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1. He clicked on some "free $50 vp" link and lost his account, the stolen account was sold to a high rank player and now they are ruining your games. 2. He bought boosting 3. He's cheating 4. The booster he paid is cheating on his account 5. He woke up with a third eye and is him, you'll see him get signed soon and shit on Tenz and aspas on stage.


6. He tested out his new gaming chair.


7. His mom said if he lost his lil brother would get a turn


think this is the one


Bro got the « gotta finish quick » stress


I have a friend who I don’t play with anymore because I saw on his tracker that he had a 5-0 game (enemy forfeit) where he had 5 aces, 25 kills and zero deaths, with 80% headshots. He said it was just a lucky game lol :/


He doesn't play anymore because he got banned probably haha


Even with cheating, this would be difficult. It would require 5 man pushes from the other team plus your teammates being completely useless every single round.


It was silver rank and idk I saw the tracker myself, it was 6+ months ago I think so I don’t think I’d be able to find it :/ but yeah it looked suspicious as hell


This actually happens quite often if you 5 stack competitive in lower ranks….there is a lot of 5 stack derank bots that just afk in spawn until round 5 when they can forfeit. Very likely your friend just told his teammates that he wants to kill the afk bots every round.


Defo cheating the cope in this thread is ridiculous 


don’t listen to the other comments from casuals lol. any HS% over 90 in a high elo lobby (imm-asc as you said) is 100% some sort of cheat. 90% is simply unattainable if you play the game like you are meant to, let alone those averages


I really do not understand why people keep denying that cheaters exist sometimes even when it's so blatant this way.


yeah, unfortunately i somewhat know a couple people who have been full cheating (triggerbot, esp, & more) in immortal for over a year on the same account & havent been banned


At this point I'm just going assume this is astroturfing from riot to keep the myth going that valorant doesn't have any cheaters. The way people on this sub defend blatant cheaters is so weird and not normal.


I don’t understand why people are wary to say the dude is hacking. 90% is only possible in a extremely high skill gap and even then it’s impossible to maintain across multiple games. Had the same experience as OP as well including the time spent playing (my experience the player played a 9 to 5 for 10 games in total averaging 91% HS).


Comparing HS percentage in gold lobbies to what TenZ is getting against other pros is ridiculous. To give an extreme example, you could probably get nearly 100% HS if you played against a team of 5 actual irons. If the guy is a high rank smurf, these stats are completely possible. I’m not saying that he can’t be cheating, but based on stats alone I would say it’s a stretch to come to that conclusion


>Comparing HS percentage in gold lobbies to what TenZ is getting against other pros is ridiculous He was gold LAST episode. I played against him in an Diamond-Ascendant lobby, which, considering it's the start of an episode, is mostly Ascendant-Immortal. I just checked his tracker again and he just went on to win four more matches going 20+ kills, with one match having a 96% HS%. Against a team of ascendant/immortal players. And the HS% is just one variable amongst many. He is now in an 11 game winstreak, playing from 12PM to 5PM. Tell me what type of person can play five hours straight of Valorant and win every game, while going positive in every game with a minimum of 60% HS% at Ascendant/Immortal level? I think even a radiant player would have a hard time doing this.


Professional rank booster. The intense amount of games played in a very short duration could be a sign they're a radiant paid to boost the rank of someone account and is on a deadline


Yo tf, if these professional boosters are that freaking insane at the game, why don't they just go pro 💀


Boosting is easy money, compared to being a professional. Being a pro player takes a lot of commitment and hardwork. Not to mention, you'd play against people who are equally as good as you or even better than you most of the time. Would be extremely disheartening for the little egos that boosters and smurfs have.


There was a very famous korean league of legends player that said the same thing. And this dude was able to (at least for a while) go head to head with the game’s goat. It’s crazy.


DOPA(or APDO) vs Faker. He used to be considered as even BETTER than the goat Faker himself but the easy money by boosting is too juicy. Then Riot ban his ass from competitive scene and the last time I heard he still regret that (not the boosting part, the get banned from competitive part). Exactly the same scenario like that dude who refuse the War Machine role in Iron Man movies and the movies make bank lol.


Yeah that is very true


Smurfs I get but boosters have little egos too? When did the saying “if you’re good at something, don’t do it for free” get so corrupted?


I’ve played with quite a few people who could easily compete with the pros but had no interest.  Most of them hit radiant and play a bit but lose interest and go play other games.  Going pro isn’t easy and for people who have a job and need to pay rent way too risky.


Because that isn't how reality works, and going pro is an entire world of difference from being good enough to make bank with boosting. It's easy to top frag and get a >50% HS rate when you're a Radiant player stomping Gold lobbies. When they actually play on their own accounts it's very unlikely they're able to replicate that because they're no longer completely outmatching the enemy team in terms of mechanical efficiency and general skill. I don't think y'all fully understand just how different the game is at pro level compared to even the very top of Radiant on Comp.


Cause they either aren't good enough to go pro (performing at 900rr pugs and doing it in pro games while there is a clear gameplan, set pieces and coordination are two completely different things) , never got a good chance to try or they have no interest in doing so


There's more money to be made boosting 💀


WOW, I didn't know that, thanks for telling me why


Bro I reread what I said and my bad bro I was not being sarcastic lmaoooo I was genuine


lol what are you on about dude. do you cheat your self? don't down play this.


No but i have been in lobby with 2 boosters! Mind you I didn't hire them not was aware about them before we played. My friend group needed 1 more to queue so we asked randoms, and by chance we had boosters twice It becomes very apparent that they played at a much higher rank than us (gold-diamond), acing multiple rounds without breaking sweat and the mechanics was way beyond the best in our group. We confirm they're rank boosters at late game when they admit to it and provide contacts for when we're interested as well as a rough price estimate. Usually they'll keep denying they're boosters until the match is about to end, when they admit, but they're not fooling anyone with 40 kills. Note: the reason why we were able to by chance find them is because the price of boosting rank in my country can net a clean profit very quickly. About 10 account is equal to a month of normal salary according to them.


here's a shocker for you, rank boosters cheat. In fact they are incentivized to cheat by money, making it more likely for them to cheat, and they use accounts they will later sell to avoid getting detected by the anti-cheat. they are literally the perfect candidate to be cheating.


Some pros dont like playing ranked or have smurfs because scrims is just better practice. Not saying its not a cheater but it is a possibility its a pro


Trust me any immortal player above 300 rr can do that. The difference between a high immortal and an ascendant player is night and day.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you. Immortal players, especially high immortal, can clear ascendant players with absolutely zero issue. I would love to see the accused cheater tracker.


And you’re immortal right? Or at least asc?


I am radiant.


Now that he's radiant, tell me what are you,?


I just wanna say y’all come up with any excuse other than believing they are cheating. The easiest explanation is usually the most probable cause. i.e they’re prolly cheating. Cheating in val is so easy to do by just buying hacked clients.


What does hs stand for








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Copium in this thread is next level. Cheaters do not exist according to this sub, these threads are always hilarious.


I mean hacking is a lot more prevalent in valorant than the devs like to make you think. Especially the god damn European boosting services


Notice how there's no one from Riot commenting here, because account sellers bring a lot of profits to the company. Exactly why smurfs are not dealt with as well, just pathetic.


As a student in cybersecurity, I can assure you that there are ways to create cheats that are completely undetectable to any anti cheat. Smart ppl make such cheats and are able to sell them at high prices. Plus we hav ppl who hav enough money to burn. So yea hope u get my message. Peace


post the tracker prob jus your average immortal booster/smurf


He’s definitely cheating. I’ve come across 3 cheaters in my several years of playing VALORANT. They always had a 50+ % headshot.


above 80% hs rate = def cheating


post nut clarity does that to you


i went from silver to asc 2 in one episode. It’s very possible


Just had an enemy kinda same to this. He was plat 1 last act with 0.89kd and 17% hs rate then he went 5-0 in placement games with a 3.4 kd and a 67% hs. He dropped 39 on us with 2 aces and a 54% hs rate.


Ima just say I had 2 games in a row get canceled because of cheaters in one I really couldnt tell. In the other I called out 2 people the top frags from both teams took turns acing the enemy and kept swinging angles and insta head tapping. It was also an iso 🤣🤣🤣.


that person was def cheating. reminds me of a game i played, swiftplay, reyna from enemy team had 10/0/1 kda. she had a 10% hs percentage though.


I think he bought a boosting service. I encountered a player like this before. Was averaging 1.0x KD for the entirety of the lifetime of the game peaking gold until 3 acts ago he suddenly goes up to diamond and ascendant averaging 1.4kd and like 40% HS rate. In his case, I think the owner just gave his account to a better friend or sold it off. 1.4kd is fucking insane in tacshooters. I'm currently climbing easily in Plat with 1.2kd and head and shoulders above actual plat players. To go 1.4kd against ascendant players... May take a Radiant tbh


they probably just have good crosshair placement ngl