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ur up next tarik


Man, imagine having Tarik sub in for Sens for Champs. I know Curry is the 6th man but in some universe this happens, they make a run, and its some of the best content ever.


Nah that’s not crazy enough, they should get Shroud to sub in or something crazy like that


Yea he could plant the bomb and die, thatll be great


Okay this would go hard, subscribe.


It’s just SEN btw, without another S


I really want Sentinels to form an NA CS team. M80 did it but they didn't make it.


A tier 1 CS team is really expensive and basically have to live in EU. They need serious bank roll to afford that.


That’s not true at all. The best NA team (Faze) costs around near 2M to operate per year roughly and they make almost all of that money back because they win a lot of tournaments and get major sticker money (roughly 2-3M) You can operate most Tier to with maybe 300k a year even less


M80's team shows a lot of promise though, they constantly take fights to bigger teams moreso than not, I'd say this IEM was a step back for them


Are you joking? M80 is the second best cs team in NA right now and did very well at the recent proleague beating IEM Dallas champions G2 and winning other games convincingly. M80 are doing very well for what is offered to them.


Being the 2nd best CS team in NA is like being the 2nd best basketball team in China


He said that M80 "didn't make it" which is ridiculous considering they are on an upwards trajectory with some genuine prospects.


stewie2k, most notably a player for "the nation" during valorant's north american challengers qualifiers


Yeah sure he did that one thing in CS with C9 but I think *checks notes* 5-6th NA VCL quals is pretty big


Don't forget some minor achievement with liquid.


Yeah that one was cool but pales in comparison methinks


Grand slam: pales in comparison


Damn Wardell's teammate was impressive


Chill bro, that's too much


Niko back in form even whilst IGLing, monesy doing monesy things, and stew also frying all while the crowd cheer them on. Fantastic event to watch from start to finish


I don’t know if stew was frying but he was happy to be there!!


Idk if he was frying, boiling maybe


Bro was at least simmering cmon now


he didn’t fry but his entry and the double ups he had with niko throughout inferno/nuke was excellent and you saw his impact. Bro clutched when needed and entry fragged like a mad man.


He also straight up outperformed Nexa statistically despite having worse roles and not having been a full-time professional in like 2 years


I feel like he was straight up having more impact rounds than nexa.


Tbf nexa sucks and should probably be dropped


I mean he was a really solid role player for G2 tbh, def wasnt the worst member on G2


Hard to be worse than nexa kekw. Nah they wete all prett good.


His performance put the sword on Nexa as well as Hooxi's neck


he was playing his role pretty damn well


He did better than expected and I was proud of him but the fragging was definitely not at ‘frying’ level lol And I say this as an American whose favorite CS team is G2


Okay but imagine that team with an actual good player in his roles


Best exemplified in his diligence with the nade lineups on nuke


he was entry deathing for others to trade him, he cant carry with that role


ppl dont realise this lol, the dudes flashing smoking and after also running in first. ppl expect him to drop like 20+ each game but tbf he had a pretty bad performance but what can you expect from someone who's legit hard entrying every round?


wouldn’t say it was a bad performance as they won witj him being the stand in. Wouldn’t say it was perfect either but without him, their nuke would be so weak on attack.


nexa was frying, not sure about stewie


CS too EZ, valorante player retirement home


bottom of t2 val is top of t1 cs confirmed


I hope ur not serious cuz most T1 Val pros were T2 T3 CS players. Top of my mind I can think of: d4v4I, forsaken, xccurate, jamppi, boaster, vanity, yay. Makes sense because if they had made it in CS earning big money they wouldn't make the switch.


it is so obviously a joke...




How are people this bad at detecting jokes?






The best valorant player of all time has never played professional CS


Ok relax buddy shanks used to play CS


i need EG in champs


did aspas not play in t2/t3 brazil? i know it’s not pro but he def played cs before swapping


He played cs same way we play valorant




Brother eughhh




Really? Downvoting cuz you guys can't take facts? Echo chamber is real.


Brother it’s cause you can’t take a joke, talking about echo champ while being made of glass lol


How about the fact that tier 2 valorant players win everything in CS 💅


How are you this bad at understanding jokes, or even just reading in general?


Yea people are downvoting you because they can't take facts and not because you miss the most obvious joke


Facts? Hahahaha


idk why but watching these CS events makes me realize how tame Val fans are during LANs


Part of the issue is also riots production. They don't highlight the crowd and "live sport" feeling enough. Every round in CS (or others, I watched an R6 major randomly and it was the same way) we get shots of the player reactions and crowd shots, and the crowd is mic'ed up. Like, for example, lock-in was crazy loud but riot did a poor job of making you feel how truly crazy it was on the main broadcast.  Riot's events often feel more theatric/like a show, whereas CS feels more like sports event. It is one thing I really wish riot would do better with. I've been saying this for a while and I'm not quite sure of the reluctance because I think it enhances the event not detracts from it. Like Shanghai has 18,000 capacity, even if the crowd isn't as crazy as the Dallas crowd in terms of hype, it will still be very loud and have crazy moments but I feel like we won't get to appreciate it on the broadcast. 


In my opinion having just watched all of IEM Dallas is that the main difference is Riot fully committing valorant to be a PG experience. At dallas the casters were swearing, the crowd were chanting 'Fuck Apex', every minute you'd have a shot of a cheeky sign in the crowd, and as you mentioned the crowd were mic'd so you'd hear the crowd swearing often too. At valorant events everything from the casters to the signs the crowd are allowed are PG friendly which is fine, but it basically removes an entire dimension of enjoyment away. There's only so many wholesome crowd signs they can show you before it's just a bit boring.


I find valorant crowds...and the valorant community in general quite "cringy" at times. Maybe I'm just too old though.


This right here is it. Going all the way PG (like Riot have) removes any chance of any unhinged shit happening. It also eliminates most of the fun tbh. Having a little bit of unhinged happenings during broadcast should be a norm lol. I get why they dont like it but some times broadcasts feel so safe and controlled that its gets very boring to watch.


Yeah exactly, and whilst swearing doesn't automatically make things better, in huge clutch moments it definitely has a big impact and lets the casters give their raw emotions. Quite often during big moments in valorant you can literally feel the casters pausing to think of something more appropriate to say, so you don't get that heat of the moment passion (more obvious for the non-american casters)


Doug swore during a big moment at either last Champs or the one before it and everyone clowned him for it because they thought it was phony.


The thing is if you remember watching Riot’s League of Legends production during that 2016ish-2018ish era of NALCS, it had a similar vibe to a sporting event. Idk why they did away with it but the old school days of League pro play felt way more professional in a sport-like way. I think casters all dressed in shirt and ties and more “professionally” imitating an actual sports broadcast.


That's definitely part of it. However, I think in general CS also just plays into their scheduling a bit better. Events take up no more than a week, with the weekend reserved for the playoffs. Group stage is chill, casters and talent wearing casual, more homely vibe to the broadcast. But as soon as playoffs roll around, Everything gets kicked into high gear, and the production ramps up wildly. The reality is, there are just so many more cs events in a year than valorant, so the kinks get worked through and teams get more server time over the year than val talent does


During worlds 2022 finals you can hear the crowd’s cheers through the casters’ mics so this isn’t anything new to them. Wish riot can incorporate the crowd more during these events.


The one thing that Riot usually do better is putting the stage in the middle of the arena and having the players face each other. But yeah the way they handle production after the round ends is miles off of what they do in CS.


They can be both theatrical and sport but for some reason they don't. Worlds 2019 semi was loud af and we barely got any footage out of it.


Lol they are ashamed of the 200 live viewers they getting in the Quarterfinals. China's Valorant isn't as big as most think.


Watch worlds 2022 and 2023 finals if you really think Riot’s events feel like a show.


compared to a major. Yes


Personally I'm pretty fine with that. I prefer to focus on the game and the players rather than the reaction of a bunch of neckbands.


imagine the valorant community’s reaction to what the crowd chanted at apex lol


you would have 15 twitlongers on your hand. valorant childe game😩


had desk analysts having a meltdown on twitter that someone said their boyfriend should be dropped from a team, we need f you chants asap


Need to artificially plant some match-going Premier League supporters in Val crowds rn to start chants about Derke being bald or something like how Man City used to do


Premier league is soft. Give me some fans from the Turkish league. They're fucking insane.


Fuck it, bring in Boca and River fans if we're gonna go crazy


let’s stay away from bundesliga 2 clubs, 70% of them are just racist


And some Serbs and Italian fans (without knives) and we got a party


CS desk analysts were calling out zywoo for ghosting and not showing up on nuke lol. Also shit on spinx as well for his play on inferno.


That shit is hilarious fr lmaooo


What they chanted?


FUCK YOU APEX (Vitality’s IGL and a known tilter and shit talker), SEND THEM HOME (to any Non-G2 team), and the classic USA USA USA. Honestly, pretty mild for CS standards


It was StewSA


Don't forget "FUCK THE FRENCH!"


The eagle noises are pretty cool tho


CS crowd was chanting “fuck you apex” at Vitality’s IGL while Valorant just had a controversy because someone replied to a tweet of boaster crying with “kick this fraud” lol.


This sub is mad at the Chinese crowd not cheering for a team they don’t like lol


They mad because how fucking quiet is, the Chinese crowd should just chant fuck you GenG instead of being quiet.


Booing is 10x better than being quiet


A fuck you munchkin chant from this crowd would go crazy lol. But Valorant crowds don’t got that dawg in em.


Lets be fair here, nobody likes a crowd that goes completely silent when a team they don’t like does something cool. That goes for CS as well. See: Rio Major


Agree. Brazil crowds are crazy when a Brazilian team is involved but if their teams get eliminated they won’t show up for teams from other regions.


Ya man valorant community is bunch of softies


as much as i love Valorant, CS remains the superior esport by a good margin


Bruh CS has been out for decades while Valorant has only been out for four years no shit the game that’s been out longer has the better esport


Well yeah, you just proved his point. He just stated a fact and is not meant to be derogatory to Val as you clearly supported how he's right


it's a better esport because it's older and has a very authentic, well-established fanbase, yes. the 20 years of tactical development also helps. but also, because it's mechanically faster, much higher skill ceiling, better maps, util that forces innovation and creativity, etc. Counter Strike's game design makes it a better esport as much as its age does


I think Valo had that mainstream appeal for viewers early on but now there's just too many and I mean too many agents who can do so many things that it is just annoying and hard to watch. In CS, you just have a smoke, molotov, and a flashbang and everyone can have it. It is just so much easier to consume at any level. It also helps that there are 40 year olds who also have played CS before and the gameplay has remained almost exactly the same.


It’s exactly this. CS is a much simpler game to watch and understand by a wide margin. I was able to get my dad, who plays 0 video games and has never seen CS before, to understand what was happening within a few matches. In contrast, trying to watch a Valorant match was a nightmare just because there’s so many different stuff on screen at once, and it’s not very obvious what a lot of it does unless you’ve played the game before. I’m my opinion, this is kind of the issue with just hero-based games in general since you just have to keep adding more content that’s unique until it just kind of becomes a mess. It’s what turned me off from both Siege and Valorant, both games I played a lot of on release.


It didn't help they host most of vlr game in a theater instead of a stadium


The current event is in dallas, texas with the main and arena broadcast in english. They're able to mic'ed up the fans without casters overlap unlike china where the venue casters are in mandarin.


No shot G2 wins a match in two different games featuring insane comebacks.


G2 stonkz flying off the roof


G2 eating this week


Meanwhile their rival Fnatic... Can I even call them their rival when Fnatic has been in the gutter for so long. Dardo masterclass perhaps.


God bless Hooxi's sister did a great service to the United States 🫡


I hope Hooxi stays on as an AC or something but after this event from Niko as IGL i can’t see him not getting fired. Not that Stewie will be his replacement lmao


HooXi was helping them for strat and anti-stratting their games. You can see it on their T rounds (esp in Inferno), classic HooXi calls. I can def see HooXi as a great coach but I doubt G2 will give up on him before the China Major.


Hooxi is keeping his job. If anything they might have to replace nexa soon


Nexa needs to be gone not hooxi. Unless Nexa starts calling. And Niko igl is not gonna be sustainable man if hooxi is kicked I surely hope it's not because Niko starts calling ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


So tier 2 Valorant is harder than tier 1 CS2 huh? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


it's easier when you have m0nessy and niko on your team lmao


Because its a team game stew was just bad at valorant compared to cs where he was good, when you have shit teammates it doesn't matter how good you are your not going to beat teams, (prime example is yay)


but this time yay is equally shit or worse than his shit teammates


Yay wasnt shit on DSG lol did you watch then? He was dropping 30 and still losing cause the whole team as a team were ass and he was with washed up pros. Now you can make that argument he is equally as bad but its T1 now


are you living in 2023? Bro still talking about some tier 2 matches. My man's washed and not anywhere near his optic form for 2 years, he just isn't good anymore in terms of individual performance. He needs to regain his confidence back, his teammates aren't the only problem




According to a guy whose too shit to stay in t2 and went to casting, a guy too shit to even stay in the gaming scene and one tier 1 pro whose main issue with him was probably not siding with him. On the other hand the majority of tier 1 pros had good stuff to say about him


what's the lore on this? did stewie2k play val?


After the whole stewie2k EG fiasco the CSGO community basically shit on him relentlessly for a while and he just went to Valo for a couple of months, and tried to get picked up on a team, he ended up playing in the open qualifiers on a team called The Nation (with players like Rossy, brax) , but they didn't make it out which is where all the memes come from of him being a failed T2/t3 valo player.


tbh this event yeah probably. the level of play was absolute garbage, even all the analyst are saying it.


ok boaster






On the real, stewies story is incredible. Won NAs only major, won NAs only grandslam and now is the only NA player to win anything in the last 5(?) Years after basically being kicked out of the scene


Twistzz doesn’t exist?


NGL, i forgot twistzz is an NA CS player, he was too good for too many years


I miss Twistzz when he was in Faze. Absolute fragger. IEM Katowice 2022 Grand Final was insane.


Dude was THE guy while on faze, and then he went to liquid and their curse dragged him down to normal NA CS level


He’s still a stand out player on Liquid. Teams are clearly still invested in him. There are rumors that he’s going to Vitality according to krl (extremely reputable in terms of French roster moves)


The Liquid curse persists among every esport


His IEM Cologne 2022 Grand Final was probably more impressive. Man was able to pull off magical shit out of nowhere. And was just clutch as fuck.


Twistzz is NA but EU can claim him, he is too good for NA.


well it’s still a big thing to be the only NA player aside from twistzz to win anything


Stewie is americans only winner they meant, twist is canadian


Twistzz didn’t win with an NA team though. He won his major with Faze.


neither did Stewie lol? you think niko monesy nexa hunter are NA?


EZ for: 🇺🇸Nicolas "NiKo" Kowell 🇺🇸Ned "huNter-" Kowell 🇺🇸Jake "Stewie2K" Yip 🇺🇸Ian "m0NESY" Osborn 🇺🇸Nelson "nexa" Smith


????? Stewie won his major with an NA team. Not with G2 lol, you high?


They are talking about the recent win lol


didnt know we were talking about majors


I think hes talking about C9 bro


Do Canadians like to be put in the NA group?


do you by any chance know what NA stands for?


Not saying it is not North America, I was just asking.


Why wouldn't Canadians want to be put in the NA group? It's literally the region and continent they are from lol American and Canadian players have been playing together in every esports.


Do Germans like to be put in the European group? Korea in the Asian group?


what else would people put us in????


While twistzz was doing wins in the last 5 years, EG Tarik was the last American player to win an S tier trophy, while Stewie is the next Today


Bro straight up forgot the literal NA GOAT Twistzz exists and was winning tournaments left and right until he left Faze recently lol


I just love the contrast between the CS crowd actively shit-talking one of the players in the game while there's a post complaining about it in Valorant subreddit.


i love STEWWWW


an absolute CINEMA of a grand finals.






I'm sorry guys Hooxi chad is not coming back to the roster :(


yo spoiler man damn i just got off work




It’s all good either way, there’s no expectation that this post is spoiler-free since the CS sub doesn’t have that sort of rule


im not even following the cs subreddit, im just bummed cus i opened the app at the end of my shift and this was the very first thing i saw, right in the title


Why is there even a spoiler tag if its in the title


I don't follow CS, I know Stew won the major with Tarik but is he actually on this team or was he subbing? And why was he subbing?


He was a stand in because the in game leader for G2 (Hooxi) had to attend his sister’s wedding. Stewie’s not in this team so he’s not playing for G2 after this event.


Lol, how did he end up subbing in then? Was it similar to shroud on SEN? Also how good is Stew now? Is he still just as good? How does he compare to other current players?


It’s in Dallas so he didn’t need any visa, he was the best available NA player not signed to a team. He ended up doing all the dirty roles so his numbers were not what they used to be but he could still play tier 1.


He absolutely can't play in tier 1... There isn't a single team in the top 20 that would benefit from him and the last time he had his star roles on liquid/EG he was a 1.00 rated player that dropped to .7. The event was an anomaly.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I don’t even know if I’d go as far as to call top 20 tier 1, I would say top 15 (if that). And when you look through top 15 teams or any team that fluctuates around that level, who do you think really would benefit from Stewie being added? I’m asking the people downvoting - if you think Stewie can play in T1, which team would you put him on that would be an upgrade or even a sidegrade and make sense?


He literally just won a tier 1 tourney running through the gauntlet. Saying "he can't play in tier 1" is some wild mental gymnastics.


Okay, so which tier 1 team should he join if he should play in tier 1?


How is that relevant? He can play and hold his own in tier 1, full stop. Creating the stipulation "there's no open spot on any top 20 teams" is weird.


How is him being able to join a tier 1 team relevant to… him being able to join a tier 1 team? Do you hear yourself? Here’s where he stands statistically btw, filtered for only IEM Dallas, I even expanded the ranking parameters so you could see how he stacks up against players further down the rankings: https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?startDate=2024-05-03&endDate=2024-06-03&matchType=BigEvents&rankingFilter=Top50


ok look at the top 30 and tell us which team he can join. remember, perfecto and jks are on the market and they play almost all the same roles.


He just played and won against the currently ranked #14, #13, #11, #3, #2, and #1 teams. He didn't carry, and he had a rough start, but he held his own and outperformed some active pros in the tournament, and all this as a stand-in.


I looked at the top 30 and there isn't a single team he could join lol


See you in Dallas?


Damn spoilers. I was waiting to watch it when I have time. Thanks OP


I don’t follow CS. What level event is this? Is it like winning one of those Red Bull tournaments in valorant or does it actually mean something?


Yeah CS just has multiple huge tournaments (S-tier events) that are on the same level as masters and two majors per year sanctioned by Valve that are considered like the champs


Its like winning a masters event, CS just doesn't follow a linear format in the same way val does.


Oh damn. Good for him. That's crazy as a sub.


Which is why I think most of their events are so successful, Valve isn't trying to be the production of every single event. And by god is there so many orgs starting a tournament with a good pool size and inviting top teams, which are advertised on the game itself. It allows for better branding, advertisements and actually gives incentive to tourney organizers and as a result there are so many tournaments and consistent battles between top teams which is really hype. Whereas, it is kind of sad to see your favorite teams potentially not even play each other in the only two international event in a year in valo.


There isn’t a Valorant equivalent. It’s worth less than a Masters imo, that would be like IEM Katowice and Cologne. But it’s still a significant event to win as it adds to the Grand Slam tally which is the most prestigious thing to win behind a major


S Tier. For perspective CS has at least a S Tier event every month, sometimes two.


S tier event. Only type of tournament that would be bigger is a major. G2’s run was also insane went through like 3 of the best teams in the world with stand in Stewie and Niko IGL’ing.


Kato and Cologne are bigger than this


I agree that Katowice and Cologne are the next two biggest events outside of the majors. But this was still an IEM event with a stacked field of teams.


It's like a masters event but if there are 6 masters a year


I saw that match and he got hard carried by m0nesy I could have put my silver skills there and won. M0nesy is like easily the best player in the world rn.


I bet Silver 2s in cs can outgun you.