine. It absorbs radianite from its surroundings then violently teleports back to its earth. The detonation tears apart the fabric of reality or something. Ascent takes place on a floating island created by the spike detonation in the Duelists cinematic.


Seems like sloppy writing to me. It would've made more sense had they just stuck to the bomb-terrorist-anti terrorist scene of CS


because its more interesting than "theyre just terrorists"


It's more confusing lol


Presumably organic matter cannot survive the teleportation process. It's specially designed for radianite. Edit: Ask Killjoy I guess, because she invented it.


from what I understand it violently condenses everything into a small transportable single thing. so it’s like a baby black hole for a second


Good question. No clue.


Hey, here to answer having studied it, the spike is essentially an antimatter bomb, it blows up and absorbs any radianite caught in the blast zone. It then stores the radianite inside the spike for bringing back to base. Up until recently, the attackers were always from Earth Omega (we're Earth Alpha), but Pearl was the introduction to Omega, and, if I'm not wrong, Abyss is also on Omega, but I'll have to look into that more. I have a lore doc I need to continue working on.


While Alpha is the one attacking Abyss, the base itself is also on Alpha. no idea why omega agents are there though.


They're probably both gunning for high radianite areas. If Abyss has a high focus, then it could be extra help for the world. Currently, most of the world runs on radianite for power, so whoever gets that from Abyss can use it for their own purposes.


And if you’re curious to see what it looks like post detonation, go to the training map.


If there's this many crates of radiante laying around why do the fuckers charge so much for it in the shop


heres a fun fact for you: the radianite crates have different colors depending on the universe they are in, so the crates on pearl are yellow, meaning they are on omega earth




Hijacking top comment to say: You can tell if something is wallbangable just by shooting it. If the shot goes through, it shows a bullet hole. If it doesn't, it shows a bullet mark, but no hole. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mZkF-rrJms4/maxresdefault.jpg In this picture you can see what I'm talking about.


yes, well, depends on the wall surface. If it's soft definitely bangable with Low-Medium penetration, if it's hard you cant unless with a high penetration weapon (Sheriff, Outlaw, Odin, Operator and Guardian) also depend on the angle you can wallbang through hard surfaces but that's another topic


Ares is high penetration too


LMAO, you should be proud to know that you’re not the first new player to say this.


For reeeeal. Wait until he discovers the ghost bug lol


what is a ghost bug ? 😢


Pretty sure theyre referring to when you can only see the person’s gun. Very annoying bug. I think some people know how to trigger it intentionally, but Idk that much about it


Yeah I’m new, don’t know the bug either but I knew you could shoot through stuff by watching Grimm, Kyedae and Tenz.


Ghost bug?


Omen bug?


When I first heard about the ghost bug I didn't believe it


What ghost bug?


Just yesterday it was a 1v1 and he was below me. My teammates kept telling me to wallbang, and I was just like that cat meme. "Huh?????"


Fr, they really should put it in the tutorial. 


I was gonna say that that’s dumb and everyone should know wallbanging is possible because it is in every game to some extent but I guess if this is your first shooter ever you wouldn’t have even had that thought or experience. And Val IS a lot of people’s first shooter.


Most fps games don't have wallbanging, it's mostly just a tactical shooter thing. 


not mine. call of duty was my first fps - old cod like mw2/mw3 days


Most corner walls are wall bangable. Wooden walls are wall bangable. Some guns like vandal, odin, ares, guardian, sheriff, Op can wall bang through thick solid walls. There are common angles that people hold that you can wall bang that would catch them off guard. There's also spots at the start of the round that you can immediately spam with a guardian where someone would most likely hold. It's good to know these areas.


Just tk let you know. Vandal has less penetration than the rest of the guns you listed. I think the outlaw is heavy pen but i might be wrong.


Vandal is medium and Outlaw is high, yes.


You're right, vandal can only go through thin walls. I forgot to say that lol


And phantom. Often players think that there's a difference but when it comes to penetration, there isn't.


It feels wrong that they have the same pen. But yeah. I guess it's cause I associate phantom to m4a1s in cs which I think has less pen than ak47


If the outlaw is not heavy pen, that’s a crime. A sniper is stronger than any other gun. It should have it


Marshal is medium pen that's why I was wondering... But someone confirmed for me.


If marshal was heavy pen the game would be complete and utter chaos.


Ik. Would be epic


Note that you dont need to remember that shit if youre on the move/in action, just tell yourself every wall is bangab...shoot through-able and stop if you cant. Saw enough pros just go "oh that wallbangable" after a nutty shot and realize stopping to think if it your gun gonna pen or not isnt the right way.


Anyone else find this a little cute? Brings me back to when I first started playing COD and CS years ago lol


Thank you everybody 👍now I at least know this extra step that I can do. I STILL have yet to use my Hero coin on someone still trying to find a good hero


Look up "sova odin ace" and you'll probably find a lot of videos of popular wallbang spots. One is on Ascent. this would probably catch tons of people off guard on console


Cheesing people on Ascent is one of my favorite things to do in this game. Either scan/wallbang B or scan/ult A. Easy 2-3 kills to start a round if they aren't paying attention.


Note that if you shoot through the wall you see a different hole than when it doesn't penetrate, there are also a few walls you can penetrate but there's something behind it blocking it after, so it wouldn't actually hit anyone behind it. Also, the thickness and angle makes a huge difference, so the damage when shooting straight through thin walls is higher than shooting it from the side.


Not all walls are made out of paper, but a lot of them are. Make sure to know which walls you can shoot through. Also make sure which boxes you can shoot through.


Shoot a corner in practice tool, when the holes are Black it means penetration


If it isn't already mentioned in the comments , you can visually see if your bullets are penetrating or not. Dark holes means bullets are penetrating, light dents means not penetrating and there are several levels of penetration depending upon the material or thickness of the object you are shooting through. And ofcourse the damage will be reduced even at maximum penetration


Depends on what wall/object and your weapon penetration level.


with this info, have fun attacking Ascent B site against a Sova


if the bullet hole is black, your bullet passed through the wall.


Waiting for the day you go against a Sova on defense on Ascent lol


when u go into the buy menu and u hover over the guns u can see the wall penetrative levels of each gun, a stinger for example has a low wallbang penetration meaning it can only shoot through some walls and will not deal much damage at all. an odin on the other hand has high wallbang and will deal more damage and be able to penetrate thicker walls. Vandal and phantom have medium penetration. u will have to just keep playing to keep figuring out what u can wallbang with which guns, maybe u can go into a custom game alone just to have a look :)


There are few 🧱 walls in games and objects which let the bullet pass its called wall banging by the time you will also come to know which walls are those and objects .


The history of firearms begins in 10th-century China, when tubes containing gunpowder and pellet projectiles were mounted on spears to make portable fire lances, operable by one person.


Since the original Counter-Strike


Surfaces that show black bullet holes when you shoot them are wall bang-able.


This is me 2 days after playing the game. Me: "How the fuck did I die. This guy is hacking he shot me behind a wall" Team: "Em actually that's part of the game" Me: "WHAT"


Since forever, you just have to have a big enough gun, in Valorant since beta release and irl.


Not only walls , but also Boxes ( wood box or green box)


You are gonna love the Odin! Literally my aim sucks and I'm in plat, and all i do is spam smokes and walls and somehow that's worth 149 damage


Yeah, the walls in this game are made of paper fr


When buying a weapon at the start of the round you can see what level of penetration it has! Some are better at shooting through objects while some are worse!


There’s even an additional indicator on the kill feed if you died from a penetration (wallbanged) shot vs a normal shot. Just the gun (vandal, sheriff, etc) means body shot kill, reticle + gun = headshot If there is a symbol of a Bullet piercing / breaking an object as well as the other symbols (gun, reticle) that means it was a wallbung


Whats more different walls need different penetration. On the top right when you buy guns it will tell you light, medium, and heavy penetration. You can tell what is wall bangable when you shoot the wall. If the bullet hole looks flat and kind of like a splat, its not penning. If it looks like a small circle, it is. Your kill feed will tell you if you died to wall pen. The icon looks like a straight line with a small explosion coming out of it.  Its not like siege where every wall is penetrative, and shooting with a lighter penetration weapon repeatedly wont eventually pen.  Wall pen does a flat reduced damage as well


never played counterstrike?


Nope, console Andy


Cod player, should know better




Here’s a video showing a bunch of spots https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mZkF-rrJms4&pp=ygUSd2FsbGJhbmcgdmFsb3JhbnQg


Watch some videos bro not just play


it sounds more complicated than it is because in reality most players dont know every wallbangable surface but you can always check by how the bullet impact looks if the wall gets "hot and yellow" from your gunshot then it stopped, if its a dark circle with dust particles on shot then it went through


Lotsa new players in this sub these days


Wverygun literally have a "penetration" stat. Its been here since day 1 my friend


Yes alot of things are able to shoot through walls the penetration level of your gun is shown in the menu. You'll love it and hate it it's fun when you have the read and nail someone but it's also really not fun when for example today i got blind running headshot through a wall two times in the same match.


Wall-piercing ammo


Omg this teared me up a bit either bro has been using odin wrong or not at all but you mfs made him into a sinner too


The wall that has a corridor behind it on the LA map with either ares or odin sometimes if the enemy tries faking i sometimes get triple kills through it xD


Never knew you could wallbang untill I started playing but yeah, not really a crazy concept though


Its called wallbanging Some walls are thinner than others And if u weapon has medium/high penetration power the bullets can go through those thin walls ( though will deal less damage ) Eg. Medium penetration: vandal/phantom High penetration: odin/guardian


haha yeah most people have said already but yes allot of things are penetratable. I wpuld recommend going into a custom with a friend and just mess around with wall banging on some maps (especially haven, ypu can shoot from defending side between a and b to that walkway on attacking side. you can also shoot into mid from that same a entry area)




Console player fs


Yep, cardboard walls are pretty tricky sometime


U can also shoot through sages wall, just the corners tho


This was patched over 3 months ago in patch 8.04 [https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-8-04/](https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-8-04/) "Fixed a bug where bullets could pass through the corners of Sage's Barrier Orb (C)."




Patched months ago


This is fun.


It literally tells you the penetration of a weapon in the buy menu...


I tried this game one last time last night in deathmatch knowing that I was not going to be successful, but the shots out of nowhere and this crap of shooting through the walls and such make this a poor game and extremely frustrating also. I would take 1 step and I was dead most of the time or I would go around a corner and I was killed. I was even killed by people that I couldn't even see in front of me. So after that I uninstalled the game because its not worth having and plus some of the players are so rude as well. I tried to like it but it was a no go for me.


Imagine starting to play game that’s been out for years, discovering a completely obviously engineered component and then making a post about it as if it’s new. Wtf?


Op is a new player, even I was confused when I started. Learn to read properly ig


I’m a ps5 beta noob bro chill


There’s a trophy for wall bangs btw


This hurt to read