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Please be aware that several commenters have raised concerns that this vlr post exaggerates or mischaracterizes what happened to t3xture in ranked. If the mods had seen this post earlier we would have removed it to ask for more direct proof, but now that it has gotten popular we will follow our general policy of leaving it up but labelling it as potentially misleading. If anyone does have relevant stream clips/other information that relate to the situation, please reply to this comment. As always, political discussion that does not clearly relate to Valorant esports will be removed under Rule 5. **Edit: see replies to this comment for specific examples kindly linked by other users**


[if true] that second image is a lot more concerning. ranked toxicity sucks but if Chinese teams are denying them scrims because of that, that’s an actual competitive disadvantage and is very disappointing to hear


if the second one is true then i wouldn't be blaming the players, coaches or even the orgs itself as they probably have no other choice


Why? I understand not blaming players and maybe even coaches. But orgs definitely should be culpable. That's just poor sportsmanship.


The Chinese government is more petty than you think then


The implication is that the Chinese government will retalitate against orgs who'd support GenG


Is it really that bad? Do they really care about a fucking esports team that much lol?


The government probably wouldn't get involved, but certain nationalistic netizens could make a MASSIVE deal out of it, leading to negative consequences for the team.


Chinese nationalism is insane so yea, I could see it


Short answer is Yes. Just take a look at what happened to a kpop idol in Twice who got cancelled for waving a flag


yea when it involves CN territorial claims and the One China stuff


They always care when it comes to their one china policy, doesn't matter if it's an individual, an org, or whoever that goes against their policy, they're that petty. It happens a lot outside the sports scene.


Yea the government has a hand and stern voice in all aspects of life, society, and economy in China. And the Taiwan issue is a big pothole every company and org drives around because of the government.


Small dicked dictators get really angry when people say things they can't control. They can't imagine giving a warm welcome to a team of young lads when someone in their vicinity said something that doesn't align with their interests. Small peepee energy.


The chinese have their own police in western cities to monitor their citizens abroad, they're fucking batshit insane.


why would a government care so much about some esport lol


it's not the esport itself; they care about "Taiwan is a country" being said anywhere.


Cause eSports is actually fricking huge in China and the taiwan issue is a big problem for them tol


riot looks at the hate between China and Korea like an infinite energy source for business, let's put it that way. Like doc ock looking at nuclear fusion in Spiderman 2. And this is an example of why. edit: [watch this](https://youtu.be/3KymFv1veeQ?si=seFqmzkPdSEOBKuh)


EDG has to pick Geng in playoffs lets see that drama


If EDG lose, it’s a 5 loss in a row for CN teams against GENG on their home soil lmfao


This HAS to happen


The CN fanbase not being able to watch a stream of their favorite team being knocked out at a tournament hosted in their home country would be hilarious.


Gen.G games are broadcasted again in China though. The ban ended with MSI I think


Arnold must have felt great winning MSI IN CHINA.. imagine if GenG Valorant wins in CHINA lol


I need this


I want this to happen


Can someone explain the geng drama


basically geng called taiwan a country in a tweet


Well shit. Clearly bullying Texture isn't harsh enough for such an egregious statement that he didn't even make.


Taiwan is indeed the country ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Their league team was having a fan meetup in Taiwan. The social media team put out an advertisement for the event where it referred to Taiwan as an "overseas country". Chinese netizens got really upset. GenG put out a statement that they respect China's "sovereignty and territorial integrity," and cancelled the fan meetup. South Korean fans then got upset at GenG because some of China's territorial claims reach into South Korea from my understanding.


Well regardless if you view Taiwan as a separate state or as a part of China. Surely calling it an overseas country wouldn't be wrong from the south Korean perspective regardless of which view you hold? lol


China and many more nationalistic minded Chinese don’t care. If “Taiwan” and “Country” are in the same sentence, context goes out the window.


China is already Charmin Soft, they become Charmin Ultra Soft when you mention Taiwan being a country lol


Jinggg's chat got super toxic with CN people & TW people arguing lmao. These guys are soooooft & INSANE.


i missed this lol context? or what were they saying?


Not sure. All I know is my translation thing was going and a mandarin chatter was making fun of CN players(calling them bad or smth) and then they retaliated with something like climbing over walls or whatever. Basically turned into a political shitshow. I think Jinggg had to go sub mode and increase sub message price lmao just to stop the fighting from happening. Chat was also mentioning "CN & TW gathering be like :"


u must mean that they were making fun of taiwanese players, climbing the wall means to scale the great firewall, which could only apply to chinese internet users


No. >a mandarin chatter was making fun of CN players(calling them bad or smth) and >then they retaliated with something like climbing over walls or whatever. "they" here means CN chatters.


yes, they (being CN chat users) would not have made fun of TW users for jumping the wall, since they themselves are the ones jumping the firewall to access Twitch. It would only make sense for TW users to make fun of CN users for doing that.


imagine if you say Taiwan numba 1, china numba 2, they would melt like a piece of Charmin you couldn’t flush down and now there’s paper pieces everywhere in the bowl


china? more like mainland taiwan LMAO


The Meteor comment is definitely concerning. That said, teams in CN scrim the other teams in APAC all the time, so I don’t quite understand why there’d be “retaliation” now when Gen. G would have already been scrimming some of the teams for many months prior. If the CN teams refused to scrim Gen. G, it should have been long happening, unless there’s some additional, petty pressure to not scrim them because they attended Shanghai. If there was any retaliation, I’d assume it was more along the lines of a CN team they scrimmed leaking stuff to one of the Shanghai CN representatives..which of course is not “Chinese-style retaliation” but something that (allegedly) happens everywhere. Unfortunately even if someone asks about it in a post-match press conference, we likely won’t get an answer.


> That said, teams in CN scrim the other teams in APAC all the time, so I don’t quite understand why there’d be “retaliation” now when Gen. G would have already been scrimming some of the teams for many months prior assuming any scrim denial is happening, they would be more incentivized to do so now because geng are in direct competition with Chinese teams — the main difference between now and then. refusing to scrim them in apac would be an annoyance with negligible impact as they can find others easily, but now doing so would have a more direct crippling effect that said I watch the geng players streams very regularly and they seem to be on good terms with all the various Chinese pros they run into in ranked. this is definitely some higher level decision if so


in overwatch, a pro called saebyeolbe criticized the fact that you can't call taiwan a country and that you have to act subservient to china if you want to earn money. The chinese orgs refused to scrim the team he was on unless he was benched. (which he was anyway, because he was washed by then) But we have precedent of teams refusing to scrim based on stupid nationalist politics.


saebyeolbe MY GOAT




Blizzard is a pussy you legitimately cannot type “taiwan” even as a stand a lone word if you turn on filters a joke of a company with SA ppl pulling the strings the thing they get popular is with r34 artists


I could see CN teams suddenly not scrimming with GenG, or even trollig during scrims. It sucks bc you don't want to scrim with your competitors, and you can only scrim with APAC teams on higher ping. So it would be ideal to scrim with CN teams not in masters.


Word on the street is that the reason Meteor used the DRX spray was to say thank you to them for scrimming w them through VPN's and helping them out.




Cryo mentioned on stream earlier that they’ve only scrimmed other teams in China due to an issue between the vpn and tournament client. Unsure if he meant just other Shanghai masters teams (he only named FPX/EDG/DRG and PRX), or if that includes teams in China servers who aren’t in Masters, in which case I could see that being more of an issue for GenG. It’s possible that GenG hasn’t had to scrim Chinese teams before now because they had the rest of APAC available, and now they don’t. I would guess GenG maybe has trouble finding scrims within the Masters teams as well though, because they were confirmed to playoffs so early and they are arguably the strongest coming out of Swiss. 1st seeds might not scrim them in case they face them in playoffs, and other Swiss teams wouldn’t have scrimmed them going into the Swiss stage and now have limited schedule due to matches. Maybe they could scrim G2, but they could also end up facing them in an elimination match?


Maybe they are only able to scrim on the CN server? I'm guessing that using a VPN and playing on foreign servers is technically illegal in China. So they can pretty much only scrim the foreign teams in Shanghai right now and many of them wouldn't want to scrim them to reveal tactics.


Lmao no I don’t “get” it Chinese “netizens” are infamously ruthless and unforgiving, an odd somewhat different internet universe/culture (KR is a bit lile it apparently too)


Reminds me of league high elo culture


You know the situation is serious when my goat Key-Banana-8242 is actually typing coherently


Usually I’m understandable tho, only a few harder to understand memorable comments that stick in people’s minds


GenG have the opportunity to do the funniest thing and win the event


They've got THE t3xture in their team and instead of accepting an easier win they make life harder for themselves? 😭


Nah Chinese people are generational haters. Literally, you are born a hater, all your relatives are haters, you hate as much as you breathe, it brings you joy to hate (Source: myself)


Makes me wanna see GenG continue to beat Chinese teams.


They are already on 100% win rate. 4/4 against Chinese teams in China lol Sh*t is so funny


I really like how FPX and EDG play but this masters I'm 100% rooting for GenG to stomp all the Chinese teams just to shut up the crowd


Fuck it I hope they stomp everyone and win the tournament


100% GenG or PRX are winning.


Their League team just won MSI in Chengdu which is probably 50x bigger deal in Asia than Valorant for now. Must have felt real good.. I remember how quiet the crowd was when GenG beat BLG twice in both bo5 series. It was amazing to watch.


Geng LoL made china their sons time for Valorant to do the same.


Geng is the best rn in lol. They are father of all teams even Koreans or Europeans.


100T and Paperrex are in GenG's way for sure.


Mission accomplished. Now GenG can go home happy.. well there is EDG as well


Its true that the some of cn valorant community are quite hostile towards the org (and so puts hatred on its players too). Although it must be said that toxicity from the chinese viewers (especially those viewers commenting on stream) can be extremely toxic regardless of the team. Even chinese teams faced quite a lot of toxicity from these viewers. (There's so many haters for each of the cn orgs especially edg, till the point that the haters will flood streams and spread negativity. There was a time quite recently that these haters were so rampant and out of hand that they even made zmjjkk teared up during his live stream) This can also be due to valo in cn being relative new (hence support for teams/players especially those from regions outside of cn have yet to be built), that's why gen g for valo in china receive way more hate than gen g for LoL. The players' relationship should be quite good overall. (Several pro cn players met gen g players in their ranked and the game went on quite well) I feel this hatred is really only coming from a certain group of the cn valo community rather than the entire community as a whole. There are still some support for gen g (or at least acknowledging their skills and plays, even if they do not flat out support) for the more objective viewers. It is truly unfortunate that these players are receiving hate for things out of their control nevertheless. (Or even hating on any other pro players to begin with, who worked so hard to be where they are)


The only sensible comment. People are generalizing like crazyyyy.


(2) New account to downplay how toxic CN is, nice. As from someone who’s in the same region, you don’t have any idea how toxic it is it doesn’t end in games


Once again, how did I downplay this? I literally acknowledged that the netizens can indeed be extremely toxic. If anything, I find it more suspicious that comments are suddenly appearing to call out others for "downplaying the situation" even though most aren't.


Bro your account is also new as fuck how do you say this shit unironically




genuinely sad


I hope GenG makes finals again so the host country can’t even watch lol


This already happemed in LoL where geng beat the all-star chinese team twice in the upper finals then again in the grand finals lmfao. It was hilarious.


They still had some Chinese fans somehow cheering for them. Those people must be really hated by other.


https://preview.redd.it/nwoj1htzqu2d1.png?width=1762&format=png&auto=webp&s=90e4edd40b534dcb4ebe0372faf9b8d37288a815 Full Chinese translation of the chat and vc of the bind game where skye dogged at him and clove said f geng.


https://preview.redd.it/6hs9dfa7ru2d1.png?width=1812&format=png&auto=webp&s=65acff7a7cd2e6aad0ac3aa5c8ae93459c29dbd4 Another full chinese translation of the chat and vc of one of texture's shanghai vods


I mean KangKang gets bullied in his own streams and ranked games to the point where he cries. It's not just koreans. Chinese servers are just toxic. Also I feel like the bullying part and trolling part is greatly exaggerated. One I watched his vods they only said f geng and said noob a couple of times and only trolled him like 1 round. The clove later on also said NT to texture. They aren't really bullying or attacking him like every round. feel like this is normal with the trash talk as in my ranked games in NA I always have someone with an big ass ego tryna talk shit to everyone (Diamond 2).


Ngl I've been skimming textures vods and I havent seen anything bad (yet?). Could be vlr being vlr again but wouldnt be surprised if theres trolls. It's val ranked after all, full of degens and losers.


yea idt anyone really cares about the getting trolled part. But its really about if they are being denied scrims lol


[https://chzzk.naver.com/video/1656539](https://chzzk.naver.com/video/1656539) in this vod on bind, clove is typing "fk geng" in team chat and deliberate smokes off texture from fights.


I agree, I'm mixed korean and chinese and I honestly can't find something that was toxic from either end.


Same, all I saw was this at 2:06:25 where Skye flashes then dogs him. Seems the "bullied" part is overexaggerated. https://chzzk.naver.com/video/1656539 Not gonna waste time looking for a small speaking segment for Meteor. Won't be surprised if that's true though.


in the same vod, clove is typing "fk Geng" in team chat and is deliberately smoking texture off from fights.


Shit is mad corny




maybe I’m mistaken, but don’t some of the other international teams scrim when they are attending a LAN? can’t Gen.G scrim against them? or do all teams avoid scrimming against teams they might face? obviously this is concerning regardless of that but just wondering if scrimming CN teams is their only option.


Guys, I'm pretty sure they're just rooting for the home teams haha ^((I'm being sarcastic))


The apologists on vlr after the FPX game were out in full force, you'd think that the crowd were huge fans of Gen.G lmao


Champs is in Seoul soo . You reap what u sow .


I really hope people don't form their attitudes towards a region based on a small number of biased comments and few bad cases, because obviously not many Chinese audience's voices are actually heard here. China's sheer number of populations ensures bad things happen and are seen even if it's a small proportion. I don't know about the scrim thing which if it is true then I feel very sad too but I want to say that people in China sure hate GenG as an org but many also recognize the skill of their players. [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12y411a7eE](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12y411a7eE) The title literally says "regardless of nationality and team, t3xture is an insane player" and many comments are complimenting what he's able to show in the games.


Unfortunately people aren’t going to be reasonable. This is no different from sports in America. There will always be crazy people wishing harm to players if they play good or bad or neither. Always gonna be bad apples. + the hate train towards China in the US doesn’t help either. Even as a Korean it’s insane, I just wanna watch league and valorant without any politics involved, it’s a damn game


In fact, after they praise t3xture's  strength, they often scold the players for being ugly or 💩 That sounds uncomfortable.


and ppl were saying the Chinese audience was only just cheering for their home team and dont really care about the taiwan stuff. Shanghai cemetery going strong.


As a Chinese, I can kind of assure you that the angers from Chinese audience are indeed from GEN's commenting on Taiwan problem. The Chinese government's long-term propaganda on these issues has made Chinese people very sensitive to and concerned about them. This level of concern is hard for people in Western countries, who are less concerned with politics, to understand. I hope the GEN players don't take these things to heart, though I know it's unfair to them.


There’s one guy with Chinese team flairs and saying Chinese fans give 0 fk about Taiwan in almost every crowd related threads and comments lol I don’t see him here lmao


the guy with the cat pfp right? yeah its crazy convenient how hes not here right now


I don't think it's me because my pfp is clearly a bunny But just in case you were referring to me. I've "defended" the fans exactly once, and I've prefaced the comment with "I think" because it was based off my own personal experiences with Chinese friends, who are probably from the healthier side of the Chinese Internet or are possibly masking their politically fueled hate now that this post has come out. I'm also extremely pro-independence, just to be clear, and by extreme, I mean I wish the Taiwanese indigenous tribes receive more attention in this whole debacle because they have much higher stakes and wieght in this whole matter, considering that the land originally belonged to them before it was forcibly taken over by the Han people (though from no fault of their own), particularly after the Chinese Civil War, and has thud been subjected to a similar treatment as native americans across the pond, constantly battling against a loss of cultural identity, and suffering social inequality. A bit of tangent, but I need to make my position clear lol.




If you're referring to me (which I don't think you are, because I have a PRX flair, but just in case) I've always almost acknowledged the political nature of the support/hate from Chinese fans: >You really can't get a bigger disparity in crowd reactions with this match-up. A home crowd favourite against a much hated and **politically charged** organisation that has just won a League trophy in their region. Even today, with a foreign team in Lev, we've seen how apparent the difference in reaction could be. This one could get pretty ugly >It's more of a case of there being a lot more Chinese Lev fans than Geng haters. There are definitely quite a few Chinese fans who holds a grudge against Geng for **League/political **reasons, but the number of genuine Lev fans is fairly sizeable. There were quite a lot of viewers wearing Lev merch, and they just legitimately want their team to succeed. If I toe around the topic a bit by simplifying it to a "political" problem, that's because much like most Chinese fans, I'm also guilty of not wanting to partake in political discourse because that is ingrained in our culture (and also because we're conscious of... other things). But just to make my position clear, I am pro-independence.


Kinda sucky situation. I'm sure that if Meteor says some incriminating things about CN orgs, korean orgs and fans will maybe retaliate on champs later on this year against Chinese teams. All in all, just players lose out when they didn't even do anything, and they get along with each other. I hope there's 0 more lans in China. Honestly if you can't even receive a team properly in your country because of a fucking tweet that had its apology fuck you.


China is a massive market and Riot will never miss out on China just to protect one org, I know it sucks but thats how it is


Tbh I know riot would never give up on this market for one team either & I'm not even a geng fan but damn the fans are so cold to geng all for this nationalistic sentiment which is so crazy to me to see as an outsider. Brazilians at least hated on all the outside teams equally on their lans, which conversely now for some reason seems more welcoming to me lmao than this targeted rude nationalistic bs to geng.


I'll agree that it's the onus of Chinese fans to receive their guests adequately, but I feel like never hosting a Chinese lan again is a bit extreme. Geng might be an edge case, and everything was blown out of proportion for the fans, who read too much into the Facebook post and went full-on cancel mode. And Chinese netizens are known to be capable of some extreme toxicity, so it's no surprise that they also behave so poorly in-game. We've seen Chinese fans for T1, Lev and other foreign teams, and GenG remains the only exception because politics got mixed up in this whole affair. Not trying to justify their behaviour, but I just don't think that further alienating China as a region will help them mature.


I'm personally quite surprised by this myself. Because from the few interactions I've had with other Chinese viewers online, I've only gotten the sense that they don't support Geng because they see them as their biggest rival team (for beating their regional favourites in league) Upon reflection, it's obvious that they won't mention the underlying political reasons for not supporting Geng because this type of reasonings are usually not spoken out loud. But they think that they can go mask off in once faced with the actual players. It's quite petty, really, but when this type of fanhood gets mixed with nationalistic sentiments, it can be quite infectious. I'm disappointed if these accusations are true, and I really hope GenG won't be too affected by the overwhelming hatred


There’s fandoms and there are rivalries - but there is nothing sporting or chivalrous about this. Shame on the Chinese players for taking this stance - and any Chinese fans who want to support this, when Texture and the other actual players of GenG have done nothing offensive/untoward as far as us Chinese fans are concerned (whether you care or don’t care about the Taiwan Sovereignty situation).


What did geng say that they sidnt like?


The org said Taiwan is a country.


basically GenG called taiwan a country


Ah, I thought it might have been sonething like "CN teams are weak" like boostio and was wondering why we aren't hearing news about something similar happening to 100T players but this makes way more sense.


Because these two things are completely different.


No shit. I was only confused because of my initial guess. Obviously, I'm not wondering why anymore after finding ouy what the actual issue was.


I am a little confused about what Meteor said. Doesn't scrim mean playing against professional teams ? Does that mean professional teams are denying playing against them or does ranked count as scrimmage too ?


The former. Scrims are deliberately picked out and planned to be done on time schedules, so if Gen.G aren't getting to play scrims, it means they're either not asking or getting ignored.


Damn. Hampering a team's performance for political reasons is crazy, that too from professional teams. Surely Riot look into this, right ?


Lol no, Riot is owned by Tencent which is a Chinese company.


nah they’re owned by a chinese company they won’t do shit lol


A scrim is a team practice against another team or group of 5 that will allow them to set up specific scenarios to drill or just run as a regular game to diagnose issues/check game readiness. It's what the pros do pretty much every day and it's completely separate from ranked


This sounds like a case where something happens a single time and now people blow it out of proportion like it happened tons of times.


And people were saying how it was totally normal how Gen.G were getting no applause during their matches lmao. "It was just because they're playing against the home team! Aspas is really popular there!"


It is normal, let’s not pretend that they are the only team that the crowd is staying silent for


t3xture's last stream is here: [https://chzzk.naver.com/video/1716482](https://chzzk.naver.com/video/1716482) In the second game they discuss where they think he is from and whether or not he is from 'that damn team', but both games are less toxic than average US or EU ranked. It's nothing.


[For those out of the loop](https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/18myelh/geng_esports_is_facing_criticism_from_both_china/).


and with this i rooting for geng to win this tournament 100%


Some Chinese fans are even body shaming texture


That's ture. In fact 50% of the cn haters due to Taiwan, the rest blame geng players for just being fat.😢


t3xture is my cutie patootie


Yep, and they despise t3xture's laughter ( although I find it funny)


2nd image is so surprising. Anyways, taiwan is a country




taiwan the country would never do this


I dont get why west Taiwan has such an issue with GenG


For 2nd image, I think they could try get scrims in with the other Pacific teams in Korea/Japan/HK servers as an alternative but it still sucks.


They can only play in CN server.


Wait why? If CN client is the issue then couldn’t they use 5 laptops, a vpn and hop onto their own accounts?


idk the specific reason but meteor said they can't.


Toxicity from randoms online, surely this doesn’t happen elsewhere, I wouldn’t get cancer from opening YouTube chat in any game with a CN team


wtf, Gen G issue hasn't stopped after LoL MSI? When Gen G cleared LPL on their own turf?


All I can say to this matter is that Taiwan is a country


This really sucks, it's not the players' fault (it's noone's fault, to be honest.. because GenG did nothing wrong)


Chinese version of cancel culture


Well people were defending the china crowd when it was obviously hostility towards them, if the second half is true that’s a huge scandal in the tournament 


the amount of newly created chinese bot accs on this thread is crazy


yeah its actually concerning opening them up and seeing them be 1 day or 2 day old accounts


As much as I want PRX to be the first APAC trophy lifters, I now want GenG to win just this tournament to piss of China. Similar vibes with Fnatic vs Loud during Grand Finals lock in


nah is fine champs is in seoul


What is certain is that there is nothing wrong with the GENG players. If there's a fault, it's GENG Front's problem. Im so sad to hear that the players are treated unfairly.


Im rooting for them now. Imagine both GENG LoL and Valorant team winning international event in China back to back


If what Meteor is hinting at is true, I really hope that South Korean orgs won't retaliate by doing the same thing to Chinese teams later in Seoul. I'm a Korean American, but I would still be disappointed. Gotta cut the petty hatred.


Texture should burn that experience into the core of his memory and use it as fuel to shit on Chinese teams. Watching him devour players would be so hype.


First one made me really sad, and like everyone else is saying the second slide is genuinely a problem because that's just a straight up disadvantage for the team. Though PRX are my favorites, I was already kinda rooting for GenG this event, but I'm extending that support further and I'm guessing others will do the same from seeing this.


fat L


Just for this, I hope GenG wins the event


this is fucked, i hope we dont get another event in china as long as nationalism is this high


I am now a Gen.G fan


I wouldn’t expect anything else from Taiwan’s neighbors 


idk why riot even decided to host in shanghai in the first place, there’s like a million other places that are better


Do you mean a million other places in the world or in China? With Valorant having recently gone live in China it makes sense for Riot to try to appeal to Chinas absolutely massive market.


It kinda obvious no, china viewership is almost international viewer ship combined


How is doing it in shanghai any different than the USA or Europe? We are currently going through a similar issue with Israel/Palestine...


Tencent owns riot lol, as if something like would stop them from hosting an event in China


And I thought Brazilian fans were bad


Gen.G hate has to stop.


hope GenG knocks out every chinese team, keep the stadium quiet


Mercedez Benz Library


is this real??


Worse than bronzil


L for ORG this is what happens when you make 3 region unhappy (CN, Taiwan and Korea) feels sad for their player


texture doesn’t deserve to face this BS in ranked and deal with hateful comments thru just playing a video game, but its also funny the way people glaze over how the val community generally engages in sinophobic rhetoric as if comments like “+ xxx social credit” are not normalised - like this is more so a toxicity issue, its not specific to a particular country


i played with him in comp and he was honestly a very nice person. feelsbadman 😞


There's a lot of people in CN, which also means there's a lot of super nationalistic people. Even if 0.1% of these nationalistic people are assholes, that's a fuck ton of people. So getting bullied like this is expected. That's why, you don't do things these guys don't like on the internet, especially in CN associated/owned websites or games. They are super sensitive crybabies that spend all day on the internet looking to hate on people, wait a minute....


All this hate will lead to karma. I'm sure Gen.G will have a deep run and EDG will be knocked out immediately...again. But I guess that could perpetuate the hate. Negative feedback loop.


In League, many Chinese players use VPN to play on Korean server, and KR players don't really touch them even though they have a very bad reputation. And for this case, the players get bullied directly for something that they didn't even do. That explains a lot


this why china a shit country lmfaoom gang gon win the whole thing