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Wait the split starts that soon lmfao what in the fuck


yeah its pretty fucked. Same thing happened last split too. SEN bombed out in groups basically because of that since they said they had barely any time to rest or practice. I dont think GENG will have the same problem though since unlike Americas, there isnt much competition in APAC plus GENG already has a fuck ton of champs points


Their IGL was also trapped overseas, so they were practicing with a sub the little time they had.


>there isnt much competition in APAC Ah yes, its not like GenG were 3-3 during stage 1.. But yes, even if GenG bombed out during stage 2 it doesnt really matter since GenG and even PRX pretty much already guaranteed Champion slot with their current Champs point. I think APAC stage 2 are quite unpredictable currently with Bleed, RRQ, DRX, TS, and T1 having roster changes and battling for the 3rd and 4th championship spot. The favorite are probably RRQ with Monyet on the team and Talon who suprises alot of people with how good they're in stage 1


sure but the only teams that I see consistently have a major impact in any tourney is almost always PRX / DRX or GENG Compare that to Americas where it seems like every tournament some other team seems to go on a run. 2021 it was Sentinels, 2022 Optic and LOUD, 2023 EG, 2024 SEN and now 100T and G2 You cant tell me Americas isnt wayy more competitive than APAC. Like no matter what happens, you can almost be certain that PRX or GENG will definitely be at an international but you can never be sure which Americas team will go to the next event


>sure but the only teams that I see consistently have a major impact in any tourney is almost always PRX / DRX or GENG Nah, last year GenG are not even a contender for Intl tourney and only this year that they really pop off with their new Roster. So saying GENG has been consistently having a major impact is completely false. >You cant tell me Americas isnt wayy more competitive than APAC. Like no matter what happens, you can almost be certain that PRX or GENG will definitely be at an international but you can never be sure which Americas team will go to the next event Well i mean sure this year PRX and GENG definitely already guaranteed to be on Champion but that's only because of the Champs point system. But that doesn't means that PRX and GenG are undefeatable in APAC. RRQ beat GenG during stage 1, PRX loses to Team Secret 2-0 while making PRX look like a headless chicken. And for Stage 2 APAC its possible that team such as T1(with stax), RRQ(with Monyet), Talon, and TS to beat current top APAC teams (RRQ already did when they beat GenG and TS beat PRX). >You cant tell me Americas isnt wayy more competitive than APAC Im not saying that APAC is more competitive than Americas since as you said that Americas were indeed a competitive region but saying there isn't much competition in APAC is wrong. >Like no matter what happens, you can almost be certain that PRX or GENG will definitely be at an international As i said before, GENG only became this strong THIS year with their new roster, Last year GenG does not even qualified to both Master and Champion, I dunno about you but GenG does not even exist as a team before Franchising.


Only the fourth team to Champs goes off points, the first three get through from Playoffs. Both GenG and PRX cant be guaranteed from points. Not that it matters because theyll both make top three in playoffs anyway.


>Only the fourth team to Champs goes off points, the first three get through from Playoffs. Both GenG and PRX cant be guaranteed from points. Well then there's actually a bigger chance for team like T1,RRQ,TS, and Talon to actually qualified for Champs then since we already see how team like T1 and RRQ beating GenG and TS beating PRX during stage 1. >Not that it matters because theyll both make top three in playoffs anyway. Nah, i can totally see a scenario where PRX, DRX, or GenG bombed out in the playoff on stage 2 if they match-up with team like TS, RRQ, Talon, or T1 even tho im a PRX fan. Maybe even ZETA could suddenly goes on a run just like KRU last year during LCQ, who knows. The only team that i cannot see qualified for Champs from APAC are GE, DFM, and BLEED. same with MIBR and FURIA for Americas, Giant and probably KOI for EMEA.


Its possible but Id still say its unlikely. Im really hoping Zeta manages another Zeta miracle run though, I became a fan of this team the same time I did PRX and itd be cool to see them both go deep in another tournament. Itd also be cool to see Talon do well, I really enjoy watching them. Theres so much to like about the APAC teams, we really are spoiled. As long as PRX make it Im happy, Zeta is the team I want second most, after that it can be any combination of GenG/T1/Talon/DRX - I like them all. Also, its funny you say that Zeta could go on a “2023 Kru” like run when Zeta 2023 basically had the same run to Champs lmao


Let’s be objective here. If you drop PRX or GenG into Americas based on how every team played at Split 1, they’ll likely be the favourites to qualify too. PRX looked sloppy against G2 and 100T but every first seed looked sloppy too. Every team was complaining about the PCs and scrims and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the top 3 were teams that played the Swiss stage.


You might want to read up on how slots in champs are granted this year. Only the 4th slot is determined by points (instead of LCQ). So GENG and PRX both need to try to finish top 3 in stage 2 or they risk losing the 4th spot to each other. I think they will still both make it as they will finished top 3 due to other teams being weak. But it isn’t because of champs points.


>You might want to read up on how slots in champs are granted this year. Only the 4th slot is determined by points (instead of LCQ). So GENG and PRX both need to try to finish top 3 in stage 2 or they risk losing the 4th spot to each other. Someone already told on the other thread but yes i do get it now. And it's actually much more probable for teams such as RRQ, TS, T1, Talon and maybe even ZETA to steal a slot to champs. >I think they will still both make it as they will finished top 3 due to other teams being weak. But it isn’t because of champs points. Disagree, and honestly i dunno where this notion of PRX, DRX, and GENG are undefeatable in APAC came from like sure they're the current strongest team in APAC but calling the other APAC team "weak" does not make sense. Then by your login PRX and GENG loses to "weak" teams despite being the runner-up of Master madrid (GENG loses to RRQ) and 3rd place madrid (PRX loses to TS). GENG even lose to T1 during APAC Playoff. And let's not forget these "weak" team had months to prepare for STAGE 2 while these TOP team were busy trying to win Master shanghai and they mostly upgraded their roster too, Stax for T1 and Monyet for RRQ).


Well, I never said prx, DRX, GENG are undefeatable. I was specifically talking about GENG and prx. I don’t think it is something out of left field to say at least one of them will get top 3 in stage 2. And the other will likely make it on points even if they aren‘t top 3. Are they guaranteed spots as of now? No. But if you had to pick 2 teams from apac to be likely to make champs, those would be the 2. Yes, some teams upgraded their teams ‘on paper’, but the teams still have to gel and isn’t a sure thing.


I mean they went 2-1 in the first three games back so idk if thats why


You can only really prepare so much with that time lol. SEN’s overall game plans and stuff looked figured out by later in split one


1 of those wins was MIBR bro, im not sure winning against them is something to note. Sure they beat 100T but it was obvious they hadnt picked up their form yet since it was literally day 1 of the tournament and we know what a run 100T went on to have


I know they are fixing it next year but pretty funny after we all complained that in 2023 there was too dense of a schedule and it ended too early, they still didn’t just even attempt to fix the issue.


In fairness, they are usually done with making the next year schedule by the middle of the previous. Venues and times are definitely picked out already. It's why we know 2025 has champs much later than it is now


Eh I don’t consider it to be a valid excuse - there was def complaints as soon as the 2023 schedule got announced


It's ok, because T1 is a shitty team.


I mean it's T1 bro what can they do, they even lost to us.


T1 are having to fight themselves first to figure out how to make this 6-man roster work can so I'd say geng will be fine 


6 man roaster?


Stax joined but he isnt directly replacing a player. Coach said they're trying out multiple comps, player combinations, etc. during the time between masters and stage 2




Carpe is sitting pretty on his T1 lifetime contract as the plebians duke it out to find the roster that will lose with him


I was gonna say “the last time they played there was a winner and it wasnt GenG” and then I remembered they played again in the lower finals and GenG swept 3-0…


On the bright side… GenG have BLEED and GE in their group


T1 vs Gen.G week 1 as usual like they did on LoL


they have the most champ points and their bracket isn’t that strong so they can make champs even if they mega troll but yeah prob gonna look not as clean during stage 2 they didn’t look that clean in stage 1 either bc of madrid but regained that form throughout shanghai


Stax about to pop off this game I just know it


they wont be able to handle the xccurate chamber


Geng got the points and are playing in a weak group. Heretics has to play navi next week


other than Navi and maaaybee FUT, TH shouldnt have much issues making it to playoffs either


Rito get your shit together


Rlcs fans are mad how long gaps they have between events and in Valorant it's soo opposite lol.


Plat chat was saying it. They’re not going to complain about scheduling this year because the whole scheduled is getting changed in 2025 for the better.


I hope they don’t get burnt out


Doubt it, China is like an hour flight away from Korea


Nah we got Bleed and GE in our group + champ points, we good


Does anyone know which patch they’ll be playing on? I presume it wouldn’t be with the new map or agent nerfs/buffs


I'm pretty sure it is with the new map and agent buffs no?


Dw s3xture gonna own them (stax and rossy can't 2v8)


respect xccurate


Wasn't that great but i can see the vision, when he's locked in he's goes crazy


acting like stax was good last split is crazy


Stax is going into this with a chip on his shoulder and he’s going to diff them to win the series


VCT schedule is so cooked lmao, the pre season is 5 months long and the break from an international event is just 1 week


Oh poor guys. Set for years by playing but i guess 1 match in less than one week its too much....


If it's so easy, why aren't you a pro? The point is not them being poor lil human beings, it's that after grandfinals they are probably celebrating at night, next day they always have interviews and media commitments, flight back home, big rest day (anyone that works 12+ hours a day knows a big rest day is needed after non stop work for weeks followed by travel), then they don't even get two days to practice anything while their opponents have been calmly watching all their games and can prep up all kinds of counterplays and surprises. It's just bad scheduling, no one is talking about them being or not set for years, that just sounds like economical resentment.


strawman fallacy


yeah ngl 1 week is ages like what in cs teams win tournaments and have like 10 bo3 lined up in the same week


val has a lot more prep work involved than cs though, 6 days of prep is hardly enough to vod review, come up with strats, etc. whereas teams who didn’t go to shanghai had like a whole month’s worth of prep time