• By -


He looks like everyone he's ever loved has left him


What being a Wolves fan does to a man


What being a spurs fan does to a man


Me watching Barca constantly find new ways to throw a UCL KO tie after already finishing 95% of the work


I was rooting for you today. wtf happened


The most consistently brilliant player on the team up to this point makes an incredibly stupid foul and gets sent off. In the 29th minute. After already being 1-0 up on the night and 4-2 up on aggregate. At home. It all fell apart from there. All I can do is laugh.


Yeah I saw the foul, really dumb mistake in such a big game. Arguably the easiest path to the final if you beat PSG as well…


What being a pistons fan does to a man


imagine being a schalke supporter, life could be worse


at least you aren't moving to vegas... oakland a's


What being an RCB fan does to a man


They always jinx themselves saying "ee saala cup namde". They were doomed from the start.


What living in uk does to a man


what do we think of tottenham???




Cock and ball torture




what do we think of shit???


tottenham!!! (full disclosure i'm a pool fan but that video is the tits)


Boohoo you guys have Wemby, oh what a tragedy


Probably talking about Tottenham Hotspurs not San Antonio Spurs


I had no idea this would cause confusion😭😭wtf is San Antonio spurs


Basketball team, wemby is their 7'6 genetic freak of a rookie


My fault bruh, I just watch basketball the most out of all the sports so that’s what I thought of first


Nah ur good I should have realized


oop sorry im a stupid


you cannot be serious u got the greatest prospect of all time and just beat the mvp lol




The San Antonio Spurs. The world doesn't revolve around a single region, if you're gonna mention the "Spurs" you might want to clarify whether you are discussing futball or the NBA


I live in America and have never heard anyone refer to “spurs” as the basketball team But then again I don’t rly hang around avid basketball watchers so maybe it’s on me


I barely watch basketball, and even I know the Spurs are the basketball team.


What being a man does to a man


That is some thinking, man


thank you for the reminder


Lmao same 😔


Lmfao TMV’s face in these screen caps never fails to crack me up.


Haha I always try to get the best frame of him everytime because he never shows the full list in his videos so I just recreate them and chuck a good frame of his face.


the one you picture you chose this time is fowl. TMV about to burst into tears


The craziest thing is if Sentinels lose to LOUD they can very easily not make playoffs even with a 3-2 record, all it takes is KRU winning one more game and some tiebreakers


It might be a crazy scenario, but it is very likely


They play 6 games, how can they have a 3-2 record


They can't, it would be 4-2. As long as they don't lose to one of the bottom three teams in the league, they'll be fine.


Even if SEN loses to LOUD there's absolutely no way they don't run over the other three Omega teams and end up with a 4-2 record at worst But there's a chance that both KRU and C9 end up with a 4-2 record as well so it could get interesting


How do tiebrakers work here as there is no h2h? Map then rounds? Also sen only has loud left, while kru has loud, 100t and lev. C9 has loud and 100t


I understand the LEV placement but they still strike me as the most volatile team in the list. The C9 game and SEN seemed like polar opposite performances so it should be really interesting to see which version of Lev we see more often. Also, as much as Aspas is consistently amazing, I’ll be curious how much Lev struggles when he inevitably has a underperforming game, even if that may not be very often


i have no idea how good LEV is right now. C9 too for that matter


I mean so far both games they’ve genuinely been buoyed by aspas being thanos on the server. Not even a slight at the rest of the team, but I fully agree. Wonder if their middling stats are cause the combined 80 kills a game they miss are going to aspas, or if it’s genuine cause for concern. I feel like it’s plausibly the former? He was only aight on box vs sen and they still took it albeit in a close game


They almost lost lotus as well.


C9 looked genuinely good, and Sen looked genuinely lost. It wasn’t just Lev playing at an incredibly different level. Sen just weren’t throwing anything challenging at them. I remember one of the pistol rounds on Lotus was just everyone peaking 1 at a time lol


Ya that’s the worry for me with Lev. They were playing against a really bad form of sentinels for the majority of the match and they still needed aspas to break as record to beat them by a 4 round differential


That 5/6/7 grouping feels interchangeable to me. Luckily we'll 100T play both teams to get it sorted out. Should be a fun rest of the split!


I'm pretty sure he says that in video


he says 6/7/8 are interchangeable


Can't wait to see 100T play... \*double checks notes\* 100T?


Why do people on this sub try so hard to be snarky


that one vlr writer guy on twitter who cant handle SEN criticism ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg|downsized)


I fully get SEN #2. I don’t think I understand NRG #1. What was his logic for those who didn’t watch


I think globally all the teams that didn't have it together are putting it together around this time. That's why there were so many "upsets" this past week. It's more like teams that got together late in the offseason are starting to have enough time to work. NRG is one of those teams where they look like the superteam people prophesized they would be.


NRG as a squad are just more consistent on an individual level and sen seems somewhat reliant on hero plays from players way too often. Think of how many 1vX’s are posted from SEN, cool that they win them but its not a situation you should find yourself in


Seems like anecdotal evidence since NRG is actually tied for 1st with C9 in number of clutches at 12 a piece. Marved and Crashies combine for 10 of those. SEN as a team only has 7. You probably just see more of SEN highlight because they are more popular.


Potentially true! However if you also look at stats almost every one of NRGs players rank higher than SEN. Edit: also how many of those are 1vx vs just a 1v1 clutch? Really important info imo


1v1 isn’t a clutch tho. it’s always either more people on the enemy so it’s 1vs x or your team had the numbers and you managed to win it out


If bomb is down it is, no?


S tier: NRG, SEN A tier: LOUD B tier: LEV, 100T, C9 C tier: G2, KRU D tier: EG, MiBR F tier: FURIA tbh i think i nailed it


furia too high sadly


maybe they can +arT and start W keying their way to victory


I respect your opinion, I think you kind of cooked, kind of


Absolutely better.


I think both lev and c9 could be A tier


could be! this time last year EG was a joke so who knows what could happen


how is LEV B tier when they just beat SEN lol


because they also spun their wheels at Kickoff and just lost to C9, and meanwhile SEN lifted a trophy. i’m gonna need more than a once-in-a-lifetime carry from Aspas to believe they’re actually the better team


He didn’t ask why they weren’t above SEN, he asked why they are two tiers below them


LOUD is worse than both NRG and Sentinels but, in my opinion, still a tier above Leviatán, 100T, and C9. so LEV is two tiers below SEN to make room for LOUD.


yeah bro they beat SEN all it took was a world record lol


Damn I didn't realize the game ended after a single map. Or did Sen win the other two maps and win 2-1?


bruh you're actually crazy if you think every game is gonna be aspas carrying tf out of all of LEV. Zekken had an off day and if you look at the games, all 5 of SEN performed well with zekken not popping off like usual. They played really well but from what we've seen so far, LEV's peak is SEN's average. Aspas is a great player but it's a team game and performance needs to be consistent across the whole team, LEV has yet to beat top teams consistently. A one off record breaking performance might as well be an outlier. It's yet to be determined where LEV will fall and I think B tier is a good placement with the data we have so far.


why would you predict a teams ranking going forward based just off their past few games? obv sen is great they were together the entire offseason and played a ton of games. lev made a big change at the end of the offseason and are still finding their way.


LEV in B tier what are you smoking? At least they should be in the same tier as SEN if not higher


What are YOU smoking lmao, lev just barely beat Sen whilst having a player make a record breaking performance, unless you think Aspas is gonna continue breaking records everytime he plays, lev are never gonna be above Sen like this, and honestly imo they aren’t in the Same tier (but I do agree you could move them and maybe 100t with my copium, up with loud)


I mean Aspas is consistently dropping 30+ kill maps so it is not unrealistic for him to keep his form


30+ kills is different from FORTY SEVEN kills lol, if Aspas had dropped his regular 30-35 kills they definitely wouldn’t have won this series. It is very unrealistic to say Aspas will continue having these game destroying games which is why Sen are still better, Aspas isn’t going to be getting close to 50 kills every game much less even close to that


He only got 47 kills because of OT they could have easily won in regulation if they didnt trow the 12 - 8 lead


if you want to use hypotheticals, if SEN had woken up on Lotus CT side, they easily would've won this map and possibly the series. if zekken had played at his usual form, SEN would've won this map. if aspas doesn't drop nearly 50 kills, LEV easily lose this map. hypotheticals are hypotheticals. they did not actually happen. using logic though, we can see that aspas CARRIED LEV on Lotus.


SEN did play their usual game on Lotus it is just that LEV shut them down completely


SEN played perfectly fine (without the exception of zekken's lack of fragging) for the majority of the map, true. but an exception to this was on their CT side, where they got off to a veeeeeerrry slow start (this has been said by numerous people).


That’s the point, Lev are not better than Sen because not only are they inconsistent in how they close matches, in order to close the match they need one of the best players of all time to become EVEN BETTER and win them the map, that isn’t a sign of a consistent number 1 or number 2 team.


Dropping 30+ and dropping 47 are magnitudes different. One is playing in flow state at a top level and the other is having a game that you literally might not be able to replicate again because of how many factors it requires


LEV barely beat SEN with Zekken having an awful series and Aspas setting a kill record. It would've been a SEN win even with Zekken's poor performance if Aspas just played to his normal form instead of having one of the best individual performances in VCT history.


wow, no


I think KRU is deadass being underrated here. They’ve looked incredible from the matches I’ve seen and I’d definitely put them above C9 at least


C9 is 2-0 against a much harder schedule so far, by virtue of having at least one non-bottom feeder team. I can see the argument either way.


His rationale is something like this: KRU looked really good, but it was against (arguably) the two worst teams in the region; C9-- while playing a little sloppy at first -- still managed to beat LEV (one of the better teams), and looked pretty good near the end of their series with EG. That said, he did say that C9, KRU, and G2 are all relative to one another, especially C9 and KRU, so he recognizes that there are definitely good arguments for any one of them being better than the other two.


Yes tmv isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.


KRU beat up two coughing babies, I think this list is pretty accurate, personally think Loud should be above Lev though


Sorry but c9 beat lev, and lev beat sen, and sen won masters. C9 is clearly the best team in the world.


Good list, I'd say LOUD over Lev is the only change I'd make. Lev did beat Sen but I think it won't last, consistency is most important, and I think LOUD have that over Lev, not to say Lev is bad, I actually feel like people are underating them, but LOUD is better.


Lev over loud?


Tmv: ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|21016)


Hope he didn't jinx my boys on NRG. Mods gimme a NRG flair.


I know this is his personal ranking so it can't be taken as gospel but I am secretly happy he and the rest of the community continue to underrate C9. I would realistically have Loud 3, C9 4, Lev 5 and 100T 6. An underdog C9 is a good C9 in my opinion. Too many expectations cause them to falter as we saw last year in playoffs. Americas is the most interesting region imo because most of the teams are good and cause for some fun matches.


100t above c9 is wild


L list. KRU >>> Gold2 and Clown9


Everyone gonna get disappointed with NRG when they face a team that isn’t washed or a team that actually trained before the match.


100T should be 7th with C9 and Kru above them


C9 > LEV > SEN > everyone else > FURIA






The record says that SEN lost to LEV


The record says that C9 has more wins than loud so does that mean they are the better team?


In current form yes they are


C9 won against Lev so it means C9 is unofficially the best team in the world? Since Lev beat SEN???


SEN were never the best in the world


Literally just won Madrid??


bro legit what are you yapping about now this just seems like a bait post I am mad I interacted with it


No they are not are we watching the same matches?? Loud lost to fuckin NRG for god’s sake probably the best team rn and the c9 vs lev was the worst match I’ve seen in a while


LOUD got destroyed by NRG in their matchup and while C9 struggled in their matches if you put the same LOUD from their last matches the favourites to win easily would be C9


loud got destroyed by nrg when they hadn't even touched the game since madrid and they arrived literally hours before their match but pop off bro


Yes i am aware of that, thats why i said in their current form judging each team by their last matches played


yes and loud hasn't played a match since so what's your point? edit: nvm he's just a baiter, somehow thinks sen wasn't the best team in the world when they literally won madrid?


Bro his face is that of him knowing Sen will destroy NRG later this season


idk wtf is this list but c9 is defo going shanghai and they are easily top 4 rn maybe maybe above sen by a lil margin, their real game will be against loud after they've already played lev


True Oxy is him


Kru above G2 is fucking abysmal


Why? Kru have looked good with heat, and G2 looked awful against 100T


Because G2 just demolished them twice in a row?


Then kru made a great roster move bringing in heat, who they didn’t have for kickoff when g2 beat them


tbf, so did G2 (at least against EG, which they previously lost to and then later demolished) I guess we’ll see when they play each other again!


Ah yes bc Icy is looking like a superstar…


No, he’s looking shit. But they dismantled EG which they previously lost to (so same logic as KRU doing well?)


I dont think its the same logic bc Heat has actually been a major factor in KRU winning


We don’t know what a factor is to winning other than results. Even if icy just double satchels into site with no gun and dies, he creates the opportunity for leaf to get on sentinel and for the team to frag after him. I hate icy pickup as much as the next guy, but it’s pretty early to place G2 worse than they used to be based on a single (or two) poor performances. Dude must’ve been absolutely frying in scrims to be picked up in the first place.


nrg lev sen c9 loud 100t g2 kru eg mibr furia is the real list



