• By -


Basically just -ardiis +ethan lol


-keith +keithan


Omg Keithan=kitten, fns was cooking last year


Chet is the one who's really needed to be let go...


-ardiis +Demon1 and that wouldve been a better vertical improvement


yikes I think ethan went positive in only two matches this year. And that was against mibr and furia. Should have kept demon1 instead for the firepower people be like "bUt He'S a SUpORt pLaYeR"


I mean he’s igling on a losing team. Ofc he’s gonna be negative lmfao he’s also an initiator support player or a passive smokes player. That’s a horrible stat to prove his value


hey fenis! hey fenis! why you never mvp?


I mean kiNgg and sScary? Topfragged as losing igls but yeah Ethan already proved himself in 2023, good utility, good secondary caller, and good fragger on top of flash init being good for NRG roster right now. D1 busy with his sick wife, and his raze is just not good. Kinda sad it turned out this way since crashies and others in NRG kept saying the shit demon1 was doing in scrims was insane.


Scary and kingg are probably one of the worst igl right now? Crazyguy just came back to igl awhile they rely on aspas to every game and sometimes even that doesn't work.


KiNgg* is certainly better than Ethan, though. Nrg is just as stacked as lev if not more, compare results? More wins, better fragging power on kiNgg. Funny how I get downvoted. This entire sub loves shitting on kiNgg as an igl while he made several internationals and did okayish with fucking TACO on the team while top fragging 70% of the games. Ethan does the worst igling we've seen on top of not fragging shit and it's like "oh man of course he can't frag he's so busy igling!". What are the results of his igling? You either make good moves or frag out, ideally both. When you don't do either obviously people may question your current level.


Everyone loved kingg fragging ability but not his igl ability. Onur had a system that didn't let kingg igl. It was just setplay. So much that they didn't even try to anti strat the enemy and only focused on their set play. Taco was a chamber merchant dont try to rewrite the history as if he was disaster at that time he was one of their better player probably 2nd best. Some common mistakes that nrg are making is not cos of the igl. They need changes and probably found Ethan as their better fit as fns likes him more.


"Some common mistakes that nrg are making is not cos of the igl", so they fix it by bringing an IGL in? Lol. "Everyone loved" is not an argument, it's this dumb sub hive mentality with 0 knowledge behind the teams. Can anyone point out specifically bad kiNgg calls? They just look at results, see how he can't win with 30 kills and call him a bad igl. Ethan is this sub darling, so even if he has a full championship roster and proven champion coach, and his team looks absolutely lost in the map every single game, and he can't even frag a bit to make up for it, he gets a pass? Let's call things for what they are. This year Ethan's performance has been bad all around, there's no denying that. As I said, he's a proven player who has been good for a while. No team should waste time with trying him as igl again, though. Two chances already and years of secondary caller experience. His fragging goes to crap and his igling is some of the worst we've seen, with the most failed superstar roster in the history of valorant competitive, or can you name a superstar roster that did as bad?


It seem you don't have the sufficient knowledge on this particular if you think kingg igl is good and completely Ignored the onur part where they had a system because kingg couldn't igl he just called the setplays and also tried to make taco was a bad player when he wasn't in the chamber meta. I assume you joined recently in the valorant scene. So there's no point further to explain because you won't get it anyway about why sometime a change is necessary.


"Tried to make taco was a bad player" lmao my dude in case you missed 2023 in its entirety: I don't need to 'make' him, his stats and plays the entire year showed how he played. Him being or not a previous chamber merchant in the past is completely irrelevant. Also please link me to onur calling kiNgg a "bad" igl. Here's onur saying kiNgg is both a good igl and good fragger and why he's the mvp of lev: https://www.strafe.com/news/read/i-know-we-are-underperforming-lev-onur-talks-about-leviatans-season/ I'll wait for your link calling him bad, or did you just read that in a reddit comment here years ago, believed a narrative and you've just piled on the hate? You can also share ANY ex teammate or current teammate of kiNgg calling him a bad igl. It's only this sub favorite narrative. What will you not explain further? How does any of this make ethan look any better? Clearly, you don't know what you're talking about and you can't back up any of your claims.


Kingg is the most overrated player in all of Valorant. His lack of ability to IGL is why C0M has had to help with that role.


Prime Ethan clears the fuck out of prime KiNgg, just keep his ass off of IGL lmao 


Both are great when they are turned on.


fns has mentioned ethan multiple times as someone he would have on a dream roster, he really wants to play with him. i wouldn't be surprised if that played a part in the decision


I'm sure having to IGL for the first time dramatically impaired his performance. Assuming FNS returns, we can expect an increase in performance from Ethan.


https://preview.redd.it/tkt4lvu2fm2d1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6230509ab91fb08fa418b6a513de3d30463605f ? and 1.04 rating in Kickoff? Not astounding but you're underselling him for sure.


extremely casual take lmao he is a support player who had to learn how to IGL in real-time with a losing roster that has role issues.


He *is* a support player, doesn't mean he should have such bad scorelines. However, he's also someone trying to igl when he's not comfortable/used to it, which is *very* apparent from how many times he very clearly gets caught looking at his minimap instead of his crosshair which is absolutely not something Ethan is known for otherwise. He's someone trying to first-time igl for a team that straight up just doesn't work. His igling is a major issue and their midrounding was absolutely abysmal for a team of 4 very tenured vets and Demon1, but looking at his stats in a context like 2024 NRG's is just completely silly. I'm not an Ethan fan, but I'm not stupid either. But if you wanted to be stupid, I could point you toward something as meaningful as vlr rating where he's the highest rated NRG player in stage 1 with the widest agent pool on the roster. I don't think vlr rating is worth much at all even though it's used a lot here but you wanted to use dumb stats so there you go.


He's easily the most talented player on this roster lmfao just stop. If they get the roles right this team will be good.


Insane how ppl go from last year champs ´´Ethan top 3 player itw´´ to this nonsense.. But this kinda goes for everything and everyone who isnt performing up to expectation.


they already have firepower AND one of the best entries in the world in Victor (people often seem to forget he played the main duelist in OpTic), looking at the cards on the table he was the one that made more sense to bench (Marved is gone, Vic and Crashies are a duo and won't play for a team that doesn't want them both, s0m and FNS are coming in)


Victor is probably the best in the world in pure unselfishness in how willing he is to make space on whatever agent he’s on


And there’s no reason to judge the veteran player whose been igling on anything other than his k/d in the last regular season


THEY’RE CUMMING https://preview.redd.it/tq2jk5p94m2d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1112da1b9c99ea1961e79773aebfba4ff205a86




Hopefully he can take some needed time with his fiance and come back stronger. Hoping kat gets better as well


There's no cure for what she has. Just minimizing symptoms. It's not THAT bad of an illness tbh (not to say I wouldn't have anxiety over it. I'm just talking relative to like cancer and MS type stuff), but there are possible complications later in life. I think a lot of people saw her "deteriorating bones" tweet and took that as a bit more critical than it is. That's just a non-scientific term for osteoporosis. It sucks, but it's more of a long term thing. I don't really see any personal break helping (talking long term, obviously everyone can use a break now and then). It doesn't usually help gamers out.


She has RA I think 


I know, and osteoporosis is the complication she's seemingly getting from it (for now). I didn't word that well though for sure haha.


I don’t know anything about her or her process but have family members with RA. It can be a months long process to find a medication/diet/exercise/lifestyle combination that works for you. A lot of medications have crazy side effects for some people but not for others. It takes a lot of trial and error and you have to detox between every trial and often takes weeks before you know if a new regimen is helping.  A few months break to figure that shit out can be very very helpful 


Sure, but she's the one who has it, not him. And even when he's playing he has a lot of free time right now. People can take care of others with even more demanding jobs. There's only so much he can really do besides be there for her. I don't wish that condition on anyone, but I do think some probably think it's more severe than it actually is, that's all I mean. It's not quite like "oh shit my mom had a stroke and she needs to live with me now" type stuff. Although some days might be pretty damn painful for her. He's free to do what he wants of course (and I don't think he had much say in this benching either way). Breaks can just be killers for gamers. I won't even get into how most gamers that take breaks for mental health reasons never actually address/try to fix what is causing those issues. That's more of a general thing though, not for Demon1.


I had really bad RA flareups as a kid that I did physical therapy for. I agree that it isn’t as severe as some people are painting it out to be, but it still sucks nonetheless to have nonetheless. But yeah, being a longer term illness, I’m not sure what a break is going to do.




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A player of his caliber will be back. We'll wait for your return. https://preview.redd.it/jn0ntpz79m2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130a95c466ae36c5817c01d88e4ac34ad09d51cf


is what we said about y0y as well


This wording definitely makes me feel like he’s taking personal time and they’re gonna try FNS Som Demon1 +2 next year


FNS/s0m/Demon1/Ethan/5th next year if NRG don't win champs.


-Chet too


+potter +jawgemo


Jawg doesn't fit. I know we want him off EG but he doesn't fit this roster.


Jaw gives this team flexibility and a god tier raze


Raze might be dead soon


yea like surely ethan, s0m, and fns can learn sova and shit next year


What about jawg instead of demon1? D1 is a crazy talent but like how do you make him fit if he has to play smokes on the raze maps 


They’re nerfing raze mobility this patch


His jetts really good too


Dude that’s literally what EG did last year. They put Demon1 on Brim/Astra when Jawg played solo raze


I know dude but this isn't the eg roster lmao


He also showed a cracked jett at the end of stage 1


make him fit. drop s0m idc




fns wont play without s0m


But then +Chet a year later.






honestly would make a lotta sense since it feels like his underperformance at NRG is not just due to personal issues, but as well as a coaching/team synergy one. Going off what I know based off the Platoon vid: https://youtu.be/5WWXJqfqZDY


Could keep Ethan and get an info initiator like Brawk.


Verno is a good shout too if OXG doesn't win ascension.


SEN have dibs (made it up in my head)


I mean they do need more fire power… when your igl consistently outfrags almost half the team, it’s not okay imo.


what wording? there’s nothing in that tweet that would suggest him coming back


So why not drop him outright? Why put him on reserve?


Because dropping him is a dumb move when they could still make money by selling him.


And they couldn't make money from Marved???


They can't because Marved's contract is running out at the end of the year.


Because then they don’t have a sixth player


They don't need a 6th. Rule change.


Don’t need but it’d be stupid not to have one, unless you’d rather forfeit matches if something keeps one of the starting players from playing (like SEN were in the position of having to consider last year)


So it really is -Demon1 -Marved +FNS +s0m Curious to see how this plays out. If they can somehow pull off qualifying to champs from their current state, then damn FNS cements himself as the greatest IGL in Valorant.


Yeah i don't know why people are so confused on this move for s0m and FNS, or even NRG. I've read so many wild fucking conspiracy theories on here about how fns is just joining so he can kick everyone and make his own team for 2025 or something, it's absurd this is literally a win/win for both sides. NRG wasn't winning shit with their current lineup since they were just getting worse. This is a hail mary that either they bust and it doesn't matter because they wouldn't have won anyway or they succeed and it's a great move that saved their season same shit for FNS and s0m. If they bomb they can just blame it on the circumstances and it really won't tank their rep as pro players. If it succeeds they look like geniuses and their stocks as players go up an absurd amount


Yeah I thought FNS coming back would tank his stock but that was if he joined a mid tier team. NRG are dead last it’s only up from here. If FNS brings this team to champs his stock skyrockets


Alright FNS, I respect that. He has become the 2nd biggest Valorant streamer and I doubt NRG bags is bigger than his current earning as a streamer


Idk if Boostio won champs I think he'd be ahead of FNS. Saadhak too but I think that's less likely.


I think americas has the top 3 IGL’S in Val history if that happens, being FNS Saadak and Boostio


I think people do underrate boaster a lot. He's been top tier since the start of the game. He also pretty much constantly microd at least as of the start of last year even if he says they just win rounds by his teammates killing people. Also look how nrg turned out. A superteam doesn't mean shit with a bad igl.


He’s top 5 all time, but I can’t help but think FNATIC’s game planning and strategy is more from mini than Boaster. FNATIC looked washed and then the second mini came back they started looking in form again.


Boaster is the one who does most of the game planning and strategy though. Mini usually just railed Boaster in and was there for discipline and other stuff like that as far as im aware. So this seems un-welcomed


Boaster was the one making all their planning and strategy even relevant in game.


Boaster gets dropped because he didn't win any tournaments until he had an absolute super team. But he did make a final. It's tough to say. I'd like to see what Boaster can do without a loaded roaster, but that might not be a fair expectation of an IGL. I do think he belongs in this conversation for sure though.


Saadhak and fns also had superteams though. If anything boaster is the only one who's made it that far without a superteam.


this is simply not true. Saadhak lost Sacy and Pancada to sentinels, but managed to replace them with Cauanzin and Tuyz, which definitely were not superstars at the time they joined loud. He did a fantastic job on transforming the upcoming rookies into solid players by adapting them to his own system. The only exception was the qck fiasco, but replacing aspas would be a tough job to any IGL in this game anyway Loud never poached a superstar from another team. Apart from Sacy, all of their players were a complete incognita in the beginning and went through a great development cycle under Saadhak’s umbrella. This is valid for Aspas, Less, Tuyz, Cauanzin, etc


Cauanzin was a straight upgrade though. Just because he didn't look like a superstar before doesn't mean he wasn't actually one. Sacy also never looked like a superstar and just isn't. Saadhak also didn't achieve anything of note unless you count lock in that year.


I swear the only reason people have FNS over Boaster is cause of popularity, Boaster has won more and been on top for longer. Would say 3rd spot is definitely FNS/Boostio


Boaster legit built the avengers to win more, let's not revise history here. FNS was beating prime SEN with mummay and Kaboose.


I do agree with your point about FNS, but I feel like people underrate Boaster’s contribution to Fnatic last year. Work outside the serve aside, this NRG roster is literal proof you can’t just put 5 cracked players on a team with a bad igl and win


He was also losing to some team on their first even LAN event with winners TWICE, lets not just pick out some great wins and forgot about the great losses. FNS also had the best player in the world who went positive 98% of the matches he played too. As of now Boaster is above all time but if Optic didn't have to disband and stayed together then I do think FNS would have gone down as the greatest IGL of all time, but that's another story


Yes because those two bad losses to BLG when the team was dead is worse than two years of mediocrity before building the best team Valorant has ever seen to win LANs


So Boaster should just not make a team to be as competitive as they can be because NeimannSmith thinks its worse then losing to BLG twice????? Those great players wanted Boaster to be their IGL out of everyone.


Now you're just putting words in my mouth lmfao I hate when discourse is like this


Saying Victor and Crashies are mid means its hard to have a discourse too


Fnc with boaster couldnt win anything until they assembled avengers


NV with FNS couldnt win until he got the best player in the world. Same story different players


Best player in the world doing what without him? And let’s not pretend Victor and Crashies are comparable to FNC players, not to mention how mediocre Marved was before he joined NV The only player who looked good on that NV roster before FNS was Yay, versus FNC picking up Chronicle Leo and Alfa (the latter of whom was smurfing T2 similar to Yay)


and FNS without Yay was losing to a team that never attended a LAN before then from the worst region in the whole league. Its not hard to say that FNS needed Yay just like Yay needed FNS to get the best out of each other, like any other great duo ever. Teams require great teamwork and chemistry to get the best out of each other and To undermine Boaster's impact as a IGL on a team and say its only because he has great players yet say FNS teams were only good because of him and not his teammates is some insane dickriding of FNS.


Nobody is saying that though, but then you have FNS making a LAN and getting 4th without Yay/Marved which defeats your point. Ardiis also looked substantially worse on NRG than Navi and s0m looked solid on previous NRG rosters but only became a world class player with FNS. I’m not undermining Boaster either lol he’s a great IGL who consistently made LANs but imo what FNS accomplished with the roster he had is substantially more impressive than Boaster, and outside of Ardiis he consistently has made decent players into excellent ones Edit: also I just realized you’re talking about the BLG loss, brother that’s 2 series out of his entire career. He took that same roster to a 4th place finish the event before. He did not need Yay based on that lmfao


Boaster needed a superteam andbcompetition to be weaker to win


NRG were also a superteam and flopped cause of not having a good IGL


There's a difference between good IGL and in conversation as best of all time. Boaster as at minimum very good. Clearly good enough to win when he's surrounded by 4 stars, which can't be said of some other IGLs as we've seen.


Every IGL needs stars to get the best out of them, just as those stars need a great IGL to get the best out of them, those two are not separable. Every team that has won too has had a team full of stars at that event this is a team game you cant just 1v5 everyone


Right now Boaster is above FNS, But if FNS fixes this NRG team and boostio Picks up another strong performance, i think they will surpass that Boaster is Top 3 Right now, no doubt


I agree if they win a event and Fnatic perform worse then both 100T and NRG


If Boostio wins Champs he’s the best igl in Valorant history period. Double Champs winner,Vct Americas,2nd at Tokyo and whatever result he gets at Shanghai


If Boostio wins Champs with 100T after their performance last season that's enough to call him the goat igl.


My copium is that its also -Ethan +yay despite them having shown Ethan in a post the other day (copium bait) but that's me living in a time long ago lmao.


DSG Demon1 incoming


BLEED Demon1 scheduled.


He did that task 1st


if you told me Demon1 would be benched at this beginning of this year, I would've just said you're crazy This wasn't even his fault, just a failure on NRG's part to integrate him into the team. he deserves more


Its the yay situation again, lack of a great working system going around them means they slowly lose confidence in themselves and their decisions leading to burnout and needing a break. I will say Demon1 has a lot less people hating on him compared to yay which is funny considering one shit talks everyone versus one whos quiet and barely gets himself into drama, but gets dragged into it


It's bc there's no real comparison lol. Demon1 had 2 tournaments. Yay had 2 _years_. One where he was in the top 5 and one where he was the indisputable number 1. Easier to hate on someone who consistently shit on every single person he played for so long a period.


demon1 getting benched off nrg is like yay off c9, as in they both didnt play great but not horribly either and most of the community was on their side.  The yay hate started after he didnt preform at all on DSG, so the situations arent really comparable


Yay 2.0 the revenge (this time it was 1 split)


Okay we gotta stop like his performance was solely on Chet and Ethan. He wasn't playing well when he was on Jett. It's okay to accept that maybe he wasn't in his right mind.


Honestly just don’t think this was the case tho? They had him hard entrying on Jett too, a complete change from how he played and succeeded on EG. There are some really good videos that break down the stats that I think have been posted on this sub before too.




Can’t exactly adapt when you’re on a dysfunctional team. Just look at Sen 2023. Every player looked like shit besides Zekken at times and they all upgraded massively with a good igl.


Even Zekken started to look bad after the honeymoon period of Marved wore off aka TenZ on the bench and Dephh still IGLing. I remember vividly him insta dying/not getting any value on entry during a series that they lost and people were flaming him when Kyedae herself entered Tarik’s chat midgame and essentially said “it’s not his fault, it’s how they’re failing to set him up” in a petty-like way. There’s bias there specifically, but this 2023 sen example in general also proves the obvious point that these star players (zekken, now d1) can easily look “washed” on dysfunctional teams. Feels bad for d1 so I hope part of him wanted a break and he’ll be back.


They threw him to the wolves bro 😭 He had barely any time to change his entire style of play, and then the entire team rarely followed him into sites/didn’t trade him out after having him hard entry? I don’t understand why the team couldn’t adapt around HIM more, surely you play to the strengths of the recent champs winners that you worked so hard to get on your roster? Not fully blaming this on any one person, the whole team was incredibly out of sync. Just feels bad for him yk..


You know what? I agree. This really speaks to the level of coach that Chet is, that he has a system that really only works with a god tier IGL


Lol slightly insane decision making to cut the god tier igl and then scramble back to him part way through the year right 😭 honestly do hope things work out with fns and s0m back but also hope demon1 and marvel get other chances 🙏


He’s only had a few bad games on Jett this year (Sunset vs SEN, Ascent vs EG, and Split vs 100T), otherwise his Jett has mostly been good to great.


The yay phenomenon


NRG FNS s0m Ethan Demon1 and N4RRATE next year if they continue to struggle.


What a fuckin roster, would love to see n4rrate back in NA dude is so good


So I'm assuming n4rrate plays Raze? That might make things a little weird. Like you'd have n4rrate Raze, s0m smokes, fns sentinel, and then Demon1/Ethan would have to play initiators. Unless s0m is willing to flex onto initiator.


I think s0m can and would be willing to flex on to any role to free up Demon1 on Brim/Astra. Most Raze maps are also Viper maps which s0m can play too. The only comp with some role issues right now would be Sunset but I think they could work it out.


s0m could realistically play any agent in the game at a high enough level


That roster would do a good bit of fucking


nah he deserves better than this


My boy deserves better. Demon1 will come back stronger from this. I hope another team picks him up or he reunites with Potter and Dawgemo. Edit: This might sound like hindsight but, I always had a bad feeling with the ‘D1 joining NRG’ rumors. I didn’t vibe with it but I still wanted to see him succeed.


Can’t believe they fumbled the greatest rookie in val esports history Chet is the biggest fraud oat man


bro was him in last year actually sad af dude has inhuman mechanics


yeah its chets fault he played like shit


He was by far the best player last year during champs under potter? This year with Chet and a million other analysts they can’t utilize him to the best ability and are mismanaging him so hard are u slow?


Are you slow? His gf was facing medical issues and it clearly affected his performance. How can you solely blame it on chet?


Watch NRG vs LEV again and tell me that happens with a good coach. I genuinely don’t understand how Chet has gods job. If this season wasn’t definitive proof that he was carried by FNS then I don’t know what is


I think the fact that they didn't release him hints that he'll be a part of next years roster but for now he needs to rest up, take care of Kat, and probably reinvent his play style.


Bench and got pj Washington feel for my guy


Billi billi gaming is going to qualify just for checking on fns


Quick, everyone act surprised 


Chet’s quote on twitter kinda make it seems like he’s not coming back right?




I hate teams that drop their players just to bring them back


what a fucking failure of a roster, guy is the best in the world at his peak and chet + ethan just couldn’t figure out how to use him


But tbf, they really wanted a good Raze player so Demon1 just had to waste his split 1 learning it. Unfortunate that they didn't have a proven Raze flex player on the team. Edit: obvious /s


Tbh if he spends this time continuing to learn Raze and some other agents as well, 2025 NRG could be crazy good.


maybe he can do it but some players just look bad in pro play on raze. cryo can drop a ranked nuke on raze w good satchels but look like a bot in pro w them


My thinking is that he'll always have the controller flex as his trump card. s0m can flex to raze and Max can fill controller if needed. But you at least have to try and see if he can become insane on Raze


my thought process is you run Demon1, Ethan, s0m, FNS, and jawgemo next year and then +potter -chet. I think this year might just be chalked tbh


Okay I get it man you miss 2023 EG 😭 They aren't picking up Jawg. It'll be someone who plays initiator or a flex player. I also don't think the year is chalked. This is an insane team with no role issues and chemistry through the roof. Chemistry wise they have the best chem in all of Val. The question is how quickly can they put it together.


bro i didn’t even like EG lmfao jawgemo is just wasted talent on that org


you guys are talking about raze when we know a raze nerf is coming...


I'd rather he just practices sentinels. I don't see the point in him learning Raze since he'd have to be a hard entry which I don't think fits. Especially since s0m could play Raze.


s0m's Raze is NOT good enough to compare to the likes of Aspas Zekken Texture which is what you need to win a event which should be the teams goal. Best hope is that Raze gets nerfed heavily and other duelists get buffed and Keep your best rifler Demon1 on them


s0m Raze really isnt that great either.


He's a duelist player. I don't like the idea of turning out insane Jett players into sentinels just because they aim good and we have an obsession with Alfa and Less. He's an aggressive player. His raze isn't even bad he just needs more time on it. Maybe he raises his sens so double satchels are easier for him. Plus, if the idea is to bring him back for next year, what is the point of teaching him Sentinels if your IGL is the sentinel player?


He’s not an aggressive player though. This is a misconception just because he’s good at jett. I mean he doesn’t back down from a fight and holds his angles with confidence but he’s not one that actively always pushes up and aggressively chases down enemies. A number of his best plays from last year were from his lurks and mid/late game clutches. 


It works for 100T and it's how EG operated. I don't think it's a bad plan. Also, ya forgot for a sec than FNS would play sentinel. In that case Demon1 would just play smokes when s0m plays duelist and vice versa.


The second thing is fine, but I would still like him to at least try and learn it so we don't have to hot potato roles.


> proven Raze flex player on the team 😭😭😭😭😭😭


i think it could have come to fruition if they spent actual time committing to the Raze and not just assuming he’d be good at it. i’m sure he put in some amount of practice but they really should have full dedicated time and effort to it like SEN did with TenZ Omen. It’s abundantly clear that his util wasn’t consistently improving, which is only really something bc that would happen if they weren’t dedicating time to that specifically


Ehh they have Victor. But Chet wanted Demon1 to play it instead


He's also going through a tough time and is likely suffering from burnout, his gameplay showed he was not the same player even on his main agent Jett.


What great responsible org decision making nrg has made


Bring back the EU double agent.


one thing different in the two posts that NRG made is they say demon1 will remain with NRG while they said hope marved finds a team its maybe due to contracts but its interesting


Is victor on duelist now?


Always has been


Wow it actually happened


NA Duelist moment


T1 Demon1


Keeping Ethan and benching prolly the best player of 2023. 💩


I’m sorry but ur crazy to tell me the team is gonna be better with som and fns esp how champs Played out ? I promise you with them back they won’t hit international stages


Lmao FNS made every LAN after Reykjavik and you think losing to a team that is the exact counter to their playstyle is an indictment of their ability?


https://preview.redd.it/3o2i3vavoo2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57f5373fd07c6f9e22efccba9b26ad3ec2e75d3 Yeah


You’re showing me a bunch of losses to world class teams at internationals/domestic finals to make a point that they won’t make internationals. Damn, I admire your intelligence. Do you know why you can’t show me anything else? Because the last time an FNS led team failed to make a LAN was mid-2021. Lmao


notice how all of those games are grand finals or at internationals 🤔


Seems like he decided to step back while Marved was dropped


We had this roster before, they lost to billi billi twice, ethan wouldn't have changed that then and he won't now.  NRG living in the past


Y'all are highly overrating those BLG games. It's funny to make jokes but to act like that game came down to BLG being worlds better and not a team that had internally imploded is crazy.


Don’t forget they made it to a top 4 in a masters and would have been 3rd minimum minus the cove incident


I mean at least they made it to internationals lol


meh this is premature


????? its the nrg twitter account its official


i meant they cut him quick.


dont worry he isnt cut. it literally says he's just benched






His 1 year career has accomplished more than APAC’s entire Valorant history 😭😭😭


still owned apac last year icl


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