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There is no mid, I assume when they say mid it’s market or one of the shorts, but yeah they’re wrong. The whole point with Bind’s map design is there’s no true mid lane


I wouldn't even think of market if anyone said mid, I'd just think they're wrong hah. Also, funny enough between my friends and I we only refer to market as "flaaaaank!"


Where is market ? I’ve never heard that callout (EU)


The lane that connects the two sites (the tiled area, not including sand area) where the baskets with powder are located.


I'd also assume market ...or A lobby ...or cave ...or B short... ok nm, I'd have no idea.


I agree, i dont think its the best callout but if i opened the map thats the only spot i could think someone would call mid. Its literally the only middle spot (maybe caves i guess) on the map that isnt a spawn


And its exactly what makes the map so horrible in every regard.


Ehhh I love bind personally. Explore more with TP plays pro active play and it becomes super fun


I've played that map over 500 times, its easily the most montone boring ass shit to attack in any game ever developed.


I mean I’ve probably played it a 1000 times and I still love it lmao, to each their own I guess


My mans never played Split or Ascent I guess


loooool this dude calls out “mid” fosho


Nah i call dodge




you high AF boi lol


Back in beta a lot of people called the sand going up to hookah mid but I think that time has long passed


If you had to call something Mid on Bind, this would be it.


I still occasionally hear ppl refer to it as that


Still used all the time in Immortal elo at least in my experience


That's cap


I think people are refering to the path into hookka


People can call it that, but they're wrong. In tac shooters should have routes to both bomb sites.


Well then technically the arches is mid lol Cuz you can use the teleporters to get into the bomb site and you can go thr showers to get to the other one


There is absolutely no mid on bind. Showers, A main, hookah, Long.


I think lots of people call it A short


Yes but it sounds better when you say: "can you come shower with me, we can rush"


Everyone calls that showers, A short is what u call A main near the teleporter


Ohh mb


I mean the area before hookah can be called mid. Can be called, even though it's not.


I agree. Just because there is no mid lane doesn't mean it isn't still the middle area of the map.


"Sand" or "outside hookah" are the calls >Can be called, even though it's not. Is counterintuitive to clear comms. Literally just confuses people


Legit no point to this comment 💀


It’s called mid all the time in high elo, no one has ever been confused


I play in high elo. I don't know what mid means. It could mean outside hookah, it could mean market, it could mean a short


the entire map is mid af


I have my highest win rate on that map...


Yeah, I hear MID often too on Bind. The real callout are B Short (or B main) B Long A Short (or A main) A Bath (or Shower) Even if bind dosent have a MID, for a lot of players, MID is B Short; the part just before hookah. Ironically, A SHORT is often the part described as "mid" on the callouts map (like the one on the spike.gg).


What rank because I rarely if ever have heard mid


Id say up to plat


Generally if anyone says mid on bind they mean b short, this is just outright incorrect as there is no mid on bind


There is no mid on Bind. Many people seem to treat B short as mid but it's not mid.


Bind does not have mid, I hope the majority of people making that callout understand.


I often call outside hookah mid, but it's not a true middle and it's probably not the best com. That being said I understand immediately what people mean they say mid on bind.


it doesnt have a mid, but also if someone calls mid id think its either A or B short, so i woudlnt be completely lost either.


No. "mid" is a callout to refer to the second of a 3 lane map. Bind has 4 lanes, its impossible to have clarity on calling "mid" on it because you could be referring to A Short, B Short, or AB Link.


Yes it does. It is called Bind


U swear, in any two site map with no proper mod, there’s always some eejit calling mid, like I have to check the mini map just to see which site he is so I can properly hold it, like there’s no mid bind so why do people even call mid, it just annoys me sometimes, o have to check who called it and which site their on just to pull off a rotate, there is no mid


It's the alternate dimension you're warping through when you take one of the interior teleporters.


I hear the sand ramp up to hookah called mid almost every game. Never had anyone be confused or complain about it when I call it that either.




Maybe it's because it's technically outside the site, the short lane being hookah and the long lane being long of course. But if you're going to call short people are going to be confused and think Hookah, and when someone says they took the teleporter to mid you know what they're talking about.


I’ve always referred to the area outside of Hookah and mid TP as mid, but I understand it can be an inaccurate call if you’re not familiar or genuinely take a second to think about. At this point, it sits in the realm of the titty call out on Breeze, where the first time you hear it you are shocked, but eventually it clicks in your brain


Showers, short, hookah, long


I would say showers and b long serve the purpose of mid as u can teleport to from b long to a or if u decide to hit a then u can teleport from a short the whole map revolves around people who play strong defaults


There’s no mid but my friends and I calls the area of A short to A teleporter as mid.


I know that's not applicable in english speaking servers, but I thought it would be funny to share that literally everyone in portuguese says: Showers Mid (A main) False Mid (the sand area before hookah) and Hookah B Long or just Long


When I say mid I refer to the one space between A and B even tho there isn’t a mid lane


Mid doesn’t exist no but sometimes people call the little sand hill going up to hookah from T spawn or simply A short mid even though it doesn’t make much sense


There is no mid. The first thing i thought of when saying mid on bind was mid-TP, like the .1sec in traveling in-between TP


Hi friends, what connects a-main and the lane into hookah? That, my friends, is the middle of the map. Have a great day


Honestly that makes more sense geographically, but every callout of mid has involved the person referring to either A short or B short (incorrectly) and leaving me confused. If the narrow hallway accessible from T spawn that connects A short to B short is mid, that actually makes more sense, but I’ve once again never seen anyone call that mid.


I forget what map bind is




bind has a mid bro, what do you mean?


I’ve said mid, no one’s had a problem where I refer it too, I ping it as well 🤷‍♀️


in portuguese, lane to aladin is Mid and lane to hooka is Fake Mid


There is no mid for one reason: you don’t fight for control over B and A link.


switch on the monitor lil bro


I still call it mid...


“mid” is “outside hookah”. it’s the same comm. stop being pedantic.


i’m convinced 90% of yall who don’t know the mid comm are below ascendant or are not from NA


I don't say just mid. I try to use A Short and B short, but I sometimes say A mid or B mid. But not just mid.


IMO, I think everyone can agree that bind don’t have a mid. But if someone would call mid in game for me, I’d assume it was outside hooka. Cause A short is just A short and nothing else. I might be alone with this but idk


Had someone calling mid today too and I didn't know what the hell they were talking about until they said it was A Link to B Link and that sandy path leading up to B lobby. Bind definitely doesn't have a mid but I guess I can see why someone would call that area that.


Nope The main contested areas are showers, a main, hookah, b long


the point is that bind has no mid. That's its entire gimmick


Idk. I've only played Valo for a year or 2. When I started learning the areas for each map, a main always felt like what "mid" would be. B short probably makes more sense though.


The whole gimmick of bind has always been that there is no mid. It’s a midless map


The teleports represent the mid


We were using mid for A short back in Beta and first episodes (EMEA servers). It doesn't make sense but shower/mid/hookah/long were understandable enough for the 4 access to sites I'm pretty sure A short/B short came later on, like episode 2/3 (which are obviously better, I'm not denying it) callouts map on thespike. gg that refers to it : [https://www.thespike.gg/valorant/maps/bind](https://www.thespike.gg/valorant/maps/bind)


Mid is the teleporter.


I say A mid and B mid


I wouldn’t say it’s mid but the closest on bind would be the A Teleporter to B teleporter and their respective strips. But yet again, I get so confused when everyone says showers and other generic terms.


I say mid for A main 🫣


Makes absolutely no sense lol I’d have 0 idea to look there


if someone says, "mid, A!!" you're telling me you don't look where A connects to the middle of the map?? hello


Where did the comment say anything about saying A? They said they only call it mid. And no, if someone said mid A I’d assume they mean the middle of sight because mid A isn’t a place on bind.


i say "TOP MID, A." people like you lie and give me shit like you don't know what I'm saying, but it is a fucking way better callout than "A Main," which if I gave the VALORANT community a pin to place on where they think that is, would get 100,000 different answers all over A site by lamps, closet, default plant spot, everywhere on A except the actual top mid spot I was trying to specify.


Whatever you say champ. “It’s not me who’s wrong, it’s everybody else!”


shifting goalposts every time I give you new information because without it you would have to concede ground on even a fraction of a point... and you can't have that. So it's what you do Internet. Keep doin' you.


Do you know what the phrase means actually? Like I said, whatever you say champ. Enjoy iron Edit: I just had to come back to find out what goal post was shifted. You originally asked if I would know what you meant and I quite clearly said “no I wouldn’t know what you meant” and you tried to further argue it. The answer is still no. And it seems like people you play with agree based on your own statement. It’s an awful call out.


In my friend group we call B Short as mid. The problem with some callouts is they don't always make sense, so saying that "Bind has no mid, so the callout is wrong 🤓" isn't exactly correct, because as long as enough people start to use some callout, it becomes the correct callout. Just like hookah. There's no hookah in the hookah therefore the callout should also be considered wrong