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Iirc the Phantom actually has BETTER accuracy alongside its better recoil and spray control as well as recoil recovery so it probably is just being used to having to correct for Vandal recoil.  It's either that or that it's a placebo that you're getting in your own head about because of the 2 hit headshots, not immediately obvious from a text post.


the phantom has worse recoil reset (time you can shoot again after shooting, including fire rate) than the vandal in the first 5 bullets, only better after the first 5 so if you arent full spraying all the time can definitely feel different




I thought it about just being in my head so I thought about switching between Phantom and Vandal in a deathmatch and checking like the where bullets hit body thing and its significantly different in locaiton. Thats also why I'm so confused because Ik the phantom has better accuracy :'D. So I've been began to wonder if I'm just overcorrecting but idk man :'D


What some people maybe not think of is that Phantom shoot abit faster aswell, so it can maybe throw u off abit if u are not used to it vs the vandal that 1 shot headshot, but shooting abit slower.


with the better recoil and accuracy, i think many people decide to spray with it way more than they would a vandal. which unless you have great mouse control and reactions (to adjust for rng spread) would be worse than using a vandal i found once i hammered into my head to treat a phantom like a vandal in gun fights i got a lot better overall


I believe the tap efficiency spec is what you night be feeling. I also experience this since I only tap / 2 bullet burst and use vandal. When I use phantom and use the same technique, it feels like I cant really tap. Its because vandal has a higher tap efficiency.


This is what I came here to say. The phantom doesn't "jiggle headshot" in the same way that you would with a Vandal. Doing multiple 1 taps isn't much of a thing with a phantom but is with the Vandal.


The phantom has a higher fire rate so after first shot it might feel a bit jittery to burst fire if you are used to vandal


Because one goes doo doo, other goes pew pew. Doo doo sounds better for the aim.


Ngl Phantom feels better in my opinion


people swear the phantom has better accuracy, blah blah blah. but im with you the phantom just feels weird.


Big factor can be acctually your head, like the fact you need to hit 2hs to kill enemy or the fact that you can just spray and run with the gun to get a free kill, personally I have this, with vandal you need to be more precise


this happens to me all the time. i think its cause NO FUCKING BULLET TRACERS


Now that I think about it Its like I do better on guns like Ares and Vandal and Bulldog guns that are more apparent vs guns with silencers or not as much like Phantom and Specter


What ping do you play on? I recall Leo from FNC saying higher ping makes playing with a phantom worse and that’s why he was using a vandal for a time while on 50+ ping.


It actually is around 50ish ping sometimes


Don't worry about headshots. Still go for good crosshair placement, but headshot percentage is an overrated stat. As I get higher rank my headshot percentage has being going down and my KAST percentage has shot up. Good positioning wins rounds and at the end of the game that's the biggest factor.


I'll go in the exact same spots as I would a Vandal and suddenly i'm somehow getting killed and missing the easiest shots :'D


I find the first two shots on a phantom dont change enough to miss the 2nd shot and with it being 2 headshots at 50m+ this sorta compensates. But vandal has slower fire rate so your able to win close fights vs a vandal as your bullets will come out of the barrel faster than the vandal weilder making it easier to confront a target. Phantom is my main gun for my sneaky playstyle. But if your a long range duelist - vandal has your back.


Because you’re using the phantom like a vandal. You shouldn’t see them as equivalent guns just because they cost the same. Given a random scenario, we expect either gun to be more effective than any other gun. You should shoot differently with a phantom, and sometimes that difference makes the phantom more useful than the vandal. They are equally useful, but in different ways.


So I went on a grind where I just used the guardian, then I tried using the vandal again and I stg I couldnt hit my shots. NGL , the Phantom feels more accurate over all the the vandal :p


I don't feel that instead being a vandal user I pick up a default phantom whenever I can . Because the default phantom is so crispy ......


my aim is better with phantom my phantom hs is 40% while its only 20-25% on vandal my phantom adr is higher thanvandal


Notice how all the "phantom has better accuracy" comments are working off other people's opinions. IMO Vandal has better aim.


It’s not an opinion, it’s an in-game stat.