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Just practice your aim, 15 minutes in the range and a deathmatch before you queue comp works wonders. If you mean while in a game people are out-aiming you, just plan the way you play. Stun and flash, lurk, be a rat. Plenty of strategies you can try.


I’ll definitely try warming up. Some of strategies really worked and got me into clutch 1v1 but lost most of the duels. I’ll definitely be more open to more strategies too. Thanks!


Play DM after games too (at least 2 games)


I started this week. I'm good at getting kills. When I get queued into a lobby where in getting eat tf up, I either rat around or follow top Fragger and double peek with them. 😂


Put yourself in a position where you can win the gunfight even if you miss a few shots. Obviously aim matters and you should work on crosshair placement and hitting the range and stuff, but to answer your question, if your opponent has better aim than you, than make the fight about more than aim. Depending on the agent you’re playing, utilize their abilities and learn when to peek. Sometimes you don’t die because they had better aim but because you turned at the wrong moment when you should have been listening to footsteps, looking at your minimap, looking at the kill feed, etc. The one thing that made me really like valorant was that you can get to certain ranks with strictly aim, and you can get to certain ranks with nothing but game sense, but to be really good you have to have both. And what you’re describing is just one of those things. Maybe your aim isn’t there so focus on everything else around it. Don’t forget to practice your aim like everyone else said though, or else you’ll be stuck later, just with a different issue. Good luck!


Play a controler with a Judge, and engage in some smoke based japery.


Use the skills of your agents, just help your team in anyway you can and do not go toxic on them.


Train more then them, or just accept it. And aim is not everything, but still its important.


In a match? Coordinate and bait them into a situation they simply can't aim-diff out of. In general? Practice aim, crosshair placement, and flashes so that you can win more duels.


i often try to play together with a teammate so we can get the trade off each other. usually i’ll be the one to swing first and they second cause they have better aim


I warm up in swist coz its normal mode but w more fast pacing


I have been going even and mostly positive recently so I'm quite confident with my aim but my aim doesn't help much if I'm flashed, off-angled, shot in the back, getting traded.. generally stuff that my aim can't help with. Sometimes getting swarmed by the enemies on site also makes my aim bad because of the pressure. If I'm getting outaimed, what I'd do is not try to fight the better aimer 1v1 or long range or hold angles that people usually peek and clear. If I stand there, I usually wait for footsteps and then I swing near and kill. >Also, I tried holding an angle with a spectre. Although they didnt spot me and i shot them first, reyna did a frigging 180 and tapped me. If there’s any info you can help me with then please feel free to share. This is 100% on you and not them being the better aimer. If your aim was up to par, 90% of the time shooting first and hitting should kill someone. So you probably need to get better at aiming


1. buy odin/judge/op 2. use wall hack agents 3. bait team for info. I.e. if you’re not jettrazeneon, don’t go in first 4. lock iso till nerf


Position better. Hold an nasty angle they dont excpect


Movement and crosshair placement is way more important than raw aim.


FF and cry


The truth is, as you climb aim becomes more important, so you need to just get better.


Practice aim....I practice my aim in dm with classic and I think it's working


Use characters that can flash and peek after them bro and hold corners/angles n shit on defense ezzz


Gamesense will take u a lot further than aim. Aim is important but if u feel like thats the thing keeping u back in a game, you have to predict their moves and hold angles that would be difficult for them to clear. Plus with good utility usage, you have a better chance. The only thing to make sure is that u have proper communication and support from your team and always fight together. A bad plan is still better than no plan.




Sometimes, you have to realize that not only is your team comp/agent mismatched, but the kind of aimer you are can also end up in a mismatch. Some people will be better at holding angles and some will be better at peaking. Try to understand where you are under performing specifically. If you get outclassed, then GG. You're just not good enough at that moment, and that's fine.


I've been playing for about a month now and am currently Plat 3. I still don't know all the callouts, or where to pre aim etc but what's helped me loads has been just being conscious of my crosshair placement. I noticed i was keeping it too close to the wall and too low down. Just keeping it slightly away from the corners and at head(ish) levels has made it trivial to get kills when people peak the angle I'm holding etc I also do 15 mins in the range with medium then hard bots and a couple games if dm before playing swiftplay and ranked.


Shotgun, odin spam 10/10 mega annoying mega effective


Use angle with a judge to their face.


kill them if you too scare then just avoid get 50:50 gunfight use util, peek with team, lurk and catch off guard, shoot from their back


1 on 1 dues are 50-50. their gamesense and aim is not far better than you. you're just playing predictably. there is no difference between a platinum and silver player in terms of gamesense and aim. you died to reyna because you didn't aim at her head and insta kill her


Double peeking, jiggle peeking then crouch peeking etc, jump peeking with op, holding him with a op


Your end goal should be to become better, and the rank will come with that, also why i would recommend using a vandal rather than spectre even when you think its easier with spectre. Also, something i learned pretty late is that aiming for the head is much much better, even if you think youll miss you need to be able to headshot, for me a full bodyshot kill doesnt count, so i will not enable bad habits.


This game isn't about aim anyway, learn peeks, when should I wide swing? Jump peek? Ferrari? When should I hold an off angle? When should I peek? Double peek? General rules you can try to follow: Don't peek someone if you have a 5050 chance of winning. If they are looking at you when you peek and are expecting you, it's probably a bad peek. Use teammates, peek when they are distracted, when they might think you are stunned or flashed, from a weird position that they might not check. Also just practice holding angles and clicking heads as soon as they walk into your cross hair. Speaking of cross hair, crosshair placement is like 70% of aiming in this game. Some guys like shroud with insane raw aim can overpower you anyway but the average person isn't shroud and can't hit 180 flicks every time so if you have an advantage (they are looking away, stunned, flashed, not expecting you, good crosshair placement), you're going to win that most of the time. Practicing aim for 15 to 30 mins every day is not a lot though and helps immensely. Any aim trainer works


I'm sorry, what is a Ferrari in this case?


it is the peek some call Xantares bcs of a Cs Player . When you know or sure where the enemy is you put your cross and peek pre aimed on him like %100 sure .


No it isn't its just a giga wide swing




Read blue lock lil bro. All of this is wrong, even if it's 25/75 I peak them and one tap them.