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Damn this is probably the best version of aim assist I've seen. It still definitely helps, but it also isn't a tuned down aim bot.


I remember some older games used to be like this and it was perfect. Just enough to be able to shoot with sticks and not be too much that the game does the aiming for you. Now days AA is just too strong.


Its so timmy can make cool clips! But yeah, this aim assist looks great


Timmy is mnk lol he wouldn't be able to do any of the lurches he does if he used roller


I'm more talking about timmy the fortnite controller kid. ( Or cod)


Oh like the term timmy, sorry thats on me lmao


Oh yeah haha dont worry


Man reddit is so much more chill than all the other platforms been on here for years but took a break and came back. It feels so good to be back


which ones? old cod games had it so if you mpved the left stick, the crosshair would move toward enemies


Was thinking Bad Company 2 and as it turns out I [remembered correctly](https://youtu.be/wO4_OKYoV1c?si=h8ISXTH1emeDwAjx) :D been like a decade or something when I last played that. Edit: iirc the original Battlefront 2 was like this as well but not sure. Couldn’t find a video.


Nearly the entire call of duty franchise on console had this exact type of aim assist.


It’s the pairing with MnK why they overtune. If it’s just console there’s really no need for aim assist at all except in games with crazy high movement to make a fight palatable. It’s the aim snap that is usually the culprit for overdoing it.




Apex pairs MnK with controller forcing the need for AA correct? If it was just controller why would there need to be any AA?


AA exist to level the playing field between m&k and console, but people tried AA and found it comfortable so now even non cross play games have AA to make people feel like they’re better at the game. And AA isnt even the only example of this happening, for example when fortnite released on mobile they added a “radius” that showed you all the sounds happening around you, but then they also added it to all platforms because its easier to detect enemies when the game literally points them out where they are


Good point it’s gotten to a level that needs to be re evaulated I think in the competive environment AA is not needed if similiar input is used. I would imagine the enemy detection being from people not using a gaming headset to even the playing field


The rectangle thingie does help with focus in a way tho I think, because you will be focused on the smaller rectangle to aim than rather the whole screen


Feels like halo used to be.


Incredibly ingenious design. It obviously helps controller players but leave room for individual skills to shine. I've seen many posts previously saying "the aim assists is incredibly strong" so they did good enough job to even fooling the users.


I mean even for what it is, it still is pretty strong… not saying that’s a bad thing (especially with separate queues), but I was able to get 28/30 one taps on medium bots in the range on like my 4th attempt. I don’t play any other shooters with a controller, so there wasn’t really any past skill I was using lol.


It has to be this way because of valorant being different in how ttk works , but this can't be the case in games like apex or destiny because then controllers will be unplayable


Warzone aim assist we’re looking at you


Yeah I’ve always been pissed off by how the AA in Fortnite is basically an aimbot, ruining the game for PC players, but I never knew there was an alternative until Riot used this genius design. I guess now I can point to this when ranting about AA.


This is so reasonable maybe we add cross play /s


People that say aim assist is aimbot clearly never played against someone with aimbot.


I mean.. you played apex? That shit is insane. I was MnK apex for years before seeing why the top 100 leader board is controller players first hand. It's literal aimbot. Enemy moves, cross hair follows. That's where folks are coming from, fwiw


I feel like it makes some sense in apex, without strong aim assist in a game with that sort of movement it would just be miserable. However going from Apex to other shooters I’m like damn this game spoiled me into thinking I was good💀


>However going from Apex to other shooters I’m like damn this game spoiled me into thinking I was good Nah, it just prevented you from learning how good you can actually be.


Halo when it came to PC for me. If you weren't playing with a controller you were at a discernible disadvantage.


I keep seeing people mention apex. And AA in apex is so strong, its disgusting but it’s not the same on other games. I didn’t want to argued with you, just to mention that AA it’s not the same on every game and people playing in console do need to have aim skill/


looks like you didn't try to play apex on controller by yourself.. you should, i tried to switch to controller because of reddit spreading aimbot legend, after 300 hours on controller I went back to Mnk and now I'm not mad at controllers players anymore, don't trust videos or comments try by yourself.


I literally mentioned how I did try it myself in the comment.


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dmliud/i_performed_mnk_vs_controller_statistical It's clearly a massive advantage, not even close


for me it is not, i tried controller for 300 hours I've never been close to my Mnk level


This is pretty cool. So it doesn’t snap to head, it just gives you lower sens when you overlap with a body. So playing with cursor at head height is very pseudo-mousey in the sense that you’ll only have to micro adjust if they walk into you. Otherwise it’s full sensitivity for the sake of moving. People that are good on console probably won’t have too hard of a time crossing over platforms because you need to play the same way


To put it really simply - it's crafted from the ground up to support playstyles and mechanical demands unique to Val with a vigilance toward ensuring it's as minimal as possible as long as players remain generally lethal in the environment. It's important that a strafe mid-fight or a big swing peek is legitimately evasive - so we ask you to adjust your aim yourself instead of move along with an opponent even if they cross right through your reticle, for instance. We DONT use it as a way to make you feel powerful or affect weapon balance. Really more than anything we just want it to help overcome some inherent messiness on gamepads; your thumbs aren't terribly accurate, neither are thumbsticks, and there's some input latency making things even muddier (though our incredible tech team has gotten it to be very minimal relatively speaking). Beyond that we want it to get out of your way. We think it's of the utmost importance that you feel responsible for combat outcomes, good or bad; it helps you respect your opponents (I think) and really appreciate those aces when they come.


You need to take a look on moving accuracy. I have shooting error enabled and have tested on the range and I could repeatedly get a 2.30 clean second bullet shot. I haven't invested time on pc so I wouldn't know if that correlates.


We've been discussing it a bit - FWIW movement error specifics are the same as PC, but there could be some kind of unintended interaction somewhere too. Are you Focus+Walking or at a full Run in your tests?


I'm pretty sure it's an interaction between pc deadzoning where you would tap and let go, get a clean headshot, and the analog deadzones imitating that. I've tried both and it's more prevalent when you're walking with focus and ads and are right on the limit of running.


Cool will check it out, thanks for the details


Another thing since I've gotten the attention of a rioter, will we be able to report players via tickets when ranked drops? Been trying to clean the streets and cant seem to find the player I'm reporting. I guess it's not been implemented yet and it only tracks pc matches?


The bulldog ADS literally snaps on people though can you guys nerf that


Just curious, does moving your aiming joystick during these test impact it at all? Especially the one where you're standing still but the bot is moving? IIRC - In apex if you stand perfectly still it doesn't magnet as strong but if you have any inputs (even very subtle) it thinks you're trying to aim and helps. People noticed it because having stick drift triggers it for some people at all times.


Just tested that. No, it doesn't impact, there's only lowered sens when the crosshair is directly on an enemy.


I'm interested by how this works with recoil? Obviously not too big of an issue, but for something like an odin or ares, that slow down could actually be a *disadvantage* when trying to control the recoil. I like the approach though. It's so "simple" that I'm sure quite a lot of the time designers would just scrap it early on, but in practice that looks like it works very nicely given valorant's gameplay. Wouldn't work in a game like COD, but definitely makes sense for a tac shooter. Gives me old mobile-fps vibes.


Just had a game where it messed me up. Knocked kayo slowed my aim so I couldn’t fight back.


Heh... it's actually incredibly complex but it's a good thing (in our opinion) that the output seems simple (or minimal). We tried lots of "versions" of what we call "aimtooling systems" (a tapestry of things that roll up into how it feels to control your camera, generally speaking) to help make sure we get it right for Val - threading the needle here is one of the most important parts of the Console project.




so many people in this sub have been saying the console aim assist is wild.. i have not felt that at all. it’s extremely noticeable on many many games. it’s extremely subtle in this game. this video proves these people wrong.


That’s because they’re talking about warzone and apex where it’s not even aim assist anymore. It is just a soft aim bot in those games lol


As a general rule of thumb, PC elitists have no idea how aim assist works. They think it is autoaim which explains their attitude. The problem is that when you correct them they get pissy about it. 😂


It really depends on the game. I've seen some clips of people showing how aim assist works on games like warzone and it was basically an aimbot


I am a pc player. I do play on console from time to time and aim assist on some games is completely busted. Playing on controller is generally easier because of how much controller players complain about weak aim assist. It's actually nice to see a balanced aim assist for once.


Because most games it literally is. Apex legends has full rotational aim assist at 60%.  Modders have tested tweaking it that 60% to 100% and it becomes full aim bot.  So, yeah, it depends on the game, but some are actually just full aim bot toned down 


I am gonna send this to my friends


Yeah but most of the players are hitting their shots with good % (myself included). Idk if the beta is full of good players or the aim assist is actually kinda strong.


There's no auto aim in the game. It's aim assist


Thanks for the science


Interesting. I am shit with both, but even more so with a 🎮 than mouse. So bad in fact that I never play PvP shooters with a pad, buut... Given how I could just focus on holding angles, it might be worth a shot on PS.


Perfectly made for valorant. You can actually do crosshair placement and preaiming unlike games like overwatch where you try to shoot somebody but then a fat hog walks past and your crosshair is pulled away like a hoodie that got stuck on a door handle. I was seriously concerned about AA being messed up or non existent, but from what it looks like, it's pretty well done. If controller support gets added to PC, i might try playing a couple unrated games with it for fun to test it out.


Also it works if enemy is in the smoke so u can find him


I guess it's should be considered as a bug, hope it will be fixed in future


Hopefully, games like Fortnite remove aim assist completely through bushes and similar things, this seems very similar


Yeah that’s a bad thing lol. Hopefully it’s something that will get fixed.


Apex controller Cucks are sad rn


that's how aim assist worked in all older cod games, not the aimbot auto lock on that fortnite introduced


not really. older cods definitely had stronger aim assist than this. if you were holding forward and your crosshair turned red on someone and you kept walking forward, it would definitely "stick" to them a bit and drag. that being said, wasnt NEARLY as bad as what we have now. this is definitely the "lightest" aim assist ive seen. only having reduced sens near enemies and no drag or snapping whatsoever.


Actually.... https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1aobc39/proof_aim_assist_is_the_same_as_it_was_over_10/ https://youtu.be/AKU-wcVRiXw?si=OIz8nd1xQ3C7IxbR The problem with Aim Assist right now is mostly the distance it activates, Warzone starts tracking at 200m instead of 30m like older Cods


rotational aim assist is strong af in warzone. moving left stick gives rotational aim assist which has crosshair follow enemy automatically


Aim assist has been roughly the same, watch the second link I posted. What has changed is how much assist is calculated, because now games can run at 140 fps, and higher and aim assist works by each frame. So a 140 fps aim assist tracks better than a 60 fps aim assist. But the strenght of each is the same between most COD games.


i doubt the fps affects the aim assist input. xclusive ace's video doesn't do a good job of show casing rotational aim assist due to not testing on a moving target


Different game but: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/all3bs/upshall_shows_how_aim_assist_is_stronger_on Aim assist is not server sided. It's player sided. Therefore, the more frames the player has, the more time Aim Assist has to move the cross hair. That's why 40% Aim Assist at 120fps feels better than 60% Aim Assist at 60fps in Apex as another example. edit: people downvoting actual facts is wild.


older CoDs had strong AA, but it wasn't a big issue because crossplay with PC didn't exist, so the playing field was level.


It was horrible at one point in fn nowadays it works the same as in the video above


Aim assist in fortnite now works almost exactly the same. (If you are above 60 fps)


This is oddly similar to overwatch, only difference being that overwatch’s is a little stronger in the pull it does if you are moving and your crosshair isn’t moving, and the pull is equal to if your enemy is moving and you aren’t, but it has 0 lock on. Not that it’s a bad thing, though, I think overwatch aim assist is a healthy way to do it, so is this in valorant. Good job riot


Nah bro I’m ngl it’s a dozen times stronger than val. Not comparable to other games like apex, but still very strong. Tracking based heroes, like Zarya and Tracer and etc, are absolutely insane on console because of the aim assist. It doesn’t snap like other games, but the rotational portion of the aim assist means you have to make absolutely zero adjustments.


yeah not gonna speak to the magnitude of the difference since i have no significant experience with console ow, but that game should 100% have stronger aim assist than valorant lol, most characters have some form of mobility most of which is faster/longer distance and more predictable than valorant's


Oh yea, I never said it was *bad* that it does, but it’s just way more, and controller is still vastly inferior when dealing with mobile heroes like tracer or genji. I played collegiate OW a year ago on pc, and after some personal issues that means I can’t play on pc, am seated comfortably in GM as a ball/doom player on console. The aim assist is how it should be, but it’s absurd to say it’s in any way similar to Val. (And in all honesty, I wish Val had no aim assist period, like R6 does)


I haven't played overwatch for a year but I remember that its aa was way stronger, it definitely was dragging the crosshair after enemies (not that hard like cod but still)


I’ve played overwatch a shit ton and valorant a lot, overwatch’s AA is definitely stronger than valorant’s, but it also is a bit more needed considering the way the heroes move in overwatch compared to the agents in valorant. But yeah, you’re right, it’s not nearly as bad as COD and some other games, in overwatch when actually applied, it helps for making your precision better with flicks and tracking but it does NOT do any of the heavy lifting, if it did, I would have had less hours in the game than I do


I turn up my aim assist with Ana on Xbox and it’s a straight magnet to teammates at 100% and will jerk to teammates at all times you can’t shoot enemies unless it’s a clear shot. Ow actually has the highest aim assist of any game I’ve played not shitting on what you’re saying it’s just my experience it’s kind of insane


When aim assist actually doesn't look like pure cheating, apex could not


oh this is great. thanks


I like this style of aim assist it doesn't help you too much and also people holding angles have a slight advantage in aim against swinging players..maybe to equalise peekers advantage? Don't know but seems cool enough better than most console aim assists I've seen.


Comment section going wild. You guys know this isn't the first game to implement this, right?


This is how every fucking game that has aim assist should work. I play pretty much exclusively on console and it drives me nuts when my camera gets hijacked. And that annoying aim to snap shit, makes me feel like my skill doesn’t matter


That's not all. Sometimes when you flick and shoot a bit to late the shots autoconnect to the enemy even though your crosshair is not on target


I believe it's just a ping issue


aim assist problem i have 22 ping !!!!!!


Wow, this is actually the most balanced aim assist ever


This is actually perfect, the AA doesn't do like half the aiming for you (\*cough\* CoD \*cough\*), and lets peoples' skills shine. It just makes the imprecision of a controller less imprecise.


Pretty much the same as Overwatch on console


Yeah, so the Halo CE model


Dude shotguns are gonna be amazing in console I bet


Holy shit I remember Fortnite on console having a literal aimbot on enemy's head


How does this feel when deadzoning?


Please make a side by side comparison with apex legends aim assist


I’m still getting to grips with aiming so have a question: does this making flicking more viable on console (than PC)? I’ve watched a few aim vids from PC players and they all say flicking is a bad habit that is very inconsistent. But with this aim assist, I feel like flicking is potentially more viable as you can train to get used to the slow down and “snap” to a target easier. Obviously wanna get to a reasonable level of all facets of aiming, but there aren’t many console specific vids out yet and the PC ones might be sub optimal as seems very different.


I need this for pc version lol


"Oh, no aim assist is bad. I got killed by someone with aim assist when I also having an aim assist T.T. uWu low skill cap player no aim assist pls" avg 10 IQ console player


If they now would just let me disable aim acceleration it would be vergood to aim in this game.


What's "aim acceleration"?


If you push the analog stick 100% to a side, the the speed will ramp up and not be continuous.


I mean, I feel like that should be an option, yes. But also, don't you need it if you need to flick fast? (This is a rhetorical question, the answer is yes, yes you do)


Call of Duty and Hactivision should learn from it


This looks great so far. I’d have one more test though; does taking damage or firing your weapon change the strength of the AA. When Halo Master Chief collection was ported to PC this was an issue (granted the TTK was longer). But as you took damage your own crosshair would begin to align with the enemy if your crosshair was close.


Wait, console has range minimap?


Does it also change through smokes? Because if it's noticeable then it might be op, just shoot when you notice the sens got lower. 


Plz explain why it locks on and follows teammates. Ill be on an enemy’s head, and than the crosshairs follow my teammates?????


Is there any impact with ADS in alot of clips I've seen it almost looks like focus plus ADS is snapping to heads when you're close.


ads doesn't change aa behaviour


Its how old school MW2 AA worked. Its part of how 360 no scopes were consistent, but also essentially hacks because you know where enemies are in smokes without having to see them. Also allowed for ridiculous flick shots on the 360 controller. Crazy how IW got AA right all those years ago


They good the AA perfectly for this game, coming from a life long sticks player


Éla so péso putá


Am I tripping cause istg these lvl 3 mfkas be headshotting me through smokes and blinds like it’s nothing


I really can’t understand why the game even has aim assist if its sticks only.


nah i need warzone aim assist


exactly as aim assist should be in every fps game…


What’s funny is that this is what so many people think AA is. Literally a slowdown over the enemy. But at this point, AA is literally aimbot in so many games.


This is how aim assist should in all games. God, makes me hate developers like respawn and infinity ward even more lmfao


Hey Activision, take some notes on how to make AA not completely play the game for your players.


bro I watched this shit like 20 times till I realized it was only 20 seconds long 🤣🤣


Respawn should take notes right here


can you find enemies through smoke with it?


I think overwatch aim assist works the same way




I often mess up the aim because of the aim assist.. drag it through the wall to the enemy, there should be an aim assist setting like in xdefiant or it should be nerfed or the focus mode should be removed. .


controller acceleration


Wont this give wh?


In my opinion slowness is just a bit to high, valorant is a game when you have to do a lot of flicks and have this lower sens help too much for stop at the exact right location.  The difference between bad good and great player on PC come from they’re way to now where to stop when they flick (and some other things for sure) But by doing this slow, you retired a lot of skills requierement and that a bit too bad.


This is how it should have always been in consol shooters. What we have these days is as close to aimbot as you can allow it to get


If only R6 devs were this smart… at least I’ll have a decent AA system once Val goes live


?? R6 console DOES NOT need aim assist. It's good as it is


Console R6 doesn’t need aim assist


I stopped playing cod cuz of aim assist and cheaters on both systems, its pretty petty


This is AA I don't mind to see in games that support cross-play.


this game should never be crossplay aa or not


M&K elitists will still say it’s to much


And that's exactly why it isn't crossplay so it literally *does not matter*


Have you played against cod with full of hackers, cronus zen and/or rewasd players in The Finals. This is basically almost fully raw aim, I guess focus helps out with recoil control but that’s about it. Nice to see, would be impossible to crossplay, makes no sense unless it’s unrated. I can see the potential of competitive but that would be probably still be in the hand of k&m.


Nah they won't cause this does nothing xd


They say that on OW too.


I was hoping they'd pull a r6 tbh


that would be too difficult to play Valorant without aim assist since there are longer distances and faster pace then in r6


Now I haven't played r6s in years but I remember it being faster paced than val, and some distances were huge especially spawnpeek angles etc.


2000 hours+ on R6 here, day 1 Val. R6 has closer angles the majority of the time as most fights occur inside or down hallways. Spawn peeks or outside skirmishes are the exception. R6 is definately faster paced though.


Does r6 have things like jett dash or raze c4 jumps? Neon dash?


Nope but the pace of the game itself is faster, the maps more intimate (mostly), grenades, walls and structures destroyed around you, traps, abilities (gadgets). R6 has way more chaos to it as well. The TTK is the same except a headshot is death regardless of the gun. They are similar in the sense most of the fights are done in 1-5 seconds. I know where you're trying to go with that question though. Giving people mobility abilities in an otherwise methodical shooting game doesn't increase the games speed. Just that one characters speed for a moment/brief time. The only one who has a "real" increased game speed is Neon. Jett just dashes back behind cover, it gives her another life or from cover to cover. That's not increasing the game speed. Raze has entry but it's not game speed. They even have a similar pre-game time, in Valorant you buy stuff, in R6 you setup defenses. They are both on the slower side when compared to the speed of movement in games like Apex, Titanfall etc though.


You are right it does not make the game faster but it means you gonna have to make hard flicks more often i guess, making aim assist more needed


Neon yes. Jett and Raze not so much. When you're playing Raze it can feel fast but it's not that fast actually watching it, I often dink Raze out the air. Jett only really dashes at you in low elos, like I said it's normally behind cover or from cover to cover so not applicable here. Like the video shows though it only desensitises when near the player. So if Neon dashes past you it's not really gone help that much unless you play at a really high sensitivity but that also has it's risks with fine aiming long range.


The average kill distance in rainbow is 8 meters


I hope it's not so hard. I want to try it in my PS4


It’s a PS5 game


this could be exploited in really interesting ways, since it also applies to shootables like gekko flashes, reyna flashes. I wonder if things like the deadlock 1 way walls could abuse the slow to make it harder to aim because it keeps locking on to the nodes


As a siege player thats why it felt odd to flick. Im turning it off.


I have been playing console games since 5th grade, I am now a final year CS student, I have been playing OW2 for approx 2 years now and Val for like 6 months... Valorant isnt meant to be a console game, ofc like any gaming studio Riot wants to get their games across all platforms, Val on console is a very toned down, boring version of the PC version. I bet cross-play won't happen for another 2, 3 years coz MNkB is a superior input, even the best multi-title console FPS champion might get whooped by a plat player in Val only coz Val is a pc game ultimately.


So you are wayyyyyy better off under flicking than over flicking. Let the aim assist basically stop your reticle on the enemy.


I think you have them switched, by over-flicking, the aim assist kicks in and helps, aim assist won’t drag your crosshair the extra distance to meet the enemy when under-flicking.


You have to have stopped your flick prior to your crosshair hitting the enemy. If you overflick, the aim assist won't snap you back to their head. When you stop your flick, it still moves in the same direction for a split second.


Just because you stop touching your thumbstick doesn’t mean the flick is over. It’s overflicking if you adjust your thumstick to where it would’ve gone past the enemy, and underflicking if it stops short. Again, the aim assist won’t drag your crosshair TO the enemy, but it’ll slow it down to compensate if you over flick. By your definition, what is overflicking then??


That's what I said? We are saying the same thing. I am saying you want to stop your flick prior to your cross hair being on the enemy's head because it will continue passed your stop point and be stopped by the aim assist. Over flicking would be continuing past your enemy's head and then correcting, which won't work well on console.




No offence but you should work on your reading comprehension.


How kind of you to start that comment with "no offence". The other commenter is deliberately splitting hairs to say the same thing I was. We are both saying "you want your crosshair to stop on the enemy's head and not go passed it."


The problem is that you two are not saying the same thing. The other commenter is saying that you should move your aiming reticle more forcefully so that it would normally pass the target, because the AA will slow down your sensitivity making sure it lines up on the enemy. You are saying that you should move your aiming reticle less forcefully so that it won't pass the target and you can continue the movement to the target if it falls short.


though it's not as easy on a moving target


the slowdown is too much it makes flicking to easy.


It’s cool that console has the ability to play Valorant but games played on controller will never be real competitive games


Tell that to Formal and Shotzzy then who's made MILLIONS of dollars playing multiple FPS shooters on console lol.


The CDL and HCS seem pretty competitive. Don't think you know what the word means. You not enjoying something doesn't make it not competitive.


lol, a controller player, hcpeful, played in a professional competition in overwatch. Guy is a fucking menace


Maybe not FPS games, but controllers do have a place in fighting games or vehicular stuff like rocket league.


This. There are people who M&K FromSoft games but they were clearly designed for controller. They both have their place and I regularly connect my controller to my pc for various genres.


this has made my aim feel super weird honestly they should just take it out🫠


Weird downvotes here, we should def have the ability to turn aim assist off Unless is already there and i just missed it


ikr its always taken at base lvl but i suppose i couldve been more descriptive in my statement. The option to toggle aim assist would be very nice indeed!


Aim assist simply should not exist in any form.




Here I am afraid to use AHK in lieu if the new com wheel, meanwhile console has legal hacks.


nothing about this is even close to hacks, if you want aa that looks like cheating, play apex or cod


Imagine needing an Aim assist because you cant aim with your hardware. Shame !!


Imagine needing glasses because you can't see with your hardware. Shame !!