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I have been playing Valorant and grinding hard to reach Radiant, getting closer now. Currently I'm silver 3.


Miruspixels is a crazy up and coming young talent šŸ—£ļø šŸ”„ šŸ”„


I'm 29.


Miruspixels is a crazy up and coming fossil šŸ—£ļø šŸ”„ šŸ”„


Bruh! šŸ¤£




LMAOOO this made my day




You got the wisdom, gotta out-brain the youngsters and ez


Damn Iā€™m 29 and this comment hit me lolā€¦ trying to hang on to that prime but the kids are just different these days.


Iā€™m 30 and I fuck these nerds up


Go get em unc


My squad calls me unc šŸ˜©


i am also a fossil brother donā€™t worry you are not alone


No way THE Miruspixels is commenting here, this player's a living LEGEND


All Iā€™m saying is Zekken started at silver and now a top valorant pro.


being previously level 10 faceit in cs :)


BRO šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Crazy progress in such short amount of time.


You are NOT making it brošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ew there's a dog in the comment section


Immortal since EP 2 ACT 2 and reached radiant EP 3 ACT 3, but one of my friend reached immortal the same time as me but reached radiant on EP 5 ACT 3. He and I are basically similar in skill and tbf itā€™s just lucky teammates and win streaks


Yep pretty much. Thats y pretty much everyone I know just stays imm because its a grind that honestly isnt worth the time when you are an adult


Itā€™s really just this. Skill helps but when you get someone angry itā€™s lost. Immortal players are efficient throwers


Yep this sounds right. The math is roughly: Each act is two months, lets assume 30 days per month so 60 days. Let's assume this is not the start of the episode and you start at Imm1 0RR. You need 450RR to hit radiant. Let's assume you gain/lose about 20RR per win (high). If you have a 60% win percentage (about what a lot of pros are at), you will gain on average 2RR per game. That means that you need to be playing approximately 225 games in a 60 day period to hit radiant, which is 4 games per day, every day. Any win streak or loss massively changes these numbers, and if you're hidden MMR gets higher you will be gaining more and losing less, so performance is really important, but you're also playing against literal pros so good luck.


4 rr on average per game*. Also you don't have to play all these games in two months. Hidden mmr doesnt get reset in a new act or episode.


Oh shit, you're right its 4RR. And yes you do have to play all of the games in two months, RR is reset to zero at the start of every act.


I mean once you are like 600 rr radiant and the act resets, it takes maybe 50 games to get back to radiant with a 50% wr. Let's say u end immo 400 rr, it's not like all this progress is lost. U will get it back in no time, because of hidden mmr. You will still have to grind but it doesn't have to be all in one act.


Thatā€™s true if your hidden MMR is that high but for somebody who has never been radiant that probably wonā€™t be the case. Also, that would suggest 25 wins to get back to radiant which means that the win/loss differential would need to be +18, which Iā€™ve only ever seen at the star of the act when youā€™re like 10 ranks below where you belong. Ā I think Iā€™m getting -8/+25 or so right now after my placements (mmr is imm2 or so, and I placed at diamond 1). For somebody like me, I literally donā€™t have time to play 50 games in an act most of the time so itā€™s not even realistic if I was staying at that differential the whole timeĀ 


Yeah, you still have to grind a lot. If you have a job and other stuff it's almost impossible. Also u placed diamond 1 when u were immo 2 last act?! Not to be rude, but if u have immortal mmr u shouldn't be placing anything lower than diamond 3.


I finished asc 2 and got placed in diamond 1. One of us is scammed


Act resets donā€™t take hidden MMRR away itā€™s just your rank but you get more RR a game, episode resets take you 5-6 ranks below and maximum rank is asc 1 so as a radiant youā€™ll be asc 1 but still playing with radiants from the previous ep and imo 3 so on and so forth


Thing is you lose way more than gain once you hit higher in imm and esp radiant, need to win two games for a loss or three games for two losses


the best advice I can give you to hit rad is to acctually play the game like spam the rankeds and one day it will be there no mather what if you r 0.8kd or 1.1kd


550rr for radiant


It varies a bunch, Iā€™ve actually seen it higher than that, but 450 is about the lowestĀ 


Europeā€™s radiant threshold is 550 points


Would agree, unless youā€™re literally good enough to play pro or like tier 2 levels of Valorant, climbing at the highest ranks will literally end up being good streaks and teams.


How many games did you play each act?


Yep this. I got into Radiant at the end of a season for a few games and honestly the games weren't any different than Immo, and you'll drop back down to immo eventually if you play enough. It's all about a win streak and/or consistently duoing with a very high skill teammate but that's kinda cheating imo. Anyone consistently staying in Radiant is no-lifing the game, warms up for 5 hours on smurfs before playing main acc, and only duos. I ain't got time for that.


Was immortal one in act 4 and currently In immortal and never touched radiant although I do have a job and can't play 8 hours a day anymore


Just quit your job


There are millions of employees but only 500 Radiants. Quitting your job is the only right answer


Take out a mortgage on your house and put it on black. That way you can buy every skin bundle in valorant and permanently have a skin buff


iā€™ve been immortal since ep 1, never radiant


What in the skill issue


says the bronze


Don't tell anyone...


need to play more


that and itā€™s a skill issue, plenty of people play under 50 games and stay radiant


Started imm 1 in ep 1 and after that floated imm3 for every episode until I tried really hard to solo to radiant in ep 7. Iā€™d say imm 1 to radiant is hard to tell. Thereā€™s probably a lot of improvement needed still. If youā€™re imm3 and not struggling to stay there, itā€™s a matter of games and playing a lot consistently. I found that when I was playing like 10+ games a day my aim was second nature and that shot calling and looking at the map was my main focus.


Is it like, REEAAALLLY much improvement? Cuz in Rocket League, they say that when you hit grand champ you're only half way to supersonic legend, grand champ is like Immortal and supersonic legend is like radiant, is it like that? That when you hit Immo 1 you're only half way to radiant? Or is it not that much improvement needed?


If youā€™re not confidently doing well in imm1, itā€™s a pretty massive gap. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s only 50% of the way there. Maybe like 65-75%? But also things have changed. They halved the size of immortal so immortal 1 is more of an achievement now.


Itā€™s definitely a big gap since immortal 1 are still ascedant games for the most part. Iā€™ve hit radiant so I know what the difference is between the lobbies. Immortal 1/Asc3 players donā€™t understand basic game knowledge or how to gather/take info from the enemy team etc. Iā€™d say the gap between low immortal and top radiant is as big as unranked to immortal tbh. Itā€™s just aiming better then the enemies all the way to imm1 and then you should actually start learning how to play the game properly.


Cries in Hardstuck ASC


Immo 1 is basically Ascendant. It's very far off. There's a pretty significant difference between the start and end of a rank. P3 will eat P1 for dinner but are pretty much the same as D1, same for D3/D1/A1.


I would say from iron to immo is same as from immo to rad the skill gap is so big, as a rad player I look to immo players as totally lost players, one day I smurfed on immo 1 acc and the players were totally lost, thats why you see many people say that immo is low elo


For everyone saying you need duo with equal skill (let's assume immortal1). If you both don't improve you will never get to the point to get Radiant and you will be hardstuck in immortal1-2-3 for tons of games. People don't get immo1 to Radiant just by grinding, you need to improve to get to the skill level to achieve Radiant.


I know this doesnā€™t necessarily answer your question, but just sharing my experience. I hit immortal 1 in Episode 3, and since then I have never progressed further than immortal 2 in Episode 5. I took a few breaks here and there, and now can hardly even break out of ascendant. I donā€™t have any friends that still play Val so Iā€™m primarily solo queue and that makes ranking up difficult sometimes. Outside of that, I really donā€™t know how people have the time and mental capacity to not only play the game but aim train and practice daily, which is pretty much necessary for reaching radiant. Most days I only have an hour or 2 to play, and Iā€™d rather get some games in then sit there and aim train for 30/45 mins. The games gotten more enjoyable since I stopped caring about ranked though. Less frustration, less burn out, more just simply having fun. I feel like anyone who hit radiant is just simply built different, and it was merely just a matter of time before they got there.


Was plat1 in ep1 and reached 808RR in Episode 4. I was in college at the time and had a lot of time, I played all 3 acts of the episode a lot, roughly >140 wins per act. Iā€™d say step 1 for you would be scrapping the idea of radiant, and focusing on immortal 2, then immortal 3, 300RR, 400Rr and so on. Right now Iā€™m back off a 1.5year break and reached immortal 3 in Ep 8, here are my tips and what Iā€™m going to do to try hit radiant. Tip1: aim train. Even if I only have 45 minutes a day on the computer , I will 10 minutes in the range and rest is deathmatch. Tip2: When eating or perhaps setting down for bed, I will watch a streamer like subroza/fake ananas, and analyze their decision making. Tip3: Try your hardest to take accountability for losses, thereā€™s always mistakes YOU have done that have costed a round or two. Tip4: if you are hard stuck immortal 1, you probably fall under 1 of these 3 categories of players: All aim no brain, all brain no aim, aim and brain but not a standout in either. If itā€™s your aim, aim train, if itā€™s your brain, OBS your matches and watch then back, much easier to fix mistakes. Tip 5: Reduce the amount of risks you take. Donā€™t take 50/50 duels, position better. Tip 6: Call strategies if you need. A bad plan is better than no plan. It can be tilting when people donā€™t listen, but itā€™s important to give it 100% even if no one else is.


radiant episode 8a2 i hit immortal march 9,2022 - then i hit radiant march 13, 2024 it has been a long time but i really didnt improve at all and was hardstuck low immo3 for majority of that time, but what pushed me to hit radiant was a long break and a former top 6 friend giving me some pointers . i think the act i hit rad i had a 74% wr and i started that act ascendant 1, so it was a true climb out of poop mmr, about 80% of it was solo queued. what did it for me was playing heavy flex and essentially babysitting my teammates. it sounds crazy but playing flex forces u to have a good understanding of the game (BUT DONT PLAY FLEX IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PLAY THEM) i learned a lot of characters by subbing for a tier 2 team and learning a lot of roles from better players, doing scrims and tourneys a lot helps ur teamplay its just hours you put in and fundamentals i.e playing post correctly, having good positioning, having good timings, and knowing at least 1 character for each role (flash ini, info ini, smokes, trip character, raze/jett) like that sounds insane but the people even in higher ranks who dont play man advantage, waste util, overpeek, and position like idiots is insanely high everything from d3-imm2 is pretty much the same ascendant lobbies where its miserable to play but if you can get thru that you will find higher mmr lobbies more fun


Thank you very much for your advice and congrats for hitting radiant man! I'll try to learn some new agents and I guess that'll also help for me to understand what kind of utility pieces will come flying my way towards the higher elos.


Most Radiants have a duo they climb with. Iā€™ve been Immortal since Ep 1, but I only solo queue. Itā€™s nigh impossible for me to hit Radiant unless I instalock the most OP agent in the current meta.


That's not true at all. You just don't have the skill to get to Radiant. If you had duo with equal skill like you, do you think you will magically get to Radiant? Probably no. I got to Radiant on Soloq and also on DuoQ (on EU), also with 110ping on NA exclusively Soloq and in NA was probably the easiest experience while going 100% soloq in span of 2 acts.


You need a duo on the same level or better than you at the very minimum. (hardstuck soloq immortal 1 / 2 player since E6:A3)


I got immortal 1 Ep 1 Act 1 and didnā€™t hit radiant until the end of Ep1 Act 3. After that the game slowly became more complex and harder to hang in those lobbies. I found myself stuck in immortal 2/3. You really got to dedicate yourself if you want to hang with the streamers/pros that have the luxury of playing all day every day. Getting back into the game recently and itā€™s a completely different game now i swear.


About 2 weeks with a duo. I did play semi-professional csgo before that though


Peaked immortal 1 episodes 5 & 6 only to realize that if I was going to go any further, given my personal set of skills, it would have to become a full time job's worth of playing time. I'm sure more gifted people would have managed in my stead, but it just wasn't for me. Now I get to coast while telling people that I was Immortal at some point. Which is still somewhat cool I guess. I don't know, I don't play Valorant anymore, I'm off to Age of Empires 2 nowadays lol.


I've been playing for 3 years now, ascendant 1, almost radiant


faceit 10 since ep 1, never immortal let alone radiant


You played at faceit level 10 and never hit immortal? lmao


real. im level 9 today. got kicked out of lv10 since early cs2


EP1,2 & 3 Radiant. Got older and life got more busy so I hover around immo1-3 now just playing for fun. Getting to radiant takes a lot of skill yes, but it also takes a lot of time. So if you arenā€™t committed to playing 12+ hours a day. Then also spending time learning new skills & applying it to your gameplay. Then understanding the current meta and adapting as it changes. Itā€™s genuinely just not worth the time investment. During my time in radiant I was in high school and had a bunch of free time but the game did take away from my social life & sleep schedule which was terrible for me in the long run. Iā€™d rather have balance in my daily life and be immo1, than be radiant and being as miserable as I was back then. Honestly as long as you have a love for the game and ACTUALLY enjoy playing it youā€™ll hit radiant if you take responsibility for your own gameplay and improve accordingly. Donā€™t be a player who blames his team. (This is just my personal experience. I was never gifted and I had to spend countless hours practicing daily. I know there are some demons who just wake up and q into comp and are radiant)


reached 420rr but was still getting ASC 3 teammates. All the way to Ep 7 Act 3 this has largely held true. It's luck for the most part unless you're one of the top 100 players in the region. If you're on par with low-Radiants my experience lends me to believe it's luck. I got my wish for a better Immortal (Immortal now is much more skilled and less Ascendants in your games). But alas, too little too late, I started my career and only have the weekends to game now, and I'd rather spend them with my wife. While I'm disappointed I never reached top 500, I have wins over multiple GIA members and Nats when they were all in LA for the major. I proved to myself that I had some talent, and that was enough for me.


17 acts total, 10 acts since I started focusing on improving. I was playing roughly 4-7 games for almost everyday and was vod reviewing some pros play ranked. If you assign your time correctly you can probably speed up the process even more


It must take a long time.


Had a really strong background going into Valorant so I got there within a few days but Iā€™d say genuinely play to play well and improve over caring at all for your rank


I never hit radiant. Took 2 years just to get to immortal. I've played with some and it took them the same time to climb out of diamond for them and it was 7 months


Ima keep it a buckā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. I just started playin on console and im shitsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚everybody one taps but the game still funā€¦ā€¦. Hopefully someday i can become radiant, or even immortalā€¦ shit ill take diamond lol


I went from gold 2 ( original placement ) to radiant in 3 acts, the time between imm1 and radiant was maybe 2/3 weeks


That's insane! I'll guess you might have some experience in other tac fps games, right? Nevertheless that's incredible. GJ


Yeah I would have played CS around 2015 before ending up playing FIFA and Fortnite until I picked up tac fps again in 2021


my bf plays both PS5 and PC and hes currently Ascendent, he plays as a duo and it takes them very little time to rank up as they both take turns getting match mvp lol. I however am in elo hell and it takes me about two or more weeks to rank up so it honestly depends on team comp and comms


I was in Immo3 for the longest time and then hit radiant 2 acts in a row. Took probably half a year to a year. I'm only periodically active now and not as good as back then


Immo for close to 2 years but i haven't even been close to radiant, i only play 3-4 games a week currently though


ep 2 to ep 5


are you asking this in a subreddit where 80% of people is below plat?


There is a point in which there is little meaningful difference between ranks because everyone up high is incredibly good. Even down low I play Unrated and consistently can't tell the difference between some Gold and Ascendant players. Some people are just held down by the fact that it's a team game and few people are good at being in teams.


I went from immortal 2 to radiant in one sitting of a 14 hour solo ranked grind.


Maybe also depemds on which time of the day you play? I think sat night most casual players play and are throwing and or stone or drunk


I can coach you. I peaked silver 1 but you know what they say : " coaches don't play " šŸ˜­


Started EP3 - hit plat1 ( i had only few games on EP3 ) EP4 - A1 - Immortal1 100rr peak EP5 - A3 - Radiant 720rr between ep4a1-ep5a3 I have around - 1.1k games Took me 350games to get to Immortal2(ep4a1) So from Immortal1 to Radiant around 700games ish? in span of 5 acts


5 days


i only hit diamond 3 while back, but consistently diamond, i don't have that much patience of playing with or vs toxic, Trowers, hackers, it get me nerveous, also i had some anxiety problem, i can rarely play 5 game p day.


Not me, but my favorite coah is an example ("Pest"). It took him, 6 days to get from iron->ascendant. His peak was duelist role, 1 month 2 week His lowest was Sentinel role, 4 months 2 days


its way harder to go from immortal to radiant than iron to ascendant


lol i thought they were going somewhere with that.\ ā€œcomparatively the time to go from asc to immo was xyz and immo to radiant was abcā€ no it was just irrelevant lol


Even in EU? Skill issue


? being able to hold your mouse properly gets you to diamond already


Can confirm, I'm shit and played 1 act and climbed from silver 1 to diamond 1 while learning what the agents do at the same time.


that is just not possible, I have smashed most diamonds and plats only cuz of my aim and nothing else and I'm still silver in eu


>I have smashed most diamonds and plats >I'm still in silver One of those things is not true. My money is on the first one. Post tracker.


by smashed I mean like gotten 2-3 kills over them that's it


That's not smashing them. Unless you went like 10-1 or 5-0 against them specifically. Having a few more kills than them in a game doesn't mean much if you farmed their silver teammates. A full diamond lobby vs a mixed silver-diamond lobby is different too.


that just means their aim is bad too? and they have better gamesense to carry them to dia


atleast I should be able to get to gold with good aim come on man


You can get to immortal with just very good aim. You clearly don't have good aim if your stuck in silver


Good aim gets you to diamond easily. My pistol account was peak Plat3. If you have good aim and play vandal, you should get to like diamond 2. You might think too highly of you aim if you're stuck in silver


atleast I should be able to get to gold with good aim come on man


How are you stuck in silver if you have ā€œgoodā€ aim?