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I mean that would make sense for all play in teams no? they had to play 3 total extra series


Isn't it 4 more than the others? They played 3 during the first part of kick off, then 3 during plays in, while the other 3 teams played 2 BO3 (only one for EG) That means the total of BO3 played by the other teams is 5, while SEN played 6, so this isn't as surprising. Idk what number of you'd get for the other leagues, but I wouldn't be surprised if the result is similar. Edit: 3 more was right. So Sen played as many BO3 as the other qualified teams combined.


teams only played 2 series in playins


You're right, my bad.




Yeah, it’s just like lcq, it’s a last chance for a team that didn’t win everything to make it through. And just like in lcq, that requires playing way more games and revealing more of your strats


yeah but LCQ is the Last Chance Qualifier and Kickoff is the Only Chance Qualifier


well no, the first chance was winning your group


same event. if we go by your logic, groups was single elim


obviously we wouldn't say the play-in was LITERALLY an LCQ, because that terminology refers to an entirely separate event. the point is that it was not teams' only chance to qualify, they had two, and this was their second (and last).


Generally in LCQ you also don't play the juggernauts of the region, because... you know... They don't need a "last chance". You'd be playing the KRUs and C9s of the world, at best the 100Ts.


KRÜ and G2 are juggernauts of Americas?




I inferred his comment as rebutting the LCQ comparison rather than agreeing with it. I'm not sure that's not the case but I see now that I might have been wrong there.


Yeah but Sen didn’t play the ‘juggernauts of the region’ in play-ins. They played G2 and MIBR.


Yes and their last opponent to qualify for Madrid is? I can definitely tell you it ain't KRU


that's not play-ins though, that's semifinals


It's truly a shit format. Meh.


sen have always been lower bracket merchants. if you don't want the maps just win in uppers right??


or pray to get in a easy group with c9/furia like nrg did


This goes to show how shit this format was. EG qualifying with one series because of the org? There's only Jawgemo from the roster that won last year please. I especially hate when a team is qualified even before the last series is played. SEN after map 1 : we qualified, FUCK IT! LET'S HIDE STRATS. Kudos to G2 for playing hard throughout the play-ins regardless. On the flipside, you had KOI who played like they were defeated already after their first map against KC. KOI after map 1 : we're eliminated, FUCK IT! WE HAVE NOTHING TO PLAY FOR, WHY TRY? The format doesn't encourage competitive integrity throughout the entire thing on both ends of the spectrum. As a disclaimer, I don't blame SEN nor KOI for what they chose to do after their respective first maps in the mentioned series. We're all human after all and we have different motives and what not. You can clearly see a drop in interest into the series as a viewer and as a player. Sometimes asking ourselves, what are map 2 or map 3 even for? I blame more than anything this shit format.


> EG qualifying with one series because of the org? Do you think it would be fairer for NRG to qualify with only one series because they have *two* last year's EG players instead of one? I think it would be better to give an advantage to the reigning champion org tbh. Besides, any other team had to win two series instead of one, so It's not like there is a huge disproportionate advantage, and it was inevitable in an 11-team tournament format. > SEN after map 1 : we qualified, FUCK IT! LET'S HIDE STRATS. > KOI after map 1 : we're eliminated, FUCK IT! WE HAVE NOTHING TO PLAY FOR, WHY TRY? While I get the frustration, the play-in group is basically a last chance qualifier among teams who didn't manage to win their respective groups. They should be grateful that they got a second chance in the first place.


Fucking madness. Sentinels fighting the world while NRG at home with cheetos fingers anti-strating the fuck out of every sen map. It’s actually over.


maybe win your games next time


No way there are people defending this horrendous format 🤣 LOUD would have fisted NRG too. Congratulations to them on the Furia and C9 win.


not to mention the 4 of the 5 top teams in the same group is crazy


bro i'm a 100t fan and i don't even think we're top 5 what is this copium


100t is 5th prolly


im not a 100T fan and I do think you're top 5, albeit below the other 4. No matter how hard Asuna tries, he can't take that away from you


i'm actually pretty against the current asuna hate boner. the sub likes to pick a player that they deem to be the problem and go all in on the narrative. they did it with c0m, nzr, jawg, victor, leaf to name a few and asuna is just the current one.


i think hate is overblown for the vast majority of the community. people like to talk about the team they like and blame the players they don't, it's not that deep. that said, any career in the public eye is subject to hatemongering - i can empathize especially with that. it stings, but it never goes away.


i agree that it makes sense but i personally just really enjoy seeing talent develop and the focus be put on synergy/growth instead of the "just get the current best player for x role and slot them in". it's more fun to watch and imo better long term for the scene. i think the sub leans a lot the other way and offers roster changes as solutions to every problem which sucks ass. it's why i kinda prefer the dog shit format from last year to this one, atleast they got to play 9 games straight with 0 roster changes and we saw teams get better like eg where i feel this year teams will just fuck with rosters throughout the season and stifle innovation in the process. i saw someone somewhere else point out that the one perk to eg being so cheap is that we see them pick up these players no one else would and develop them. the entire eg roster last year would've been teamless in the environment people champion which feels absurd now given their talent, but that talent wasn't always visible and had to be given literal years to shine.


i aint reading allat


Asuna looked bad but they played 2 matches high stakes after not playing for 6 months lmaoo I can’t blame anyone for playing bad this soon.


i can blame C0M. is it legit? no. but it helps me be less angry that kiNgg is still being held back, even after excising the tumor that is Tacolilla. i dont think Asuna or C0M are bad players. I don't think it's my place to say if they are. but I sure as hell think it's my place to shit on them for no reason when they do poorly, and hype the fuck out of them when they pop off


Getting a hard group is not the fault of the format, you got unlucky, tuff


Format isn't even bad though, considering there were 11 teams.


Everyone wanted their favorite team to play more games, right? Why's everyone saying "Boo" now despite it not meaning anything? YOUR TEAM IS STILL PLAYING RIGHT? YOU GUYS GOT TO SEE YOUR TEAM PLAY THE MOST GAMES! WOOHOO CONTENT AFTER THIS LONG SEASON! WHY AREN'T YOU CELEBRATING?? AMIRIGHT GUYS??? (/copypasta for those that need it)


Me when the team that has more matches scheduled plays more matches :o


not enough games or teams! 😔


sen did the hardwork


wow dude, its like they had to go thru a LB or something 🤯


Almost like they didn't just go through lower brackets and had an entire round Robin they had to go through as well 🤯 If it was *just* lower brackets, no one would be having this conversation