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having only 1 entrance for A, and it being behind defenders barrier is crazy


I noticed that when I was making it, but I don’t k ow where I could add another entrance that wouldn’t make fights weird. There is also the option to push through mid. But it’s not unheard of to be like this. For examples ascent B site you either need to get past defenders or push through mid


you could make the entire map a bit wider, like stretch it top/bottom. that way, you could add more smaller passages. or extend the top side of A/bottom side of B for more entry points.


I like B having one entry from each side plus the zip from mid, but I could maybe push A out more. I just plant to avoid having two short paths so I would need to find a way to make an A long route. I also want to avoid making the A/Mid link too long


I think your problem is that the map is microscopic. It's sooo small there just is no room for anything.


Definitely going to make it bigger


Add a set of stairs in that little check before going A and add a room with an elevated window overlooking the bombsite adding some height to the map. Make the zipline go diagonally from that room to Mid or a “plank” from window to box zipline to make attackers rotation to mid faster




It’s actually as if there was a wall lane and you could only push stairs. You could make it so you can jump over from the boxes over the wall, Idk if that was your intention


How is there one entrance


I think the black lines round the A site barrier might be walls, so the entrance to the walled area is at the defenders starting side of the site. Not sure if it is supposed to be a wall, but looks like it as B site doesn't have it.


Oh I was looking at site as the whole place from the attack spawn barrier to the defense stairs


So did I at first, took me a minute.


...aren't all entrances to any site behind the defenders barrier?


yes, but only having 1 makes it far more impossible.


i hope this isnt rude, but this just looks like a earlier test build of sunset


Mid is a straight ripoff lol


I see where you get that from but I think there some pretty big differences


Bomb A does not exist for Attack side


Ascent B site can only be accessed through defender side


Cypher would put a trip advanced on A and wait with an Odin , getting easy a double or triple , and there's literally only one way to enter the A bomb , What can you do against an Odin and Op aiming on that choke point or an Kj combo there There's only bomb B and would had 4 stack every round because an Cypher with an Odin is enough to stop 5 on A


True, I’ll try and add an A long for attacker


Ascent also doesn't get the hate it probably deserves for how one sided the map is lol




Hi there! I do art for the maps team. I’m not a designer but i work closely with them. So here’s my 2 cents. First off. Our maps usually have one “gimmick” on them. Lotus is the rotating doors, ascent is the breakable door, fracture is an exemption with the zipline and door. If you’re new, i would reduce these and focus on the layout. Typically for a three lane map you’ll want some sort of way for the attackers to go from mid to site. Let’s take the new map abyss as an example. You can go mid to get to both sites. Either vent or defender side mid to get to a site. Or library rope and fish room lead toward B site. So essentially there is both a direct and indirect route. This allows the team to split their attack rather than 5 stacking down one lane. A site needs a secondary attack lane. I wont articulate the depths of why but it just does. Maybe instead of those boxes on the left side you make that some sort of ramp. Attack side b. The route to map needs to be reworked. Its similar to sunset water. But the outlet doesnt get you as close to the defender side mid for the flank. You have to traverse a lot of open space with no cover. B site feels like it needs more cover. Theres a lot of open space. As an attacker you have to get through a choke and cross a potential sniper angle. Then everyone has only one area of cover to before they have to cross another no mans land to get to the plant site which is behind this wall like barrier for defenders. Look at ascent for example. Boths sites require crossing the choke, but once that is done, you are at the plant site or near viable cover that leads directly to it. Hope this helps!


Thanks for the feedback, based on what I’ve heard so far I’m going to make the map bigger. I’m going to try and keep the main A route the same but I’ll add an A long. As for B site I’ll probably just rework the Mid route and some more cover


I would take the top down map of an existing map and use that as a base for yours in terms of size. Also look at the timing of how long it takes an attacker to get to site, or point of contact with enemy player.


Ok, thanks


what would sunsets gimmick be?


Its a pretty straight forward three lane map, but it has the close-able door in mid like ascent.


What is happening with A lol


Yeah I’m gonna add an A long


I actually like a lot of the ideas here, if this was a riot sneakpeek I would think it was a promising map, but A site just makes no sense to me as it is lol




Feels more like a team deathmatch map tbh. To short on some areas plays can be limited maybe increase the width and add some stuff to make it more for the attacker side feels like a sentinel defending map like if a team plays 5 sentinel they'd win ez XD I can already feel Cypher bullying everyone


Yeah, gonna add an A long


How do the ziplines work? Like do you go through a tunnel? I'm not quite sure what I am looking at.


There will be gaps in the buildings, ziplines will connect 2 areas without anything


What’s below the zip line? Death drop?




Remove the walls around A, make it a raised platform instead. Keep boxes as they form a way to jump up, add ascender to the corner next to the boxes, add ramp parallel to A platform such that defender entrance is level. Move box by attacker A barrier to other side of corridor to give attackers a least a little cover. Move attacker A barrier back to around that corner, move defender A barrier to far end of A. Defenders always have access to sites during buy phase. Change B main, attackers and defenders never have line of sight to each other during buy phase.


A is impossible to take. A single viper orb could completely prevent it. I would widen the entrance to A and move it in front of the defender barrier


Defenders should have access to site, though I agree with widening it. I’ll probably also add an A long


Mid won’t feel rewarding to take as an attacker or defender bc you don’t really get new options for taking the space (attackers still have to go though 1 choke and defenders have multiple busted OP lines). That and mid looks like it was pulled directly from that one tdm map and nobody likes that map. I can’t say what players would like, since on average they don’t really know that for themselves but they can certainly tell you what is god awful on a map.


Good to know


I dont know why,but this feels,small,too small


Based on the other comments I’m going to make it bigger, add A long and a few other things


I'm with others, A makes no sense... Just the fact that attackers basically have to almost flank the site to get onto it as the rest of it is walled off. And jumping up those boxes would be a death trap of course, so there is *one* way onto site and it's on the defenders side. Imo, make it wider, add an A long as you've said and add another enterance onto the site itself. B is cool, I like it. But I'd probably make the plant site more square. It's more user friendly that way, people may not plant out in the open option, but most valorant plat sites are pretty much a square or slight L shape at worse. Bs plant area is just a little strange and doesn't align with the existing game - which is an important thing in game design. I like it though, looks like controllers and sentinels would be powerful which Id never complain about. Maybe a bit small as others have said, typically there's more lanes even in the smallest comp maps. But it's cool! I do take dev work if someone handed this to me as a map they'd like in the game I'd totally be on board




Good ideas, def gonna add an A long, I like having that site be its own room but I might incorporate some of the elevations. When I make it bigger I should also be able to fix barrier locations


looks a lot like the new tdm map, especially with the mid area


What new tdm map? Abyss?


I think he meant drift


Never played it before but based off the pictures it looks pretty different to me


Go copy Nuke.


Never played counter strike in my life but I looked at some maps cuz of the comments and it doesn’t look like any of them to me


mid is almost useless to take, change where the zip line from mid to sites is, right now it doesn't change much


Yeah, I might keep that one but add another


Looks like a simplified Sunset


I’ve gotten that a bit


Kinda reminds me of a skinny sunset


Gotten that a lot


Why is the B site plant area oddly shaped? Normally, they are rectangle shaped


Not always though, Ice box A for example




ain't this kasbah


Is this a copy of the team deathmatch map? Looks suspiciously similar to Drift (I believe it is called)


I hope not


a smaller sunset?


Sunset comment #8


too simple and middle is way too open and too fast to access


Yeah, general sentiment


Ngl looks like a ripoff pearl with less angles to cover


Really? Most comment say it looks like sunset


What is the purpose of mid on this map?




As as attacker you want to be able to go through mid to support the main attack on a site. This map sort of did that with just ropes, maybe try to include this play


If you remove the south and west wall on A plant, it makes it more manageable, attacker barrier goes to bottom of the stairs, and defender barrier starts where that west wall used to be. That'd fix many complaints about A.


I’m going to try to keep the walls somehow, I like it being a room, but I’m definitely going to add an A long and make the main entrance more manageable


There should be a catwalk onto a site from the mid zip and a less encased site map for A


Yeah, gonna overhaul A


Maybe make A have a split level design, like fracture A site. Perhaps it could have an entrance to the top part from the mid zip that connects it to my aforementioned catwalk.


I thought it was a new map for among us ngl




A is impossible to take if the enemy has two sentinals, B is nice, reminds me of haven C, but the enterence from mid to B is a bit too far from the planting area


Yeah. I’m gonna make it all bigger, add an A long and probably add another mid entrance


this is sunset but smaller


I should thank riot.. for not making such mess


a normal map with no stupid gimmicks or weird design??, nah bro cant


I mean… there’s zip lines, and an automatic door


This is a defenders dream




holy what a bad map. single entrance to both sites , non existent A site. don't ever design another map again


Bros toxic for no reason. B site is perfectly fine, it has an entrance from both sides and one from mid like almost every map in the game. I’m going to rework A


thats not a second entrace on B, its since one. you can just smoke the choke off and call it a day. attackers have no chance in these maps


Already planning on moving zip and adding a second mid entrance


Looks like reworked sunset


I’ve gotten that a lot


I feel like this takes quite a bit of inspiration from that one team deathmatch map


A few people have said that, I don’t play TDM and don’t know what the maps look like


Great 👍


Try to make it in blender. It's a free 3D program and you can learn the basics (basic map concept) in one evening. It would give better perception of the dynamics.


I know blender, use it a lot for other things. I just want a good 2D layout before I block out a version. And when I do I’ll prob block it out in unreal instead of blender so I have a better sense of scale


Overall seems like an interesting idea. But, from what I, certain points have really close angles (in areas that I don't think should be). Also, I noticed that attackers have quite heavy rotational opportunities (their rotations are quick from side to side), whereas the defends would have a nightmare to rotate (Spawn open from mid, long travel for rotation from one site to other etc.). I think if you expand your idea a bit, structure the map a bit to not be lopsided, I think it would be a really nice concept.


real good concept would love to see how it turns into life, first of all not many angles to rat around in, spawn barriers need a redo especially A attacker side. mid seems GREAT although that one ability size box needs to either change shape or move just a bit IMO. and B site plant area is a bit low, but other than that, it seems and IMO would be a great map to play on.


Thanks, definitely going to make some changes


Bro it's straight up abyss with minor differences


Looks nothing like abyss tbh


Isnt this just Dust 2 with extra steps?


Never played counter strike in my life, had to look up what dust 2 is. But it looks pretty different to me


??? To me the only resemblance to dust 2 is the little split after the first set of stairs towards B when in attacker side looking like B tunnels